**A.** Before run `1-client.cmd` make sure in Task Manager that you haven't already running `marketmaker.exe`. If have - kill this process via Task Manager or via command line command `taskkill /f /im taskkill.exe` .
**Q.** How can i pretty print JSON answers of marketmaker?
**A.** You can get best results with 2 tools - [conemu](https://conemu.github.io/) and [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/), conemu supports ANSI X3.64 and Xterm 256 colors and jq allow you to pretty-print json output with colors, like this:
Also i'm always recommend to install [Far Manager](https://www.farmanager.com/index.php?l=en) - this is powerful console file manager for Windows, like Midnight Commander in *nix.