@ -91,6 +91,8 @@ int32_t iguana_sendblockreqPT(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,
} //else printf("no RTrawdata for %s\n",bits256_str(str,hash2));
if ( checkbp ! = bp | | j ! = bundlei )
bp = 0 , bundlei = - 1 ;
if ( 0 & & coin - > enableCACHE ! = 0 & & iguana_speculativesearch ( coin , & block , hash2 ) ! = 0 )
if ( block ! = 0 & & block - > hdrsi ! = 0 & & block - > bundlei ! = 0 )
@ -123,7 +125,11 @@ int32_t iguana_sendblockreqPT(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,
addr - > pendblocks + + ;
addr - > pendtime = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
if ( bp ! = 0 & & bundlei > = 0 & & bundlei < bp - > n )
if ( bp - > issued [ bundlei ] > 1 )
return ( 0 ) ;
bp - > issued [ bundlei ] = addr - > pendtime ;
if ( block ! = 0 )
block - > issued = addr - > pendtime ;
if ( 0 & & coin - > current = = bp )
@ -298,7 +304,6 @@ void iguana_bundletime(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp,int32_t
starttime = block - > issued ;
if ( starttime = = 0 | | bp - > issued [ bundlei ] > block - > issued )
starttime = bp - > issued [ bundlei ] ;
bp - > issued [ bundlei ] = 1 ;
if ( starttime ! = 0 )
duration = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) - starttime ;
@ -312,13 +317,13 @@ void iguana_bundletime(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp,int32_t
bp - > totaldurations + = duration ;
bp - > durationscount + + ;
if ( ( block = bp - > blocks [ bundlei ] ) ! = 0 & & block - > lag = = 0 )
if ( ( block ! = 0 | | ( block = bp - > blocks [ bundlei ] ) ! = 0 ) & & block - > lag = = 0 )
block - > lag = duration ;
void iguana_gotblockM ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_peer * addr , struct iguana_txblock * origtxdata , struct iguana_msgtx * txarray , struct iguana_msghdr * H , uint8_t * data , int32_t recvlen , int32_t fromcache )
void iguana_old gotblockM ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_peer * addr , struct iguana_txblock * origtxdata , struct iguana_msgtx * txarray , struct iguana_msghdr * H , uint8_t * data , int32_t recvlen , int32_t fromcache )
struct iguana_bundlereq * req ; struct iguana_txblock * txdata = 0 ; int32_t valid , speculative = 0 , i , j , bundlei , copyflag , numtx ; struct iguana_block * block ; struct iguana_bundle * bp ; uint32_t now ; char str [ 65 ] ;
if ( recvlen < 0 | | recvlen > IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE )
@ -392,6 +397,7 @@ void iguana_gotblockM(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,stru
copyflag = ( coin - > enableCACHE ! = 0 ) & & ( strcmp ( coin - > symbol , " BTC " ) ! = 0 ) ;
bp = 0 , bundlei = - 2 ;
bp = iguana_bundlefind ( coin , & bp , & bundlei , origtxdata - > zblock . RO . hash2 ) ;
printf ( " [%d:%d].(%s) %s n%d \n " , bp ! = 0 ? bp - > hdrsi : - 1 , bundlei , bits256_str ( str , origtxdata - > zblock . RO . hash2 ) , addr - > ipaddr , addr - > pendblocks ) ;
if ( bp ! = 0 & & bundlei > = 0 & & bundlei < bp - > n )
block = bp - > blocks [ bundlei ] ;
@ -492,24 +498,13 @@ void iguana_gotblockM(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,stru
addr - > recvblocks + = 1. ;
addr - > recvtotal + = recvlen ;
if ( speculative = = 0 & & iguana_ramchain_data ( coin , addr , origtxdata , txarray , origtxdata - > zblock . RO . txn_count , data , recvlen ) > = 0 )
if ( speculative = = 0 & & iguana_ramchain_data ( coin , addr , origtxdata , txarray , origtxdata - > zblock . RO . txn_count , data , recvlen , bp , block ) > = 0 )
txdata - > zblock . fpipbits = ( uint32_t ) addr - > ipbits ;
txdata - > zblock . RO . recvlen = recvlen ;
txdata - > zblock . fpos = 0 ;
req - > datalen = txdata - > datalen ;
req - > ipbits = txdata - > zblock . fpipbits ;
/*if ( 0 )
struct iguana_txblock * checktxdata ; struct OS_memspace checkmem ; int32_t checkbundlei ;
memset ( & checkmem , 0 , sizeof ( checkmem ) ) ;
iguana_meminit ( & checkmem , " checkmem " , 0 , txdata - > datalen + 4096 , 0 ) ;
if ( ( checktxdata = iguana_peertxdata ( coin , & checkbundlei , fname , & checkmem , ( uint32_t ) addr - > ipbits , txdata - > block . RO . hash2 ) ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " check datalen.%d bundlei.%d T.%d U.%d S.%d P.%d X.%d \n " , checktxdata - > datalen , checkbundlei , checktxdata - > numtxids , checktxdata - > numunspents , checktxdata - > numspends , checktxdata - > numpkinds , checktxdata - > numexternaltxids ) ;
iguana_mempurge ( & checkmem ) ;
} */
} //else printf("cant save block\n");
if ( txdata - > zblock . fpos = = 0 )
@ -542,6 +537,316 @@ void iguana_gotblockM(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,stru
} else printf ( " nonz fpos.%d %s \n " , txdata - > zblock . fpos , bits256_str ( str , origtxdata - > zblock . RO . hash2 ) ) ;
void iguana_recvstats_update ( struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_peer * addr , int32_t recvlen )
static uint64_t received [ IGUANA_MAXPEERS ] , count [ IGUANA_MAXPEERS ] , lastcount , lastreceived , last ;
char str [ 65 ] , str2 [ 65 ] , str3 [ 65 ] , str4 [ 65 ] ; uint32_t now ; int32_t i ; int64_t sum2 = 0 , sum = 0 , diffr , diff ; double bw = 0. ;
coin - > recvcount + + ;
coin - > recvtime = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
netBLOCKS + + ;
if ( addr - > pendblocks > 0 )
addr - > pendblocks - - ;
addr - > lastblockrecv = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
addr - > recvblocks + = 1. ;
addr - > recvtotal + = recvlen ;
received [ addr - > addrind ] + = recvlen ;
count [ addr - > addrind ] + + ;
now = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
if ( ( ( rand ( ) % 10000 ) = = 0 & & now > last + 60 ) | | now > last + 600 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( received ) / sizeof ( * received ) ; i + + )
sum + = received [ i ] , sum2 + = count [ i ] ;
diffr = ( sum - lastreceived ) , diff = ( sum2 - lastcount ) ;
lastreceived = sum , lastcount = sum2 ;
if ( diff ! = 0 )
bw = ( ( double ) diffr / ( now - last + 1 ) ) ;
if ( bw > coin - > maxbandwidth )
coin - > maxbandwidth = bw ;
dxblend ( & coin - > bandwidth , bw , .9 ) ;
printf ( " %s BLOCKS.%llu RECV %s ave %.1f | dup.%d %s after.%d %s %s/sec %.2f%% %s \n " , coin - > symbol , ( long long ) sum2 , mbstr ( str , sum ) , ( double ) sum / ( sum2 ! = 0 ? sum2 : 1 ) , numDuplicates , mbstr ( str2 , sizeDuplicates ) , numAfteremit , mbstr ( str3 , sizeAfteremit ) , mbstr ( str4 , bw ) , coin - > maxbandwidth ! = 0. ? 100. * coin - > bandwidth / coin - > maxbandwidth : 0. , coin - > maxbandwidth > 4 * coin - > bandwidth ? " SLOW " : " " ) ;
last = now ;
if ( coin - > bandwidth < 0.25 * coin - > maxbandwidth )
//printf(">>SLOW.%d<< ",addr->addrind);
int32_t iguana_bundlestats_update ( struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_block * * blockp , struct iguana_bundle * bp , int32_t bundlei , struct iguana_txblock * origtxdata , uint8_t * data , int32_t recvlen )
char str [ 65 ] ; struct iguana_block * block ; int32_t i , j ;
* blockp = 0 ;
if ( bp ! = 0 & & bundlei > = 0 & & bundlei < bp - > n )
* blockp = block = bp - > blocks [ bundlei ] ;
if ( bp - > emitfinish ! = 0 )
numAfteremit + + ;
sizeAfteremit + = recvlen ;
if ( block ! = 0 )
iguana_bundletime ( coin , bp , bundlei , block , 1 ) ;
printf ( " got [%d:%d] with emitfinish.%u \n " , bp - > hdrsi , bundlei , bp - > emitfinish ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
bp - > dirty + + ;
if ( bundlei > = 0 & & block ! = 0 )
if ( block - > fpipbits ! = 0 & & block - > txvalid ! = 0 )
numDuplicates + + ;
sizeDuplicates + = recvlen ;
//printf("duplicate [%d:%d] %s\n",bp->hdrsi,bundlei,bits256_str(str,block->RO.hash2));
if ( bits256_cmp ( origtxdata - > zblock . RO . hash2 , block - > RO . hash2 ) ! = 0 )
//printf("mismatched tx %s received? mainchain.%d\n",bits256_str(str,block->RO.hash2),block->mainchain);
return ( - 1 ) ;
iguana_bundletime ( coin , bp , bundlei , block , 1 ) ;
iguana_blockzcopyRO ( coin - > chain - > zcash , & block - > RO , 0 , & origtxdata - > zblock . RO , 0 ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
iguana_bundletime ( coin , bp , bundlei , block , 0 ) ;
if ( 0 & & bp = = coin - > current )
printf ( " recv [%d:%d] %s \n " , bp - > hdrsi , bundlei , bits256_str ( str , block - > RO . hash2 ) ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( ( bp = coin - > current ) ! = 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < coin - > bundlescount ; i + + )
if ( ( bp = coin - > bundles [ i ] ) ! = 0 & & bp - > emitfinish = = 0 & & bp - > speculative ! = 0 & & bp - > numhashes < bp - > n )
if ( ( j = iguana_speculativefind ( coin , bp , ( struct iguana_block * ) & origtxdata - > zblock , data , recvlen ) ) > = 0 )
printf ( " speculative found \n " ) ;
//copyflag = 0;
//speculative = 1;
if ( ( * blockp = bp - > blocks [ j ] ) ! = 0 )
iguana_bundletime ( coin , bp , j , * blockp , 0 ) ;
return ( 1 ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
struct iguana_bundlereq * iguana_recv_bundlereq ( struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_peer * addr , int32_t copyflag , struct iguana_msghdr * H , uint8_t * data , int32_t recvlen , struct iguana_bundle * bp , int32_t bundlei , struct iguana_txblock * txdata )
struct iguana_bundlereq * req ; struct iguana_block * block = 0 ;
if ( copyflag ! = 0 & & recvlen ! = 0 & & ( bp = = 0 | | bundlei < 0 | | ( ( block = bp - > blocks [ bundlei ] ) ! = 0 & & block - > fpipbits = = 0 & & block - > req = = 0 ) ) )
struct iguana_msghdr checkH ;
req = iguana_bundlereq ( coin , addr , ' B ' , data , copyflag * recvlen ) ;
req - > copyflag = 1 ;
req - > H = * H ;
if ( 0 & & iguana_sethdr ( & checkH , coin - > chain - > netmagic , H - > command , req - > serializeddata , recvlen ) > 0 & & memcmp ( & checkH , H , sizeof ( checkH ) ) ! = 0 )
int z ;
for ( z = 0 ; z < sizeof ( checkH ) ; z + + )
printf ( " %02x " , ( ( uint8_t * ) & checkH ) [ z ] ) ;
printf ( " req->H datalen.%d crc.%08x error \n " , recvlen , calc_crc32 ( 0 , data , recvlen ) ) ;
copyflag = 0 ;
req = iguana_bundlereq ( coin , addr , ' B ' , 0 , 0 ) ;
req - > recvlen = recvlen ;
req - > datalen = txdata - > datalen ;
req - > ipbits = txdata - > zblock . fpipbits ;
req - > zblock = txdata - > zblock ;
req - > zblock . RO . txn_count = req - > numtx = txdata - > zblock . RO . txn_count ;
req - > addr = addr ;
return ( req ) ;
void iguana_RTgotblock ( struct iguana_info * coin , bits256 hash2 , uint8_t * data , int32_t * recvlenp , int32_t * numtxp )
int32_t i ; struct iguana_bundle * bp ;
if ( coin - > almostRT = = 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < coin - > bundlescount ; i + + )
if ( ( bp = coin - > bundles [ i ] ) ! = 0 & & bp - > utxofinish < = 1 )
break ;
if ( ( i > coin - > bundlescount - 2 & & coin - > blocks . hwmchain . height > coin - > longestchain - coin - > chain - > bundlesize * 2 ) | | coin - > RTheight > 0 )
coin - > almostRT = 1 ;
if ( coin - > almostRT ! = 0 )
portable_mutex_lock ( & coin - > RTmutex ) ;
iguana_RTrawdata ( coin , hash2 , data , recvlenp , numtxp , 0 ) ;
portable_mutex_unlock ( & coin - > RTmutex ) ;
int32_t iguana_txmerkle ( struct iguana_info * coin , bits256 * tree , int32_t treesize , struct iguana_txblock * origtxdata , struct iguana_msgtx * txarray )
int32_t i , msize ; bits256 merkle_root ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( origtxdata - > zblock . RO . merkle_root ) = = 0 )
memset ( & origtxdata - > zblock . RO . prev_block , 0 , sizeof ( bits256 ) ) ;
origtxdata - > zblock . RO . recvlen = 0 ;
origtxdata - > zblock . issued = 0 ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
msize = ( int32_t ) sizeof ( bits256 ) * ( origtxdata - > zblock . RO . txn_count + 1 ) * 2 ;
if ( msize < = treesize )
for ( i = 0 ; i < origtxdata - > zblock . RO . txn_count ; i + + )
tree [ i ] = txarray [ i ] . txid ;
merkle_root = iguana_merkle ( tree , origtxdata - > zblock . RO . txn_count ) ;
if ( bits256_cmp ( merkle_root , origtxdata - > zblock . RO . merkle_root ) ! = 0 )
char str [ 65 ] , str2 [ 65 ] ;
printf ( " >>>>>>>>>> %s merkle mismatch.[%d] calc.(%s) vs (%s) \n " , coin - > symbol , origtxdata - > zblock . RO . txn_count , bits256_str ( str , merkle_root ) , bits256_str ( str2 , origtxdata - > zblock . RO . merkle_root ) ) ;
origtxdata - > zblock . RO . recvlen = 0 ;
origtxdata - > zblock . issued = 0 ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
} //else printf("matched merkle.%d\n",txn_count);
return ( 0 ) ;
} else printf ( " not enough memory for merkle verify %d vs %u \n " , ( int32_t ) ( sizeof ( bits256 ) * ( origtxdata - > zblock . RO . txn_count + 1 ) ) , treesize ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
void iguana_gotblockM ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_peer * addr , struct iguana_txblock * origtxdata , struct iguana_msgtx * txarray , struct iguana_msghdr * H , uint8_t * data , int32_t recvlen , int32_t fromcache )
static uint64_t totalrecv ;
struct iguana_bundlereq * req ; struct iguana_txblock * txdata = 0 ; int32_t incr , i , numsaved , valid , speculative = 0 , bundlei , copyflag , numtx ; struct iguana_bundle * bp ; struct iguana_block * block ; char str [ 65 ] ;
if ( addr = = 0 )
addr = & coin - > internaladdr ;
if ( recvlen < 0 | | recvlen > IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE )
printf ( " iguana_getblockM: illegal recvlen.%d \n " , recvlen ) ;
return ;
if ( fromcache = = 0 & & coin - > virtualchain = = 0 & & addr ! = 0 & & addr ! = & coin - > internaladdr )
iguana_recvstats_update ( coin , addr , recvlen ) ;
totalrecv + = recvlen ;
origtxdata - > zblock . RO . allocsize = sizeof ( origtxdata - > zblock ) ;
if ( iguana_blockvalidate ( myinfo , coin , & valid , ( struct iguana_block * ) & origtxdata - > zblock , 1 ) < 0 )
printf ( " got block that doesnt validate? %s \n " , bits256_str ( str , origtxdata - > zblock . RO . hash2 ) ) ;
return ;
iguana_peer_meminit ( coin , addr ) ;
if ( iguana_txmerkle ( coin , addr - > TXDATA . ptr , ( int32_t ) addr - > TXDATA . totalsize , origtxdata , txarray ) < 0 )
return ;
origtxdata - > zblock . txvalid = 1 ;
bp = 0 , bundlei = - 2 ;
if ( iguana_bundlefind ( coin , & bp , & bundlei , origtxdata - > zblock . RO . hash2 ) = = 0 )
bp = 0 , bundlei = - 2 ;
if ( iguana_bundlefind ( coin , & bp , & bundlei , origtxdata - > zblock . RO . prev_block ) = = 0 )
origtxdata - > zblock . RO . recvlen = 0 ;
origtxdata - > zblock . issued = 0 ;
//printf("gotblockM: RTblock? %s\n",bits256_str(str,origtxdata->zblock.RO.hash2));
return ;
else if ( bundlei < coin - > chain - > bundlesize - 1 )
bundlei + + ;
else // new bundle case, but bad context to extend
origtxdata - > zblock . issued = 0 ;
origtxdata - > zblock . RO . recvlen = 0 ;
printf ( " gotblockM2: error finding block %s \n " , bits256_str ( str , origtxdata - > zblock . RO . hash2 ) ) ;
return ;
if ( bp = = 0 )
return ;
for ( i = numsaved = 0 ; i < coin - > chain - > bundlesize ; i + + )
if ( ( block = bp - > blocks [ i ] ) ! = 0 & & block - > fpipbits ! = 0 & & block - > fpos > = 0 & & block - > txvalid ! = 0 )
numsaved + + ;
if ( ( speculative = iguana_bundlestats_update ( coin , & block , bp , bundlei , origtxdata , data , recvlen ) ) < 0 )
return ;
if ( block = = 0 )
printf ( " no block to update \n " ) ;
return ;
block - > txvalid = 1 ;
if ( block - > fpipbits ! = 0 & & block - > fpos > = 0 )
static int32_t numredundant ; static double redundantsize ; static uint32_t lastdisp ;
char str [ 65 ] , str2 [ 65 ] ;
numredundant + + , redundantsize + = recvlen ;
if ( time ( NULL ) > lastdisp + 30 )
lastdisp = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
printf ( " ramchaindata have %d:%d at %d | %d blocks %s redundant xfers total %s %.2f%% wasted \n " , bp - > hdrsi , bundlei , block - > fpos , numredundant , mbstr ( str , redundantsize ) , mbstr ( str2 , totalrecv ) , 100. * redundantsize / totalrecv ) ;
if ( bundlei > 1 )
//printf("DUP s.%d [%d:%d].(%s) %s n%d\n",numsaved,bp!=0?bp->hdrsi:-1,bundlei,bits256_str(str,origtxdata->zblock.RO.hash2),addr->ipaddr,addr->pendblocks);
return ;
txdata = origtxdata ;
if ( iguana_ramchain_data ( coin , addr , origtxdata , txarray , origtxdata - > zblock . RO . txn_count , data , recvlen , bp , block ) > = 0 )
txdata - > zblock . fpipbits = ( uint32_t ) addr - > ipbits ;
txdata - > zblock . RO . recvlen = recvlen ;
txdata - > zblock . fpos = 0 ;
numtx = origtxdata - > zblock . RO . txn_count ;
iguana_RTgotblock ( coin , txdata - > zblock . RO . hash2 , data , & recvlen , & numtx ) ;
copyflag = ( coin - > enableCACHE ! = 0 ) & & ( strcmp ( coin - > symbol , " BTC " ) ! = 0 ) ;
req = iguana_recv_bundlereq ( coin , addr , copyflag , H , data , recvlen , bp , bundlei , txdata ) ;
queue_enqueue ( " recvQ " , & coin - > recvQ , & req - > DL , 0 ) ;
//if ( 0 && strcmp("BTCD",coin->symbol) == 0 )
//printf("[%d:%d].s%d %s Q.(%s) %s\n",bp->hdrsi,bundlei,numsaved,coin->symbol,bits256_str(str,origtxdata->zblock.RO.hash2),addr->ipaddr);
//if ( (bp == coin->current || (coin->peers != 0 && ) && (rand() % coin->chain->bundlesize) < numsaved )
if ( coin - > current = = 0 | | coin - > current - > startutxo ! = 0 | | numsaved > ( rand ( ) % coin - > chain - > bundlesize ) | | ( bp = coin - > current ) ! = 0 )
for ( i = numsaved = 0 ; i < coin - > chain - > bundlesize ; i + + )
if ( ( block = bp - > blocks [ i ] ) ! = 0 & & block - > fpipbits ! = 0 & & block - > fpos > = 0 & & block - > txvalid ! = 0 )
numsaved + + ;
if ( numsaved < coin - > chain - > bundlesize & & bp - > startutxo = = 0 )
if ( ( incr = coin - > peers - > numranked ) = = 0 )
incr = 1 ;
i = addr - > addrind % incr ;
for ( ; i < coin - > chain - > bundlesize ; i + = incr )
if ( ( bp - > issued [ i ] = = 0 & & bits256_nonz ( bp - > hashes [ i ] ) ! = 0 ) & & ( ( block = bp - > blocks [ i ] ) = = 0 | | bits256_cmp ( bp - > hashes [ i ] , block - > RO . hash2 ) ! = 0 | | block - > fpipbits = = 0 | | block - > fpos < 0 | | block - > txvalid = = 0 ) )
bp - > issued [ i ] = 1 ;
iguana_sendblockreqPT ( coin , addr , 0 , - 1 , bp - > hashes [ i ] , 0 ) ;
//printf("numsaved.%d auto issue.[%d:%d] %s\n",numsaved,bp->hdrsi,i,addr->ipaddr);
break ;
} //else printf("numsaved.%d SKIP auto issue.[%d:%d] %s\n",numsaved,bp->hdrsi,i,addr->ipaddr);
else if ( bp - > queued = = 0 )
iguana_bundleQ ( myinfo , coin , bp , 0 ) ;
printf ( " numsaved.%d [%d] %s \n " , numsaved , bp - > hdrsi , addr - > ipaddr ) ;
} else printf ( " nonz fpos.%d %s \n " , txdata - > zblock . fpos , bits256_str ( str , origtxdata - > zblock . RO . hash2 ) ) ;
void iguana_gottxidsM ( struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_peer * addr , bits256 * txids , int32_t n )
struct iguana_bundlereq * req ;
@ -662,8 +967,8 @@ uint32_t iguana_allhashcmp(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin
n = iguana_bundleissuemissing ( myinfo , coin , bp , 1 , 3. ) ;
if ( 0 & & n > 0 )
printf ( " ALLHASHES FOUND! %d allhashes.%d issued %d \n " , bp - > bundleheight , coin - > allhashes , n ) ;
if ( bp - > queued = = 0 )
iguana_bundleQ ( myinfo , coin , bp , bp - > n * 5 + ( rand ( ) % 500 ) ) ;
//if ( bp->queued == 0 )
// iguana_bundleQ(myinfo,coin,bp,bp->n*5 + (rand() % 500));
return ( bp - > queued ) ;
@ -879,7 +1184,7 @@ struct iguana_bundle *iguana_bundleset(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguan
if ( iguana_bundlehashadd ( coin , bp , bundlei , block ) < 0 )
if ( bp - > emitfinish = = 0 & & block - > issued = = 0 & & strcmp ( " BTC " , coin - > symbol ) ! = 0 ) //|| coin->PREFETCHLAG < 0) )
if ( bp - > emitfinish = = 0 & & bp - > issued [ bundlei ] = = 0 & & b lock - > issued = = 0 & & strcmp ( " BTC " , coin - > symbol ) ! = 0 ) //|| coin->PREFETCHLAG < 0) )
iguana_blockQ ( " bundleset " , coin , bp , bundlei , block - > RO . hash2 , 1 ) ; //coin->current == 0 || bp->hdrsi <= coin->current->hdrsi+coin->MAXBUNDLES);
//fprintf(stderr,"bundle found %d:%d\n",bp->hdrsi,bundlei);
@ -1085,7 +1390,7 @@ struct iguana_bundlereq *iguana_recvblockhashes(struct supernet_info *myinfo,str
if ( bp ! = 0 & & bp - > speculative ! = 0 & & i < bp - > n )
bp - > speculative [ i ] = blockhashes [ i ] ;
iguana_blockQ ( " recvhash " , coin , 0 , - 1 , blockhashes [ i ] , 1 ) ;
if ( bp ! = 0 )
@ -1099,7 +1404,7 @@ struct iguana_bundlereq *iguana_recvblockhashes(struct supernet_info *myinfo,str
if ( bits256_nonz ( bp - > nextbundlehash2 ) = = 0 & & num > coin - > chain - > bundlesize )
bp - > nextbundlehash2 = blockhashes [ coin - > chain - > bundlesize ] ;
iguana_blockQ ( " recvhash1 " , coin , 0 , - 1 , bp - > nextbundlehash2 , 1 ) ;
//printf("call allhashes\n");
if ( 0 & & bp - > hdrsi = = coin - > bundlescount - 1 )
@ -1126,10 +1431,10 @@ struct iguana_bundlereq *iguana_recvblockhashes(struct supernet_info *myinfo,str
if ( bp - > speculative = = 0 )
bp - > speculative = mycalloc ( ' s ' , bp - > n + 1 , sizeof ( * bp - > speculative ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < bp - > n ; i + + )
if ( GETBIT ( bp - > haveblock , i ) = = 0 )
bp - > issued [ i ] = 0 ;
iguana_bundleissuemissing ( myinfo , coin , bp , 3 , 1. ) ;
//for (i=0; i<bp->n; i++)
// if ( GETBIT(bp->haveblock,i) == 0 )
// bp->issued[i] = 0;
for ( i = 1 ; i < num & & i < = bp - > n ; i + + )
@ -1200,17 +1505,17 @@ struct iguana_bundlereq *iguana_recvblockhashes(struct supernet_info *myinfo,str
if ( ( block = iguana_blockfind ( " recvhashes2 " , coin , blockhashes [ 1 ] ) ) = = 0 )
iguana_blockhashset ( " recvhashes3 " , coin , - 1 , blockhashes [ 1 ] , 1 ) ;
if ( ( block = iguana_blockfind ( " recvhashes4 " , coin , blockhashes [ 1 ] ) ) ! = 0 )
iguana_blockQ ( " recvhash6 " , coin , 0 , - 6 , blockhashes [ 1 ] , 1 ) ; // should be RT block
if ( block ! = 0 )
block - > newtx = 1 ;
iguana_blockQ ( " RTblock " , coin , 0 , - 7 , blockhashes [ 1 ] , 1 ) ; // should be RT block
//iguana_blockQ("RTblock",coin,0,-7,blockhashes[1],1); // should be RT block
if ( strcmp ( " BTC " , coin - > symbol ) ! = 0 )
iguana_blockQ ( " recvhash7 " , coin , 0 , - 7 , blockhashes [ 1 ] , 1 ) ;
iguana_blockQ ( " recvhash7 " , coin , 0 , - 7 , blockhashes [ num - 1 ] , 1 ) ;
//if ( 1 && coin->RTheight > 0 )
@ -1219,7 +1524,7 @@ struct iguana_bundlereq *iguana_recvblockhashes(struct supernet_info *myinfo,str
if ( iguana_bundlehash2_check ( coin , blockhashes [ i ] ) = = 0 )
//fprintf(stderr,"%d ",i);
iguana_blockQ ( " recvhashRT " , coin , 0 , - 8 , blockhashes [ i ] , 1 ) ;
@ -1692,8 +1997,13 @@ int32_t iguana_blockQ(char *argstr,struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle
return ( 0 ) ;
height = block - > height ;
if ( bp ! = 0 & & bp - > emitfinish ! = 0 )
if ( bp ! = 0 )
if ( bp - > emitfinish ! = 0 )
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( bp - > issued [ bundlei ] > 0 )
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( priority ! = 0 )
str = " priorityQ " , Q = & coin - > priorityQ ;
else str = " blocksQ " , Q = & coin - > blocksQ ;
@ -1868,10 +2178,10 @@ int32_t iguana_processrecv(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin
flag + = iguana_processrecvQ ( myinfo , coin , & newhwm ) ;
if ( coin - > RTheight = = 0 | | ( rand ( ) % 30 ) = = 0 )
if ( coin - > RTheight = = 0 | | ( rand ( ) % 7 ) = = 0 )
flag + = iguana_reqblocks ( myinfo , coin ) ;
iguana_jsonQ ( myinfo , coin ) ;
if ( time ( NULL ) > coin - > laststats + 30 )
if ( time ( NULL ) > coin - > laststats + 3 )
flag + = iguana_reqhdrs ( coin ) ;
iguana_bundlestats ( myinfo , coin , str , IGUANA_DEFAULTLAG ) ;