@ -619,7 +619,7 @@ void dpow_statemachinestart(void *ptr) |
printf("END isratify.%d:%d bestk.%d %llx sigs.%llx state.%x machine ht.%d completed state.%x %s.%s %s.%s recvmask.%llx paxwdcrc.%x %p %p\n",bp->isratify,dp->ratifying,bp->bestk,(long long)bp->bestmask,(long long)(bp->bestk>=0?bp->destsigsmasks[bp->bestk]:0),bp->state,bp->height,bp->state,dp->dest,bits256_str(str,bp->desttxid),dp->symbol,bits256_str(str2,bp->srctxid),(long long)bp->recvmask,bp->paxwdcrc,src,dest); |
dp->lastrecvmask = bp->recvmask; |
dp->ratifying -= bp->isratify; |
#if STAKED |
// We need to wait for notarized confirm here. If the notarization is reorged for any reason we need to rebroadcast it,
// because the mempool is stupid after the sapling update, or Alright might be playing silly games.
int8_t dest_confs = 0, src_confs = 0, destnotarized = 0, srcnotarized = 0, firstloop = 0; |