first call to marketmaker API doesn't returns userpass now, so, we
should login with "default" passphrase and when calling 2_getuserpass.cmd
login this "passphrase" method and default userpass "1d8b27b21efabcd96571cd56f91a40fb9aa4cc623d273c63bf9223dc6f8cd81f",
same as implemented in barterdex gui.
(git and cmake installed are required)
script will automatically download and build all needed *.lib and *.dll
for build marketmaker.
currently script built only 64-bit Release versions of *.lib and *.dll,
pthread_lib.lib is compiled for statically linked and nanomsg.lib and
libcurl.lib for using with dlls: libcurl.dll and nanomsg.dll .
Later i will improve it to build both 32-bit and 64-bit versions, and
versions for static linking marketmaker without any external deps. But
this will take time and some work on MSVC project files (marketmaker.vcxproj
and marketmaker.sln).