@ -8,149 +8,329 @@ var Address = bitcore.Address; |
var Script = bitcore.Script; |
var Script = bitcore.Script; |
describe('Address', function() { |
describe('Address', function() { |
var pubkeyhash = new Buffer('3c3fa3d4adcaf8f52d5b1843975e122548269937', 'hex'); |
var pubkeyhash = new Buffer('3c3fa3d4adcaf8f52d5b1843975e122548269937', 'hex'); |
var buf = Buffer.concat([new Buffer([0]), pubkeyhash]); |
var buf = Buffer.concat([new Buffer([0]), pubkeyhash]); |
var str = '16VZnHwRhwrExfeHFHGjwrgEMq8VcYPs9r'; |
var str = '16VZnHwRhwrExfeHFHGjwrgEMq8VcYPs9r'; |
var strTest = 'n28S35tqEMbt6vNad7A5K3mZ7vdn8dZ86X'; |
it('should create a new address object', function() { |
it('should throw an error because of missing data', function() { |
var address = new Address(); |
(function() { |
should.exist(address); |
var a = new Address(); |
address = new Address(buf); |
}).should.throw('First argument is required, please include address data.'); |
should.exist(address); |
}); |
address = new Address(str); |
should.exist(address); |
it('should throw an error because of bad network param', function() { |
(function(){ |
var a = new Address(validAddresses[0], 'main', 'pubkeyhash'); |
}).should.throw('Second argument must be "mainnet" or "testnet".'); |
}); |
}); |
describe('@isValid', function() { |
it('should throw an error because of bad type param', function() { |
(function() { |
var a = new Address(validAddresses[0], 'mainnet', 'pubkey'); |
}).should.throw('Third argument must be "pubkeyhash" or "scripthash"'); |
}); |
// mainnet valid
var validAddresses = [ |
'15vkcKf7gB23wLAnZLmbVuMiiVDc1Nm4a2', |
'1A6ut1tWnUq1SEQLMr4ttDh24wcbJ5o9TT', |
'1BpbpfLdY7oBS9gK7aDXgvMgr1DPvNhEB2', |
'1Jz2yCRd5ST1p2gUqFB5wsSQfdm3jaFfg7' |
]; |
// mainnet p2sh
var validp2shAddresses = [ |
'342ftSRCvFHfCeFFBuz4xwbeqnDw6BGUey', |
'33vt8ViH5jsr115AGkW6cEmEz9MpvJSwDk', |
'37Sp6Rv3y4kVd1nQ1JV5pfqXccHNyZm1x3', |
'3QjYXhTkvuj8qPaXHTTWb5wjXhdsLAAWVy' |
]; |
// testnet p2sh
var testValidp2shAddresses = [ |
'2N7FuwuUuoTBrDFdrAZ9KxBmtqMLxce9i1C', |
'2NEWDzHWwY5ZZp8CQWbB7ouNMLqCia6YRda', |
'2MxgPqX1iThW3oZVk9KoFcE5M4JpiETssVN', |
'2NB72XtkjpnATMggui83aEtPawyyKvnbX2o' |
]; |
//mainnet bad checksums
var badChecksums = [ |
'15vkcKf7gB23wLAnZLmbVuMiiVDc3nq4a2', |
'1A6ut1tWnUq1SEQLMr4ttDh24wcbj4w2TT', |
'1BpbpfLdY7oBS9gK7aDXgvMgr1DpvNH3B2', |
'1Jz2yCRd5ST1p2gUqFB5wsSQfdmEJaffg7' |
]; |
it('should validate this valid address string', function() { |
//mainnet non-base58
Address.isValid(str).should.equal(true); |
var nonBase58 = [ |
'15vkcKf7g#23wLAnZLmb$uMiiVDc3nq4a2', |
'1A601ttWnUq1SEQLMr4ttDh24wcbj4w2TT', |
'1BpbpfLdY7oBS9gK7aIXgvMgr1DpvNH3B2', |
'1Jz2yCRdOST1p2gUqFB5wsSQfdmEJaffg7' |
]; |
//testnet valid
var testValidAddresses = [ |
'n28S35tqEMbt6vNad7A5K3mZ7vdn8dZ86X', |
'n45x3R2w2jaSC62BMa9MeJCd3TXxgvDEmm', |
'mursDVxqNQmmwWHACpM9VHwVVSfTddGsEM', |
'mtX8nPZZdJ8d3QNLRJ1oJTiEi26Sj6LQXS' |
]; |
describe('validation', function() { |
it('should describe this mainnet address as an invalid testnet address', function() { |
var error = Address.getValidationError('37BahqRsFrAd3qLiNNwLNV3AWMRD7itxTo', 'testnet'); |
should.exist(error); |
}); |
}); |
it('should invalidate this valid address string', function() { |
it('should should return a true boolean', function(){ |
Address.isValid(str.substr(1)).should.equal(false); |
var valid = Address.isValid('37BahqRsFrAd3qLiNNwLNV3AWMRD7itxTo', 'mainnet'); |
valid.should.equal(true); |
}); |
}); |
it('should should return a false boolean', function(){ |
var valid = Address.isValid('37BahqRsFrAd3qLiNNwLNV3AWMRD7itxTo', 'testnet'); |
valid.should.equal(false); |
}); |
}); |
describe('#fromBuffer', function() { |
it('should validate addresses', function() { |
for(var i=0;i<validAddresses.length;i++){ |
var error = Address.getValidationError(validAddresses[i]); |
should.not.exist(error); |
} |
}); |
it('should make an address from a buffer', function() { |
it('should validate p2sh addresses', function() { |
Address().fromBuffer(buf).toString().should.equal(str); |
for(var i=0;i<validp2shAddresses.length;i++){ |
var error = Address.getValidationError(validp2shAddresses[i]); |
should.not.exist(error); |
} |
}); |
}); |
it('should validate testnet p2sh addresses', function() { |
for(var i=0;i<testValidp2shAddresses.length;i++){ |
var error = Address.getValidationError(testValidp2shAddresses[i], 'testnet'); |
should.not.exist(error); |
} |
}); |
}); |
describe('#fromHashbuf', function() { |
it('should not validate addresses with params', function() { |
for(var i=0;i<validAddresses.length;i++){ |
var error = Address.getValidationError(validAddresses[i], 'testnet'); |
should.exist(error); |
} |
}); |
it('should make an address from a hashbuf', function() { |
it('should validate addresses with params', function() { |
Address().fromHashbuf(pubkeyhash).toString().should.equal(str); |
for(var i=0;i<validAddresses.length;i++){ |
var a = Address().fromHashbuf(pubkeyhash, 'testnet', 'scripthash'); |
var error = Address.getValidationError(validAddresses[i], 'mainnet'); |
a.networkstr.should.equal('testnet'); |
should.not.exist(error); |
a.typestr.should.equal('scripthash'); |
} |
}); |
}); |
it('should throw an error for invalid length hashbuf', function() { |
it('should not validate because of an invalid checksum', function() { |
(function() { |
for(var i=0;i<badChecksums.length;i++){ |
Address().fromHashbuf(buf); |
var error = Address.getValidationError(badChecksums[i], 'mainnet', 'pubkeyhash'); |
}).should.throw('hashbuf must be exactly 20 bytes'); |
should.exist(error); |
error.message.should.equal('Checksum mismatch'); |
} |
}); |
}); |
it('should not validate because of mismatched network', function() { |
for(var i=0;i<validAddresses.length;i++){ |
var error = Address.getValidationError(validAddresses[i], 'testnet', 'pubkeyhash'); |
should.exist(error); |
error.message.should.equal('Address has mismatched network type.'); |
} |
}); |
}); |
describe('#fromPubkey', function() { |
it('should not validate because of a mismatched type', function() { |
for(var i=0;i<validAddresses.length;i++){ |
var error = Address.getValidationError(validAddresses[i], 'mainnet', 'scripthash'); |
should.exist(error); |
error.message.should.equal('Address has mismatched type.'); |
} |
}); |
it('should make this address from a compressed pubkey', function() { |
it('should not validate because of non-base58 characters', function() { |
var pubkey = new Pubkey(); |
for(var i=0;i<nonBase58.length;i++){ |
pubkey.fromDER(new Buffer('0285e9737a74c30a873f74df05124f2aa6f53042c2fc0a130d6cbd7d16b944b004', 'hex')); |
var error = Address.getValidationError(nonBase58[i], 'mainnet', 'pubkeyhash'); |
var address = new Address(); |
should.exist(error); |
address.fromPubkey(pubkey); |
error.message.should.equal('Non-base58 character'); |
address.toString().should.equal('19gH5uhqY6DKrtkU66PsZPUZdzTd11Y7ke'); |
} |
}); |
}); |
it('should make this address from an uncompressed pubkey', function() { |
it('should not validate addresses', function() { |
var pubkey = new Pubkey(); |
for(var i=0;i<badChecksums.length;i++){ |
pubkey.fromDER(new Buffer('0285e9737a74c30a873f74df05124f2aa6f53042c2fc0a130d6cbd7d16b944b004', 'hex')); |
var error = Address.getValidationError(badChecksums[i]); |
var address = new Address(); |
should.exist(error); |
pubkey.compressed = false; |
} |
address.fromPubkey(pubkey, 'mainnet'); |
address.toString().should.equal('16JXnhxjJUhxfyx4y6H4sFcxrgt8kQ8ewX'); |
}); |
}); |
it('should validate testnet addresses', function() { |
for(var i=0;i<testValidAddresses.length;i++){ |
var error = Address.getValidationError(testValidAddresses[i], 'testnet'); |
should.not.exist(error); |
} |
}); |
}); |
describe('#fromScript', function() { |
it('should not validate testnet addresses because of mismatched network', function() { |
for(var i=0;i<testValidAddresses.length;i++){ |
var error = Address.getValidationError(testValidAddresses[i], 'mainnet', 'pubkeyhash'); |
should.exist(error); |
error.message.should.equal('Address has mismatched network type.'); |
} |
}); |
it('should make this address from a script', function() { |
var script = Script().fromString("OP_CHECKMULTISIG"); |
var address = Address().fromScript(script); |
address.toString().should.equal('3BYmEwgV2vANrmfRymr1mFnHXgLjD6gAWm'); |
}); |
}); |
it('should make this address from other script', function() { |
describe('encodings', function() { |
var script = Script().fromString("OP_CHECKSIG OP_HASH160"); |
var address = Address().fromScript(script); |
it('should make an address from a buffer', function() { |
address.toString().should.equal('347iRqVwks5r493N1rsLN4k9J7Ljg488W7'); |
var a = Address.fromBuffer(buf).toString().should.equal(str); |
var b = new Address(buf).toString().should.equal(str); |
var c = Address(buf).toString().should.equal(str); |
}); |
}); |
it('should make an address from a string', function() { |
var a = Address.fromString(str).toString().should.equal(str); |
var b = new Address(str).toString().should.equal(str); |
}); |
}); |
describe('#fromString', function() { |
it('should error because of unrecognized data format', function() { |
(function() { |
var a = new Address(new Error()); |
}).should.throw('First argument is an unrecognized data format.'); |
}); |
it('should derive from this known address string mainnet', function() { |
it('should error because of incorrect format for pubkey hash', function() { |
var address = new Address(); |
(function() { |
address.fromString(str); |
var a = new Address.fromPubkeyHash('notahash'); |
address.toBuffer().slice(1).toString('hex').should.equal(pubkeyhash.toString('hex')); |
}).should.throw('Address supplied is not a buffer.'); |
}); |
}); |
it('should derive from this known address string testnet', function() { |
it('should error because of incorrect format for script hash', function() { |
var address = new Address(); |
(function() { |
address.fromString(str); |
var a = new Address.fromScriptHash('notascript'); |
address.networkstr = 'testnet'; |
}).should.throw('Address supplied is not a buffer.'); |
address.fromString(address.toString()); |
address.toString().should.equal('mm1X5M2QWyHVjn7txrF7mmtZDpjCXzoa98'); |
}); |
}); |
it('should derive from this known address string mainnet scripthash', function() { |
it('should error because of incorrect type for transform buffer', function() { |
var address = new Address(); |
(function() { |
address.fromString(str); |
var info = Address._transformBuffer('notabuffer'); |
address.networkstr = 'mainnet'; |
}).should.throw('Address supplied is not a buffer.'); |
address.typestr = 'scripthash'; |
address.fromString(address.toString()); |
address.toString().should.equal('37BahqRsFrAd3qLiNNwLNV3AWMRD7itxTo'); |
}); |
}); |
it('should derive from this known address string testnet scripthash', function() { |
it('should error because of incorrect length buffer for transform buffer', function() { |
var address = new Address(); |
(function() { |
address.fromString(str); |
var info = Address._transformBuffer(new Buffer(20)); |
address.networkstr = 'testnet'; |
}).should.throw('Address buffers must be exactly 21 bytes.'); |
address.typestr = 'scripthash'; |
}); |
address.fromString(address.toString()); |
address.toString().should.equal('2MxjnmaMtsJfyFcyG3WZCzS2RihdNuWqeX4'); |
it('should error because of incorrect type for pubkey transform', function() { |
(function() { |
var info = Address._transformPubkey(new Buffer(20)); |
}).should.throw('Address must be an instance of Pubkey.'); |
}); |
}); |
it('should error because of incorrect type for script transform', function() { |
(function() { |
var info = Address._transformScript(new Buffer(20)); |
}).should.throw('Address must be an instance of Script.'); |
}); |
}); |
describe('#isValid', function() { |
it('should error because of incorrect type for string transform', function() { |
(function() { |
var info = Address._transformString(new Buffer(20)); |
}).should.throw('Address supplied is not a string.'); |
}); |
it('should describe this valid address as valid', function() { |
it('should make an address from a pubkey hash buffer', function() { |
var address = new Address(); |
var hash = pubkeyhash; //use the same hash
address.fromString('37BahqRsFrAd3qLiNNwLNV3AWMRD7itxTo'); |
var a = Address.fromPubkeyHash(hash).toString().should.equal(str); |
address.isValid().should.equal(true); |
var b = Address.fromPubkeyHash(hash, 'testnet'); |
b.network.should.equal('testnet'); |
b.type.should.equal('pubkeyhash'); |
var c = new Address(hash).toString().should.equal(str); |
}); |
}); |
it('should describe this address with unknown network as invalid', function() { |
it('should throw an error for invalid length hashBuffer', function() { |
var address = new Address(); |
(function() { |
address.fromString('37BahqRsFrAd3qLiNNwLNV3AWMRD7itxTo'); |
var a = Address.fromPubkeyHash(buf); |
address.networkstr = 'unknown'; |
}).should.throw('Address hashbuffers must be exactly 20 bytes.'); |
address.isValid().should.equal(false); |
}); |
}); |
it('should describe this address with unknown type as invalid', function() { |
it('should make this address from a compressed pubkey object', function() { |
var address = new Address(); |
var pubkey = new Pubkey(); |
address.fromString('37BahqRsFrAd3qLiNNwLNV3AWMRD7itxTo'); |
pubkey.fromDER(new Buffer('0285e9737a74c30a873f74df05124f2aa6f53042c2fc0a130d6cbd7d16b944b004', |
address.typestr = 'unknown'; |
'hex')); |
address.isValid().should.equal(false); |
var a = Address.fromPubkey(pubkey); |
a.toString().should.equal('19gH5uhqY6DKrtkU66PsZPUZdzTd11Y7ke'); |
var b = new Address(pubkey); |
b.toString().should.equal('19gH5uhqY6DKrtkU66PsZPUZdzTd11Y7ke'); |
}); |
it('should make this address from an uncompressed pubkey', function() { |
var pubkey = new Pubkey(); |
pubkey.fromDER(new Buffer('0285e9737a74c30a873f74df05124f2aa6f53042c2fc0a130d6cbd7d16b944b004', |
'hex')); |
pubkey.compressed = false; |
var a = Address.fromPubkey(pubkey, 'mainnet', 'pubkeyhash'); |
a.toString().should.equal('16JXnhxjJUhxfyx4y6H4sFcxrgt8kQ8ewX'); |
var b = new Address(pubkey, 'mainnet', 'pubkeyhash'); |
b.toString().should.equal('16JXnhxjJUhxfyx4y6H4sFcxrgt8kQ8ewX'); |
}); |
it('should make this address from a script', function() { |
var s = Script().fromString("OP_CHECKMULTISIG"); |
var buf = s.toBuffer(); |
var a = Address.fromScript(s); |
a.toString().should.equal('3BYmEwgV2vANrmfRymr1mFnHXgLjD6gAWm'); |
var b = new Address(s); |
b.toString().should.equal('3BYmEwgV2vANrmfRymr1mFnHXgLjD6gAWm'); |
var c = Address.fromScriptHash(bitcore.crypto.Hash.sha256ripemd160(buf)); |
c.toString().should.equal('3BYmEwgV2vANrmfRymr1mFnHXgLjD6gAWm'); |
}); |
it('should make this address from other script', function() { |
var s = Script().fromString("OP_CHECKSIG OP_HASH160"); |
var a = Address.fromScript(s); |
a.toString().should.equal('347iRqVwks5r493N1rsLN4k9J7Ljg488W7'); |
var b = new Address(s); |
b.toString().should.equal('347iRqVwks5r493N1rsLN4k9J7Ljg488W7'); |
}); |
it('should derive from this known address string mainnet', function() { |
var address = new Address(str); |
var buffer = address.toBuffer(); |
var slice = buffer.slice(1); |
var sliceString = slice.toString('hex') |
sliceString.should.equal(pubkeyhash.toString('hex')); |
}); |
it('should derive from this known address string testnet', function() { |
var a = new Address(testValidAddresses[0], 'testnet'); |
var b = new Address(a.toString()); |
b.toString().should.equal(testValidAddresses[0]); |
b.network.should.equal('testnet'); |
}); |
it('should derive from this known address string mainnet scripthash', function() { |
var a = new Address(validp2shAddresses[0], 'mainnet', 'scripthash'); |
var b = new Address(a.toString()); |
b.toString().should.equal(validp2shAddresses[0]); |
}); |
it('should derive from this known address string testnet scripthash', function() { |
var address = new Address(testValidp2shAddresses[0], 'testnet', 'scripthash'); |
address = new Address(address.toString()); |
address.toString().should.equal(testValidp2shAddresses[0]); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
@ -158,8 +338,7 @@ describe('Address', function() { |
describe('#toBuffer', function() { |
describe('#toBuffer', function() { |
it('should output this known hash', function() { |
it('should output this known hash', function() { |
var address = new Address(); |
var address = new Address(str); |
address.fromString(str); |
address.toBuffer().slice(1).toString('hex').should.equal(pubkeyhash.toString('hex')); |
address.toBuffer().slice(1).toString('hex').should.equal(pubkeyhash.toString('hex')); |
}); |
}); |
@ -167,38 +346,34 @@ describe('Address', function() { |
describe('#toString', function() { |
describe('#toString', function() { |
it('should output the same thing that was input', function() { |
it('should output a mainnet pubkeyhash address', function() { |
var address = new Address(); |
var address = new Address(str); |
address.fromString(str); |
address.toString().should.equal(str); |
address.toString().should.equal(str); |
}); |
}); |
it('should output a scripthash address', function() { |
var address = new Address(validp2shAddresses[0]); |
address.toString().should.equal(validp2shAddresses[0]); |
}); |
}); |
describe('#validate', function() { |
it('should output a testnet scripthash address', function() { |
var address = new Address(testValidp2shAddresses[0]); |
address.toString().should.equal(testValidp2shAddresses[0]); |
}); |
it('should not throw an error on this valid address', function() { |
it('should output a testnet pubkeyhash address', function() { |
var address = new Address(); |
var address = new Address(testValidAddresses[0]); |
address.fromString(str); |
address.toString().should.equal(testValidAddresses[0]); |
should.exist(address.validate()); |
}); |
}); |
it('should throw an error on this invalid network', function() { |
var address = new Address(); |
address.fromString(str); |
address.networkstr = 'unknown'; |
(function() { |
address.validate(); |
}).should.throw('networkstr must be "mainnet" or "testnet"'); |
}); |
}); |
it('should throw an error on this invalid type', function() { |
describe('#inspect', function() { |
var address = new Address(); |
address.fromString(str); |
it('should output formatted output correctly', function() { |
address.typestr = 'unknown'; |
var address = new Address(str); |
(function() { |
var output = '<Address: 16VZnHwRhwrExfeHFHGjwrgEMq8VcYPs9r, type: pubkeyhash, network: mainnet>'; |
address.validate(); |
address.inspect().should.equal(output); |
}).should.throw('typestr must be "pubkeyhash" or "scripthash"'); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |