@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ |
var should = require('chai').should(); |
var expect = require('chai').expect; |
var _ = require('lodash'); |
var sinon = require('sinon'); |
var bitcore = require('../..'); |
var Transaction = bitcore.Transaction; |
@ -619,6 +620,62 @@ describe('Transaction', function() { |
}); |
}); |
describe('output ordering', function() { |
var tenth = 1e7; |
var fourth = 25e6; |
var half = 5e7; |
var transaction, out1, out2, out3, out4; |
beforeEach(function() { |
transaction = new Transaction() |
.from(simpleUtxoWith1BTC) |
.to(toAddress, tenth) |
.to(toAddress, fourth) |
.to(toAddress, half) |
.change(changeAddress); |
out1 = transaction.outputs[0]; |
out2 = transaction.outputs[1]; |
out3 = transaction.outputs[2]; |
out4 = transaction.outputs[3]; |
}); |
it('allows the user to sort outputs according to a criteria', function() { |
var sorting = function(array) { |
return [array[3], array[2], array[1], array[0]]; |
}; |
transaction.sortOutputs(sorting); |
transaction.outputs[0].should.equal(out4); |
transaction.outputs[1].should.equal(out3); |
transaction.outputs[2].should.equal(out2); |
transaction.outputs[3].should.equal(out1); |
}); |
it('allows the user to randomize the output order', function() { |
var shuffle = sinon.stub(_, 'shuffle'); |
shuffle.onFirstCall().returns([out2, out1, out4, out3]); |
transaction._changeIndex.should.equal(3); |
transaction.shuffleOutputs(); |
transaction.outputs[0].should.equal(out2); |
transaction.outputs[1].should.equal(out1); |
transaction.outputs[2].should.equal(out4); |
transaction.outputs[3].should.equal(out3); |
transaction._changeIndex.should.equal(2); |
_.shuffle.restore(); |
}); |
it('fails if the provided function does not work as expected', function() { |
var sorting = function(array) { |
return []; |
}; |
expect(function() { |
transaction.sortOutputs(sorting); |
}).to.throw(errors.Transaction.InvalidSorting); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
var tx_empty_hex = '01000000000000000000'; |