6 changed files with 428 additions and 2 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,211 @@ |
'use strict'; |
var _ = require('lodash'); |
var inherits = require('inherits'); |
var Transaction = require('../transaction'); |
var Input = require('./input'); |
var Output = require('../output'); |
var $ = require('../../util/preconditions'); |
var Script = require('../../script'); |
var Signature = require('../../crypto/signature'); |
var Sighash = require('../sighash'); |
var PublicKey = require('../../publickey'); |
var BufferUtil = require('../../util/buffer'); |
var TransactionSignature = require('../signature'); |
/** |
* @constructor |
*/ |
function MultiSigInput(input, pubkeys, threshold, signatures) { |
Input.apply(this, arguments); |
var self = this; |
pubkeys = pubkeys || input.publicKeys; |
threshold = threshold || input.threshold; |
signatures = signatures || input.signatures; |
this.publicKeys = _.sortBy(pubkeys, function(publicKey) { return publicKey.toString('hex'); }); |
$.checkState(Script.buildMultisigOut(this.publicKeys, threshold).equals(this.output.script), |
'Provided public keys don\'t match to the provided output script'); |
this.publicKeyIndex = {}; |
_.each(this.publicKeys, function(publicKey, index) { |
self.publicKeyIndex[publicKey.toString()] = index; |
}); |
this.threshold = threshold; |
// Empty array of signatures
this.signatures = signatures ? this._deserializeSignatures(signatures) : new Array(this.publicKeys.length); |
} |
inherits(MultiSigInput, Input); |
MultiSigInput.prototype.toObject = function() { |
var obj = Input.prototype.toObject.apply(this, arguments); |
obj.threshold = this.threshold; |
obj.publicKeys = _.map(this.publicKeys, function(publicKey) { return publicKey.toString(); }); |
obj.signatures = this._serializeSignatures(); |
return obj; |
}; |
MultiSigInput.prototype._deserializeSignatures = function(signatures) { |
return _.map(signatures, function(signature) { |
if (!signature) { |
return undefined; |
} |
return new TransactionSignature(signature); |
}); |
}; |
MultiSigInput.prototype._serializeSignatures = function() { |
return _.map(this.signatures, function(signature) { |
if (!signature) { |
return undefined; |
} |
return signature.toObject(); |
}); |
}; |
MultiSigInput.prototype.getSignatures = function(transaction, privateKey, index, sigtype) { |
$.checkState(this.output instanceof Output); |
sigtype = sigtype || Signature.SIGHASH_ALL; |
var self = this; |
var results = []; |
_.each(this.publicKeys, function(publicKey) { |
if (publicKey.toString() === privateKey.publicKey.toString()) { |
results.push(new TransactionSignature({ |
publicKey: privateKey.publicKey, |
prevTxId: self.prevTxId, |
outputIndex: self.outputIndex, |
inputIndex: index, |
signature: Sighash.sign(transaction, privateKey, sigtype, index, self.output.script), |
sigtype: sigtype |
})); |
} |
}); |
return results; |
}; |
MultiSigInput.prototype.addSignature = function(transaction, signature) { |
$.checkState(!this.isFullySigned(), 'All needed signatures have already been added'); |
$.checkArgument(!_.isUndefined(this.publicKeyIndex[signature.publicKey.toString()]), |
'Signature has no matching public key'); |
$.checkState(this.isValidSignature(transaction, signature)); |
this.signatures[this.publicKeyIndex[signature.publicKey.toString()]] = signature; |
this._updateScript(); |
return this; |
}; |
MultiSigInput.prototype._updateScript = function() { |
this.setScript(Script.buildMultisigIn( |
this.publicKeys, |
this.threshold, |
this._createSignatures() |
)); |
return this; |
}; |
MultiSigInput.prototype._createSignatures = function() { |
return _.map( |
_.filter(this.signatures, function(signature) { return !_.isUndefined(signature); }), |
function(signature) { |
return BufferUtil.concat([ |
signature.signature.toDER(), |
BufferUtil.integerAsSingleByteBuffer(signature.sigtype) |
]); |
} |
); |
}; |
MultiSigInput.prototype.clearSignatures = function() { |
this.signatures = new Array(this.publicKeys.length); |
this._updateScript(); |
}; |
MultiSigInput.prototype.isFullySigned = function() { |
return this.countSignatures() === this.threshold; |
}; |
MultiSigInput.prototype.countMissingSignatures = function() { |
return this.threshold - this.countSignatures(); |
}; |
MultiSigInput.prototype.countSignatures = function() { |
return _.reduce(this.signatures, function(sum, signature) { |
return sum + (!!signature); |
}, 0); |
}; |
MultiSigInput.prototype.publicKeysWithoutSignature = function() { |
var self = this; |
return _.filter(this.publicKeys, function(publicKey) { |
return !(self.signatures[self.publicKeyIndex[publicKey.toString()]]); |
}); |
}; |
MultiSigInput.prototype.isValidSignature = function(transaction, signature) { |
// FIXME: Refactor signature so this is not necessary
signature.signature.nhashtype = signature.sigtype; |
return Sighash.verify( |
transaction, |
signature.signature, |
signature.publicKey, |
signature.inputIndex, |
this.output.script |
); |
}; |
/** |
* |
* @param {Buffer[]} signatures |
* @param {PublicKey[]} publicKeys |
* @param {Transaction} transaction |
* @param {Integer} inputIndex |
* @param {Input} input |
* @returns {TransactionSignature[]} |
*/ |
MultiSigInput.normalizeSignatures = function(transaction, input, inputIndex, signatures, publicKeys) { |
return publicKeys.map(function (pubKey) { |
var signatureMatch = null; |
signatures = signatures.filter(function (signatureBuffer) { |
if (signatureMatch) { |
return true; |
} |
var signature = new TransactionSignature({ |
signature: Signature.fromTxFormat(signatureBuffer), |
publicKey: pubKey, |
prevTxId: input.prevTxId, |
outputIndex: input.outputIndex, |
inputIndex: inputIndex, |
sigtype: Signature.SIGHASH_ALL |
}); |
signature.signature.nhashtype = signature.sigtype; |
var isMatch = Sighash.verify( |
transaction, |
signature.signature, |
signature.publicKey, |
signature.inputIndex, |
input.output.script |
); |
if (isMatch) { |
signatureMatch = signature; |
return false; |
} |
return true; |
}); |
return signatureMatch ? signatureMatch : null; |
}); |
}; |
MultiSigInput.OPCODES_SIZE = 1; // 0
MultiSigInput.SIGNATURE_SIZE = 73; // size (1) + DER (<=72)
MultiSigInput.prototype._estimateSize = function() { |
return MultiSigInput.OPCODES_SIZE + |
this.threshold * MultiSigInput.SIGNATURE_SIZE; |
}; |
module.exports = MultiSigInput; |
@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ |
'use strict'; |
/* jshint unused: false */ |
var should = require('chai').should(); |
var expect = require('chai').expect; |
var _ = require('lodash'); |
var bitcore = require('../../..'); |
var Transaction = bitcore.Transaction; |
var PrivateKey = bitcore.PrivateKey; |
var Address = bitcore.Address; |
var Script = bitcore.Script; |
var Signature = bitcore.crypto.Signature; |
var MultiSigInput = bitcore.Transaction.Input.MultiSig; |
describe('MultiSigInput', function() { |
var privateKey1 = new PrivateKey('KwF9LjRraetZuEjR8VqEq539z137LW5anYDUnVK11vM3mNMHTWb4'); |
var privateKey2 = new PrivateKey('L4PqnaPTCkYhAqH3YQmefjxQP6zRcF4EJbdGqR8v6adtG9XSsadY'); |
var privateKey3 = new PrivateKey('L4CTX79zFeksZTyyoFuPQAySfmP7fL3R41gWKTuepuN7hxuNuJwV'); |
var public1 = privateKey1.publicKey; |
var public2 = privateKey2.publicKey; |
var public3 = privateKey3.publicKey; |
var address = new Address('33zbk2aSZYdNbRsMPPt6jgy6Kq1kQreqeb'); |
var output = { |
txId: '66e64ef8a3b384164b78453fa8c8194de9a473ba14f89485a0e433699daec140', |
outputIndex: 0, |
script: new Script("5221025c95ec627038e85b5688a9b3d84d28c5ebe66e8c8d697d498e20fe96e3b1ab1d2102cdddfc974d41a62f1f80081deee70592feb7d6e6cf6739d6592edbe7946720e72103c95924e02c240b5545089c69c6432447412b58be43fd671918bd184a5009834353ae"), |
satoshis: 1000000 |
}; |
it('can count missing signatures', function() { |
var transaction = new Transaction() |
.from(output, [public1, public2, public3], 2) |
.to(address, 1000000); |
var input = transaction.inputs[0]; |
input.countSignatures().should.equal(0); |
transaction.sign(privateKey1); |
input.countSignatures().should.equal(1); |
input.countMissingSignatures().should.equal(1); |
input.isFullySigned().should.equal(false); |
transaction.sign(privateKey2); |
input.countSignatures().should.equal(2); |
input.countMissingSignatures().should.equal(0); |
input.isFullySigned().should.equal(true); |
}); |
it('can count missing signatures, signed with key 3 and 1', function() { |
var transaction = new Transaction() |
.from(output, [public1, public2, public3], 2) |
.to(address, 1000000); |
var input = transaction.inputs[0]; |
input.countSignatures().should.equal(0); |
transaction.sign(privateKey3); |
input.countSignatures().should.equal(1); |
input.countMissingSignatures().should.equal(1); |
input.isFullySigned().should.equal(false); |
transaction.sign(privateKey1); |
input.countSignatures().should.equal(2); |
input.countMissingSignatures().should.equal(0); |
input.isFullySigned().should.equal(true); |
}); |
it('returns a list of public keys with missing signatures', function() { |
var transaction = new Transaction() |
.from(output, [public1, public2, public3], 2) |
.to(address, 1000000); |
var input = transaction.inputs[0]; |
_.all(input.publicKeysWithoutSignature(), function(publicKeyMissing) { |
var serialized = publicKeyMissing.toString(); |
return serialized === public1.toString() || |
serialized === public2.toString() || |
serialized === public3.toString(); |
}).should.equal(true); |
transaction.sign(privateKey1); |
_.all(input.publicKeysWithoutSignature(), function(publicKeyMissing) { |
var serialized = publicKeyMissing.toString(); |
return serialized === public2.toString() || |
serialized === public3.toString(); |
}).should.equal(true); |
}); |
it('can clear all signatures', function() { |
var transaction = new Transaction() |
.from(output, [public1, public2, public3], 2) |
.to(address, 1000000) |
.sign(privateKey1) |
.sign(privateKey2); |
var input = transaction.inputs[0]; |
input.isFullySigned().should.equal(true); |
input.clearSignatures(); |
input.isFullySigned().should.equal(false); |
}); |
it('can estimate how heavy is the output going to be', function() { |
var transaction = new Transaction() |
.from(output, [public1, public2, public3], 2) |
.to(address, 1000000); |
var input = transaction.inputs[0]; |
input._estimateSize().should.equal(147); |
}); |
it('uses SIGHASH_ALL by default', function() { |
var transaction = new Transaction() |
.from(output, [public1, public2, public3], 2) |
.to(address, 1000000); |
var input = transaction.inputs[0]; |
var sigs = input.getSignatures(transaction, privateKey1, 0); |
sigs[0].sigtype.should.equal(Signature.SIGHASH_ALL); |
}); |
it('roundtrips to/from object', function() { |
var transaction = new Transaction() |
.from(output, [public1, public2, public3], 2) |
.to(address, 1000000) |
.sign(privateKey1); |
var input = transaction.inputs[0]; |
var roundtrip = new MultiSigInput(input.toObject()); |
roundtrip.toObject().should.deep.equal(input.toObject()); |
}); |
it('roundtrips to/from object when not signed', function() { |
var transaction = new Transaction() |
.from(output, [public1, public2, public3], 2) |
.to(address, 1000000); |
var input = transaction.inputs[0]; |
var roundtrip = new MultiSigInput(input.toObject()); |
roundtrip.toObject().should.deep.equal(input.toObject()); |
}); |
it('can parse list of signature buffers, from TX signed with key 1 and 2', function() { |
var transaction = new Transaction("010000000140c1ae9d6933e4a08594f814ba73a4e94d19c8a83f45784b1684b3a3f84ee666000000009200473044022012bd2f15e56ab1b63d5ee23e194ed995ad4b81a21bcb8e0d913e5e791c07f7280220278bdb6b54cdc608193c869affe28dc2f700902218122770faff25c56142102b01483045022100e74e9955e042aca36f4f3ad907a0926c5b85e5d9608b0678a78a9cbc0259c7a2022053ff761e5f9a80558db7023e45c4979ac3c19a423f0184fb0596d3da308cc4b501ffffffff0140420f000000000017a91419438da7d16709643be5abd8df62ca4034a489a78700000000"); |
var inputObj = transaction.inputs[0].toObject(); |
inputObj.output = output; |
transaction.inputs[0] = new Transaction.Input(inputObj); |
inputObj.signatures = MultiSigInput.normalizeSignatures( |
transaction, |
transaction.inputs[0], |
0, |
transaction.inputs[0].script.chunks.slice(1).map(function(s) { return s.buf; }), |
[public1, public2, public3] |
); |
transaction.inputs[0] = new MultiSigInput(inputObj, [public1, public2, public3], 2); |
transaction.inputs[0].signatures[0].publicKey.should.deep.equal(public1); |
transaction.inputs[0].signatures[1].publicKey.should.deep.equal(public2); |
should.equal(transaction.inputs[0].signatures[2], undefined); |
transaction.inputs[0].isValidSignature(transaction, transaction.inputs[0].signatures[0]).should.be.true; |
transaction.inputs[0].isValidSignature(transaction, transaction.inputs[0].signatures[1]).should.be.true; |
}); |
it('can parse list of signature buffers, from TX signed with key 3 and 1', function() { |
var transaction = new Transaction("010000000140c1ae9d6933e4a08594f814ba73a4e94d19c8a83f45784b1684b3a3f84ee666000000009300483045022100fc39ce4f51b2766ec8e978296e0594ea4578a3eb2543722fd4053e92bf16e6b1022030f739868397a881b019508b9c725a5c69a3652cb8928027748e93e67dfaef5501483045022100e74e9955e042aca36f4f3ad907a0926c5b85e5d9608b0678a78a9cbc0259c7a2022053ff761e5f9a80558db7023e45c4979ac3c19a423f0184fb0596d3da308cc4b501ffffffff0140420f000000000017a91419438da7d16709643be5abd8df62ca4034a489a78700000000"); |
var inputObj = transaction.inputs[0].toObject(); |
inputObj.output = output; |
transaction.inputs[0] = new Transaction.Input(inputObj); |
inputObj.signatures = MultiSigInput.normalizeSignatures( |
transaction, |
transaction.inputs[0], |
0, |
transaction.inputs[0].script.chunks.slice(1).map(function(s) { return s.buf; }), |
[public1, public2, public3] |
); |
transaction.inputs[0] = new MultiSigInput(inputObj, [public1, public2, public3], 2); |
transaction.inputs[0].signatures[0].publicKey.should.deep.equal(public1); |
should.equal(transaction.inputs[0].signatures[1], undefined); |
transaction.inputs[0].signatures[2].publicKey.should.deep.equal(public3); |
transaction.inputs[0].isValidSignature(transaction, transaction.inputs[0].signatures[0]).should.be.true; |
transaction.inputs[0].isValidSignature(transaction, transaction.inputs[0].signatures[2]).should.be.true; |
}); |
}); |
Reference in new issue