@ -10,12 +10,48 @@ |
/* jshint maxstatements: 100 */ |
/* jshint unused: false */ |
var _ = require('lodash'); |
var should = require('chai').should(); |
var expect = require('chai').expect; |
var bitcore = require('..'); |
var Networks = bitcore.Networks; |
var HDPrivateKey = bitcore.HDPrivateKey; |
var HDPublicKey = bitcore.HDPublicKey; |
describe('HDKeys building with static methods', function() { |
var classes = [HDPublicKey, HDPrivateKey]; |
var clazz, index; |
_.each(classes, function(clazz) { |
var expectStaticMethodFail = function(staticMethod, argument, message) { |
expect(clazz[staticMethod].bind(null, argument)).to.throw(message); |
}; |
it(clazz.name + ' fromJSON checks that a valid JSON is provided', function() { |
var errorMessage = 'No valid JSON string was provided'; |
var method = 'fromJSON'; |
expectStaticMethodFail(method, undefined, errorMessage); |
expectStaticMethodFail(method, null, errorMessage); |
expectStaticMethodFail(method, 'invalid JSON', errorMessage); |
expectStaticMethodFail(method, '{\'singlequotes\': true}', errorMessage); |
expectStaticMethodFail(method, {}, errorMessage); |
}); |
it(clazz.name + ' fromString checks that a string is provided', function() { |
var errorMessage = 'No valid string was provided'; |
var method = 'fromString'; |
expectStaticMethodFail(method, undefined, errorMessage); |
expectStaticMethodFail(method, null, errorMessage); |
expectStaticMethodFail(method, {}, errorMessage); |
}); |
it(clazz.name + ' fromObject checks that an object is provided', function() { |
var errorMessage = 'No valid argument was provided'; |
var method = 'fromObject'; |
expectStaticMethodFail(method, undefined, errorMessage); |
expectStaticMethodFail(method, null, errorMessage); |
expectStaticMethodFail(method, '', errorMessage); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
describe('BIP32 compliance', function() { |
it('should initialize test vector 1 from the extended public key', function() { |