You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
HeavyWeight b24b635778 Update 11 years ago
browser small fixes in block, adapt to browser bignum. remove legacy code 11 years ago
examples updated interfase to create: create and createAndSign 11 years ago
src Rename compiled binding to KeyModule. 12 years ago
test Merge remote-tracking branch 'matiu/feature/Block-test' 11 years ago
util Merge remote-tracking branch 'matiu/feature/Block-test' 11 years ago
.gitignore implement code coverage reporting 11 years ago
.jshintrc tests work in browser and node 11 years ago
Address.js fix Address validation issue 11 years ago
BIP32.js unworking, direct copy of BIP 32 implementation 11 years ago
Block.js fix firefox compatibility issue with buffertools#compare 11 years ago
Bloom.js all classes working with soop and test passing 11 years ago
Buffers.monkey.js add some needed monkey patches 12 years ago
Connection.js all classes working with soop and test passing 11 years ago
Deserialize.js replace tabs with 2 spaces using "expand" 11 years ago
Gruntfile.js add -target=dev option to grunt to prevent minifying the source 11 years ago
Key.js fix test code for Transaction. Test skipped because they still fail 11 years ago
LICENSE Update LICENSE 11 years ago
Number.monkey.js add some needed monkey patches 12 years ago
Opcode.js all classes working with soop and test passing 11 years ago
Peer.js all classes working with soop and test passing 11 years ago
PeerManager.js fix mocha tests 11 years ago
PrivateKey.js fix private key validation and base58 invalid tests 11 years ago Update 11 years ago
RpcClient.js all classes working with soop and test passing 11 years ago
SIN.js all classes working with soop and test passing 11 years ago
SINKey.js update interface, bitcore.KeyModule.Key -> bitcore.Key 11 years ago
Script.js Work in progress. I have a problem with the verifyInput() callback calling itself whenever the test assertions throw an exception. I looked at the step and async libraries that are already installed via package.json, but I don't think either of these provide the functionality I need. 11 years ago
ScriptInterpreter.js fix test code for Transaction. Test skipped because they still fail 11 years ago
Sign.js replace tabs with 2 spaces using "expand" 11 years ago
Transaction.js Merge remote-tracking branch 'matiu/feature/Block-test' 11 years ago
Wallet.js all classes working with soop and test passing 11 years ago
WalletKey.js fix private key validation and base58 invalid tests 11 years ago
binding.gyp Specify OpenSSL lib path so that bitcore references to OpenSSL will link to separate OpenSSL DLL in Windows (following bignum@1.6 pattern). Fixes issue #106 11 years ago
bitcore.js Block.js tests WIP 11 years ago
config.js fix logger variable name 11 years ago
const.js replace tabs with 2 spaces using "expand" 11 years ago
networks.js fix buffertool's fill calls 11 years ago
package.json fix for firefox 11 years ago


A pure, powerful core for your bitcoin project.

Bitcore is a complete, native interface to the Bitcoin network, and provides the core functionality needed to develop apps for bitcoin.

#Principles Bitcoin is a powerful new peer-to-peer platform for the next generation of financial technology. The decentralized nature of the Bitcoin network allows for highly resilient bitcoin infrastructure, and the developer community needs reliable, open-source tools to implement bitcoin apps and services.

Bitcore unchains developers from fallible, centralized APIs, and provides the tools to interact with the real Bitcoin network.

#Get Started

Bitcore runs on node, and can be installed via npm:

npm install bitcore

It is a collection of objects useful to bitcoin applications; class-like idioms are enabled via Soop. In most cases, a developer will require the object's class directly. For instance:

var bitcore = require('bitcore');
var Address = bitcore.Address;
var Transaction = bitcore.Transaction;
var PeerManager = bitcore.PeerManager;


Some examples are provided at the examples path. Here are some snippets:

Validating an address

Validating a Bitcoin address:

var bitcore = require('bitcore');
var Address = bitcore.Address;

var addrs = [
  '1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW',
].map(function(addr) {
  return new Address(addr);

addrs.forEach(function(addr) {
  var valid = addr.isValid();
  console.log( + ' is ' + (valid ? '' : 'not ') + 'valid');

Monitoring Blocks and Transactions

For this example you need a running bitcoind instance with RPC enabled.

var bitcore = require('bitcore');
var networks = bitcore.networks;
var Peer = bitcore.Peer;
var PeerManager = require('soop').load('../PeerManager', {
  network: networks.testnet

var handleBlock = function(info) {
  console.log('** Block Received **');

var handleTx = function(info) {
  var tx = info.message.tx.getStandardizedObject();

  console.log('** TX Received **');

var handleInv = function(info) {
  console.log('** Inv **');

  var invs = info.message.invs;

var peerman = new PeerManager();

peerman.addPeer(new Peer('', 18333));

peerman.on('connection', function(conn) {
  conn.on('inv', handleInv);
  conn.on('block', handleBlock);
  conn.on('tx', handleTx);


PeerManager will emit the following events: 'version', 'verack', 'addr', 'getaddr', 'error' 'disconnect'; and will relay events like: 'tx', 'block', 'inv'. Please see PeerManager.js, Peer.js and Connection.js

Consuming bitcoind RPC

For this example you need a running bitcoind instance with RPC enabled.

var bitcore = require('bitcore');
var RpcClient = bitcore.RpcClient;
var hash = '0000000000b6288775bbd326bedf324ca8717a15191da58391535408205aada4';

var config = {
  protocol: 'http',
  user: 'user',
  pass: 'pass',
  host: '',
  port: '18332',

var rpc = new RpcClient(config);

rpc.getBlock(hash, function(err, ret) {
  if (err) {
    console.error('An error occured fetching block', hash);

Check the list of all supported RPC call at RpcClient.js

Creating and sending a Transaction through P2P

For this example you need a running bitcoind instance with RPC enabled.

var bitcore = require('bitcore');
var networks = bitcore.networks;
var Peer = bitcore.Peer;
var Transaction = bitcore.Transaction;
var PeerManager = require('soop').load('../PeerManager', {
  network: networks.testnet

// this can be get from API o
var utxos = { 
  "unspent": [
      "address": "n4g2TFaQo8UgedwpkYdcQFF6xE2Ei9Czvy",
      "txid": "2ac165fa7a3a2b535d106a0041c7568d03b531e58aeccdd3199d7289ab12cfc1",
      "scriptPubKey": "76a914fe021bac469a5c49915b2a8ffa7390a9ce5580f988ac",
      "vout": 1,
      "amount": 1.0101,
      "address": "mhNCT9TwZAGF1tLPpZdqfkTmtBkY282YDW",
      "txid": "2ac165fa7a3a2b535d106a0041c7568d03b531e58aeccdd3199d7289ab12cfc2",
      "scriptPubKey": "76a9141448534cb1a1ec44665b0eb2326e570814afe3f188ac",
      "vout": 0,
      "confirmations": 1,
      "amount": 10

//private keys in WIF format (see Transaction.js for other options)
var keys = [

function createTx() {
  var outs = [{address:'mrPnbY1yKDBsdgbHbS7kJ8GVm8F66hWHLE', amount:0.08}];

  var ret = Transaction.createAndSign(utxos, outs, keys); 

  / * create and signing can be done in 2 steps using:
    *       var ret = Transaction.create(utxos,outs);
    * and later:
    *       ret.tx.sign(ret.tx.selectedUtxos, outs, keys); 

  return ret.tx.serialize().toString('hex');

var peerman = new PeerManager();
peerman.addPeer(new Peer('', 18333));

peerman.on('connect', function() {
  var conn = peerman.getActiveConnection();
  if (conn) {
  conn.on('reject', function() {
    console.log('Transaction Rejected');


Parsing a Script

Gets an address strings from a ScriptPubKey Buffer

var bitcore = require('bitcore');
var Address = bitcore.Address;
var coinUtil = bitcore.util;
var Script = bitcore.Script;
var network = bitcore.networks.testnet;

var getAddrStr = function(s) {
  var addrStrs = [];
  var type = s.classify();
  var addr;

  switch (type) {
    case Script.TX_PUBKEY:
      var chunk = s.captureOne();
      addr = new Address(network.addressPubkey, coinUtil.sha256ripe160(chunk));
    case Script.TX_PUBKEYHASH:
      addr = new Address(network.addressPubkey, s.captureOne());
    case Script.TX_SCRIPTHASH:
      addr = new Address(network.addressScript, s.captureOne());
    case Script.TX_MULTISIG:
      var chunks = s.capture();
      chunks.forEach(function(chunk) {
        var a = new Address(network.addressPubkey, coinUtil.sha256ripe160(chunk));
    case Script.TX_UNKNOWN:
      console.log('tx type unkown');
  return addrStrs;

var script = 'DUP HASH160 0x14 0x3744841e13b90b4aca16fe793a7f88da3a23cc71 EQUALVERIFY CHECKSIG';
var s = Script.fromHumanReadable(script);
console.log(getAddrStr(s)[0]); // mkZBYBiq6DNoQEKakpMJegyDbw2YiNQnHT

#Security Please use at your own risk.

Bitcore is still under heavy development and not quite ready for "drop-in" production use. If you find a security issue, please email

#Contributing Bitcore needs some developer love. Please send pull requests for bug fixes, code optimization, and ideas for improvement.

#Browser support

Building the browser bundle

To build bitcore full bundle for the browser: (this is automatically executed after you run npm install)

node browser/build.js -a

This will generate a browser/bundle.js file which you can include in your HTML to use bitcore in the browser.

##Example browser usage

From example/simple.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="../browser/bundle.js"></script>
      var bitcore = require('bitcore');
      var Address = bitcore.Address;
      var a = new Address('1KerhGhLn3SYBEQwby7VyVMWf16fXQUj5d');
      console.log('1KerhGhLn3SYBEQwby7VyVMWf16fXQUj5d is valid? '+a.isValid());

You can check a more complex usage example at examples/example.html

Generating a customized browser bundle

To generate a customized bitcore bundle, you can specify which submodules you want to include in it with the -s option:

node browser/build.js -s Transaction,Address

This will generate a browser/bundle.js containing only the Transaction and Address class, with all their dependencies. Use this option if you are not using the whole bitcore library, to optimize the bundle size, script loading time, and general resource usage.


Run tests in node:


Or generate tests in the browser:

grunt shell

And then open test/index.html in your browser.

To run the code coverage report:

npm run-script coverage

And then open coverage/lcov-report/index.html in your browser.


Code released under the MIT license.

Copyright 2013-2014 BitPay, Inc. Bitcore is a trademark maintained by BitPay, Inc.

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