Master is not stable; it is our development branch, and [only tagged releases may be classified as stable](
We recommend every user of this library and the [bitcoinjs]( ecosystem audit and verify any underlying code for its validity and suitability.
Mistakes and bugs happen, but with your help in resolving and reporting [issues](, together we can produce open source software that is:
Presently, we do not have any formal documentation other than our [examples](#examples), please [ask for help]( if our examples aren't enough to guide you.
**WARNING**: We presently don't provide any tooling to verify that the release on `npm` matches GitHub. As such, you should verify anything downloaded by `npm` against your own verified copy.
**NOTE**: We use Node Maintenance LTS features, if you need strict ES5, use [`--transform babelify`]( in conjunction with your `browserify` step (using an [`es2015`]( preset).
**NOTE**: If you expect this library to run on an iOS 10 device, ensure that you are using [buffer@5.0.5]( or greater.
Type declarations for Typescript [are available]( for version `^3.0.0` of the library.
For VSCode (and other editors), it is advised to install the type declarations, as Intellisense uses that information to help you code (autocompletion, static analysis).
**WARNING**: These Typescript definitions are not maintained by the maintainers of this repository, and are instead maintained at [DefinitelyTyped](
[Flow-type]( definitions for are available in the [flow-*typed* repository]( for version `^2.0.0` of the library.
You can [download them directly](, or using the flow-typed CLI:
- [Generate a random address](
- [Generate an address from a SHA256 hash](
- [Import an address via WIF](
- [Generate a 2-of-3 P2SH multisig address](
- [Generate a SegWit address](
- [Generate a SegWit P2SH address](
- [Generate a SegWit 3-of-4 multisig address](
- [Generate a SegWit 2-of-2 P2SH multisig address](
- [Support the retrieval of transactions for an address (3rd party blockchain)](
- [Generate a Testnet address](
- [Generate a Litecoin address](
- [Create a 1-to-1 Transaction](
- [Create a 2-to-2 Transaction](
- [Create (and broadcast via 3PBP) a typical Transaction](
- [Create (and broadcast via 3PBP) a Transaction with an OP\_RETURN output](
- [Create (and broadcast via 3PBP) a Transaction with a 2-of-4 P2SH(multisig) input](
- [Create (and broadcast via 3PBP) a Transaction with a SegWit P2SH(P2WPKH) input](
- [Create (and broadcast via 3PBP) a Transaction with a SegWit P2WPKH input](
- [Create (and broadcast via 3PBP) a Transaction with a SegWit P2PK input](
- [Create (and broadcast via 3PBP) a Transaction with a SegWit 3-of-4 P2SH(P2WSH(multisig)) input](
- [Verify a Transaction signature](
- [Import a BIP32 testnet xpriv and export to WIF](
- [Export a BIP32 xpriv, then import it](
- [Export a BIP32 xpub](
- [Create a BIP32, bitcoin, account 0, external address](
- [Create a BIP44, bitcoin, account 0, external address](
- [Create a BIP49, bitcoin testnet, account 0, external address](
- [Use BIP39 to generate BIP32 addresses](
- [Create (and broadcast via 3PBP) a Transaction where Alice can redeem the output after the expiry (in the past)](
- [Create (and broadcast via 3PBP) a Transaction where Alice can redeem the output after the expiry (in the future)](
- [Create (and broadcast via 3PBP) a Transaction where Alice and Bob can redeem the output at any time](
- [Create (but fail to broadcast via 3PBP) a Transaction where Alice attempts to redeem before the expiry](
- [Create (and broadcast via 3PBP) a Transaction where Alice can redeem the output after the expiry (in the future) (simple CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY)](
- [Create (but fail to broadcast via 3PBP) a Transaction where Alice attempts to redeem before the expiry (simple CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY)](
- [Create (and broadcast via 3PBP) a Transaction where Bob and Charles can send (complex CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY)](
- [Create (and broadcast via 3PBP) a Transaction where Alice (lawyer) and Bob can send after 2 blocks (complex CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY)](
- [Create (and broadcast via 3PBP) a Transaction where Alice (lawyer) can send after 5 blocks (complex CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY)](
- [Recover a BIP32 parent private key from the parent public key, and a derived, non-hardened child private key](
- [Generate a single-key stealth address](
- [Generate a single-key stealth address (randomly)](
- [Recover parent recipient.d, if a derived private key is leaked (and nonce was revealed)](
- [Generate a dual-key stealth address](
- [Generate a dual-key stealth address (randomly)](