'use strict';
var _ = require('lodash');
var $ = require('preconditions').singleton();
var sjcl = require('sjcl');
var Bitcore = require('bitcore');
var Address = Bitcore.Address;
var PrivateKey = Bitcore.PrivateKey;
var PublicKey = Bitcore.PublicKey;
var crypto = Bitcore.crypto;
var encoding = Bitcore.encoding;
var Utils = require('./utils');
function WalletUtils() {};
/* TODO: It would be nice to be compatible with bitcoind signmessage. How
* the hash is calculated there? */
WalletUtils.hashMessage = function(text) {
var buf = new Buffer(text);
var ret = crypto.Hash.sha256sha256(buf);
ret = new Bitcore.encoding.BufferReader(ret).readReverse();
return ret;
WalletUtils.signMessage = function(text, privKey) {
var priv = new PrivateKey(privKey);
var hash = WalletUtils.hashMessage(text);
return crypto.ECDSA.sign(hash, priv, 'little').toString();
WalletUtils.verifyMessage = function(text, signature, pubKey) {
if (!signature)
return false;
var pub = new PublicKey(pubKey);
var hash = WalletUtils.hashMessage(text);
try {
var sig = new crypto.Signature.fromString(signature);
return crypto.ECDSA.verify(hash, sig, pub, 'little');
} catch (e) {
return false;
WalletUtils.deriveAddress = function(publicKeyRing, path, m, network) {
var publicKeys = _.map(publicKeyRing, function(xPubKey) {
var xpub = new Bitcore.HDPublicKey(xPubKey);
return xpub.derive(path).publicKey;
var bitcoreAddress = Address.createMultisig(publicKeys, m, network);
return {
address: bitcoreAddress.toString(),
path: path,
publicKeys: _.invoke(publicKeys, 'toString'),
WalletUtils.getProposalHash = function(toAddress, amount, message) {
return toAddress + '|' + amount + '|' + (message || '');
WalletUtils.xPubToCopayerId = function(xpub) {
var hash = sjcl.hash.sha256.hash(xpub);
return sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(hash);
WalletUtils.toSecret = function(walletId, walletPrivKey, network) {
var widHex = new Buffer(walletId.replace(/-/g, ''), 'hex');
var widBase58 = new encoding.Base58(widHex).toString();
return _.padRight(widBase58, 22, '0') + walletPrivKey.toWIF() + (network == 'testnet' ? 'T' : 'L');
WalletUtils.fromSecret = function(secret) {
function split(str, indexes) {
var parts = [];
var i = 0;
while (i < indexes.length) {
parts.push(str.substring(i == 0 ? 0 : indexes[i - 1], indexes[i]));
return parts;
try {
var secretSplit = split(secret, [22, 74]);
var widBase58 = secretSplit[0].replace(/0/g, '');
var widHex = encoding.Base58.decode(widBase58).toString('hex');
var walletId = split(widHex, [8, 12, 16, 20]).join('-');
var walletPrivKey = Bitcore.PrivateKey.fromString(secretSplit[1]);
var networkChar = secretSplit[2];
return {
walletId: walletId,
walletPrivKey: walletPrivKey,
network: networkChar == 'T' ? 'testnet' : 'livenet',
} catch (ex) {
throw new Error('Invalid secret');
WalletUtils.encryptMessage = function(message, encryptingKey) {
var key = sjcl.codec.base64.toBits(encryptingKey);
return sjcl.encrypt(key, message, {
ks: 128,
iter: 1
WalletUtils.decryptMessage = function(cyphertextJson, encryptingKey) {
var key = sjcl.codec.base64.toBits(encryptingKey);
return sjcl.decrypt(key, cyphertextJson);
WalletUtils.privateKeyToAESKey = function(privKey) {
var pk = Bitcore.PrivateKey.fromString(privKey);
return Bitcore.crypto.Hash.sha256(pk.toBuffer()).slice(0, 16).toString('base64');
WalletUtils.signTxp = function(txp, xPrivKey) {
var self = this;
//Derive proper key to sign, for each input
var privs = [],
derived = {};
var network = new Bitcore.Address(txp.toAddress).network.name;
var xpriv = new Bitcore.HDPrivateKey(xPrivKey, network);
_.each(txp.inputs, function(i) {
if (!derived[i.path]) {
derived[i.path] = xpriv.derive(i.path).privateKey;
var t = new Bitcore.Transaction();
_.each(txp.inputs, function(i) {
t.from(i, i.publicKeys, txp.requiredSignatures);
t.to(txp.toAddress, txp.amount)
var signatures = _.map(privs, function(priv, i) {
return t.getSignatures(priv);
signatures = _.map(_.sortBy(_.flatten(signatures), 'inputIndex'), function(s) {
return s.signature.toDER().toString('hex');
return signatures;
WalletUtils.getNetworkFromXPubKey = function(xPubKey) {
return xPubKey.substr(0, 4) == 'tpub' ? 'testnet' : 'livenet';
module.exports = WalletUtils;