@ -352,7 +352,8 @@ describe('client API ', function() { |
// Tamper data
address.publicKeys = ['0322defe0c3eb9fcd8bc01878e6dbca7a6846880908d214b50a752445040cc5c54', |
'02bf3aadc17131ca8144829fa1883c1ac0a8839067af4bca47a90ccae63d0d8037']; |
'02bf3aadc17131ca8144829fa1883c1ac0a8839067af4bca47a90ccae63d0d8037' |
]; |
// Tamper response
clients[1]._doPostRequest = sinon.stub().yields(null, address); |
@ -413,6 +414,184 @@ describe('client API ', function() { |
}); |
describe('Transaction Troposals Creation and Locked funds', function() { |
it('Should lock and release funds', function(done) { |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(clients, 2, 2, function(err, w) { |
clients[0].createAddress(function(err, x0) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
should.exist(x0.address); |
blockExplorerMock.setUtxo(x0, 1, 2); |
blockExplorerMock.setUtxo(x0, 1, 2); |
var opts = { |
amount: 120000000, |
toAddress: 'n2TBMPzPECGUfcT2EByiTJ12TPZkhN2mN5', |
message: 'hola 1-1', |
}; |
clients[0].sendTxProposal(opts, function(err, x) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
clients[0].sendTxProposal(opts, function(err, y) { |
err.code.should.contain('INSUFFICIENTFUNDS'); |
clients[0].rejectTxProposal(x, 'no', function(err, z) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
z.status.should.equal('rejected'); |
clients[0].sendTxProposal(opts, function(err, x) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('Should keep message and refusal texts', function(done) { |
var msg = 'abcdefg'; |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(clients, 2, 3, function(err, w) { |
clients[0].createAddress(function(err, x0) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
blockExplorerMock.setUtxo(x0, 10, 2); |
var opts = { |
amount: 10000, |
toAddress: 'n2TBMPzPECGUfcT2EByiTJ12TPZkhN2mN5', |
message: msg, |
}; |
clients[0].sendTxProposal(opts, function(err, x) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
clients[1].rejectTxProposal(x, 'xx', function(err, tx1) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
clients[2].getTxProposals({}, function(err, txs) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
txs[0].decryptedMessage.should.equal(msg); |
_.values(txs[0].actions)[0].comment.should.equal('xx'); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should detect fake tx proposals (wrong signature)', function(done) { |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(clients, 2, 2, function(err) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
clients[0].createAddress(function(err, x0) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
blockExplorerMock.setUtxo(x0, 10, 2); |
var opts = { |
amount: 10000, |
toAddress: 'n2TBMPzPECGUfcT2EByiTJ12TPZkhN2mN5', |
message: 'hola', |
}; |
clients[0].sendTxProposal(opts, function(err, x) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
// Get right response
clients[0]._load(function(err, data) { |
var url = '/v1/txproposals/'; |
clients[0]._doGetRequest(url, data, function(err, txps) { |
// Tamper data
txps[0].proposalSignature = '304402206e4a1db06e00068582d3be41cfc795dcf702451c132581e661e7241ef34ca19202203e17598b4764913309897d56446b51bc1dcd41a25d90fdb5f87a6b58fe3a6920'; |
// Tamper response
clients[0]._doGetRequest = sinon.stub().yields(null, txps); |
// Grab real response
clients[0].getTxProposals({}, function(err, txps) { |
should.exist(err); |
err.code.should.contain('SERVERCOMPROMISED'); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should detect fake tx proposals (tampered amount)', function(done) { |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(clients, 2, 2, function(err) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
clients[0].createAddress(function(err, x0) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
blockExplorerMock.setUtxo(x0, 10, 2); |
var opts = { |
amount: 10000, |
toAddress: 'n2TBMPzPECGUfcT2EByiTJ12TPZkhN2mN5', |
message: 'hola', |
}; |
clients[0].sendTxProposal(opts, function(err, x) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
// Get right response
clients[0]._load(function(err, data) { |
var url = '/v1/txproposals/'; |
clients[0]._doGetRequest(url, data, function(err, txps) { |
// Tamper data
txps[0].amount = 100000; |
// Tamper response
clients[0]._doGetRequest = sinon.stub().yields(null, txps); |
// Grab real response
clients[0].getTxProposals({}, function(err, txps) { |
should.exist(err); |
err.code.should.contain('SERVERCOMPROMISED'); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should detect fake tx proposals (change address not it wallet)', function(done) { |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(clients, 2, 2, function(err) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
clients[0].createAddress(function(err, x0) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
blockExplorerMock.setUtxo(x0, 10, 2); |
var opts = { |
amount: 10000, |
toAddress: 'n2TBMPzPECGUfcT2EByiTJ12TPZkhN2mN5', |
message: 'hola', |
}; |
clients[0].sendTxProposal(opts, function(err, x) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
// Get right response
clients[0]._load(function(err, data) { |
var url = '/v1/txproposals/'; |
clients[0]._doGetRequest(url, data, function(err, txps) { |
// Tamper data
txps[0].changeAddress.address = 'n2TBMPzPECGUfcT2EByiTJ12TPZkhN2mN5'; |
// Tamper response
clients[0]._doGetRequest = sinon.stub().yields(null, txps); |
// Grab real response
clients[0].getTxProposals({}, function(err, txps) { |
should.exist(err); |
err.code.should.contain('SERVERCOMPROMISED'); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
describe('Transactions Signatures and Rejection', function() { |
it('Send and broadcast in 1-1 wallet', function(done) { |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(clients, 1, 1, function(err, w) { |
@ -575,117 +754,5 @@ describe('client API ', function() { |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
describe('Send Transaction Troposals and Locked funds', function() { |
it('Should lock and release funds', function(done) { |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(clients, 2, 2, function(err, w) { |
clients[0].createAddress(function(err, x0) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
should.exist(x0.address); |
blockExplorerMock.setUtxo(x0, 1, 2); |
blockExplorerMock.setUtxo(x0, 1, 2); |
var opts = { |
amount: 120000000, |
toAddress: 'n2TBMPzPECGUfcT2EByiTJ12TPZkhN2mN5', |
message: 'hola 1-1', |
}; |
clients[0].sendTxProposal(opts, function(err, x) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
clients[0].sendTxProposal(opts, function(err, y) { |
err.code.should.contain('INSUFFICIENTFUNDS'); |
clients[0].rejectTxProposal(x, 'no', function(err, z) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
z.status.should.equal('rejected'); |
clients[0].sendTxProposal(opts, function(err, x) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('Should keep message and refusal texts', function(done) { |
var msg = 'abcdefg'; |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(clients, 2, 3, function(err, w) { |
clients[0].createAddress(function(err, x0) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
blockExplorerMock.setUtxo(x0, 10, 2); |
var opts = { |
amount: 10000, |
toAddress: 'n2TBMPzPECGUfcT2EByiTJ12TPZkhN2mN5', |
message: msg, |
}; |
clients[0].sendTxProposal(opts, function(err, x) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
clients[1].rejectTxProposal(x, 'xx', function(err, tx1) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
clients[2].getTxProposals({}, function(err, txs) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
txs[0].decryptedMessage.should.equal(msg); |
_.values(txs[0].actions)[0].comment.should.equal('xx'); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
/* |
describe('#signTxProposal ', function() { |
it.skip('should sign tx proposal', function(done) {}); |
it('should detect fake tx proposal signature', function(done) { |
client.storage.fs.readFile = sinon.stub().yields(null, JSON.stringify(TestData.storage.complete11)); |
var txp = { |
creatorId: '56cb00afd85f4f37fa900ac4e367676f2eb6189a773633eb9f119eb21a22ba44', |
toAddress: '2N3fA6wDtnebzywPkGuNK9KkFaEzgbPRRTq', |
amount: 100000, |
message: 'some message', |
proposalSignature: 'dummy', |
changeAddress: { |
address: '2N3fA6wDtnebzywPkGuNK9KkFaEzgbPRRTq', |
path: 'm/2147483647/0/7', |
publicKeys: ['03f6a5fe8db51bfbaf26ece22a3e3bc242891a47d3048fc70bc0e8c03a071ad76f'] |
}, |
}; |
client.signTxProposal(txp, function(err) { |
err.code.should.equal('SERVERCOMPROMISED'); |
err.message.should.contain('fake transaction proposal'); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
it('should detect fake tx proposal change address', function(done) { |
var txp = { |
toAddress: '2N3fA6wDtnebzywPkGuNK9KkFaEzgbPRRTq', |
amount: 100000, |
message: 'some message', |
proposalSignature: '3045022100e2d9ef7ed592217ab2256fdcf9627075f35ecdf431dde8c9a9c9422b7b1fb00f02202bc8ce066db4401bdbafb2492c3138debbc69c4c01db50d8c22a227e744c8906', |
changeAddress: { |
address: '2N3fA6wDtnebzywPkGuNK9KkFaEzgbPRRTq', |
path: 'm/2147483647/0/8', |
publicKeys: ['03f6a5fe8db51bfbaf26ece22a3e3bc242891a47d3048fc70bc0e8c03a071ad76f'] |
}, |
}; |
client.signTxProposal(txp, function(err) { |
err.code.should.equal('SERVERCOMPROMISED'); |
err.message.should.contain('fake transaction proposal'); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
*/ |
}); |