@ -192,11 +192,13 @@ API.prototype.createWallet = function(walletName, copayerName, m, n, network, cb |
var self = this; |
var self = this; |
network = network || 'livenet'; |
network = network || 'livenet'; |
if (!_.contains(['testnet', 'livenet'], network)) |
if (!_.contains(['testnet', 'livenet'], network)) return cb('Invalid network'); |
return cb('Invalid network'); |
if (!self.credentials) { |
if (!self.credentials) { |
log.info('Generating new keys'); |
self.credentials = Credentials.create(network); |
self.credentials = Credentials.create(network); |
} else { |
log.info('Using existing keys'); |
} |
} |
$.checkState(network == self.credentials.network); |
$.checkState(network == self.credentials.network); |
@ -226,39 +228,6 @@ API.prototype.createWallet = function(walletName, copayerName, m, n, network, cb |
}); |
}); |
}; |
}; |
// API.prototype.reCreateWallet = function(walletName, cb) {
// var self = this;
// this._loadAndCheck(function(err, wcd) {
// if (err) return cb(err);
// var walletPrivKey = new Bitcore.PrivateKey();
// var args = {
// name: walletName,
// m: wcd.m,
// n: wcd.n,
// pubKey: walletPrivKey.toPublicKey().toString(),
// network: wcd.network,
// };
// var url = '/v1/wallets/';
// self._doPostRequest(url, args, function(err, body) {
// if (err) return cb(err);
// var walletId = body.walletId;
// var secret = WalletUtils.toSecret(walletId, walletPrivKey, wcd.network);
// var i = 0;
// async.each(wcd.publicKeyRing, function(xpub, next) {
// var copayerName = 'recovered Copayer #' + i;
// self._doJoinWallet(walletId, walletPrivKey, wcd.publicKeyRing[i++], copayerName, next);
// }, function(err) {
// return cb(err);
// });
// });
// });
// };
API.prototype.joinWallet = function(secret, copayerName, cb) { |
API.prototype.joinWallet = function(secret, copayerName, cb) { |
var self = this; |
var self = this; |
@ -371,96 +340,19 @@ API.prototype.getBalance = function(cb) { |
}; |
}; |
/** |
/** |
* Export does not try to complete the wallet from the server. Exports the |
* Exports the wallet as it is now. |
* wallet as it is now. |
* |
* @param opts.access =['full', 'readonly', 'readwrite'] |
*/ |
*/ |
// API.prototype.export = function(opts, cb) {
API.prototype.export = function() { |
// $.checkState(this.credentials);
$.checkState(this.credentials); |
// $.shouldBeFunction(cb);
// var self = this;
// opts = opts || {};
// var access = opts.access || 'full';
// this._load(function(err, wcd) {
// if (err) return cb(err);
// var v = [];
// var myXPubKey = wcd.xPrivKey ? (new Bitcore.HDPublicKey(wcd.xPrivKey)).toString() : '';
// _.each(WALLET_CRITICAL_DATA, function(k) {
// var d;
// if (access != 'full' && k === 'xPrivKey') {
// v.push(null);
// return;
// }
// // Skips own pub key IF priv key is exported
// if (access == 'full' && k === 'publicKeyRing') {
// d = _.without(wcd[k], myXPubKey);
// } else {
// d = wcd[k];
// }
// v.push(d);
// });
// if (access != 'full') {
// v.push(wcd.copayerId);
// v.push(wcd.roPrivKey);
// if (access == 'readwrite') {
// v.push(wcd.requestPrivKey);
// }
// }
// return cb(null, JSON.stringify(v));
// });
// }
// API.prototype.import = function(str, cb) {
// var self = this;
// this.storage.load(function(err, wcd) {
// if (wcd)
// return cb('Storage already contains a wallet');
// wcd = {};
// var inData = JSON.parse(str);
// var i = 0;
// _.each(WALLET_CRITICAL_DATA.concat(WALLET_EXTRA_DATA), function(k) {
// wcd[k] = inData[i++];
// });
// if (wcd.xPrivKey) {
// var xpriv = new Bitcore.HDPrivateKey(wcd.xPrivKey);
// var xPubKey = new Bitcore.HDPublicKey(xpriv).toString();
// wcd.publicKeyRing.unshift(xPubKey);
// wcd.copayerId = WalletUtils.xPubToCopayerId(xPubKey);
// wcd.roPrivKey = xpriv.derive('m/1/0').privateKey.toWIF();
// wcd.requestPrivKey = xpriv.derive('m/1/1').privateKey.toWIF();
// }
// if (!wcd.publicKeyRing)
// return cb('Invalid source wallet');
// wcd.network = wcd.publicKeyRing[0].substr(0, 4) == 'tpub' ? 'testnet' : 'livenet';
// self.save(wcd, function(err) {
return this.credentials.exportCompressed(); |
// return cb(err, WalletUtils.accessFromData(wcd));
} |
// });
// });
// };
/** |
* |
*/ |
API.prototype.import = function(str) { |
this.credentials = new Credentials(); |
this.credentials.importCompressed(str); |
}; |
/** |
/** |
* |
* |