@ -1,12 +1,14 @@ |
package controllers |
import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.{ApplicationResult, FutureApplicationResult} |
import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.ApplicationResult |
import com.xsn.explorer.data.StatisticsBlockingDataHandler |
import com.xsn.explorer.helpers.DummyXSNService |
import com.xsn.explorer.errors.XSNUnexpectedResponseError |
import com.xsn.explorer.models.Statistics |
import com.xsn.explorer.services.XSNService |
import controllers.common.MyAPISpec |
import org.scalactic.Good |
import org.mockito.Mockito.{mock => _, _} |
import org.scalactic.{Bad, Good} |
import org.scalatest.mockito.MockitoSugar._ |
import play.api.inject.bind |
import play.api.test.Helpers._ |
@ -24,14 +26,7 @@ class StatisticsControllerSpec extends MyAPISpec { |
override def getStatistics(): ApplicationResult[Statistics] = Good(stats) |
} |
val xsnService = new DummyXSNService { |
override def getMasternodeCount(): FutureApplicationResult[Int] = { |
Future.successful(Good(1000)) |
} |
override def getDifficulty(): FutureApplicationResult[BigDecimal] = { |
Future.successful(Good(129.1827211827212)) |
} |
} |
val xsnService = mock[XSNService] |
override val application = guiceApplicationBuilder |
.overrides(bind[StatisticsBlockingDataHandler].to(dataHandler)) |
@ -40,6 +35,11 @@ class StatisticsControllerSpec extends MyAPISpec { |
"GET /stats" should { |
"return the server statistics" in { |
val masternodes = 1000 |
val difficulty = BigDecimal("129.1827211827212") |
when(xsnService.getMasternodeCount()).thenReturn(Future.successful(Good(masternodes))) |
when(xsnService.getDifficulty()).thenReturn(Future.successful(Good(difficulty))) |
val response = GET("/stats") |
status(response) mustEqual OK |
@ -48,8 +48,64 @@ class StatisticsControllerSpec extends MyAPISpec { |
(json \ "transactions").as[Int] mustEqual stats.transactions |
(json \ "totalSupply").as[BigDecimal] mustEqual stats.totalSupply.get |
(json \ "circulatingSupply").as[BigDecimal] mustEqual stats.circulatingSupply.get |
(json \ "masternodes").as[Int] mustEqual 1000 |
(json \ "difficulty").as[BigDecimal] mustEqual 129.1827211827212 |
(json \ "masternodes").as[Int] mustEqual masternodes |
(json \ "difficulty").as[BigDecimal] mustEqual difficulty |
} |
"return the stats even if getting masternodes throws an exception" in { |
val difficulty = BigDecimal("129.1827211827212") |
when(xsnService.getMasternodeCount()).thenReturn(Future.failed(new Exception)) |
when(xsnService.getDifficulty()).thenReturn(Future.successful(Good(difficulty))) |
missingMasternodesTest(difficulty) |
} |
"return the stats even if the masternodes aren't available" in { |
val difficulty = BigDecimal("129.1827211827212") |
when(xsnService.getMasternodeCount()).thenReturn(Future.successful(Bad(XSNUnexpectedResponseError).accumulating)) |
when(xsnService.getDifficulty()).thenReturn(Future.successful(Good(difficulty))) |
missingMasternodesTest(difficulty) |
} |
"return the stats even if getting the difficulty throws an exception" in { |
val masternodes = 1000 |
when(xsnService.getMasternodeCount()).thenReturn(Future.successful(Good(masternodes))) |
when(xsnService.getDifficulty()).thenReturn(Future.failed(new Exception)) |
missingDifficultyTest(masternodes) |
} |
"return the stats even if the difficulty isn't available" in { |
val masternodes = 1000 |
when(xsnService.getMasternodeCount()).thenReturn(Future.successful(Good(masternodes))) |
when(xsnService.getDifficulty()).thenReturn(Future.successful(Bad(XSNUnexpectedResponseError).accumulating)) |
missingDifficultyTest(masternodes) |
} |
} |
private def missingMasternodesTest(difficulty: BigDecimal) = { |
val response = GET("/stats") |
status(response) mustEqual OK |
val json = contentAsJson(response) |
(json \ "blocks").as[Int] mustEqual stats.blocks |
(json \ "transactions").as[Int] mustEqual stats.transactions |
(json \ "totalSupply").as[BigDecimal] mustEqual stats.totalSupply.get |
(json \ "circulatingSupply").as[BigDecimal] mustEqual stats.circulatingSupply.get |
(json \ "difficulty").as[BigDecimal] mustEqual difficulty |
} |
private def missingDifficultyTest(masternodes: Int) = { |
val response = GET("/stats") |
status(response) mustEqual OK |
val json = contentAsJson(response) |
(json \ "blocks").as[Int] mustEqual stats.blocks |
(json \ "transactions").as[Int] mustEqual stats.transactions |
(json \ "totalSupply").as[BigDecimal] mustEqual stats.totalSupply.get |
(json \ "circulatingSupply").as[BigDecimal] mustEqual stats.circulatingSupply.get |
(json \ "masternodes").as[Int] mustEqual masternodes |
} |
} |