5 changed files with 150 additions and 4 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ |
extends layout |
block headContent |
title Unconfirmed Transactions |
block content |
h1(class="h2") Unconfirmed Transactions |
hr |
if (false) |
pre |
code #{JSON.stringify(mempoolDetails.txCount, null, 4)} |
if (mempoolDetails) |
- var txCount = mempoolDetails.txCount; |
div(class="card") |
div(class="card-header") |
span(class="h6") |
if (txCount == 1) |
span 1 Transaction |
else |
span #{txCount.toLocaleString()} Transactions |
div(class="card-body") |
each tx, txIndex in mempoolDetails.transactions |
div(class="xcard mb-3") |
div(class="card-header") |
if (tx && tx.txid) |
strong ##{(txIndex + offset).toLocaleString()} |
span – |
a(href=("/tx/" + tx.txid), class="monospace") #{tx.txid} |
div(class="card-body") |
- var txInputs = mempoolDetails.txInputsByTransaction[tx.txid]; |
- var blockHeight = -1; |
include includes/transaction-io-details.pug |
if (txCount > limit) |
- var pageNumber = offset / limit + 1; |
- var pageCount = Math.floor(txCount / limit); |
- if (pageCount * limit < txCount) { |
- pageCount++; |
- } |
- var paginationUrlFunction = function(x) { |
- return paginationBaseUrl + "?limit=" + limit + "&offset=" + ((x - 1) * limit + "&sort=" + sort); |
- } |
hr |
include includes/pagination.pug |
else |
p No unconfirmed transactions found |
Reference in new issue