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all for demo site only: - remove github's javascript buttons from homepage in favor of github-api-request followed by self-rendered buttons - donation modal with support for BTCPay-backed donations of set denominations and hidden-but-expandable old donation addresses - tweak footer style and remove old donation addresses in favor of another donation button that shows the modalfix-133-memory-crash
9 changed files with 146 additions and 59 deletions
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.3 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ |
#exampleModalCenter.modal.fade(tabindex='-1' role='dialog' aria-labelledby='exampleModalCenterTitle' aria-hidden='true') |
.modal-dialog.modal-lg.modal-dialog-centered(role='document') |
.modal-content |
.modal-header |
h5#exampleModalCenterTitle.modal-title Support Development |
button.close(type='button' data-dismiss='modal' aria-label='Close') |
span(aria-hidden='true') × |
.modal-body |
p Any and all support is greatly appreciated! |
if (config.donations.btcpayserver) |
h6 |
span(class="mr-2") Donate via |
img(src="/img/logo/btcpay.png", alt="BTCPay", style="height: 30px;", class="mr-2") |
a(class="text-dark", href="") BTCPay |
- var amounts = [1, 5, 10, 25, 100]; |
- var icons = [ "thumbs-up", "beer", "hamburger", "utensils", "grin-hearts" ]; |
div(class="mb-2") |
each amount, amtIndex in amounts |
form(method="POST" action=( + "/api/v1/invoices"), style="display: inline;") |
input(type='hidden' name='storeId' value=config.donations.btcpayserver.storeId) |
input(type='hidden' name='price' value=amount) |
input(type='hidden' name='currency' value='USD') |
input(type='hidden' name='notifyEmail' value=config.donations.btcpayserver.notifyEmail) |
button.btn.btn-primary.btn-lg(type='submit', class="mr-2 mb-2") |
i(class=("fas mr-2 fa-" + icons[amtIndex])) |
span $#{amount.toLocaleString()} |
form(method="POST" action=( + "/api/v1/invoices"), style="display: inline;") |
input(type='hidden' name='storeId' value=config.donations.btcpayserver.storeId) |
input(type='hidden' name='price' value="0.00000001") |
input(type='hidden' name='currency' value='BTC') |
input(type='hidden' name='notifyEmail' value=config.donations.btcpayserver.notifyEmail) |
button.btn.btn-primary.btn-lg(type='submit', class="mr-2 mb-2") |
i(class="fas mr-2 fa-bolt") |
span 1 satoshi |
script. |
function showDonateByAddress(link) { |
var donateByAddressDiv = document.getElementById("donate-by-address"); |
donateByAddressDiv.classList.remove("d-none"); |
link.classList.add("d-none"); |
} |
a(href="javascript:void(0)", onclick="showDonateByAddress(this);") Or donate by address |
div(id="donate-by-address", class="d-none mt-4") |
h6 Donate by address |
div(class="mb-3") |
each coin, index in config.donations.addresses.coins |
div(class="monospace") |
if (coinConfig.ticker == coin) |
span #{coin}: |
a(href=("/address/" + config.donations.addresses[coin].address), class="text-wrap") #{config.donations.addresses[coin].address} |
else |
span #{coin}: |
a(href=(config.donations.addresses.sites[coin] + "/address/" + config.donations.addresses[coin].address), class="text-wrap") #{config.donations.addresses[coin].address} |
each coin, index in config.donations.addresses.coins |
div(style="display: inline-block; max-width: 150px;", class="text-center mb-3 word-wrap monospace", class=(index > 0 ? "ml-md-3" : false)) |
img(src=donationAddressQrCodeUrls[coin], alt=config.donations.addresses[coin].address, style="border: solid 1px #ccc;") |
br |
span #{coin} |
.modal-footer |
button.btn.btn-secondary(type='button' data-dismiss='modal') Close |
Reference in new issue