More work on #8 - showing balances and transaction history for addresses
- in tx history, request/display all inputs to get correct gain/loss values
- cross referencing for txid history from electrum
- include genesis coinbase values for genesis coinbase output address (electrum ignores the genesis coinbase TX and +50 value, but for consistency with the rest of this tool they're included)
- banner describing the electrum trust model
- ui tweaks including showing gain/loss for each address tx history item
siteDescriptionHtml:"<b>BTC Explorer</b> is <a href=' If you run your own [Bitcoin Full Node](, **BTC Explorer** can easily run alongside it, communicating via RPC calls. See the project [ReadMe]( for a list of features and instructions for running.",
siteDescriptionHtml:"<b>BTC Explorer</b> is <a href=' If you run your own [Bitcoin Full Node](, **BTC Explorer** can easily run alongside it, communicating via RPC calls. See the project [ReadMe]( for a list of features and instructions for running.",
p Since this explorer is database-free, it doesn't natively support address balances and transaction histories. In order to provide this functionality, address balances and transaction history can be requested from a configurable set of ElectrumX servers. If multiple ElectrumX servers are configured, the results are cross-referenced and conflicts noted. For the transaction history displayed below, only the transaction identifiers from ElectrumX are used; the transaction details are requested via RPC from this app's primary node, as usual.
span The transaction history for this address was requested from mulitple ElectrumX servers and the results did not match. The results below were obtained only from
if (global.specialTransactions && global.specialTransactions[tx.txid])
a(data-toggle="tooltip", title=( + " Fun! See transaction for details"))
i(class="fas fa-certificate text-primary")
if (tx.time)
span #{moment.utc(new Date(tx["time"] * 1000)).format("Y-MM-DD HH:mm:ss")} utc
- var timeAgoTime = tx.time;
@ -188,10 +253,7 @@ block content
span(class="text-danger") Unconfirmed
a(href=("/tx/" + tx.txid)) #{tx.txid}
if (addrGainsByTx[tx.txid])
- var currencyValue = addrGainsByTx[tx.txid];
span(class="text-success") +
@ -205,17 +267,13 @@ block content
span(class="text-danger") -
include includes/value-display.pug
if (global.specialTransactions && global.specialTransactions[tx.txid])
a(data-toggle="tooltip", title=( + " Fun! See transaction for details"))
i(class="fas fa-certificate text-primary")
if (true)
- var txInputs = txInputsByTransaction[tx.txid];
- var blockHeight = blockHeightsByTxid[tx.txid];
include includes/transaction-io-details.pug
p Since this explorer is database-free, it doesn't natively support address transaction history. However, you can configure it to communicate with one or more ElectrumX servers to build and display this data. In doing so, you should be aware that you'll be trusting those ElectrumX servers. If you configure multiple servers the results obtained from each will be cross-referenced against the others. Communicating with ElectrumX servers will also impact your privacy since the servers will know what addresses you're interested in. If these tradeoffs are acceptable, you can see a list of public ElectrumX servers here: