@ -13,92 +13,93 @@ block content |
h1(class="h2") RPC Browser |
hr |
div(class="row") |
div(class="col-md-9") |
if (methodhelp) |
div(class="row") |
div(class="col") |
h4(style="display: inline-block;") |
span(class="text-muted") Command: |
span #{method} |
div(class="col") |
a(href=("https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#" + method), class="btn btn-primary float-md-right") See developer docs » |
if (gethelp) |
div(class="row") |
div(class="col-md-9") |
if (methodhelp) |
div(class="row") |
div(class="col") |
h4(style="display: inline-block;") |
span(class="text-muted") Command: |
span #{method} |
div(class="col") |
a(href=("https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#" + method), class="btn btn-primary float-md-right") See developer docs » |
hr |
hr |
ul(class='nav nav-tabs mb-3') |
li(class="nav-item") |
a(data-toggle="tab", href="#tab-execute", class="nav-link active", role="tab") Execute |
li(class="nav-item") |
a(data-toggle="tab", href="#tab-help-content", class="nav-link", role="tab") Help Content |
ul(class='nav nav-tabs mb-3') |
li(class="nav-item") |
a(data-toggle="tab", href="#tab-execute", class="nav-link active", role="tab") Execute |
li(class="nav-item") |
a(data-toggle="tab", href="#tab-help-content", class="nav-link", role="tab") Help Content |
div(class="tab-content") |
div(id="tab-execute", class="tab-pane active pb-3", role="tabpanel") |
if (methodResult) |
div(class="mt-4") |
h5(class="mt-3") Result |
div(class="tab-content") |
div(id="tab-execute", class="tab-pane active pb-3", role="tabpanel") |
if (methodResult) |
div(class="mt-4") |
h5(class="mt-3") Result |
pre(style="border: solid 1px #ccc;") |
code #{JSON.stringify(methodResult, null, 4)} |
pre(style="border: solid 1px #ccc;") |
code #{JSON.stringify(methodResult, null, 4)} |
hr |
hr |
form(method="get") |
input(type="hidden", name="method", value=method) |
form(method="get") |
input(type="hidden", name="method", value=method) |
div(class="h5 mb-3") Arguments |
div(class="h5 mb-3") Arguments |
div(class="ml-3") |
each argX, index in methodhelp.args |
div(class="form-group") |
label(for=("arg_" + argX.name)) |
strong #{argX.name} |
span (#{argX.properties.join(", ")}) |
if (argX.description) |
span - #{argX.description} |
if (false && argX.detailsLines && argX.detailsLines.length > 0) |
- var detailsLines = ""; |
each detailsLine in argX.detailsLines |
- detailsLines = (detailsLines + "<br/>" + detailsLine); |
i(class="fas fa-info-circle", data-toggle="tooltip", title=detailsLines) |
div(class="ml-3") |
each argX, index in methodhelp.args |
div(class="form-group") |
label(for=("arg_" + argX.name)) |
strong #{argX.name} |
span (#{argX.properties.join(", ")}) |
if (argX.description) |
span - #{argX.description} |
if (false && argX.detailsLines && argX.detailsLines.length > 0) |
- var detailsLines = ""; |
each detailsLine in argX.detailsLines |
- detailsLines = (detailsLines + "<br/>" + detailsLine); |
i(class="fas fa-info-circle", data-toggle="tooltip", title=detailsLines) |
- var valX = false; |
if (argValues != null) |
if (argValues[index] != null) |
if (("" + argValues[index]) != NaN) |
- valX = argValues[index].toString(); |
- var valX = false; |
if (argValues != null) |
if (argValues[index] != null) |
if (("" + argValues[index]) != NaN) |
- valX = argValues[index].toString(); |
input(id=("arg_" + argX.name), type="text", name=("args[" + index + "]"), placeholder=argX.name, class="form-control", value=valX) |
input(id=("arg_" + argX.name), type="text", name=("args[" + index + "]"), placeholder=argX.name, class="form-control", value=valX) |
if (!methodhelp.args || methodhelp.args.length == 0) |
span(class="text-muted") None |
if (!methodhelp.args || methodhelp.args.length == 0) |
span(class="text-muted") None |
hr |
hr |
input(type="submit", name="execute", value="Execute", class="btn btn-primary btn-block") |
input(type="submit", name="execute", value="Execute", class="btn btn-primary btn-block") |
div(id="tab-help-content", class="tab-pane", role="tabpanel") |
pre #{methodhelp.string} |
div(id="tab-help-content", class="tab-pane", role="tabpanel") |
pre #{methodhelp.string} |
else |
:markdown-it |
Browse RPC commands from the list. The list is built from the results of the `help` command and organized into sections accordingly. |
else |
:markdown-it |
Browse RPC commands from the list. The list is built from the results of the `help` command and organized into sections accordingly. |
div(class="col-md-3") |
each section, sectionIndex in gethelp |
h4 #{section.name} |
small (#{section.methods.length}) |
hr |
div(class="col-md-3") |
each section, sectionIndex in gethelp |
h4 #{section.name} |
small (#{section.methods.length}) |
hr |
div(class="mb-4") |
ol(style="padding-left: 30px;") |
each methodX, methodIndex in section.methods |
li |
a(href=("/rpc-browser?method=" + methodX.name), style=(methodX.name == method ? "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" : false), class="monospace") #{methodX.name} |
div(class="mb-4") |
ol(style="padding-left: 30px;") |
each methodX, methodIndex in section.methods |
li |
a(href=("/rpc-browser?method=" + methodX.name), style=(methodX.name == method ? "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" : false), class="monospace") #{methodX.name} |