- Include "Volume (24hr)" in homepage summary
- Include block output volume in blocks list (0.17.0+)
- Show "%Full" in blocks lists (with fullness icon) instead of weight with progress bar
- Hide "Date" column on homepage blocks list (Age+TTM) is plenty for the recent blocks)
- Fix to pull UTXO set after RPC connection is established
- Fix for abbreviating "month" to "mo" instead of "m" which can be confused with minutes
- Tweak width of data columns on 1200 screens to avoid some wrapping of title labels
- More consistently "smallify" display of units
- Armor on block-content template for missing blockstats values (identified issue by looking at genesis block, added manual data for that block since RPC returns error, but armor is still probably valuable)
- Tweaks to timestamps "time ago" displays in several places trying to make more consistent and user friendly
- Explicit acknowledgement of "nonstandard" output type
- var blockRewardMax = coinConfig.blockRewardFunction(result.getblock.height, global.activeBlockchain);
- var coinbaseTxTotalOutputValue = new Decimal(0);
@ -121,7 +147,7 @@ div.tab-content
if (parseFloat(coinbaseTxTotalOutputValue) < blockRewardMax)
span.border-dotted(data-toggle="tooltip" title="The miner of this block failed to collect this value. As a result, it is lost.") Fees Destroyed
span.border-dotted(data-toggle="tooltip" title="The miner of this block failed to collect this value. As a result, it is permanently lost.") Fees Destroyed
- var currencyValue = new Decimal(result.getblock.totalFees).dividedBy(result.getblock.strippedsize).times(coinConfig.baseCurrencyUnit.multiplier).toDecimalPlaces(1);
span #{currencyValue} sat/vB
span #{currencyValue}
small.ml-1 sat/vB
span.text-muted (
- var currencyValue = new Decimal(result.getblock.totalFees).dividedBy(result.getblock.tx.length);
@ -194,20 +242,28 @@ div.tab-content
div.summary-split-table-label Median Rate
if (result.blockstats.medianfee)
- var currencyValue = new Decimal(result.blockstats.medianfee).dividedBy(1000).toDecimalPlaces(1);
span #{currencyValue} sat/vB
span #{currencyValue}
small sat/vB
span 0
if (result.blockstats)
div.summary-split-table-label Min, Max Rate
- var currencyValue = new Decimal(result.blockstats.minfeerate).toDecimalPlaces(1);
span.border-dotted(title="UTC timestamp of the block.", data-toggle="tooltip") Date
th.data-header.text-right Age
span.border-dotted(title="Time To Mine - The time it took to mine this block after the previous block. 'Fast' blocks (mined in < 5min) are shown in green; 'slow' blocks (mined in > 15min) are shown in red.", data-toggle="tooltip") T.T.M.
th.data-header.text-right Miner
th.data-header.text-right Transactions
th.data-header.text-right Avg Fee
small (sat/vB)
th.data-header.text-right Total Fees
span.border-dotted(title="The number of transactions included in each block.", data-toggle="tooltip") N(tx)
if (blockstatsByHeight)
span.border-dotted(title="The total output of all transactions in each block (excluding coinbase transactions).", data-toggle="tooltip") Volume
span.border-dotted(title="The average fee (sat/vB) for all block transactions.", data-toggle="tooltip") Avg Fee
th.data-header.text-right Σ Fees
//th.data-header.text-right Size (kB)
if (blocks && blocks.length > 0 && blocks[0].weight)
th.data-header.text-right Weight
small (kWu)
th.data-header.text-right % Full
//span.border-dotted(title="Block weight, in kWu.", data-toggle="tooltip") Weight
span.border-dotted(title=`Total output of all transactions (excluding coinbase transactions) over the last 24 hrs (blocks: [#${networkVolume.d1.endBlock.toLocaleString()} - #${networkVolume.d1.startBlock.toLocaleString()}]).`, data-toggle="tooltip") Volume
small.ml-1 (24h)
- var currencyValue = parseInt(networkVolume.d1.amt);
if (parseFloat(totalOutputValue) < parseFloat(blockRewardMax))
span.border-dotted(data-toggle="tooltip" title="The miner of this transaction's block failed to collect this value. As a result, it is lost.") Fees Destroyed
span.border-dotted(data-toggle="tooltip" title="The miner of this transaction's block failed to collect this value. As a result, it is permanently lost.") Fees Destroyed