@ -8,18 +8,56 @@ |
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// except according to those terms.
extern crate winapi; |
extern crate advapi32; |
use std::io; |
use std::ffi::{OsString, OsStr}; |
use std::ffi::{OsString, OsStr}; |
use std::os::windows::prelude::*; |
use std::io; |
use std::ops::RangeFrom; |
use std::ops::RangeFrom; |
use self::winapi::*; |
use std::os::raw; |
use self::advapi32::*; |
use std::os::windows::prelude::*; |
pub struct RegistryKey(Repr); |
pub struct RegistryKey(Repr); |
type HKEY = *mut u8; |
type DWORD = u32; |
type LPDWORD = *mut DWORD; |
type LPCWSTR = *const u16; |
type LPWSTR = *mut u16; |
type LONG = raw::c_long; |
type PHKEY = *mut HKEY; |
type PFILETIME = *mut u8; |
type LPBYTE = *mut u8; |
type REGSAM = u32; |
const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE: HKEY = 0x80000002 as HKEY; |
const REG_SZ: DWORD = 1; |
const KEY_READ: DWORD = 0x20019; |
const KEY_WOW64_32KEY: DWORD = 0x200; |
#[link(name = "advapi32")] |
extern "system" { |
fn RegOpenKeyExW(key: HKEY, |
lpSubKey: LPCWSTR, |
ulOptions: DWORD, |
samDesired: REGSAM, |
phkResult: PHKEY) -> LONG; |
fn RegEnumKeyExW(key: HKEY, |
dwIndex: DWORD, |
lpName: LPWSTR, |
lpcName: LPDWORD, |
lpReserved: LPDWORD, |
lpClass: LPWSTR, |
lpcClass: LPDWORD, |
lpftLastWriteTime: PFILETIME) -> LONG; |
fn RegQueryValueExW(hKey: HKEY, |
lpValueName: LPCWSTR, |
lpReserved: LPDWORD, |
lpType: LPDWORD, |
lpData: LPBYTE, |
lpcbData: LPDWORD) -> LONG; |
fn RegCloseKey(hKey: HKEY) -> LONG; |
} |
struct OwnedKey(HKEY); |
struct OwnedKey(HKEY); |
enum Repr { |
enum Repr { |