@ -69,13 +69,11 @@ damus implements the following [Nostr Implementation Possibilities][nips]
- All your notifications except 💬 DMs
#### 👤 Change Your Profile (PFP) and Bio
- Currently you can't change your pfp on the Damus app (coming soon!). Here's how to do it on other clients (do at your own risk)
1. Get the [Alby](https://getalby.com/) (Chrome, Brave, Firefox) or [nos2x](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/nos2x/kpgefcfmnafjgpblomihpgmejjdanjjp) browser extension (Chrome, Brave)
2. Go to https://damus.io/key to convert your nsec key (secret key in ⚙️ Settings) into a hex version
i. For Alby, right-click the extension, select Options and scroll to the Nostr section to enter your secret hex key
ii. For nos2x, right-click the extension, select Options, then and add the relay `wss://relay.damus.io` and select both read and write, click Save, then enter your secret hex key and click save
3. Visit https://metadata.nostr.com and your profile data should auto-populate from the extension. If not click the extension or refresh the page
4. Add your image using a hosting site like imgbb.com
1. Go to your Profile Page on Damus app
2. Tap on Edit button at the top
3. You will see text fields to update your information and bio
4. For PFP, insert a URL containing your image (support video: https://cdn.jb55.com/vid/pfp-editor.mp4)
5. Save
#### ⚡️ Request Sats
(Sats or Satoshis are the smallest denomination of bitcoin)