* _secret recovery key_ which is a sequence of words `applied binge crisp pictorial fiery dancing agreeable frogs light finish ping apple`
* _recovery code_ an encrypted string, for example, `36mWivFdy0YPH2z31EflpQz/Y0UMrOrJ++lH=0EI7c3mop2JuRBm5W1P0BwXxSTazJsUjOAmC55rFUWINqDqGccLio0iwzGclAhaHGZQ5M52`
You receive the recovery code only once. When you get this email, You should
**View Secret Recovery Key** immediately and save to a secure location such as a
password manager.
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<p>When Blockstack registers your human-readable ID and the recovery key. _You_ must
An ID is recorded on the Blockstack's blockchain; For this reason, once you create an identity, you can’t delete it. You can abandon or simply stop using your ID. Estranged identities like this can’t be used by another person or organization because only you have access to the ID's 12 word recovery phrase.
However, you **can delete** the data associated with your ID. Storage deletion is *only possible* if you used that ID with the default Blockstack Gaia storage hub. If your ID used your own or another Gaia storage hub, Blockstack cannot delete the data, instead, you should contact your storage hub provider for that service.
Do the following to delete the default storage provided with your ID.
1. Log into the Blockstack Browser.
2. Choose <ahref="https://browser.blockstack.org/profiles/i/all"target="_blank"><strong>Identity > More page</strong></a>.
This page lists your **Default ID** and any other IDs associated with it. Each ID has a Gaia storage location associated with it. You may just have one ID, that is typical.
3. Make sure you are using <ahreg="https://browser.blockstack.org/account/storage"target="_blank">the default storage hub</a>.
If you are using the default hub, the page looks like this:
4. Visit the <ahref="https://browser.blockstack.org/profiles"target="_blank"><strong>Identity</strong></a> page on your browser.
7. Email the list of IDs to <ahref='mailto:support@blockstack.com'>support@blockstack.com</a>, the content of your email should contain details similar to the following:
Please delete the Gaia storage associated with the following ids:
- user1.id.blockstack
- user2.id
- user3.id.blockstack
All of these IDs used the Gaia default storage.
The support team will respond with an email confirming your data was deleted.
8. To confirm your data was deleted, navigate to <ahref="https://explorer.blockstack.org/"target="_blank">the Blockstack Explorer</a> and enter your ID into the search bar.