@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ super type. The type system contains the following types: |
- `(optional some-type)` - an option type for objects that can either be |
`(some value)` or `none` |
- `(buff max-len)` := byte buffer or maximum length `max-len`. |
- `(ascii-string max-len)` := ASCII string of maximum length `max-len` |
- `(utf8-string max-len)` := UTF-8 string of maximum length `max-len` |
- `(string-ascii max-len)` := ASCII string of maximum length `max-len` |
- `(string-utf8 max-len)` := UTF-8 string of maximum length `max-len` |
- `principal` := object representing a principal (whether a contract principal |
or standard principal). |
- `bool` := boolean value (`true` or `false`) |