#!/usr/bin/env python
# Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client
# Copyright (C) 2012 thomasv@gitorious
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import sys , time , datetime , re , threading
from i18n import _ , set_language
from electrum . util import print_error , print_msg
import os . path , json , ast , traceback
import shutil
import StringIO
try :
import PyQt4
except :
sys . exit ( " Error: Could not import PyQt4 on Linux systems, you may try ' sudo apt-get install python-qt4 ' " )
from PyQt4 . QtGui import *
from PyQt4 . QtCore import *
import PyQt4 . QtCore as QtCore
from electrum . bitcoin import MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE , is_valid
try :
import icons_rc
except :
sys . exit ( " Error: Could not import icons_rc.py, please generate it with: ' pyrcc4 icons.qrc -o gui/icons_rc.py ' " )
from electrum . wallet import format_satoshis
from electrum import Transaction
from electrum import mnemonic
from electrum import util , bitcoin , commands , Interface , Wallet
from electrum import SimpleConfig , Wallet , WalletStorage
import bmp , pyqrnative
import exchange_rate
from amountedit import AmountEdit
from network_dialog import NetworkDialog
from qrcodewidget import QRCodeWidget
from decimal import Decimal
import platform
import httplib
import socket
import webbrowser
import csv
if platform . system ( ) == ' Windows ' :
MONOSPACE_FONT = ' Lucida Console '
elif platform . system ( ) == ' Darwin ' :
else :
MONOSPACE_FONT = ' monospace '
from electrum import ELECTRUM_VERSION
import re
from qt_util import *
class VersionGetter ( threading . Thread ) :
def __init__ ( self , label ) :
threading . Thread . __init__ ( self )
self . label = label
def run ( self ) :
try :
con = httplib . HTTPConnection ( ' electrum.org ' , 80 , timeout = 5 )
con . request ( " GET " , " /version " )
res = con . getresponse ( )
except socket . error as msg :
print_error ( " Could not retrieve version information " )
if res . status == 200 :
latest_version = res . read ( )
latest_version = latest_version . replace ( " \n " , " " )
if ( re . match ( ' ^ \ d+( \ . \ d+)*$ ' , latest_version ) ) :
self . label . callback ( latest_version )
class UpdateLabel ( QLabel ) :
def __init__ ( self , config , sb ) :
QLabel . __init__ ( self )
self . new_version = False
self . sb = sb
self . config = config
self . current_version = ELECTRUM_VERSION
self . connect ( self , QtCore . SIGNAL ( ' new_electrum_version ' ) , self . new_electrum_version )
VersionGetter ( self ) . start ( )
def callback ( self , version ) :
self . latest_version = version
if ( self . compare_versions ( self . latest_version , self . current_version ) == 1 ) :
latest_seen = self . config . get ( " last_seen_version " , ELECTRUM_VERSION )
if ( self . compare_versions ( self . latest_version , latest_seen ) == 1 ) :
self . new_version = True
self . emit ( QtCore . SIGNAL ( ' new_electrum_version ' ) )
def new_electrum_version ( self ) :
if self . new_version :
self . setText ( _ ( " New version available " ) + " : " + self . latest_version )
self . sb . insertPermanentWidget ( 1 , self )
def compare_versions ( self , version1 , version2 ) :
def normalize ( v ) :
return [ int ( x ) for x in re . sub ( r ' ( \ .0+)*$ ' , ' ' , v ) . split ( " . " ) ]
return cmp ( normalize ( version1 ) , normalize ( version2 ) )
def ignore_this_version ( self ) :
self . setText ( " " )
self . config . set_key ( " last_seen_version " , self . latest_version , True )
QMessageBox . information ( self , _ ( " Preference saved " ) , _ ( " Notifications about this update will not be shown again. " ) )
self . dialog . done ( 0 )
def ignore_all_version ( self ) :
self . setText ( " " )
self . config . set_key ( " last_seen_version " , " 9.9.9 " , True )
QMessageBox . information ( self , _ ( " Preference saved " ) , _ ( " No more notifications about version updates will be shown. " ) )
self . dialog . done ( 0 )
def open_website ( self ) :
webbrowser . open ( " http://electrum.org/download.html " )
self . dialog . done ( 0 )
def mouseReleaseEvent ( self , event ) :
dialog = QDialog ( self )
dialog . setWindowTitle ( _ ( ' Electrum update ' ) )
dialog . setModal ( 1 )
main_layout = QGridLayout ( )
main_layout . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( " A new version of Electrum is available: " ) + " " + self . latest_version ) , 0 , 0 , 1 , 3 )
ignore_version = QPushButton ( _ ( " Ignore this version " ) )
ignore_version . clicked . connect ( self . ignore_this_version )
ignore_all_versions = QPushButton ( _ ( " Ignore all versions " ) )
ignore_all_versions . clicked . connect ( self . ignore_all_version )
open_website = QPushButton ( _ ( " Goto download page " ) )
open_website . clicked . connect ( self . open_website )
main_layout . addWidget ( ignore_version , 1 , 0 )
main_layout . addWidget ( ignore_all_versions , 1 , 1 )
main_layout . addWidget ( open_website , 1 , 2 )
dialog . setLayout ( main_layout )
self . dialog = dialog
if not dialog . exec_ ( ) : return
class MyTreeWidget ( QTreeWidget ) :
def __init__ ( self , parent ) :
QTreeWidget . __init__ ( self , parent )
def ddfr ( item ) :
if not item : return
for i in range ( 0 , self . viewport ( ) . height ( ) / 5 ) :
if self . itemAt ( QPoint ( 0 , i * 5 ) ) == item :
else :
for j in range ( 0 , 30 ) :
if self . itemAt ( QPoint ( 0 , i * 5 + j ) ) != item :
self . emit ( SIGNAL ( ' customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&) ' ) , QPoint ( 50 , i * 5 + j - 1 ) )
self . connect ( self , SIGNAL ( ' itemActivated(QTreeWidgetItem*, int) ' ) , ddfr )
class StatusBarButton ( QPushButton ) :
def __init__ ( self , icon , tooltip , func ) :
QPushButton . __init__ ( self , icon , ' ' )
self . setToolTip ( tooltip )
self . setFlat ( True )
self . setMaximumWidth ( 25 )
self . clicked . connect ( func )
self . func = func
self . setIconSize ( QSize ( 25 , 25 ) )
def keyPressEvent ( self , e ) :
if e . key ( ) == QtCore . Qt . Key_Return :
apply ( self . func , ( ) )
default_column_widths = { " history " : [ 40 , 140 , 350 , 140 ] , " contacts " : [ 350 , 330 ] , " receive " : [ [ 370 ] , [ 370 , 200 , 130 ] ] }
class ElectrumWindow ( QMainWindow ) :
def changeEvent ( self , event ) :
flags = self . windowFlags ( ) ;
if event and event . type ( ) == QtCore . QEvent . WindowStateChange :
if self . windowState ( ) & QtCore . Qt . WindowMinimized :
self . build_menu ( True )
# The only way to toggle the icon in the window managers taskbar is to use the Qt.Tooltip flag
# The problem is that it somehow creates an (in)visible window that will stay active and prevent
# Electrum from closing.
# As for now I have no clue how to implement a proper 'hide to tray' functionality.
# self.setWindowFlags(flags & ~Qt.ToolTip)
elif event . oldState ( ) & QtCore . Qt . WindowMinimized :
self . build_menu ( False )
#self.setWindowFlags(flags | Qt.ToolTip)
def build_menu ( self , is_hidden = False ) :
m = QMenu ( )
if self . isMinimized ( ) :
m . addAction ( _ ( " Show " ) , self . showNormal )
else :
m . addAction ( _ ( " Hide " ) , self . showMinimized )
m . addSeparator ( )
m . addAction ( _ ( " Exit Electrum " ) , self . close )
self . tray . setContextMenu ( m )
def tray_activated ( self , reason ) :
if reason == QSystemTrayIcon . DoubleClick :
self . showNormal ( )
def __init__ ( self , config , network ) :
QMainWindow . __init__ ( self )
self . config = config
self . network = network
self . init_plugins ( )
self . _close_electrum = False
self . lite = None
self . current_account = self . config . get ( " current_account " , None )
self . icon = QIcon ( os . getcwd ( ) + ' /icons/electrum.png ' )
self . tray = QSystemTrayIcon ( self . icon , self )
self . tray . setToolTip ( ' Electrum ' )
self . tray . activated . connect ( self . tray_activated )
self . build_menu ( )
self . tray . show ( )
self . create_status_bar ( )
self . need_update = threading . Event ( )
self . expert_mode = config . get ( ' classic_expert_mode ' , False )
self . decimal_point = config . get ( ' decimal_point ' , 8 )
self . num_zeros = int ( config . get ( ' num_zeros ' , 0 ) )
set_language ( config . get ( ' language ' ) )
self . funds_error = False
self . completions = QStringListModel ( )
self . tabs = tabs = QTabWidget ( self )
self . column_widths = self . config . get ( " column_widths " , default_column_widths )
tabs . addTab ( self . create_history_tab ( ) , _ ( ' History ' ) )
tabs . addTab ( self . create_send_tab ( ) , _ ( ' Send ' ) )
tabs . addTab ( self . create_receive_tab ( ) , _ ( ' Receive ' ) )
tabs . addTab ( self . create_contacts_tab ( ) , _ ( ' Contacts ' ) )
tabs . addTab ( self . create_console_tab ( ) , _ ( ' Console ' ) )
tabs . setMinimumSize ( 600 , 400 )
tabs . setSizePolicy ( QSizePolicy . Expanding , QSizePolicy . Expanding )
self . setCentralWidget ( tabs )
g = self . config . get ( " winpos-qt " , [ 100 , 100 , 840 , 400 ] )
self . setGeometry ( g [ 0 ] , g [ 1 ] , g [ 2 ] , g [ 3 ] )
self . init_menubar ( )
QShortcut ( QKeySequence ( " Ctrl+W " ) , self , self . close )
QShortcut ( QKeySequence ( " Ctrl+R " ) , self , self . update_wallet )
QShortcut ( QKeySequence ( " Ctrl+Q " ) , self , self . close )
QShortcut ( QKeySequence ( " Ctrl+PgUp " ) , self , lambda : tabs . setCurrentIndex ( ( tabs . currentIndex ( ) - 1 ) % tabs . count ( ) ) )
QShortcut ( QKeySequence ( " Ctrl+PgDown " ) , self , lambda : tabs . setCurrentIndex ( ( tabs . currentIndex ( ) + 1 ) % tabs . count ( ) ) )
self . connect ( self , QtCore . SIGNAL ( ' update_status ' ) , self . update_status )
self . connect ( self , QtCore . SIGNAL ( ' banner_signal ' ) , lambda : self . console . showMessage ( self . wallet . interface . banner ) )
self . connect ( self , QtCore . SIGNAL ( ' transaction_signal ' ) , lambda : self . notify_transactions ( ) )
self . history_list . setFocus ( True )
self . exchanger = exchange_rate . Exchanger ( self )
self . connect ( self , SIGNAL ( " refresh_balance() " ) , self . update_wallet )
# dark magic fix by flatfly; https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=73651.msg959913#msg959913
if platform . system ( ) == ' Windows ' :
n = 3 if self . wallet . seed else 2
tabs . setCurrentIndex ( n )
tabs . setCurrentIndex ( 0 )
# plugins that need to change the GUI do it here
self . run_hook ( ' init ' )
def load_wallet ( self , wallet ) :
import electrum
self . wallet = wallet
self . network . register_callback ( ' updated ' , lambda : self . need_update . set ( ) )
self . network . register_callback ( ' banner ' , lambda : self . emit ( QtCore . SIGNAL ( ' banner_signal ' ) ) )
self . network . register_callback ( ' disconnected ' , lambda : self . emit ( QtCore . SIGNAL ( ' update_status ' ) ) )
self . network . register_callback ( ' disconnecting ' , lambda : self . emit ( QtCore . SIGNAL ( ' update_status ' ) ) )
self . network . register_callback ( ' new_transaction ' , lambda : self . emit ( QtCore . SIGNAL ( ' transaction_signal ' ) ) )
title = ' Electrum ' + self . wallet . electrum_version + ' - ' + self . wallet . storage . path
if not self . wallet . seed : title + = ' [ %s ] ' % ( _ ( ' seedless ' ) )
self . setWindowTitle ( title )
self . update_wallet ( )
# set initial message
self . console . showMessage ( self . wallet . interface . banner )
# Once GUI has been initialized check if we want to announce something since the callback has been called before the GUI was initialized
self . notify_transactions ( )
# account selector
accounts = self . wallet . get_account_names ( )
self . account_selector . clear ( )
if len ( accounts ) > 1 :
self . account_selector . addItems ( [ _ ( " All accounts " ) ] + accounts . values ( ) )
self . account_selector . setCurrentIndex ( 0 )
self . account_selector . show ( )
else :
self . account_selector . hide ( )
self . new_account . setEnabled ( self . wallet . seed_version > 4 )
self . update_lock_icon ( )
self . update_buttons_on_seed ( )
self . update_console ( )
self . run_hook ( ' load_wallet ' )
def select_wallet_file ( self ) :
wallet_folder = self . wallet . storage . path
re . sub ( " ( \ / \ w*.dat)$ " , " " , wallet_folder )
file_name = unicode ( QFileDialog . getOpenFileName ( self , " Select your wallet file " , wallet_folder , " *.dat " ) )
return file_name
def open_wallet ( self ) :
filename = self . select_wallet_file ( )
if not filename :
storage = WalletStorage ( { ' wallet_path ' : filename } )
if not storage . file_exists :
self . show_message ( " file not found " + filename )
interface = self . wallet . interface
blockchain = self . wallet . verifier . blockchain
self . wallet . stop_threads ( )
# create new wallet
wallet = Wallet ( storage )
wallet . start_threads ( interface , blockchain )
self . load_wallet ( wallet )
def new_wallet ( self ) :
import installwizard
wallet_folder = self . wallet . storage . path
re . sub ( " ( \ / \ w*.dat)$ " , " " , wallet_folder )
filename = self . getSaveFileName ( " Select your wallet file " , wallet_folder , " *.dat " )
storage = WalletStorage ( { ' wallet_path ' : filename } )
assert not storage . file_exists
wizard = installwizard . InstallWizard ( self . config , self . wallet . interface , self . wallet . verifier . blockchain , storage )
wallet = wizard . run ( )
if wallet :
self . load_wallet ( wallet )
def init_menubar ( self ) :
menubar = QMenuBar ( )
file_menu = menubar . addMenu ( _ ( " &File " ) )
open_wallet_action = file_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &Open " ) )
open_wallet_action . triggered . connect ( self . open_wallet )
new_wallet_action = file_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &Create/Restore " ) )
new_wallet_action . triggered . connect ( self . new_wallet )
wallet_backup = file_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &Copy " ) )
wallet_backup . triggered . connect ( lambda : backup_wallet ( self . wallet . storage . path ) )
quit_item = file_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &Close " ) )
quit_item . triggered . connect ( self . close )
wallet_menu = menubar . addMenu ( _ ( " &Wallet " ) )
# Settings / Preferences are all reserved keywords in OSX using this as work around
preferences_name = _ ( " Electrum preferences " ) if sys . platform == ' darwin ' else _ ( " Preferences " )
preferences_menu = wallet_menu . addAction ( preferences_name )
preferences_menu . triggered . connect ( self . settings_dialog )
wallet_menu . addSeparator ( )
raw_transaction_menu = wallet_menu . addMenu ( _ ( " &Load raw transaction " ) )
raw_transaction_file = raw_transaction_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &From file " ) )
raw_transaction_file . triggered . connect ( self . do_process_from_file )
raw_transaction_text = raw_transaction_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &From text " ) )
raw_transaction_text . triggered . connect ( self . do_process_from_text )
csv_transaction_menu = wallet_menu . addMenu ( _ ( " &Load CSV transaction " ) )
csv_transaction_file = csv_transaction_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &From file " ) )
csv_transaction_file . triggered . connect ( self . do_process_from_csv_file )
csv_transaction_text = csv_transaction_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &From text " ) )
csv_transaction_text . triggered . connect ( self . do_process_from_csv_text )
wallet_menu . addSeparator ( )
show_menu = wallet_menu . addMenu ( _ ( " Show " ) )
#if self.wallet.seed:
show_seed = show_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &Seed " ) )
show_seed . triggered . connect ( self . show_seed_dialog )
show_mpk = show_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &Master Public Key " ) )
show_mpk . triggered . connect ( self . show_master_public_key )
wallet_menu . addSeparator ( )
new_contact = wallet_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &New contact " ) )
new_contact . triggered . connect ( self . new_contact_dialog )
self . new_account = wallet_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &New account " ) )
self . new_account . triggered . connect ( self . new_account_dialog )
import_menu = menubar . addMenu ( _ ( " &Import " ) )
in_labels = import_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &Labels " ) )
in_labels . triggered . connect ( self . do_import_labels )
in_private_keys = import_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &Private keys " ) )
in_private_keys . triggered . connect ( self . do_import_privkey )
export_menu = menubar . addMenu ( _ ( " &Export " ) )
ex_private_keys = export_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &Private keys " ) )
ex_private_keys . triggered . connect ( self . do_export_privkeys )
ex_history = export_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &History " ) )
ex_history . triggered . connect ( self . do_export_history )
ex_labels = export_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &Labels " ) )
ex_labels . triggered . connect ( self . do_export_labels )
help_menu = menubar . addMenu ( _ ( " &Help " ) )
doc_open = help_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &Documentation " ) )
doc_open . triggered . connect ( lambda : webbrowser . open ( " http://electrum.org/documentation.html " ) )
web_open = help_menu . addAction ( _ ( " &Official website " ) )
web_open . triggered . connect ( lambda : webbrowser . open ( " http://electrum.org " ) )
self . setMenuBar ( menubar )
def notify_transactions ( self ) :
print_error ( " Notifying GUI " )
if len ( self . wallet . interface . pending_transactions_for_notifications ) > 0 :
# Combine the transactions if there are more then three
tx_amount = len ( self . wallet . interface . pending_transactions_for_notifications )
if ( tx_amount > = 3 ) :
total_amount = 0
for tx in self . wallet . interface . pending_transactions_for_notifications :
is_relevant , is_mine , v , fee = self . wallet . get_tx_value ( tx )
if ( v > 0 ) :
total_amount + = v
self . notify ( " %s new transactions received. Total amount received in the new transactions %s %s " \
% ( tx_amount , self . format_amount ( total_amount ) , self . base_unit ( ) ) )
self . wallet . interface . pending_transactions_for_notifications = [ ]
else :
for tx in self . wallet . interface . pending_transactions_for_notifications :
if tx :
self . wallet . interface . pending_transactions_for_notifications . remove ( tx )
is_relevant , is_mine , v , fee = self . wallet . get_tx_value ( tx )
if ( v > 0 ) :
self . notify ( " New transaction received. %s %s " % ( self . format_amount ( v ) , self . base_unit ( ) ) )
def notify ( self , message ) :
self . tray . showMessage ( " Electrum " , message , QSystemTrayIcon . Information , 20000 )
# plugins
def init_plugins ( self ) :
import imp , pkgutil , __builtin__
if __builtin__ . use_local_modules :
fp , pathname , description = imp . find_module ( ' plugins ' )
plugin_names = [ name for a , name , b in pkgutil . iter_modules ( [ pathname ] ) ]
plugin_names = filter ( lambda name : os . path . exists ( os . path . join ( pathname , name + ' .py ' ) ) , plugin_names )
imp . load_module ( ' electrum_plugins ' , fp , pathname , description )
plugins = map ( lambda name : imp . load_source ( ' electrum_plugins. ' + name , os . path . join ( pathname , name + ' .py ' ) ) , plugin_names )
else :
import electrum_plugins
plugin_names = [ name for a , name , b in pkgutil . iter_modules ( electrum_plugins . __path__ ) ]
plugins = [ __import__ ( ' electrum_plugins. ' + name , fromlist = [ ' electrum_plugins ' ] ) for name in plugin_names ]
self . plugins = [ ]
for name , p in zip ( plugin_names , plugins ) :
try :
self . plugins . append ( p . Plugin ( self , name ) )
except :
print_msg ( " Error:cannot initialize plugin " , p )
traceback . print_exc ( file = sys . stdout )
def run_hook ( self , name , * args ) :
for p in self . plugins :
if not p . is_enabled ( ) :
try :
f = eval ( ' p. ' + name )
except :
try :
apply ( f , args )
except :
print_error ( " Plugin error " )
traceback . print_exc ( file = sys . stdout )
def set_label ( self , name , text = None ) :
changed = False
old_text = self . wallet . labels . get ( name )
if text :
if old_text != text :
self . wallet . labels [ name ] = text
self . wallet . storage . put ( ' labels ' , self . wallet . labels )
changed = True
else :
if old_text :
self . wallet . labels . pop ( name )
changed = True
self . run_hook ( ' set_label ' , name , text , changed )
return changed
# custom wrappers for getOpenFileName and getSaveFileName, that remember the path selected by the user
def getOpenFileName ( self , title , filter = None ) :
directory = self . config . get ( ' io_dir ' , os . path . expanduser ( ' ~ ' ) )
fileName = unicode ( QFileDialog . getOpenFileName ( self , title , directory , filter ) )
if fileName and directory != os . path . dirname ( fileName ) :
self . config . set_key ( ' io_dir ' , os . path . dirname ( fileName ) , True )
return fileName
def getSaveFileName ( self , title , filename , filter = None ) :
directory = self . config . get ( ' io_dir ' , os . path . expanduser ( ' ~ ' ) )
path = os . path . join ( directory , filename )
fileName = unicode ( QFileDialog . getSaveFileName ( self , title , path , filter ) )
if fileName and directory != os . path . dirname ( fileName ) :
self . config . set_key ( ' io_dir ' , os . path . dirname ( fileName ) , True )
return fileName
def close ( self ) :
QMainWindow . close ( self )
self . run_hook ( ' close_main_window ' )
def connect_slots ( self , sender ) :
self . connect ( sender , QtCore . SIGNAL ( ' timersignal ' ) , self . timer_actions )
self . previous_payto_e = ' '
def timer_actions ( self ) :
if self . need_update . is_set ( ) :
self . update_wallet ( )
self . need_update . clear ( )
self . run_hook ( ' timer_actions ' )
def format_amount ( self , x , is_diff = False , whitespaces = False ) :
return format_satoshis ( x , is_diff , self . num_zeros , self . decimal_point , whitespaces )
def read_amount ( self , x ) :
if x in [ ' . ' , ' ' ] : return None
p = pow ( 10 , self . decimal_point )
return int ( p * Decimal ( x ) )
def base_unit ( self ) :
assert self . decimal_point in [ 5 , 8 ]
return " BTC " if self . decimal_point == 8 else " mBTC "
def update_status ( self ) :
if self . wallet . interface and self . wallet . interface . is_connected :
if not self . wallet . up_to_date :
text = _ ( " Synchronizing... " )
icon = QIcon ( " :icons/status_waiting.png " )
else :
c , u = self . wallet . get_account_balance ( self . current_account )
text = _ ( " Balance " ) + " : %s " % ( self . format_amount ( c ) ) + self . base_unit ( )
if u : text + = " [ %s unconfirmed] " % ( self . format_amount ( u , True ) . strip ( ) )
text + = self . create_quote_text ( Decimal ( c + u ) / 100000000 )
self . tray . setToolTip ( text )
icon = QIcon ( " :icons/status_connected.png " )
else :
text = _ ( " Not connected " )
icon = QIcon ( " :icons/status_disconnected.png " )
self . balance_label . setText ( text )
self . status_button . setIcon ( icon )
def update_wallet ( self ) :
self . update_status ( )
if self . wallet . up_to_date or not self . wallet . interface . is_connected :
self . update_history_tab ( )
self . update_receive_tab ( )
self . update_contacts_tab ( )
self . update_completions ( )
def create_quote_text ( self , btc_balance ) :
quote_currency = self . config . get ( " currency " , " None " )
quote_balance = self . exchanger . exchange ( btc_balance , quote_currency )
if quote_balance is None :
quote_text = " "
else :
quote_text = " ( %.2f %s ) " % ( quote_balance , quote_currency )
return quote_text
def create_history_tab ( self ) :
self . history_list = l = MyTreeWidget ( self )
l . setColumnCount ( 5 )
for i , width in enumerate ( self . column_widths [ ' history ' ] ) :
l . setColumnWidth ( i , width )
l . setHeaderLabels ( [ ' ' , _ ( ' Date ' ) , _ ( ' Description ' ) , _ ( ' Amount ' ) , _ ( ' Balance ' ) ] )
self . connect ( l , SIGNAL ( ' itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int) ' ) , self . tx_label_clicked )
self . connect ( l , SIGNAL ( ' itemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*, int) ' ) , self . tx_label_changed )
l . setContextMenuPolicy ( Qt . CustomContextMenu )
l . customContextMenuRequested . connect ( self . create_history_menu )
return l
def create_history_menu ( self , position ) :
self . history_list . selectedIndexes ( )
item = self . history_list . currentItem ( )
if not item : return
tx_hash = str ( item . data ( 0 , Qt . UserRole ) . toString ( ) )
if not tx_hash : return
menu = QMenu ( )
#menu.addAction(_("Copy ID to Clipboard"), lambda: self.app.clipboard().setText(tx_hash))
menu . addAction ( _ ( " Details " ) , lambda : self . show_tx_details ( self . wallet . transactions . get ( tx_hash ) ) )
menu . addAction ( _ ( " Edit description " ) , lambda : self . tx_label_clicked ( item , 2 ) )
menu . exec_ ( self . contacts_list . viewport ( ) . mapToGlobal ( position ) )
def show_tx_details ( self , tx ) :
dialog = QDialog ( self )
dialog . setModal ( 1 )
dialog . setWindowTitle ( _ ( " Transaction Details " ) )
vbox = QVBoxLayout ( )
dialog . setLayout ( vbox )
dialog . setMinimumSize ( 600 , 300 )
tx_hash = tx . hash ( )
if tx_hash in self . wallet . transactions . keys ( ) :
is_relevant , is_mine , v , fee = self . wallet . get_tx_value ( tx )
conf , timestamp = self . wallet . verifier . get_confirmations ( tx_hash )
if timestamp :
time_str = datetime . datetime . fromtimestamp ( timestamp ) . isoformat ( ' ' ) [ : - 3 ]
else :
time_str = ' pending '
else :
is_mine = False
vbox . addWidget ( QLabel ( " Transaction ID: " ) )
e = QLineEdit ( tx_hash )
e . setReadOnly ( True )
vbox . addWidget ( e )
vbox . addWidget ( QLabel ( " Date: %s " % time_str ) )
vbox . addWidget ( QLabel ( " Status: %d confirmations " % conf ) )
if is_mine :
if fee is not None :
vbox . addWidget ( QLabel ( " Amount sent: %s " % self . format_amount ( v - fee ) ) )
vbox . addWidget ( QLabel ( " Transaction fee: %s " % self . format_amount ( fee ) ) )
else :
vbox . addWidget ( QLabel ( " Amount sent: %s " % self . format_amount ( v ) ) )
vbox . addWidget ( QLabel ( " Transaction fee: unknown " ) )
else :
vbox . addWidget ( QLabel ( " Amount received: %s " % self . format_amount ( v ) ) )
vbox . addWidget ( self . generate_transaction_information_widget ( tx ) )
ok_button = QPushButton ( _ ( " Close " ) )
ok_button . setDefault ( True )
ok_button . clicked . connect ( dialog . accept )
hbox = QHBoxLayout ( )
hbox . addStretch ( 1 )
hbox . addWidget ( ok_button )
vbox . addLayout ( hbox )
dialog . exec_ ( )
def tx_label_clicked ( self , item , column ) :
if column == 2 and item . isSelected ( ) :
self . is_edit = True
item . setFlags ( Qt . ItemIsEditable | Qt . ItemIsSelectable | Qt . ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt . ItemIsEnabled | Qt . ItemIsDragEnabled )
self . history_list . editItem ( item , column )
item . setFlags ( Qt . ItemIsSelectable | Qt . ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt . ItemIsEnabled | Qt . ItemIsDragEnabled )
self . is_edit = False
def tx_label_changed ( self , item , column ) :
if self . is_edit :
self . is_edit = True
tx_hash = str ( item . data ( 0 , Qt . UserRole ) . toString ( ) )
tx = self . wallet . transactions . get ( tx_hash )
text = unicode ( item . text ( 2 ) )
self . set_label ( tx_hash , text )
if text :
item . setForeground ( 2 , QBrush ( QColor ( ' black ' ) ) )
else :
text = self . wallet . get_default_label ( tx_hash )
item . setText ( 2 , text )
item . setForeground ( 2 , QBrush ( QColor ( ' gray ' ) ) )
self . is_edit = False
def edit_label ( self , is_recv ) :
l = self . receive_list if is_recv else self . contacts_list
item = l . currentItem ( )
item . setFlags ( Qt . ItemIsEditable | Qt . ItemIsSelectable | Qt . ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt . ItemIsEnabled | Qt . ItemIsDragEnabled )
l . editItem ( item , 1 )
item . setFlags ( Qt . ItemIsSelectable | Qt . ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt . ItemIsEnabled | Qt . ItemIsDragEnabled )
def address_label_clicked ( self , item , column , l , column_addr , column_label ) :
if column == column_label and item . isSelected ( ) :
is_editable = item . data ( 0 , 32 ) . toBool ( )
if not is_editable :
addr = unicode ( item . text ( column_addr ) )
label = unicode ( item . text ( column_label ) )
item . setFlags ( Qt . ItemIsEditable | Qt . ItemIsSelectable | Qt . ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt . ItemIsEnabled | Qt . ItemIsDragEnabled )
l . editItem ( item , column )
item . setFlags ( Qt . ItemIsSelectable | Qt . ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt . ItemIsEnabled | Qt . ItemIsDragEnabled )
def address_label_changed ( self , item , column , l , column_addr , column_label ) :
if column == column_label :
addr = unicode ( item . text ( column_addr ) )
text = unicode ( item . text ( column_label ) )
is_editable = item . data ( 0 , 32 ) . toBool ( )
if not is_editable :
changed = self . set_label ( addr , text )
if changed :
self . update_history_tab ( )
self . update_completions ( )
self . current_item_changed ( item )
self . run_hook ( ' item_changed ' , item , column )
def current_item_changed ( self , a ) :
self . run_hook ( ' current_item_changed ' , a )
def update_history_tab ( self ) :
self . history_list . clear ( )
for item in self . wallet . get_tx_history ( self . current_account ) :
tx_hash , conf , is_mine , value , fee , balance , timestamp = item
if conf > 0 :
try :
time_str = datetime . datetime . fromtimestamp ( timestamp ) . isoformat ( ' ' ) [ : - 3 ]
except :
time_str = " unknown "
if conf == - 1 :
time_str = ' unverified '
icon = QIcon ( " :icons/unconfirmed.png " )
elif conf == 0 :
time_str = ' pending '
icon = QIcon ( " :icons/unconfirmed.png " )
elif conf < 6 :
icon = QIcon ( " :icons/clock %d .png " % conf )
else :
icon = QIcon ( " :icons/confirmed.png " )
if value is not None :
v_str = self . format_amount ( value , True , whitespaces = True )
else :
v_str = ' -- '
balance_str = self . format_amount ( balance , whitespaces = True )
if tx_hash :
label , is_default_label = self . wallet . get_label ( tx_hash )
else :
label = _ ( ' Pruned transaction outputs ' )
is_default_label = False
item = QTreeWidgetItem ( [ ' ' , time_str , label , v_str , balance_str ] )
item . setFont ( 2 , QFont ( MONOSPACE_FONT ) )
item . setFont ( 3 , QFont ( MONOSPACE_FONT ) )
item . setFont ( 4 , QFont ( MONOSPACE_FONT ) )
if value < 0 :
item . setForeground ( 3 , QBrush ( QColor ( " #BC1E1E " ) ) )
if tx_hash :
item . setData ( 0 , Qt . UserRole , tx_hash )
item . setToolTip ( 0 , " %d %s \n TxId: %s " % ( conf , _ ( ' Confirmations ' ) , tx_hash ) )
if is_default_label :
item . setForeground ( 2 , QBrush ( QColor ( ' grey ' ) ) )
item . setIcon ( 0 , icon )
self . history_list . insertTopLevelItem ( 0 , item )
self . history_list . setCurrentItem ( self . history_list . topLevelItem ( 0 ) )
def create_send_tab ( self ) :
w = QWidget ( )
grid = QGridLayout ( )
grid . setSpacing ( 8 )
grid . setColumnMinimumWidth ( 3 , 300 )
grid . setColumnStretch ( 5 , 1 )
self . payto_e = QLineEdit ( )
grid . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( ' Pay to ' ) ) , 1 , 0 )
grid . addWidget ( self . payto_e , 1 , 1 , 1 , 3 )
grid . addWidget ( HelpButton ( _ ( ' Recipient of the funds. ' ) + ' \n \n ' + _ ( ' You may enter a Bitcoin address, a label from your list of contacts (a list of completions will be proposed), or an alias (email-like address that forwards to a Bitcoin address) ' ) ) , 1 , 4 )
completer = QCompleter ( )
completer . setCaseSensitivity ( False )
self . payto_e . setCompleter ( completer )
completer . setModel ( self . completions )
self . message_e = QLineEdit ( )
grid . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( ' Description ' ) ) , 2 , 0 )
grid . addWidget ( self . message_e , 2 , 1 , 1 , 3 )
grid . addWidget ( HelpButton ( _ ( ' Description of the transaction (not mandatory). ' ) + ' \n \n ' + _ ( ' The description is not sent to the recipient of the funds. It is stored in your wallet file, and displayed in the \' History \' tab. ' ) ) , 2 , 4 )
self . amount_e = AmountEdit ( self . base_unit )
grid . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( ' Amount ' ) ) , 3 , 0 )
grid . addWidget ( self . amount_e , 3 , 1 , 1 , 2 )
grid . addWidget ( HelpButton (
_ ( ' Amount to be sent. ' ) + ' \n \n ' \
+ _ ( ' The amount will be displayed in red if you do not have enough funds in your wallet. Note that if you have frozen some of your addresses, the available funds will be lower than your total balance. ' ) \
+ ' \n \n ' + _ ( ' Keyboard shortcut: type " ! " to send all your coins. ' ) ) , 3 , 3 )
self . fee_e = AmountEdit ( self . base_unit )
grid . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( ' Fee ' ) ) , 4 , 0 )
grid . addWidget ( self . fee_e , 4 , 1 , 1 , 2 )
grid . addWidget ( HelpButton (
_ ( ' Bitcoin transactions are in general not free. A transaction fee is paid by the sender of the funds. ' ) + ' \n \n ' \
+ _ ( ' The amount of fee can be decided freely by the sender. However, transactions with low fees take more time to be processed. ' ) + ' \n \n ' \
+ _ ( ' A suggested fee is automatically added to this field. You may override it. The suggested fee increases with the size of the transaction. ' ) ) , 4 , 3 )
self . send_button = EnterButton ( _ ( " Send " ) , self . do_send )
grid . addWidget ( self . send_button , 6 , 1 )
b = EnterButton ( _ ( " Clear " ) , self . do_clear )
grid . addWidget ( b , 6 , 2 )
self . payto_sig = QLabel ( ' ' )
grid . addWidget ( self . payto_sig , 7 , 0 , 1 , 4 )
QShortcut ( QKeySequence ( " Up " ) , w , w . focusPreviousChild )
QShortcut ( QKeySequence ( " Down " ) , w , w . focusNextChild )
w . setLayout ( grid )
w2 = QWidget ( )
vbox = QVBoxLayout ( )
vbox . addWidget ( w )
vbox . addStretch ( 1 )
w2 . setLayout ( vbox )
def entry_changed ( is_fee ) :
self . funds_error = False
if self . amount_e . is_shortcut :
self . amount_e . is_shortcut = False
c , u = self . wallet . get_account_balance ( self . current_account )
inputs , total , fee = self . wallet . choose_tx_inputs ( c + u , 0 , self . current_account )
fee = self . wallet . estimated_fee ( inputs )
amount = c + u - fee
self . amount_e . setText ( self . format_amount ( amount ) )
self . fee_e . setText ( self . format_amount ( fee ) )
amount = self . read_amount ( str ( self . amount_e . text ( ) ) )
fee = self . read_amount ( str ( self . fee_e . text ( ) ) )
if not is_fee : fee = None
if amount is None :
inputs , total , fee = self . wallet . choose_tx_inputs ( amount , fee , self . current_account )
if not is_fee :
self . fee_e . setText ( self . format_amount ( fee ) )
if inputs :
palette = QPalette ( )
palette . setColor ( self . amount_e . foregroundRole ( ) , QColor ( ' black ' ) )
text = " "
else :
palette = QPalette ( )
palette . setColor ( self . amount_e . foregroundRole ( ) , QColor ( ' red ' ) )
self . funds_error = True
text = _ ( " Not enough funds " )
c , u = self . wallet . get_frozen_balance ( )
if c + u : text + = ' ( ' + self . format_amount ( c + u ) . strip ( ) + self . base_unit ( ) + ' ' + _ ( " are frozen " ) + ' ) '
self . statusBar ( ) . showMessage ( text )
self . amount_e . setPalette ( palette )
self . fee_e . setPalette ( palette )
self . amount_e . textChanged . connect ( lambda : entry_changed ( False ) )
self . fee_e . textChanged . connect ( lambda : entry_changed ( True ) )
self . run_hook ( ' create_send_tab ' , grid )
return w2
def update_completions ( self ) :
l = [ ]
for addr , label in self . wallet . labels . items ( ) :
if addr in self . wallet . addressbook :
l . append ( label + ' < ' + addr + ' > ' )
self . run_hook ( ' update_completions ' , l )
self . completions . setStringList ( l )
def protected ( func ) :
return lambda s , * args : s . do_protect ( func , args )
def do_send ( self ) :
label = unicode ( self . message_e . text ( ) )
r = unicode ( self . payto_e . text ( ) )
r = r . strip ( )
# label or alias, with address in brackets
m = re . match ( ' (.*?) \ s* \ <([1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z] { 26,}) \ > ' , r )
to_address = m . group ( 2 ) if m else r
if not is_valid ( to_address ) :
QMessageBox . warning ( self , _ ( ' Error ' ) , _ ( ' Invalid Bitcoin Address ' ) + ' : \n ' + to_address , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
try :
amount = self . read_amount ( unicode ( self . amount_e . text ( ) ) )
except :
QMessageBox . warning ( self , _ ( ' Error ' ) , _ ( ' Invalid Amount ' ) , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
try :
fee = self . read_amount ( unicode ( self . fee_e . text ( ) ) )
except :
QMessageBox . warning ( self , _ ( ' Error ' ) , _ ( ' Invalid Fee ' ) , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
confirm_amount = self . config . get ( ' confirm_amount ' , 100000000 )
if amount > = confirm_amount :
if not self . question ( " send %s to %s ? " % ( self . format_amount ( amount ) + ' ' + self . base_unit ( ) , to_address ) ) :
self . send_tx ( to_address , amount , fee , label )
def send_tx ( self , to_address , amount , fee , label , password ) :
try :
tx = self . wallet . mktx ( [ ( to_address , amount ) ] , password , fee , account = self . current_account )
except BaseException , e :
traceback . print_exc ( file = sys . stdout )
self . show_message ( str ( e ) )
if tx . requires_fee ( self . wallet . verifier ) and fee < MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE :
QMessageBox . warning ( self , _ ( ' Error ' ) , _ ( " This transaction requires a higher fee, or it will not be propagated by the network. " ) , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
self . run_hook ( ' send_tx ' , tx )
if label :
self . set_label ( tx . hash ( ) , label )
if tx . is_complete :
h = self . wallet . send_tx ( tx )
waiting_dialog ( lambda : False if self . wallet . tx_event . isSet ( ) else _ ( " Please wait... " ) )
status , msg = self . wallet . receive_tx ( h )
if status :
QMessageBox . information ( self , ' ' , _ ( ' Payment sent. ' ) + ' \n ' + msg , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
self . do_clear ( )
self . update_contacts_tab ( )
else :
QMessageBox . warning ( self , _ ( ' Error ' ) , msg , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
else :
filename = label + ' .txn ' if label else ' unsigned_ %s .txn ' % ( time . mktime ( time . gmtime ( ) ) )
try :
fileName = self . getSaveFileName ( _ ( " Select a transaction filename " ) , filename , " *.txn " )
with open ( fileName , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( json . dumps ( tx . as_dict ( ) , indent = 4 ) + ' \n ' )
QMessageBox . information ( self , _ ( ' Unsigned transaction created ' ) , _ ( " Unsigned transaction was saved to file: " ) + " " + fileName , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
except :
QMessageBox . warning ( self , _ ( ' Error ' ) , _ ( ' Could not write transaction to file ' ) , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
# add recipient to addressbook
if to_address not in self . wallet . addressbook and not self . wallet . is_mine ( to_address ) :
self . wallet . addressbook . append ( to_address )
def set_url ( self , url ) :
address , amount , label , message , signature , identity , url = util . parse_url ( url )
if self . base_unit ( ) == ' mBTC ' : amount = str ( 1000 * Decimal ( amount ) )
if label and self . wallet . labels . get ( address ) != label :
if self . question ( ' Give label " %s " to address %s ? ' % ( label , address ) ) :
if address not in self . wallet . addressbook and not self . wallet . is_mine ( address ) :
self . wallet . addressbook . append ( address )
self . set_label ( address , label )
self . run_hook ( ' set_url ' , url , self . show_message , self . question )
self . tabs . setCurrentIndex ( 1 )
label = self . wallet . labels . get ( address )
m_addr = label + ' < ' + address + ' > ' if label else address
self . payto_e . setText ( m_addr )
self . message_e . setText ( message )
self . amount_e . setText ( amount )
if identity :
self . set_frozen ( self . payto_e , True )
self . set_frozen ( self . amount_e , True )
self . set_frozen ( self . message_e , True )
self . payto_sig . setText ( ' The bitcoin URI was signed by ' + identity )
else :
self . payto_sig . setVisible ( False )
def do_clear ( self ) :
self . payto_sig . setVisible ( False )
for e in [ self . payto_e , self . message_e , self . amount_e , self . fee_e ] :
e . setText ( ' ' )
self . set_frozen ( e , False )
self . update_status ( )
def set_frozen ( self , entry , frozen ) :
if frozen :
entry . setReadOnly ( True )
entry . setFrame ( False )
palette = QPalette ( )
palette . setColor ( entry . backgroundRole ( ) , QColor ( ' lightgray ' ) )
entry . setPalette ( palette )
else :
entry . setReadOnly ( False )
entry . setFrame ( True )
palette = QPalette ( )
palette . setColor ( entry . backgroundRole ( ) , QColor ( ' white ' ) )
entry . setPalette ( palette )
def toggle_freeze ( self , addr ) :
if not addr : return
if addr in self . wallet . frozen_addresses :
self . wallet . unfreeze ( addr )
else :
self . wallet . freeze ( addr )
self . update_receive_tab ( )
def toggle_priority ( self , addr ) :
if not addr : return
if addr in self . wallet . prioritized_addresses :
self . wallet . unprioritize ( addr )
else :
self . wallet . prioritize ( addr )
self . update_receive_tab ( )
def create_list_tab ( self , headers ) :
" generic tab creation method "
l = MyTreeWidget ( self )
l . setColumnCount ( len ( headers ) )
l . setHeaderLabels ( headers )
w = QWidget ( )
vbox = QVBoxLayout ( )
w . setLayout ( vbox )
vbox . setMargin ( 0 )
vbox . setSpacing ( 0 )
vbox . addWidget ( l )
buttons = QWidget ( )
vbox . addWidget ( buttons )
hbox = QHBoxLayout ( )
hbox . setMargin ( 0 )
hbox . setSpacing ( 0 )
buttons . setLayout ( hbox )
return l , w , hbox
def create_receive_tab ( self ) :
l , w , hbox = self . create_list_tab ( [ _ ( ' Address ' ) , _ ( ' Label ' ) , _ ( ' Balance ' ) , _ ( ' Tx ' ) ] )
l . setContextMenuPolicy ( Qt . CustomContextMenu )
l . customContextMenuRequested . connect ( self . create_receive_menu )
self . connect ( l , SIGNAL ( ' itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int) ' ) , lambda a , b : self . address_label_clicked ( a , b , l , 0 , 1 ) )
self . connect ( l , SIGNAL ( ' itemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*, int) ' ) , lambda a , b : self . address_label_changed ( a , b , l , 0 , 1 ) )
self . connect ( l , SIGNAL ( ' currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*, QTreeWidgetItem*) ' ) , lambda a , b : self . current_item_changed ( a ) )
self . receive_list = l
self . receive_buttons_hbox = hbox
hbox . addStretch ( 1 )
return w
def receive_tab_set_mode ( self , i ) :
self . save_column_widths ( )
self . expert_mode = ( i == 1 )
self . config . set_key ( ' classic_expert_mode ' , self . expert_mode , True )
self . update_receive_tab ( )
def save_column_widths ( self ) :
if not self . expert_mode :
widths = [ self . receive_list . columnWidth ( 0 ) ]
else :
widths = [ ]
for i in range ( self . receive_list . columnCount ( ) - 1 ) :
widths . append ( self . receive_list . columnWidth ( i ) )
self . column_widths [ " receive " ] [ self . expert_mode ] = widths
self . column_widths [ " history " ] = [ ]
for i in range ( self . history_list . columnCount ( ) - 1 ) :
self . column_widths [ " history " ] . append ( self . history_list . columnWidth ( i ) )
self . column_widths [ " contacts " ] = [ ]
for i in range ( self . contacts_list . columnCount ( ) - 1 ) :
self . column_widths [ " contacts " ] . append ( self . contacts_list . columnWidth ( i ) )
self . config . set_key ( " column_widths " , self . column_widths , True )
def create_contacts_tab ( self ) :
l , w , hbox = self . create_list_tab ( [ _ ( ' Address ' ) , _ ( ' Label ' ) , _ ( ' Tx ' ) ] )
l . setContextMenuPolicy ( Qt . CustomContextMenu )
l . customContextMenuRequested . connect ( self . create_contact_menu )
for i , width in enumerate ( self . column_widths [ ' contacts ' ] ) :
l . setColumnWidth ( i , width )
self . connect ( l , SIGNAL ( ' itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int) ' ) , lambda a , b : self . address_label_clicked ( a , b , l , 0 , 1 ) )
self . connect ( l , SIGNAL ( ' itemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*, int) ' ) , lambda a , b : self . address_label_changed ( a , b , l , 0 , 1 ) )
self . contacts_list = l
self . contacts_buttons_hbox = hbox
hbox . addStretch ( 1 )
return w
def delete_imported_key ( self , addr ) :
if self . question ( _ ( " Do you want to remove " ) + " %s " % addr + _ ( " from your wallet? " ) ) :
self . wallet . delete_imported_key ( addr )
self . update_receive_tab ( )
self . update_history_tab ( )
def create_receive_menu ( self , position ) :
# fixme: this function apparently has a side effect.
# if it is not called the menu pops up several times
item = self . receive_list . itemAt ( position )
if not item : return
addr = unicode ( item . text ( 0 ) )
if not is_valid ( addr ) :
item . setExpanded ( not item . isExpanded ( ) )
menu = QMenu ( )
menu . addAction ( _ ( " Copy to clipboard " ) , lambda : self . app . clipboard ( ) . setText ( addr ) )
menu . addAction ( _ ( " QR code " ) , lambda : self . show_qrcode ( " bitcoin: " + addr , _ ( " Address " ) ) )
menu . addAction ( _ ( " Edit label " ) , lambda : self . edit_label ( True ) )
menu . addAction ( _ ( " Private key " ) , lambda : self . show_private_key ( addr ) )
menu . addAction ( _ ( " Sign message " ) , lambda : self . sign_message ( addr ) )
if addr in self . wallet . imported_keys :
menu . addAction ( _ ( " Remove from wallet " ) , lambda : self . delete_imported_key ( addr ) )
if self . expert_mode :
t = _ ( " Unfreeze " ) if addr in self . wallet . frozen_addresses else _ ( " Freeze " )
menu . addAction ( t , lambda : self . toggle_freeze ( addr ) )
t = _ ( " Unprioritize " ) if addr in self . wallet . prioritized_addresses else _ ( " Prioritize " )
menu . addAction ( t , lambda : self . toggle_priority ( addr ) )
self . run_hook ( ' receive_menu ' , menu )
menu . exec_ ( self . receive_list . viewport ( ) . mapToGlobal ( position ) )
def payto ( self , addr ) :
if not addr : return
label = self . wallet . labels . get ( addr )
m_addr = label + ' < ' + addr + ' > ' if label else addr
self . tabs . setCurrentIndex ( 1 )
self . payto_e . setText ( m_addr )
self . amount_e . setFocus ( )
def delete_contact ( self , x ) :
if self . question ( _ ( " Do you want to remove " ) + " %s " % x + _ ( " from your list of contacts? " ) ) :
self . wallet . delete_contact ( x )
self . set_label ( x , None )
self . update_history_tab ( )
self . update_contacts_tab ( )
self . update_completions ( )
def create_contact_menu ( self , position ) :
item = self . contacts_list . itemAt ( position )
if not item : return
addr = unicode ( item . text ( 0 ) )
label = unicode ( item . text ( 1 ) )
is_editable = item . data ( 0 , 32 ) . toBool ( )
payto_addr = item . data ( 0 , 33 ) . toString ( )
menu = QMenu ( )
menu . addAction ( _ ( " Copy to Clipboard " ) , lambda : self . app . clipboard ( ) . setText ( addr ) )
menu . addAction ( _ ( " Pay to " ) , lambda : self . payto ( payto_addr ) )
menu . addAction ( _ ( " QR code " ) , lambda : self . show_qrcode ( " bitcoin: " + addr , _ ( " Address " ) ) )
if is_editable :
menu . addAction ( _ ( " Edit label " ) , lambda : self . edit_label ( False ) )
menu . addAction ( _ ( " Delete " ) , lambda : self . delete_contact ( addr ) )
self . run_hook ( ' create_contact_menu ' , menu , item )
menu . exec_ ( self . contacts_list . viewport ( ) . mapToGlobal ( position ) )
def update_receive_item ( self , item ) :
item . setFont ( 0 , QFont ( MONOSPACE_FONT ) )
address = str ( item . data ( 0 , 0 ) . toString ( ) )
label = self . wallet . labels . get ( address , ' ' )
item . setData ( 1 , 0 , label )
item . setData ( 0 , 32 , True ) # is editable
self . run_hook ( ' update_receive_item ' , address , item )
c , u = self . wallet . get_addr_balance ( address )
balance = self . format_amount ( c + u )
item . setData ( 2 , 0 , balance )
if self . expert_mode :
if address in self . wallet . frozen_addresses :
item . setBackgroundColor ( 0 , QColor ( ' lightblue ' ) )
elif address in self . wallet . prioritized_addresses :
item . setBackgroundColor ( 0 , QColor ( ' lightgreen ' ) )
def update_receive_tab ( self ) :
l = self . receive_list
l . clear ( )
l . setColumnHidden ( 2 , not self . expert_mode )
l . setColumnHidden ( 3 , not self . expert_mode )
for i , width in enumerate ( self . column_widths [ ' receive ' ] [ self . expert_mode ] ) :
l . setColumnWidth ( i , width )
if self . current_account is None :
account_items = self . wallet . accounts . items ( )
elif self . current_account != - 1 :
account_items = [ ( self . current_account , self . wallet . accounts . get ( self . current_account ) ) ]
else :
account_items = [ ]
for k , account in account_items :
name = self . wallet . get_account_name ( k )
c , u = self . wallet . get_account_balance ( k )
account_item = QTreeWidgetItem ( [ name , ' ' , self . format_amount ( c + u ) , ' ' ] )
l . addTopLevelItem ( account_item )
account_item . setExpanded ( True )
for is_change in ( [ 0 , 1 ] if self . expert_mode else [ 0 ] ) :
if self . expert_mode :
name = " Receiving " if not is_change else " Change "
seq_item = QTreeWidgetItem ( [ name , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' ] )
account_item . addChild ( seq_item )
if not is_change : seq_item . setExpanded ( True )
else :
seq_item = account_item
is_red = False
gap = 0
for address in account . get_addresses ( is_change ) :
h = self . wallet . history . get ( address , [ ] )
if h == [ ] :
gap + = 1
if gap > self . wallet . gap_limit :
is_red = True
else :
gap = 0
num_tx = ' * ' if h == [ ' * ' ] else " %d " % len ( h )
item = QTreeWidgetItem ( [ address , ' ' , ' ' , num_tx ] )
self . update_receive_item ( item )
if is_red :
item . setBackgroundColor ( 1 , QColor ( ' red ' ) )
seq_item . addChild ( item )
if self . wallet . imported_keys and ( self . current_account is None or self . current_account == - 1 ) :
c , u = self . wallet . get_imported_balance ( )
account_item = QTreeWidgetItem ( [ _ ( ' Imported ' ) , ' ' , self . format_amount ( c + u ) , ' ' ] )
l . addTopLevelItem ( account_item )
account_item . setExpanded ( True )
for address in self . wallet . imported_keys . keys ( ) :
item = QTreeWidgetItem ( [ address , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' ] )
self . update_receive_item ( item )
account_item . addChild ( item )
# we use column 1 because column 0 may be hidden
l . setCurrentItem ( l . topLevelItem ( 0 ) , 1 )
def update_contacts_tab ( self ) :
l = self . contacts_list
l . clear ( )
for address in self . wallet . addressbook :
label = self . wallet . labels . get ( address , ' ' )
n = self . wallet . get_num_tx ( address )
item = QTreeWidgetItem ( [ address , label , " %d " % n ] )
item . setFont ( 0 , QFont ( MONOSPACE_FONT ) )
# 32 = label can be edited (bool)
item . setData ( 0 , 32 , True )
# 33 = payto string
item . setData ( 0 , 33 , address )
l . addTopLevelItem ( item )
self . run_hook ( ' update_contacts_tab ' , l )
l . setCurrentItem ( l . topLevelItem ( 0 ) )
def create_console_tab ( self ) :
from qt_console import Console
self . console = console = Console ( )
return console
def update_console ( self ) :
console = self . console
console . history = self . config . get ( " console-history " , [ ] )
console . history_index = len ( console . history )
console . updateNamespace ( { ' wallet ' : self . wallet , ' network ' : self . network , ' gui ' : self } )
console . updateNamespace ( { ' util ' : util , ' bitcoin ' : bitcoin } )
c = commands . Commands ( self . wallet , self . wallet . interface , lambda : self . console . set_json ( True ) )
methods = { }
def mkfunc ( f , method ) :
return lambda * args : apply ( f , ( method , args , self . password_dialog ) )
for m in dir ( c ) :
if m [ 0 ] == ' _ ' or m == ' wallet ' or m == ' interface ' : continue
methods [ m ] = mkfunc ( c . _run , m )
console . updateNamespace ( methods )
def change_account ( self , s ) :
if s == _ ( " All accounts " ) :
self . current_account = None
else :
accounts = self . wallet . get_account_names ( )
for k , v in accounts . items ( ) :
if v == s :
self . current_account = k
self . update_history_tab ( )
self . update_status ( )
self . update_receive_tab ( )
def create_status_bar ( self ) :
sb = QStatusBar ( )
sb . setFixedHeight ( 35 )
qtVersion = qVersion ( )
self . balance_label = QLabel ( " " )
sb . addWidget ( self . balance_label )
self . updatelabel = UpdateLabel ( self . config , sb )
self . account_selector = QComboBox ( )
self . connect ( self . account_selector , SIGNAL ( " activated(QString) " ) , self . change_account )
sb . addPermanentWidget ( self . account_selector )
if ( int ( qtVersion [ 0 ] ) > = 4 and int ( qtVersion [ 2 ] ) > = 7 ) :
sb . addPermanentWidget ( StatusBarButton ( QIcon ( " :icons/switchgui.png " ) , _ ( " Switch to Lite Mode " ) , self . go_lite ) )
self . lock_icon = QIcon ( )
self . password_button = StatusBarButton ( self . lock_icon , _ ( " Password " ) , self . change_password_dialog )
sb . addPermanentWidget ( self . password_button )
sb . addPermanentWidget ( StatusBarButton ( QIcon ( " :icons/preferences.png " ) , _ ( " Preferences " ) , self . settings_dialog ) )
self . seed_button = StatusBarButton ( QIcon ( " :icons/seed.png " ) , _ ( " Seed " ) , self . show_seed_dialog )
sb . addPermanentWidget ( self . seed_button )
self . status_button = StatusBarButton ( QIcon ( " :icons/status_disconnected.png " ) , _ ( " Network " ) , self . run_network_dialog )
sb . addPermanentWidget ( self . status_button )
self . run_hook ( ' create_status_bar ' , ( sb , ) )
self . setStatusBar ( sb )
def update_lock_icon ( self ) :
icon = QIcon ( " :icons/lock.png " ) if self . wallet . use_encryption else QIcon ( " :icons/unlock.png " )
self . password_button . setIcon ( icon )
def update_buttons_on_seed ( self ) :
if self . wallet . seed :
self . seed_button . show ( )
self . password_button . show ( )
self . send_button . setText ( _ ( " Send " ) )
else :
self . password_button . hide ( )
self . seed_button . hide ( )
self . send_button . setText ( _ ( " Create unsigned transaction " ) )
def change_password_dialog ( self ) :
from password_dialog import PasswordDialog
d = PasswordDialog ( self . wallet , self )
d . run ( )
self . update_lock_icon ( )
def go_lite ( self ) :
import gui_lite
self . config . set_key ( ' gui ' , ' lite ' , True )
self . hide ( )
if self . lite :
self . lite . mini . show ( )
else :
self . lite = gui_lite . ElectrumGui ( self . config , None , None , self )
self . lite . main ( None )
def new_contact_dialog ( self ) :
text , ok = QInputDialog . getText ( self , _ ( ' New Contact ' ) , _ ( ' Address ' ) + ' : ' )
address = unicode ( text )
if ok :
if is_valid ( address ) :
self . wallet . add_contact ( address )
self . update_contacts_tab ( )
self . update_history_tab ( )
self . update_completions ( )
else :
QMessageBox . warning ( self , _ ( ' Error ' ) , _ ( ' Invalid Address ' ) , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
def new_account_dialog ( self ) :
dialog = QDialog ( self )
dialog . setModal ( 1 )
dialog . setWindowTitle ( _ ( " New Account " ) )
addr = self . wallet . new_account_address ( )
vbox = QVBoxLayout ( )
vbox . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( " To create a new account, please send coins to the first address of that account: " ) ) )
e = QLineEdit ( addr )
e . setReadOnly ( True )
vbox . addWidget ( e )
ok_button = QPushButton ( _ ( " OK " ) )
ok_button . setDefault ( True )
ok_button . clicked . connect ( dialog . accept )
hbox = QHBoxLayout ( )
hbox . addStretch ( 1 )
hbox . addWidget ( ok_button )
vbox . addLayout ( hbox )
dialog . setLayout ( vbox )
dialog . exec_ ( )
def show_master_public_key ( self ) :
dialog = QDialog ( self )
dialog . setModal ( 1 )
dialog . setWindowTitle ( _ ( " Master Public Key " ) )
main_text = QTextEdit ( )
main_text . setText ( self . wallet . get_master_public_key ( ) )
main_text . setReadOnly ( True )
main_text . setMaximumHeight ( 170 )
qrw = QRCodeWidget ( self . wallet . get_master_public_key ( ) )
ok_button = QPushButton ( _ ( " OK " ) )
ok_button . setDefault ( True )
ok_button . clicked . connect ( dialog . accept )
main_layout = QGridLayout ( )
main_layout . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( ' Your Master Public Key is: ' ) ) , 0 , 0 , 1 , 2 )
main_layout . addWidget ( main_text , 1 , 0 )
main_layout . addWidget ( qrw , 1 , 1 )
vbox = QVBoxLayout ( )
vbox . addLayout ( main_layout )
hbox = QHBoxLayout ( )
hbox . addStretch ( 1 )
hbox . addWidget ( ok_button )
vbox . addLayout ( hbox )
dialog . setLayout ( vbox )
dialog . exec_ ( )
def show_seed_dialog ( self , password ) :
if not self . wallet . seed :
QMessageBox . information ( parent , _ ( ' Message ' ) , _ ( ' No seed ' ) , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
try :
seed = self . wallet . decode_seed ( password )
except :
QMessageBox . warning ( self , _ ( ' Error ' ) , _ ( ' Incorrect Password ' ) , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
from seed_dialog import SeedDialog
d = SeedDialog ( self )
d . show_seed ( seed , self . wallet . imported_keys )
def show_qrcode ( self , data , title = " QR code " ) :
if not data : return
d = QDialog ( self )
d . setModal ( 1 )
d . setWindowTitle ( title )
d . setMinimumSize ( 270 , 300 )
vbox = QVBoxLayout ( )
qrw = QRCodeWidget ( data )
vbox . addWidget ( qrw , 1 )
vbox . addWidget ( QLabel ( data ) , 0 , Qt . AlignHCenter )
hbox = QHBoxLayout ( )
hbox . addStretch ( 1 )
def print_qr ( self ) :
filename = " qrcode.bmp "
bmp . save_qrcode ( qrw . qr , filename )
QMessageBox . information ( None , _ ( ' Message ' ) , _ ( " QR code saved to file " ) + " " + filename , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
b = QPushButton ( _ ( " Save " ) )
hbox . addWidget ( b )
b . clicked . connect ( print_qr )
b = QPushButton ( _ ( " Close " ) )
hbox . addWidget ( b )
b . clicked . connect ( d . accept )
b . setDefault ( True )
vbox . addLayout ( hbox )
d . setLayout ( vbox )
d . exec_ ( )
def do_protect ( self , func , args ) :
if self . wallet . use_encryption :
password = self . password_dialog ( )
if not password :
else :
password = None
if args != ( False , ) :
args = ( self , ) + args + ( password , )
else :
args = ( self , password )
apply ( func , args )
def show_private_key ( self , address , password ) :
if not address : return
try :
pk_list = self . wallet . get_private_key ( address , password )
except BaseException , e :
self . show_message ( str ( e ) )
QMessageBox . information ( self , _ ( ' Private key ' ) , ' Address ' + ' : ' + address + ' \n \n ' + _ ( ' Private key ' ) + ' : ' + ' \n ' . join ( pk_list ) , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
def do_sign ( self , address , message , signature , password ) :
try :
sig = self . wallet . sign_message ( str ( address . text ( ) ) , str ( message . toPlainText ( ) ) , password )
signature . setText ( sig )
except BaseException , e :
self . show_message ( str ( e ) )
def sign_message ( self , address ) :
if not address : return
d = QDialog ( self )
d . setModal ( 1 )
d . setWindowTitle ( _ ( ' Sign Message ' ) )
d . setMinimumSize ( 410 , 290 )
tab_widget = QTabWidget ( )
tab = QWidget ( )
layout = QGridLayout ( tab )
sign_address = QLineEdit ( )
sign_address . setText ( address )
layout . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( ' Address ' ) ) , 1 , 0 )
layout . addWidget ( sign_address , 1 , 1 )
sign_message = QTextEdit ( )
layout . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( ' Message ' ) ) , 2 , 0 )
layout . addWidget ( sign_message , 2 , 1 )
layout . setRowStretch ( 2 , 3 )
sign_signature = QTextEdit ( )
layout . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( ' Signature ' ) ) , 3 , 0 )
layout . addWidget ( sign_signature , 3 , 1 )
layout . setRowStretch ( 3 , 1 )
hbox = QHBoxLayout ( )
b = QPushButton ( _ ( " Sign " ) )
hbox . addWidget ( b )
b . clicked . connect ( lambda : self . do_sign ( sign_address , sign_message , sign_signature ) )
b = QPushButton ( _ ( " Close " ) )
b . clicked . connect ( d . accept )
hbox . addWidget ( b )
layout . addLayout ( hbox , 4 , 1 )
tab_widget . addTab ( tab , _ ( " Sign " ) )
tab = QWidget ( )
layout = QGridLayout ( tab )
verify_address = QLineEdit ( )
layout . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( ' Address ' ) ) , 1 , 0 )
layout . addWidget ( verify_address , 1 , 1 )
verify_message = QTextEdit ( )
layout . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( ' Message ' ) ) , 2 , 0 )
layout . addWidget ( verify_message , 2 , 1 )
layout . setRowStretch ( 2 , 3 )
verify_signature = QTextEdit ( )
layout . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( ' Signature ' ) ) , 3 , 0 )
layout . addWidget ( verify_signature , 3 , 1 )
layout . setRowStretch ( 3 , 1 )
def do_verify ( ) :
if self . wallet . verify_message ( verify_address . text ( ) , str ( verify_signature . toPlainText ( ) ) , str ( verify_message . toPlainText ( ) ) ) :
self . show_message ( _ ( " Signature verified " ) )
else :
self . show_message ( _ ( " Error: wrong signature " ) )
hbox = QHBoxLayout ( )
b = QPushButton ( _ ( " Verify " ) )
b . clicked . connect ( do_verify )
hbox . addWidget ( b )
b = QPushButton ( _ ( " Close " ) )
b . clicked . connect ( d . accept )
hbox . addWidget ( b )
layout . addLayout ( hbox , 4 , 1 )
tab_widget . addTab ( tab , _ ( " Verify " ) )
vbox = QVBoxLayout ( )
vbox . addWidget ( tab_widget )
d . setLayout ( vbox )
d . exec_ ( )
def question ( self , msg ) :
return QMessageBox . question ( self , _ ( ' Message ' ) , msg , QMessageBox . Yes | QMessageBox . No , QMessageBox . No ) == QMessageBox . Yes
def show_message ( self , msg ) :
QMessageBox . information ( self , _ ( ' Message ' ) , msg , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
def password_dialog ( self ) :
d = QDialog ( self )
d . setModal ( 1 )
pw = QLineEdit ( )
pw . setEchoMode ( 2 )
vbox = QVBoxLayout ( )
msg = _ ( ' Please enter your password ' )
vbox . addWidget ( QLabel ( msg ) )
grid = QGridLayout ( )
grid . setSpacing ( 8 )
grid . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( ' Password ' ) ) , 1 , 0 )
grid . addWidget ( pw , 1 , 1 )
vbox . addLayout ( grid )
vbox . addLayout ( ok_cancel_buttons ( d ) )
d . setLayout ( vbox )
self . run_hook ( ' password_dialog ' , pw , grid , 1 )
if not d . exec_ ( ) : return
return unicode ( pw . text ( ) )
def generate_transaction_information_widget ( self , tx ) :
tabs = QTabWidget ( self )
tab1 = QWidget ( )
grid_ui = QGridLayout ( tab1 )
grid_ui . setColumnStretch ( 0 , 1 )
tabs . addTab ( tab1 , _ ( ' Outputs ' ) )
tree_widget = MyTreeWidget ( self )
tree_widget . setColumnCount ( 2 )
tree_widget . setHeaderLabels ( [ _ ( ' Address ' ) , _ ( ' Amount ' ) ] )
tree_widget . setColumnWidth ( 0 , 300 )
tree_widget . setColumnWidth ( 1 , 50 )
for address , value in tx . outputs :
item = QTreeWidgetItem ( [ address , " %s " % ( self . format_amount ( value ) ) ] )
tree_widget . addTopLevelItem ( item )
tree_widget . setMaximumHeight ( 100 )
grid_ui . addWidget ( tree_widget )
tab2 = QWidget ( )
grid_ui = QGridLayout ( tab2 )
grid_ui . setColumnStretch ( 0 , 1 )
tabs . addTab ( tab2 , _ ( ' Inputs ' ) )
tree_widget = MyTreeWidget ( self )
tree_widget . setColumnCount ( 2 )
tree_widget . setHeaderLabels ( [ _ ( ' Address ' ) , _ ( ' Previous output ' ) ] )
for input_line in tx . inputs :
item = QTreeWidgetItem ( [ str ( input_line [ " address " ] ) , str ( input_line [ " prevout_hash " ] ) ] )
tree_widget . addTopLevelItem ( item )
tree_widget . setMaximumHeight ( 100 )
grid_ui . addWidget ( tree_widget )
return tabs
def tx_dict_from_text ( self , txt ) :
try :
tx_dict = json . loads ( str ( txt ) )
assert " hex " in tx_dict . keys ( )
assert " complete " in tx_dict . keys ( )
if not tx_dict [ " complete " ] :
assert " input_info " in tx_dict . keys ( )
except :
QMessageBox . critical ( None , " Unable to parse transaction " , _ ( " Electrum was unable to parse your transaction " ) )
return None
return tx_dict
def read_tx_from_file ( self ) :
fileName = self . getOpenFileName ( _ ( " Select your transaction file " ) , " *.txn " )
if not fileName :
try :
with open ( fileName , " r " ) as f :
file_content = f . read ( )
except ( ValueError , IOError , os . error ) , reason :
QMessageBox . critical ( None , " Unable to read file or no transaction found " , _ ( " Electrum was unable to open your transaction file " ) + " \n " + str ( reason ) )
return self . tx_dict_from_text ( file_content )
def sign_raw_transaction ( self , tx , input_info , dialog = " " , password = " " ) :
try :
self . wallet . signrawtransaction ( tx , input_info , [ ] , password )
fileName = self . getSaveFileName ( _ ( " Select where to save your signed transaction " ) , ' signed_ %s .txn ' % ( tx . hash ( ) [ 0 : 8 ] ) , " *.txn " )
if fileName :
with open ( fileName , " w+ " ) as f :
f . write ( json . dumps ( tx . as_dict ( ) , indent = 4 ) + ' \n ' )
self . show_message ( _ ( " Transaction saved successfully " ) )
if dialog :
dialog . done ( 0 )
except BaseException , e :
self . show_message ( str ( e ) )
def send_raw_transaction ( self , raw_tx , dialog = " " ) :
result , result_message = self . wallet . sendtx ( raw_tx )
if result :
self . show_message ( " Transaction successfully sent: %s " % ( result_message ) )
if dialog :
dialog . done ( 0 )
else :
self . show_message ( " There was a problem sending your transaction: \n %s " % ( result_message ) )
def do_process_from_text ( self ) :
text = text_dialog ( self , _ ( ' Input raw transaction ' ) , _ ( " Transaction: " ) , _ ( " Load transaction " ) )
if not text :
tx_dict = self . tx_dict_from_text ( text )
if tx_dict :
self . create_process_transaction_window ( tx_dict )
def do_process_from_file ( self ) :
tx_dict = self . read_tx_from_file ( )
if tx_dict :
self . create_process_transaction_window ( tx_dict )
def do_process_from_csvReader ( self , csvReader ) :
outputs = [ ]
try :
for row in csvReader :
address = row [ 0 ]
amount = float ( row [ 1 ] )
amount = int ( 100000000 * amount )
outputs . append ( ( address , amount ) )
except ( ValueError , IOError , os . error ) , reason :
QMessageBox . critical ( None , " Unable to read file or no transaction found " , _ ( " Electrum was unable to open your transaction file " ) + " \n " + str ( reason ) )
try :
tx = self . wallet . make_unsigned_transaction ( outputs , None , None , account = self . current_account )
except BaseException , e :
self . show_message ( str ( e ) )
tx_dict = tx . as_dict ( )
self . create_process_transaction_window ( tx_dict )
def do_process_from_csv_file ( self ) :
fileName = self . getOpenFileName ( _ ( " Select your transaction CSV " ) , " *.csv " )
if not fileName :
try :
with open ( fileName , " r " ) as f :
csvReader = csv . reader ( f )
self . do_process_from_csvReader ( csvReader )
except ( ValueError , IOError , os . error ) , reason :
QMessageBox . critical ( None , " Unable to read file or no transaction found " , _ ( " Electrum was unable to open your transaction file " ) + " \n " + str ( reason ) )
def do_process_from_csv_text ( self ) :
text = text_dialog ( self , _ ( ' Input CSV ' ) , _ ( " CSV: " ) , _ ( " Load CSV " ) )
if not text :
f = StringIO . StringIO ( text )
csvReader = csv . reader ( f )
self . do_process_from_csvReader ( csvReader )
def create_process_transaction_window ( self , tx_dict ) :
tx = Transaction ( tx_dict [ " hex " ] )
dialog = QDialog ( self )
dialog . setMinimumWidth ( 500 )
dialog . setWindowTitle ( _ ( ' Process raw transaction ' ) )
dialog . setModal ( 1 )
l = QGridLayout ( )
dialog . setLayout ( l )
l . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( " Transaction status: " ) ) , 3 , 0 )
l . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( " Actions " ) ) , 4 , 0 )
if tx_dict [ " complete " ] == False :
l . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( " Unsigned " ) ) , 3 , 1 )
if self . wallet . seed :
b = QPushButton ( " Sign transaction " )
input_info = json . loads ( tx_dict [ " input_info " ] )
b . clicked . connect ( lambda : self . sign_raw_transaction ( tx , input_info , dialog ) )
l . addWidget ( b , 4 , 1 )
else :
l . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( " Wallet is de-seeded, can ' t sign. " ) ) , 4 , 1 )
else :
l . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( " Signed " ) ) , 3 , 1 )
b = QPushButton ( " Broadcast transaction " )
b . clicked . connect ( lambda : self . send_raw_transaction ( tx , dialog ) )
l . addWidget ( b , 4 , 1 )
l . addWidget ( self . generate_transaction_information_widget ( tx ) , 0 , 0 , 2 , 3 )
cancelButton = QPushButton ( _ ( " Cancel " ) )
cancelButton . clicked . connect ( lambda : dialog . done ( 0 ) )
l . addWidget ( cancelButton , 4 , 2 )
dialog . exec_ ( )
def do_export_privkeys ( self , password ) :
self . show_message ( " %s \n %s \n %s " % ( _ ( " WARNING: ALL your private keys are secret. " ) , _ ( " Exposing a single private key can compromise your entire wallet! " ) , _ ( " In particular, DO NOT use ' redeem private key ' services proposed by third parties. " ) ) )
try :
select_export = _ ( ' Select file to export your private keys to ' )
fileName = self . getSaveFileName ( select_export , ' electrum-private-keys.csv ' , " *.csv " )
if fileName :
with open ( fileName , " w+ " ) as csvfile :
transaction = csv . writer ( csvfile )
transaction . writerow ( [ " address " , " private_key " ] )
addresses = self . wallet . addresses ( True )
for addr in addresses :
pk = " " . join ( self . wallet . get_private_key ( addr , password ) )
transaction . writerow ( [ " %34s " % addr , pk ] )
self . show_message ( _ ( " Private keys exported. " ) )
except ( IOError , os . error ) , reason :
export_error_label = _ ( " Electrum was unable to produce a private key-export. " )
QMessageBox . critical ( None , " Unable to create csv " , export_error_label + " \n " + str ( reason ) )
except BaseException , e :
self . show_message ( str ( e ) )
def do_import_labels ( self ) :
labelsFile = self . getOpenFileName ( _ ( " Open labels file " ) , " *.dat " )
if not labelsFile : return
try :
f = open ( labelsFile , ' r ' )
data = f . read ( )
f . close ( )
for key , value in json . loads ( data ) . items ( ) :
self . wallet . set_label ( key , value )
QMessageBox . information ( None , _ ( " Labels imported " ) , _ ( " Your labels were imported from " ) + " ' %s ' " % str ( labelsFile ) )
except ( IOError , os . error ) , reason :
QMessageBox . critical ( None , _ ( " Unable to import labels " ) , _ ( " Electrum was unable to import your labels. " ) + " \n " + str ( reason ) )
def do_export_labels ( self ) :
labels = self . wallet . labels
try :
fileName = self . getSaveFileName ( _ ( " Select file to save your labels " ) , ' electrum_labels.dat ' , " *.dat " )
if fileName :
with open ( fileName , ' w+ ' ) as f :
json . dump ( labels , f )
QMessageBox . information ( None , " Labels exported " , _ ( " Your labels where exported to " ) + " ' %s ' " % str ( fileName ) )
except ( IOError , os . error ) , reason :
QMessageBox . critical ( None , " Unable to export labels " , _ ( " Electrum was unable to export your labels. " ) + " \n " + str ( reason ) )
def do_export_history ( self ) :
from gui_lite import csv_transaction
csv_transaction ( self . wallet )
def do_import_privkey ( self , password ) :
if not self . wallet . imported_keys :
r = QMessageBox . question ( None , _ ( ' Warning ' ) , ' <b> ' + _ ( ' Warning ' ) + ' : \n </b><br/> ' + _ ( ' Imported keys are not recoverable from seed. ' ) + ' ' \
+ _ ( ' If you ever need to restore your wallet from its seed, these keys will be lost. ' ) + ' <p> ' \
+ _ ( ' Are you sure you understand what you are doing? ' ) , 3 , 4 )
if r == 4 : return
text = text_dialog ( self , _ ( ' Import private keys ' ) , _ ( " Enter private keys " ) + ' : ' , _ ( " Import " ) )
if not text : return
text = str ( text ) . split ( )
badkeys = [ ]
addrlist = [ ]
for key in text :
try :
addr = self . wallet . import_key ( key , password )
except BaseException as e :
badkeys . append ( key )
if not addr :
badkeys . append ( key )
else :
addrlist . append ( addr )
if addrlist :
QMessageBox . information ( self , _ ( ' Information ' ) , _ ( " The following addresses were added " ) + ' : \n ' + ' \n ' . join ( addrlist ) )
if badkeys :
QMessageBox . critical ( self , _ ( ' Error ' ) , _ ( " The following inputs could not be imported " ) + ' : \n ' + ' \n ' . join ( badkeys ) )
self . update_receive_tab ( )
self . update_history_tab ( )
def settings_dialog ( self ) :
d = QDialog ( self )
d . setWindowTitle ( _ ( ' Electrum Settings ' ) )
d . setModal ( 1 )
vbox = QVBoxLayout ( )
tabs = QTabWidget ( self )
self . settings_tab = tabs
vbox . addWidget ( tabs )
tab1 = QWidget ( )
grid_ui = QGridLayout ( tab1 )
grid_ui . setColumnStretch ( 0 , 1 )
tabs . addTab ( tab1 , _ ( ' Display ' ) )
nz_label = QLabel ( _ ( ' Display zeros ' ) )
grid_ui . addWidget ( nz_label , 0 , 0 )
nz_e = AmountEdit ( None , True )
nz_e . setText ( " %d " % self . num_zeros )
grid_ui . addWidget ( nz_e , 0 , 1 )
msg = _ ( ' Number of zeros displayed after the decimal point. For example, if this is set to 2, " 1. " will be displayed as " 1.00 " ' )
grid_ui . addWidget ( HelpButton ( msg ) , 0 , 2 )
if not self . config . is_modifiable ( ' num_zeros ' ) :
for w in [ nz_e , nz_label ] : w . setEnabled ( False )
lang_label = QLabel ( _ ( ' Language ' ) + ' : ' )
grid_ui . addWidget ( lang_label , 1 , 0 )
lang_combo = QComboBox ( )
from i18n import languages
lang_combo . addItems ( languages . values ( ) )
try :
index = languages . keys ( ) . index ( self . config . get ( " language " , ' ' ) )
except :
index = 0
lang_combo . setCurrentIndex ( index )
grid_ui . addWidget ( lang_combo , 1 , 1 )
grid_ui . addWidget ( HelpButton ( _ ( ' Select which language is used in the GUI (after restart). ' ) + ' ' ) , 1 , 2 )
if not self . config . is_modifiable ( ' language ' ) :
for w in [ lang_combo , lang_label ] : w . setEnabled ( False )
currencies = self . exchanger . get_currencies ( )
currencies . insert ( 0 , " None " )
cur_label = QLabel ( _ ( ' Currency ' ) + ' : ' )
grid_ui . addWidget ( cur_label , 2 , 0 )
cur_combo = QComboBox ( )
cur_combo . addItems ( currencies )
try :
index = currencies . index ( self . config . get ( ' currency ' , " None " ) )
except :
index = 0
cur_combo . setCurrentIndex ( index )
grid_ui . addWidget ( cur_combo , 2 , 1 )
grid_ui . addWidget ( HelpButton ( _ ( ' Select which currency is used for quotes. ' ) + ' ' ) , 2 , 2 )
expert_cb = QCheckBox ( _ ( ' Expert mode ' ) )
expert_cb . setChecked ( self . expert_mode )
grid_ui . addWidget ( expert_cb , 3 , 0 )
hh = _ ( ' In expert mode, your client will: ' ) + ' \n ' \
+ _ ( ' - Show change addresses in the Receive tab ' ) + ' \n ' \
+ _ ( ' - Display the balance of each address ' ) + ' \n ' \
+ _ ( ' - Add freeze/prioritize actions to addresses. ' )
grid_ui . addWidget ( HelpButton ( hh ) , 3 , 2 )
grid_ui . setRowStretch ( 4 , 1 )
# wallet tab
tab2 = QWidget ( )
grid_wallet = QGridLayout ( tab2 )
grid_wallet . setColumnStretch ( 0 , 1 )
tabs . addTab ( tab2 , _ ( ' Wallet ' ) )
fee_label = QLabel ( _ ( ' Transaction fee ' ) )
grid_wallet . addWidget ( fee_label , 0 , 0 )
fee_e = AmountEdit ( self . base_unit )
fee_e . setText ( self . format_amount ( self . wallet . fee ) . strip ( ) )
grid_wallet . addWidget ( fee_e , 0 , 2 )
msg = _ ( ' Fee per kilobyte of transaction. ' ) + ' ' \
+ _ ( ' Recommended value ' ) + ' : ' + self . format_amount ( 50000 )
grid_wallet . addWidget ( HelpButton ( msg ) , 0 , 3 )
if not self . config . is_modifiable ( ' fee_per_kb ' ) :
for w in [ fee_e , fee_label ] : w . setEnabled ( False )
usechange_cb = QCheckBox ( _ ( ' Use change addresses ' ) )
usechange_cb . setChecked ( self . wallet . use_change )
grid_wallet . addWidget ( usechange_cb , 1 , 0 )
grid_wallet . addWidget ( HelpButton ( _ ( ' Using change addresses makes it more difficult for other people to track your transactions. ' ) + ' ' ) , 1 , 3 )
if not self . config . is_modifiable ( ' use_change ' ) : usechange_cb . setEnabled ( False )
gap_label = QLabel ( _ ( ' Gap limit ' ) )
grid_wallet . addWidget ( gap_label , 2 , 0 )
gap_e = AmountEdit ( None , True )
gap_e . setText ( " %d " % self . wallet . gap_limit )
grid_wallet . addWidget ( gap_e , 2 , 2 )
msg = _ ( ' The gap limit is the maximal number of contiguous unused addresses in your sequence of receiving addresses. ' ) + ' \n ' \
+ _ ( ' You may increase it if you need more receiving addresses. ' ) + ' \n \n ' \
+ _ ( ' Your current gap limit is ' ) + ' : %d ' % self . wallet . gap_limit + ' \n ' \
+ _ ( ' Given the current status of your address sequence, the minimum gap limit you can use is: ' ) + ' ' + ' %d ' % self . wallet . min_acceptable_gap ( ) + ' \n \n ' \
+ _ ( ' Warning ' ) + ' : ' \
+ _ ( ' The gap limit parameter must be provided in order to recover your wallet from seed. ' ) + ' ' \
+ _ ( ' Do not modify it if you do not understand what you are doing, or if you expect to recover your wallet without knowing it! ' ) + ' \n \n '
grid_wallet . addWidget ( HelpButton ( msg ) , 2 , 3 )
if not self . config . is_modifiable ( ' gap_limit ' ) :
for w in [ gap_e , gap_label ] : w . setEnabled ( False )
units = [ ' BTC ' , ' mBTC ' ]
unit_label = QLabel ( _ ( ' Base unit ' ) )
grid_wallet . addWidget ( unit_label , 3 , 0 )
unit_combo = QComboBox ( )
unit_combo . addItems ( units )
unit_combo . setCurrentIndex ( units . index ( self . base_unit ( ) ) )
grid_wallet . addWidget ( unit_combo , 3 , 2 )
grid_wallet . addWidget ( HelpButton ( _ ( ' Base unit of your wallet. ' ) \
+ ' \n 1BTC=1000mBTC. \n ' \
+ _ ( ' This settings affects the fields in the Send tab ' ) + ' ' ) , 3 , 3 )
grid_wallet . setRowStretch ( 4 , 1 )
# plugins
if self . plugins :
tab5 = QScrollArea ( )
tab5 . setEnabled ( True )
tab5 . setWidgetResizable ( True )
grid_plugins = QGridLayout ( )
grid_plugins . setColumnStretch ( 0 , 1 )
w = QWidget ( )
w . setLayout ( grid_plugins )
tab5 . setWidget ( w )
w . setMinimumHeight ( len ( self . plugins ) * 35 )
tabs . addTab ( tab5 , _ ( ' Plugins ' ) )
def mk_toggle ( cb , p ) :
return lambda : cb . setChecked ( p . toggle ( ) )
for i , p in enumerate ( self . plugins ) :
try :
cb = QCheckBox ( p . fullname ( ) )
cb . setDisabled ( not p . is_available ( ) )
cb . setChecked ( p . is_enabled ( ) )
cb . clicked . connect ( mk_toggle ( cb , p ) )
grid_plugins . addWidget ( cb , i , 0 )
if p . requires_settings ( ) :
grid_plugins . addWidget ( EnterButton ( _ ( ' Settings ' ) , p . settings_dialog ) , i , 1 )
grid_plugins . addWidget ( HelpButton ( p . description ( ) ) , i , 2 )
except :
print_msg ( " Error: cannot display plugin " , p )
traceback . print_exc ( file = sys . stdout )
grid_plugins . setRowStretch ( i + 1 , 1 )
self . run_hook ( ' create_settings_tab ' , tabs )
vbox . addLayout ( ok_cancel_buttons ( d ) )
d . setLayout ( vbox )
# run the dialog
if not d . exec_ ( ) : return
fee = unicode ( fee_e . text ( ) )
try :
fee = self . read_amount ( fee )
except :
QMessageBox . warning ( self , _ ( ' Error ' ) , _ ( ' Invalid value ' ) + ' : %s ' % fee , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
self . wallet . set_fee ( fee )
nz = unicode ( nz_e . text ( ) )
try :
nz = int ( nz )
if nz > 8 : nz = 8
except :
QMessageBox . warning ( self , _ ( ' Error ' ) , _ ( ' Invalid value ' ) + ' : %s ' % nz , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
if self . num_zeros != nz :
self . num_zeros = nz
self . config . set_key ( ' num_zeros ' , nz , True )
self . update_history_tab ( )
self . update_receive_tab ( )
usechange_result = usechange_cb . isChecked ( )
if self . wallet . use_change != usechange_result :
self . wallet . use_change = usechange_result
self . config . set_key ( ' use_change ' , self . wallet . use_change , True )
unit_result = units [ unit_combo . currentIndex ( ) ]
if self . base_unit ( ) != unit_result :
self . decimal_point = 8 if unit_result == ' BTC ' else 5
self . config . set_key ( ' decimal_point ' , self . decimal_point , True )
self . update_history_tab ( )
self . update_status ( )
try :
n = int ( gap_e . text ( ) )
except :
QMessageBox . warning ( self , _ ( ' Error ' ) , _ ( ' Invalid value ' ) , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
if self . wallet . gap_limit != n :
r = self . wallet . change_gap_limit ( n )
if r :
self . update_receive_tab ( )
self . config . set_key ( ' gap_limit ' , self . wallet . gap_limit , True )
else :
QMessageBox . warning ( self , _ ( ' Error ' ) , _ ( ' Invalid value ' ) , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
need_restart = False
lang_request = languages . keys ( ) [ lang_combo . currentIndex ( ) ]
if lang_request != self . config . get ( ' language ' ) :
self . config . set_key ( " language " , lang_request , True )
need_restart = True
cur_request = str ( currencies [ cur_combo . currentIndex ( ) ] )
if cur_request != self . config . get ( ' currency ' , " None " ) :
self . config . set_key ( ' currency ' , cur_request , True )
self . update_wallet ( )
self . run_hook ( ' close_settings_dialog ' )
if need_restart :
QMessageBox . warning ( self , _ ( ' Success ' ) , _ ( ' Please restart Electrum to activate the new GUI settings ' ) , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
self . receive_tab_set_mode ( expert_cb . isChecked ( ) )
def run_network_dialog ( self ) :
NetworkDialog ( self . wallet . network , self . config , self ) . do_exec ( )
def closeEvent ( self , event ) :
g = self . geometry ( )
self . config . set_key ( " winpos-qt " , [ g . left ( ) , g . top ( ) , g . width ( ) , g . height ( ) ] , True )
self . save_column_widths ( )
self . config . set_key ( " console-history " , self . console . history [ - 50 : ] , True )
event . accept ( )
class OpenFileEventFilter ( QObject ) :
def __init__ ( self , windows ) :
self . windows = windows
super ( OpenFileEventFilter , self ) . __init__ ( )
def eventFilter ( self , obj , event ) :
if event . type ( ) == QtCore . QEvent . FileOpen :
if len ( self . windows ) > = 1 :
self . windows [ 0 ] . set_url ( event . url ( ) . toString ( ) )
return True
return False
class ElectrumGui :
def __init__ ( self , config , network , app = None ) :
self . network = network
#self.interface = interface
self . config = config
#self.blockchain = network.blockchain
self . windows = [ ]
self . efilter = OpenFileEventFilter ( self . windows )
if app is None :
self . app = QApplication ( sys . argv )
self . app . installEventFilter ( self . efilter )
def main ( self , url ) :
storage = WalletStorage ( self . config )
if not storage . file_exists :
import installwizard
wizard = installwizard . InstallWizard ( self . config , self . network , storage )
wallet = wizard . run ( )
if not wallet :
exit ( )
else :
wallet = Wallet ( storage )
wallet . start_threads ( self . network )
s = Timer ( )
s . start ( )
w = ElectrumWindow ( self . config , self . network )
w . load_wallet ( wallet )
self . windows . append ( w )
if url : w . set_url ( url )
w . app = self . app
w . connect_slots ( s )
w . update_wallet ( )
w . show ( )
self . app . exec_ ( )
wallet . stop_threads ( )