import re
import platform
from decimal import Decimal
from urllib import quote
from PyQt4 . QtGui import *
from PyQt4 . QtCore import *
import PyQt4 . QtCore as QtCore
import PyQt4 . QtGui as QtGui
from electrum_gui . qt . qrcodewidget import QRCodeWidget
from electrum import bmp , pyqrnative , BasePlugin
from electrum . i18n import _
if platform . system ( ) == ' Windows ' :
MONOSPACE_FONT = ' Lucida Console '
elif platform . system ( ) == ' Darwin ' :
else :
MONOSPACE_FONT = ' monospace '
column_index = 4
class QR_Window ( QWidget ) :
def __init__ ( self , exchanger ) :
QWidget . __init__ ( self )
self . exchanger = exchanger
self . setWindowTitle ( ' Electrum - ' + _ ( ' Invoice ' ) )
self . setMinimumSize ( 800 , 250 )
self . address = ' '
self . label = ' '
self . amount = 0
self . setFocusPolicy ( QtCore . Qt . NoFocus )
main_box = QHBoxLayout ( )
self . qrw = QRCodeWidget ( )
main_box . addWidget ( self . qrw , 1 )
vbox = QVBoxLayout ( )
main_box . addLayout ( vbox )
self . address_label = QLabel ( " " )
vbox . addWidget ( self . address_label )
self . label_label = QLabel ( " " )
vbox . addWidget ( self . label_label )
self . amount_label = QLabel ( " " )
vbox . addWidget ( self . amount_label )
vbox . addStretch ( 1 )
self . setLayout ( main_box )
def set_content ( self , addr , label , amount , currency ) :
self . address = addr
address_text = " <span style= ' font-size: 18pt ' > %s </span> " % addr if addr else " "
self . address_label . setText ( address_text )
if currency == ' BTC ' : currency = None
amount_text = ' '
if amount :
if currency :
try :
self . amount = Decimal ( amount ) / self . exchanger . exchange ( 1 , currency ) if currency else amount
except Exception :
self . amount = None
else :
self . amount = Decimal ( amount )
self . amount = self . amount . quantize ( Decimal ( ' 1.0000 ' ) )
if currency :
amount_text + = " <span style= ' font-size: 18pt ' > %s %s </span><br/> " % ( amount , currency )
amount_text + = " <span style= ' font-size: 21pt ' > %s </span> <span style= ' font-size: 16pt ' >BTC</span> " % str ( self . amount )
else :
self . amount = None
self . amount_label . setText ( amount_text )
self . label = label
label_text = " <span style= ' font-size: 21pt ' > %s </span> " % label if label else " "
self . label_label . setText ( label_text )
msg = ' bitcoin: ' + self . address
if self . amount is not None :
msg + = ' ?amount= %s ' % ( str ( self . amount ) )
if self . label is not None :
encoded_label = quote ( self . label )
msg + = ' &label= %s ' % ( encoded_label )
elif self . label is not None :
encoded_label = quote ( self . label )
msg + = ' ?label= %s ' % ( encoded_label )
self . qrw . set_addr ( msg )
class Plugin ( BasePlugin ) :
def fullname ( self ) :
return ' Point of Sale '
def description ( self ) :
return _ ( ' Show QR code window and amounts requested for each address. Add menu item to request amount. ' ) + _ ( ' Note: This requires the exchange rate plugin to be installed. ' )
def init ( self ) :
self . window = self . gui . main_window
self . wallet = self . window . wallet
self . qr_window = None
self . merchant_name = self . config . get ( ' merchant_name ' , ' Invoice ' )
self . window . expert_mode = True
self . window . receive_list . setColumnCount ( 5 )
self . window . receive_list . setHeaderLabels ( [ _ ( ' Address ' ) , _ ( ' Label ' ) , _ ( ' Balance ' ) , _ ( ' Tx ' ) , _ ( ' Request ' ) ] )
self . requested_amounts = { }
self . toggle_QR_window ( True )
def enable ( self ) :
if not self . config . get ( ' use_exchange_rate ' ) :
self . gui . main_window . show_message ( " Please enable exchange rates first! " )
return False
return BasePlugin . enable ( self )
def load_wallet ( self , wallet ) :
self . wallet = wallet
self . requested_amounts = self . wallet . storage . get ( ' requested_amounts ' , { } )
def close ( self ) :
self . window . receive_list . setHeaderLabels ( [ _ ( ' Address ' ) , _ ( ' Label ' ) , _ ( ' Balance ' ) , _ ( ' Tx ' ) ] )
self . window . receive_list . setColumnCount ( 4 )
for i , width in enumerate ( self . window . column_widths [ ' receive ' ] ) :
self . window . receive_list . setColumnWidth ( i , width )
self . toggle_QR_window ( False )
def close_main_window ( self ) :
if self . qr_window :
self . qr_window . close ( )
self . qr_window = None
def timer_actions ( self ) :
if self . qr_window :
self . qr_window . qrw . update_qr ( )
def toggle_QR_window ( self , show ) :
if show and not self . qr_window :
self . qr_window = QR_Window ( self . gui . exchanger )
self . qr_window . setVisible ( True )
self . qr_window_geometry = self . qr_window . geometry ( )
item = self . window . receive_list . currentItem ( )
if item :
address = str ( item . text ( 1 ) )
label = self . wallet . labels . get ( address )
amount , currency = self . requested_amounts . get ( address , ( None , None ) )
self . qr_window . set_content ( address , label , amount , currency )
elif show and self . qr_window and not self . qr_window . isVisible ( ) :
self . qr_window . setVisible ( True )
self . qr_window . setGeometry ( self . qr_window_geometry )
elif not show and self . qr_window and self . qr_window . isVisible ( ) :
self . qr_window_geometry = self . qr_window . geometry ( )
self . qr_window . setVisible ( False )
def update_receive_item ( self , address , item ) :
try :
amount , currency = self . requested_amounts . get ( address , ( None , None ) )
except Exception :
print " cannot get requested amount " , address , self . requested_amounts . get ( address )
amount , currency = None , None
self . requested_amounts . pop ( address )
amount_str = amount + ( ' ' + currency if currency else ' ' ) if amount is not None else ' '
item . setData ( column_index , 0 , amount_str )
def current_item_changed ( self , a ) :
if not self . wallet :
if a is not None and self . qr_window and self . qr_window . isVisible ( ) :
address = str ( a . text ( 0 ) )
label = self . wallet . labels . get ( address )
try :
amount , currency = self . requested_amounts . get ( address , ( None , None ) )
except Exception :
amount , currency = None , None
self . qr_window . set_content ( address , label , amount , currency )
def item_changed ( self , item , column ) :
if column != column_index :
address = str ( item . text ( 0 ) )
text = str ( item . text ( column ) )
try :
seq = self . wallet . get_address_index ( address )
index = seq [ 1 ] [ 1 ]
except Exception :
print " cannot get index "
text = text . strip ( ) . upper ( )
#print text
m = re . match ( ' ^( \ d*(| \ . \ d*)) \ s*(|BTC|EUR|USD|GBP|CNY|JPY|RUB|BRL)$ ' , text )
if m and m . group ( 1 ) and m . group ( 1 ) != ' . ' :
amount = m . group ( 1 )
currency = m . group ( 3 )
if not currency :
currency = ' BTC '
else :
currency = currency . upper ( )
self . requested_amounts [ address ] = ( amount , currency )
self . wallet . storage . put ( ' requested_amounts ' , self . requested_amounts , True )
label = self . wallet . labels . get ( address )
if label is None :
label = self . merchant_name + ' - %04d ' % ( index + 1 )
self . wallet . labels [ address ] = label
if self . qr_window :
self . qr_window . set_content ( address , label , amount , currency )
else :
item . setText ( column , ' ' )
if address in self . requested_amounts :
self . requested_amounts . pop ( address )
self . window . update_receive_item ( self . window . receive_list . currentItem ( ) )
def edit_amount ( self ) :
l = self . window . receive_list
item = l . currentItem ( )
item . setFlags ( Qt . ItemIsEditable | Qt . ItemIsSelectable | Qt . ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt . ItemIsEnabled | Qt . ItemIsDragEnabled )
l . editItem ( item , column_index )
item . setFlags ( Qt . ItemIsSelectable | Qt . ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt . ItemIsEnabled | Qt . ItemIsDragEnabled )
def receive_menu ( self , menu , addr ) :
menu . addAction ( _ ( " Request amount " ) , self . edit_amount )
menu . addAction ( _ ( " Show Invoice " ) , lambda : self . toggle_QR_window ( True ) )