@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ from threading import Thread
import time
import traceback
from decimal import Decimal
from functools import partial
from electrum . bitcoin import COIN
from electrum . plugins import BasePlugin , hook
@ -36,7 +37,9 @@ class ExchangeBase:
return self . __class__ . __name__
def update ( self , ccy ) :
self . print_error ( " getting fx quotes for " , ccy )
self . quotes = self . get_rates ( ccy )
self . print_error ( " received fx quotes " )
self . sig . emit ( SIGNAL ( ' fx_quotes ' ) )
return self . quotes
@ -46,6 +49,7 @@ class ExchangeBase:
def set_history ( self , ccy , history ) :
''' History is a map of " % Y- % m- %d " strings to values '''
self . history [ ccy ] = history
self . print_error ( " received fx history for " , ccy )
self . sig . emit ( SIGNAL ( " fx_history " ) )
def get_historical_rates ( self , ccy ) :
@ -131,7 +135,7 @@ class CoinDesk(ExchangeBase):
' /v1/bpi/currentprice/ %s .json ' % ccy )
ccys = [ d [ ' currency ' ] for d in dicts ]
result = dict . fromkeys ( ccys )
result [ ccy ] = Decimal ( json [ ' bpi ' ] [ ccy ] [ ' rate ' ] )
result [ ccy ] = Decimal ( json [ ' bpi ' ] [ ccy ] [ ' rate_float ' ] )
return result
def history_starts ( self ) :
@ -191,6 +195,7 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin, ThreadJob):
self . history_used_spot = False
self . ccy_combo = None
self . hist_checkbox = None
self . windows = dict ( )
is_exchange = lambda obj : ( inspect . isclass ( obj )
and issubclass ( obj , ExchangeBase )
@ -206,10 +211,9 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin, ThreadJob):
def run ( self ) :
# This runs from the network thread which catches exceptions
if self . parent . windows and self . timeout < = time . time ( ) :
if self . windows and self . timeout < = time . time ( ) :
self . timeout = time . time ( ) + 150
rates = self . exchange . update ( self . ccy )
self . refresh_fields ( )
self . exchange . update ( self . ccy )
def config_ccy ( self ) :
''' Use when dynamic fetching is needed '''
@ -236,24 +240,81 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin, ThreadJob):
def update_status_bars ( self ) :
''' Update status bar fiat balance in all windows '''
for window in self . parent . windows :
for window in self . windows :
window . update_status ( )
def on_new_window ( self , window ) :
window . fx_fields = { }
self . add_send_edit ( window )
self . add_receive_edit ( window )
# Additional send and receive edit boxes
send_e = AmountEdit ( self . config_ccy )
window . send_grid . addWidget ( send_e , 4 , 3 , Qt . AlignHCenter )
window . amount_e . frozen . connect (
lambda : send_e . setFrozen ( window . amount_e . isReadOnly ( ) ) )
receive_e = AmountEdit ( self . config_ccy )
window . receive_grid . addWidget ( receive_e , 2 , 3 , Qt . AlignHCenter )
self . windows [ window ] = { ' edits ' : ( send_e , receive_e ) ,
' last_edited ' : { } }
self . connect_fields ( window , window . amount_e , send_e , window . fee_e )
self . connect_fields ( window , window . receive_amount_e , receive_e , None )
window . update_status ( )
def connect_fields ( self , window , btc_e , fiat_e , fee_e ) :
last_edited = self . windows [ window ] [ ' last_edited ' ]
def edit_changed ( edit ) :
edit . setStyleSheet ( BLACK_FG )
last_edited [ ( fiat_e , btc_e ) ] = edit
amount = edit . get_amount ( )
rate = self . exchange_rate ( )
if rate is None or amount is None :
if edit is fiat_e :
btc_e . setText ( " " )
if fee_e :
fee_e . setText ( " " )
else :
fiat_e . setText ( " " )
else :
if edit is fiat_e :
btc_e . setAmount ( int ( amount / Decimal ( rate ) * COIN ) )
if fee_e : window . update_fee ( )
btc_e . setStyleSheet ( BLUE_FG )
else :
fiat_e . setText ( " %.2f " % ( amount * Decimal ( rate ) / COIN ) )
fiat_e . setStyleSheet ( BLUE_FG )
fiat_e . textEdited . connect ( partial ( edit_changed , fiat_e ) )
btc_e . textEdited . connect ( partial ( edit_changed , btc_e ) )
last_edited [ ( fiat_e , btc_e ) ] = btc_e
def do_clear ( self , window ) :
self . windows [ window ] [ ' edits ' ] [ 0 ] . setText ( ' ' )
def on_close_window ( self , window ) :
self . windows . pop ( window )
def close ( self ) :
# Get rid of hooks before updating status bars.
BasePlugin . close ( self )
self . update_status_bars ( )
for window , data in self . windows . items ( ) :
for edit in data [ ' edits ' ] :
edit . hide ( )
window . update_status ( )
def on_fx_history ( self ) :
''' Called when historical fx quotes are updated '''
for window in self . parent . windows :
for window in self . windows :
window . update_history_tab ( )
def on_fx_quotes ( self ) :
''' Called when fresh spot fx quotes come in '''
self . update_status_bars ( )
self . populate_ccy_combo ( )
# Refresh edits with the new rate
for window , data in self . windows . items ( ) :
for edit in data [ ' last_edited ' ] . values ( ) :
edit . textEdited . emit ( edit . text ( ) )
# History tab needs updating if it used spot
if self . history_used_spot :
self . on_fx_history ( )
@ -284,14 +345,6 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin, ThreadJob):
combo . blockSignals ( False )
combo . setCurrentIndex ( combo . findText ( self . ccy ) )
def close ( self ) :
BasePlugin . close ( self )
for window in self . parent . windows :
window . send_fiat_e . hide ( )
window . receive_fiat_e . hide ( )
window . update_history_tab ( )
window . update_status ( )
def exchange_rate ( self ) :
''' Returns None, or the exchange rate as a Decimal '''
rate = self . exchange . quotes . get ( self . ccy )
@ -405,9 +458,9 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin, ThreadJob):
self . config . set_key ( ' history_rates ' , ' unchecked ' )
def ok_clicked ( ) :
if self . exchange in [ " CoinDesk " , " itBit " ] :
self . timeout = 0
d . accept ( ) ;
self . ccy_combo = None
d . accept ( )
combo_ex = QComboBox ( )
combo_ex . addItems ( sorted ( self . exchanges . keys ( ) ) )
@ -426,66 +479,4 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin, ThreadJob):
layout . addWidget ( self . hist_checkbox , 2 , 1 )
layout . addWidget ( ok_button , 3 , 1 )
result = d . exec_ ( )
self . ccy_combo = None
return result
def refresh_fields ( self ) :
''' Update the display at the new rate '''
for window in self . parent . windows :
for field in window . fx_fields . values ( ) :
field . textEdited . emit ( field . text ( ) )
def add_send_edit ( self , window ) :
window . send_fiat_e = AmountEdit ( self . config_ccy )
self . connect_fields ( window , True )
window . send_grid . addWidget ( window . send_fiat_e , 4 , 3 , Qt . AlignHCenter )
window . amount_e . frozen . connect ( lambda : window . send_fiat_e . setFrozen ( window . amount_e . isReadOnly ( ) ) )
def add_receive_edit ( self , window ) :
window . receive_fiat_e = AmountEdit ( self . config_ccy )
self . connect_fields ( window , False )
window . receive_grid . addWidget ( window . receive_fiat_e , 2 , 3 , Qt . AlignHCenter )
def connect_fields ( self , window , send ) :
if send :
btc_e , fiat_e , fee_e = ( window . amount_e , window . send_fiat_e ,
window . fee_e )
else :
btc_e , fiat_e , fee_e = ( window . receive_amount_e ,
window . receive_fiat_e , None )
def fiat_changed ( ) :
fiat_e . setStyleSheet ( BLACK_FG )
window . fx_fields [ ( fiat_e , btc_e ) ] = fiat_e
try :
fiat_amount = Decimal ( str ( fiat_e . text ( ) ) )
except :
btc_e . setText ( " " )
if fee_e : fee_e . setText ( " " )
exchange_rate = self . exchange_rate ( )
if exchange_rate is not None :
btc_amount = fiat_amount / exchange_rate
btc_e . setAmount ( int ( btc_amount * Decimal ( COIN ) ) )
btc_e . setStyleSheet ( BLUE_FG )
if fee_e : window . update_fee ( )
fiat_e . textEdited . connect ( fiat_changed )
def btc_changed ( ) :
btc_e . setStyleSheet ( BLACK_FG )
window . fx_fields [ ( fiat_e , btc_e ) ] = btc_e
btc_amount = btc_e . get_amount ( )
rate = self . exchange_rate ( )
if rate is None or btc_amount is None :
fiat_e . setText ( " " )
else :
fiat_amount = rate * Decimal ( btc_amount ) / Decimal ( COIN )
pos = fiat_e . cursorPosition ( )
fiat_e . setText ( " %.2f " % fiat_amount )
fiat_e . setCursorPosition ( pos )
fiat_e . setStyleSheet ( BLUE_FG )
btc_e . textEdited . connect ( btc_changed )
window . fx_fields [ ( fiat_e , btc_e ) ] = btc_e
def do_clear ( self , window ) :
window . send_fiat_e . setText ( ' ' )
return d . exec_ ( )