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mpp_split: split algorithm with channel splits

- The splitting algorithm is redesigned to use random distribution of
  subsplittings over channels.
- Splittings can include multiple subamounts within a channel.
- The single-channel splittings are implicitly activated once the
  liquidity hints don't support payments of large size.
bitromortac 4 years ago
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: 1965063FC13BEBE2
  1. 24
  2. 354
  3. 67


@ -1457,10 +1457,6 @@ class LNWallet(LNWorker):
We first try to conduct the payment over a single channel. If that fails
and mpp is supported by the receiver, we will split the payment."""
# It could happen that the pathfinding uses a channel
# in the graph multiple times, meaning we could exhaust
# its capacity. This could be dealt with by temporarily
# iteratively blacklisting channels for this mpp attempt.
invoice_features = LnFeatures(invoice_features)
trampoline_features = LnFeatures.VAR_ONION_OPT
local_height =
@ -1510,7 +1506,7 @@ class LNWallet(LNWorker):
raise NoPathFound()
else: # local single-part route computation
route = await run_in_thread(
@ -1524,7 +1520,7 @@ class LNWallet(LNWorker):
yield route, amount_msat, final_total_msat, amount_msat, min_cltv_expiry, payment_secret, fwd_trampoline_onion
except NoPathFound:
except NoPathFound: # fall back to payment splitting
if not invoice_features.supports(LnFeatures.BASIC_MPP_OPT):
channels_with_funds = {
@ -1535,17 +1531,17 @@ class LNWallet(LNWorker):
# to a single node due to some incompatibility in Eclair, see:
use_singe_node = not self.channel_db and is constants.BitcoinMainnet
split_configurations = suggest_splits(amount_msat, channels_with_funds, single_node=use_singe_node)
split_configurations = suggest_splits(amount_msat, channels_with_funds, exclude_multinode_payments=use_singe_node)'suggest_split {amount_msat} returned {len(split_configurations)} configurations')
for s in split_configurations:"trying split configuration: {s[0].values()} rating: {s[1]}")
for sc in split_configurations:"trying split configuration: {sc.config.values()} rating: {sc.rating}")
if not self.channel_db:
buckets = defaultdict(list)
for (chan_id, _), part_amount_msat in s[0].items():
for (chan_id, _), part_amounts_msat in sc.config.items():
chan = self.channels[chan_id]
if part_amount_msat:
for part_amount_msat in part_amounts_msat:
buckets[chan.node_id].append((chan_id, part_amount_msat))
for node_id, bucket in buckets.items():
bucket_amount_msat = sum([x[1] for x in bucket])
@ -1589,8 +1585,8 @@ class LNWallet(LNWorker):'not enough margin to pay trampoline fee')
raise NoPathFound()
for (chan_id, _), part_amount_msat in s[0].items():
if part_amount_msat:
for (chan_id, _), part_amounts_msat in sc.config.items():
for part_amount_msat in part_amounts_msat:
channel = self.channels[chan_id]
route = await run_in_thread(
@ -1605,7 +1601,7 @@ class LNWallet(LNWorker):
yield route, part_amount_msat, final_total_msat, part_amount_msat, min_cltv_expiry, payment_secret, fwd_trampoline_onion"found acceptable split configuration: {list(s[0].values())} rating: {s[1]}")"found acceptable split configuration: {list(sc.config.values())} rating: {sc.rating}")
except NoPathFound:


@ -1,259 +1,181 @@
import random
import math
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional, Sequence, Dict, TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, NamedTuple
from collections import defaultdict
from .util import profiler
from .lnutil import NoPathFound
PART_PENALTY = 1.0 # 1.0 results in avoiding splits
MIN_PART_MSAT = 10_000_000 # we don't want to split indefinitely
MIN_PART_SIZE_MSAT = 10_000_000 # we don't want to split indefinitely
EXHAUST_DECAY_FRACTION = 10 # fraction of the local balance that should be reserved if possible
# these parameters determine the granularity of the newly suggested configurations
RELATIVE_SPLIT_SPREAD = 0.3 # deviation from the mean when splitting amounts into parts
# these parameters affect the computational work in the probabilistic algorithm
MAX_PARTS = 5 # maximum number of parts for splitting
# maximum number of parts for splitting
# maps a channel (channel_id, node_id) to a list of amounts
SplitConfig = Dict[Tuple[bytes, bytes], List[int]]
# maps a channel (channel_id, node_id) to the funds it has available
ChannelsFundsInfo = Dict[Tuple[bytes, bytes], int]
def unique_hierarchy(hierarchy: Dict[int, List[Dict[Tuple[bytes, bytes], int]]]) -> Dict[int, List[Dict[Tuple[bytes, bytes], int]]]:
new_hierarchy = defaultdict(list)
for number_parts, configs in hierarchy.items():
unique_configs = set()
for config in configs:
# config dict can be out of order, so sort, otherwise not unique
unique_configs.add(tuple((c, config[c]) for c in sorted(config.keys())))
for unique_config in sorted(unique_configs):
{t[0]: t[1] for t in unique_config})
return new_hierarchy
class SplitConfigRating(NamedTuple):
config: SplitConfig
rating: float
def single_node_hierarchy(hierarchy: Dict[int, List[Dict[Tuple[bytes, bytes], int]]]) -> Dict[int, List[Dict[Tuple[bytes, bytes], int]]]:
new_hierarchy = defaultdict(list)
for number_parts, configs in hierarchy.items():
for config in configs:
# determine number of nodes in configuration
if number_nonzero_nodes(config) > 1:
return new_hierarchy
def split_amount_normal(total_amount: int, num_parts: int) -> List[int]:
"""Splits an amount into about `num_parts` parts, where the parts are split
randomly (normally distributed around amount/num_parts with certain spread)."""
parts = []
avg_amount = total_amount / num_parts
# roughly reach total_amount
while total_amount - sum(parts) > avg_amount:
amount_to_add = int(abs(random.gauss(avg_amount, RELATIVE_SPLIT_SPREAD * avg_amount)))
if sum(parts) + amount_to_add < total_amount:
# add what's missing
parts.append(total_amount - sum(parts))
return parts
def number_nonzero_parts(configuration: Dict[Tuple[bytes, bytes], int]) -> int:
return len([v for v in configuration.values() if v])
def number_parts(config: SplitConfig) -> int:
return sum([len(v) for v in config.values() if sum(v)])
def number_nonzero_nodes(configuration: Dict[Tuple[bytes, bytes], int]) -> int:
return len({nodeid for (_, nodeid), amount in configuration.items() if amount > 0})
def number_nonzero_channels(config: SplitConfig) -> int:
return len([v for v in config.values() if sum(v)])
def create_starting_split_hierarchy(amount_msat: int, channels_with_funds: Dict[Tuple[bytes, bytes], int]):
"""Distributes the amount to send to a single or more channels in several
ways (randomly)."""
# TODO: find all possible starting configurations deterministically
# could try all permutations
split_hierarchy = defaultdict(list)
channels_order = list(channels_with_funds.keys())
def number_nonzero_nodes(config: SplitConfig) -> int:
# using a set comprehension
return len({nodeid for (_, nodeid), amounts in config.items() if sum(amounts)})
for _ in range(STARTING_CONFIGS):
# shuffle to have different starting points
configuration = {}
amount_added = 0
for c in channels_order:
s = channels_with_funds[c]
if amount_added == amount_msat:
configuration[c] = 0
amount_to_add = amount_msat - amount_added
amt = min(s, amount_to_add)
configuration[c] = amt
amount_added += amt
if amount_added != amount_msat:
raise NoPathFound("Channels don't have enough sending capacity.")
return unique_hierarchy(split_hierarchy)
def balances_are_not_ok(proposed_balance_from, channel_from, proposed_balance_to, channel_to, channels_with_funds):
check = (
proposed_balance_to < MIN_PART_MSAT or
proposed_balance_to > channels_with_funds[channel_to] or
proposed_balance_from < MIN_PART_MSAT or
proposed_balance_from > channels_with_funds[channel_from]
return check
def propose_new_configuration(channels_with_funds: Dict[Tuple[bytes, bytes], int], configuration: Dict[Tuple[bytes, bytes], int],
amount_msat: int, preserve_number_parts=True) -> Dict[Tuple[bytes, bytes], int]:
"""Randomly alters a split configuration. If preserve_number_parts, the
configuration stays within the same class of number of splits."""
# there are three basic operations to reach different split configurations:
# redistribute, split, swap
def redistribute(config: dict):
# we redistribute the amount from a nonzero channel to a nonzero channel
redistribution_amount = amount_msat // REDISTRIBUTION_FRACTION
nonzero = [ck for ck, cv in config.items() if
cv >= redistribution_amount]
if len(nonzero) == 1: # we only have a single channel, so we can't redistribute
return config
channel_from = random.choice(nonzero)
channel_to = random.choice(nonzero)
if channel_from == channel_to:
return config
proposed_balance_from = config[channel_from] - redistribution_amount
proposed_balance_to = config[channel_to] + redistribution_amount
if balances_are_not_ok(proposed_balance_from, channel_from, proposed_balance_to, channel_to, channels_with_funds):
return config
config[channel_from] = proposed_balance_from
config[channel_to] = proposed_balance_to
assert sum([cv for cv in config.values()]) == amount_msat
return config
def split(config: dict):
# we split off a certain amount from a nonzero channel and put it into a
# zero channel
nonzero = [ck for ck, cv in config.items() if cv != 0]
zero = [ck for ck, cv in config.items() if cv == 0]
channel_from = random.choice(nonzero)
channel_to = random.choice(zero)
except IndexError:
return config
delta = config[channel_from] // SPLIT_FRACTION
proposed_balance_from = config[channel_from] - delta
proposed_balance_to = config[channel_to] + delta
if balances_are_not_ok(proposed_balance_from, channel_from, proposed_balance_to, channel_to, channels_with_funds):
return config
config[channel_from] = proposed_balance_from
config[channel_to] = proposed_balance_to
assert sum([cv for cv in config.values()]) == amount_msat
return config
def swap(config: dict):
# we swap the amounts from a single channel with another channel
nonzero = [ck for ck, cv in config.items() if cv != 0]
all = list(config.keys())
channel_from = random.choice(nonzero)
channel_to = random.choice(all)
proposed_balance_to = config[channel_from]
proposed_balance_from = config[channel_to]
if balances_are_not_ok(proposed_balance_from, channel_from, proposed_balance_to, channel_to, channels_with_funds):
return config
config[channel_to] = proposed_balance_to
config[channel_from] = proposed_balance_from
return config
def total_config_amount(config: SplitConfig) -> int:
return sum([sum(c) for c in config.values()])
def is_any_amount_smaller_than_min_part_size(config: SplitConfig) -> bool:
smaller = False
for amounts in config.values():
if any([amount < MIN_PART_SIZE_MSAT for amount in amounts]):
smaller |= True
return smaller
initial_number_parts = number_nonzero_parts(configuration)
def remove_duplicates(configs: List[SplitConfig]) -> List[SplitConfig]:
unique_configs = set()
for config in configs:
# sort keys and values
config_sorted_values = {k: sorted(v) for k, v in config.items()}
config_sorted_keys = {k: config_sorted_values[k] for k in sorted(config_sorted_values.keys())}
hashable_config = tuple((c, tuple(sorted(config[c]))) for c in config_sorted_keys)
unique_configs = [{c[0]: list(c[1]) for c in config} for config in unique_configs]
return unique_configs
for _ in range(REDISTRIBUTE):
configuration = redistribute(configuration)
if not preserve_number_parts and number_nonzero_parts(
configuration) == initial_number_parts:
configuration = split(configuration)
configuration = swap(configuration)
return configuration
def remove_multiple_nodes(configs: List[SplitConfig]) -> List[SplitConfig]:
return [config for config in configs if number_nonzero_nodes(config) == 1]
def suggest_splits(amount_msat: int, channels_with_funds: Dict[Tuple[bytes, bytes], int],
exclude_single_parts=True, single_node=False) \
-> Sequence[Tuple[Dict[Tuple[bytes, bytes], int], float]]:
"""Creates split configurations for a payment over channels. Single channel
payments are excluded by default. channels_with_funds is keyed by
(channelid, nodeid)."""
def remove_single_part_configs(configs: List[SplitConfig]) -> List[SplitConfig]:
return [config for config in configs if number_parts(config) != 1]
def rate_configuration(config: dict) -> float:
"""Defines an objective function to rate a split configuration.
We calculate the normalized L2 norm for a split configuration and
def rate_config(
config: SplitConfig,
channels_with_funds: ChannelsFundsInfo) -> float:
"""Defines an objective function to rate a configuration.
We calculate the normalized L2 norm for a configuration and
add a part penalty for each nonzero amount. The consequence is that
amounts that are equally distributed and have less parts are rated
F = 0
total_amount = sum([v for v in config.values()])
lowest (best). A penalty depending on the total amount sent over a channel
counteracts channel exhaustion."""
rating = 0
total_amount = total_config_amount(config)
for channel, amount in config.items():
for channel, amounts in config.items():
funds = channels_with_funds[channel]
if amount:
F += amount * amount / (total_amount * total_amount) # a penalty to favor distribution of amounts
F += PART_PENALTY * PART_PENALTY # a penalty for each part
if amounts:
for amount in amounts:
rating += amount * amount / (total_amount * total_amount) # penalty to favor equal distribution of amounts
rating += PART_PENALTY * PART_PENALTY # penalty for each part
F += math.exp((amount - funds) / decay) # a penalty for channel saturation
rating += math.exp((sum(amounts) - funds) / decay) # penalty for channel exhaustion
return rating
return F
def rated_sorted_configurations(hierarchy: dict) -> Sequence[Tuple[Dict[Tuple[bytes, bytes], int], float]]:
"""Cleans up duplicate splittings, rates and sorts them according to
the rating. A lower rating is a better configuration."""
hierarchy = unique_hierarchy(hierarchy)
rated_configs = []
for level, configs in hierarchy.items():
for config in configs:
rated_configs.append((config, rate_configuration(config)))
sorted_rated_configs = sorted(rated_configs, key=lambda c: c[1], reverse=False)
return sorted_rated_configs
def suggest_splits(
amount_msat: int, channels_with_funds: ChannelsFundsInfo,
) -> List[SplitConfigRating]:
"""Breaks amount_msat into smaller pieces and distributes them over the
channels according to the funds they can send.
# create initial guesses
split_hierarchy = create_starting_split_hierarchy(amount_msat, channels_with_funds)
Individual channels may be assigned multiple parts. The split configurations
are returned in sorted order, from best to worst rating.
# randomize initial guesses and generate splittings of different split
# levels up to number of channels
for level in range(2, min(MAX_PARTS, len(channels_with_funds) + 1)):
# generate a set of random configurations for each level
Single part payments can be excluded, since they represent legacy payments.
Split configurations that send via multiple nodes can be excluded as well.
configs = []
channels_order = list(channels_with_funds.keys())
# generate multiple configurations to get more configurations (there is randomness in this loop)
for _ in range(CANDIDATES_PER_LEVEL):
configurations = unique_hierarchy(split_hierarchy).get(level, None)
if configurations: # we have a splitting of the desired number of parts
configuration = random.choice(configurations)
# generate new splittings preserving the number of parts
configuration = propose_new_configuration(
channels_with_funds, configuration, amount_msat,
# we want to have configurations with no splitting to many splittings
for target_parts in range(1, MAX_PARTS):
config = defaultdict(list) # type: SplitConfig
# randomly split amount into target_parts chunks
split_amounts = split_amount_normal(amount_msat, target_parts)
# randomly distribute amounts over channels
for amount in split_amounts:
# we check each channel and try to put the funds inside, break if we succeed
for c in channels_order:
if sum(config[c]) + amount <= channels_with_funds[c]:
# if we don't succeed to put the amount anywhere,
# we try to fill up channels and put the rest somewhere else
# go one level lower and look for valid splittings,
# try to go one level higher by splitting a single outgoing amount
configurations = unique_hierarchy(split_hierarchy).get(level - 1, None)
if not configurations:
distribute_amount = amount
for c in channels_order:
funds_left = channels_with_funds[c] - sum(config[c])
# it would be good to not fill the full channel if possible
add_amount = min(funds_left, distribute_amount)
distribute_amount -= add_amount
if distribute_amount == 0:
if total_config_amount(config) != amount_msat:
raise NoPathFound('Cannot distribute payment over channels.')
if target_parts > 1 and is_any_amount_smaller_than_min_part_size(config):
configuration = random.choice(configurations)
# generate new splittings going one level higher in the number of parts
configuration = propose_new_configuration(
channels_with_funds, configuration, amount_msat,
# add the newly found configuration (doesn't matter if nothing changed)
if exclude_single_parts:
# we only want to return configurations that have at least two parts
del split_hierarchy[1]
if single_node:
# we only take configurations that send to a single node
split_hierarchy = single_node_hierarchy(split_hierarchy)
return rated_sorted_configurations(split_hierarchy)
assert total_config_amount(config) == amount_msat
configs = remove_duplicates(configs)
# we only take configurations that send via a single node (but there can be multiple parts)
if exclude_multinode_payments:
configs = remove_multiple_nodes(configs)
if exclude_single_part_payments:
configs = remove_single_part_configs(configs)
rated_configs = [SplitConfigRating(
rating=rate_config(c, channels_with_funds)
) for c in configs]
rated_configs.sort(key=lambda x: x.rating)
return rated_configs


@ -28,43 +28,58 @@ class TestMppSplit(ElectrumTestCase):
def test_suggest_splits(self):
with self.subTest(msg="do a payment with the maximal amount spendable over a single channel"):
splits = mpp_split.suggest_splits(1_000_000_000, self.channels_with_funds, exclude_single_parts=True)
self.assertEqual({(0, 0): 660_000_000, (1, 1): 340_000_000, (2, 0): 0, (3, 2): 0}, splits[0][0])
splits = mpp_split.suggest_splits(1_000_000_000, self.channels_with_funds, exclude_single_part_payments=True)
(0, 0): [671_020_676],
(1, 1): [328_979_324],
(2, 0): [],
(3, 2): []},
with self.subTest(msg="do a payment with a larger amount than what is supported by a single channel"):
splits = mpp_split.suggest_splits(1_100_000_000, self.channels_with_funds, exclude_single_parts=True)
self.assertEqual(2, mpp_split.number_nonzero_parts(splits[0][0]))
splits = mpp_split.suggest_splits(1_100_000_000, self.channels_with_funds, exclude_single_part_payments=False)
self.assertEqual(2, mpp_split.number_parts(splits[0].config))
with self.subTest(msg="do a payment with the maximal amount spendable over all channels"):
splits = mpp_split.suggest_splits(sum(self.channels_with_funds.values()), self.channels_with_funds, exclude_single_parts=True)
self.assertEqual({(0, 0): 1_000_000_000, (1, 1): 500_000_000, (2, 0): 302_000_000, (3, 2): 101_000_000}, splits[0][0])
splits = mpp_split.suggest_splits(
sum(self.channels_with_funds.values()), self.channels_with_funds, exclude_single_part_payments=True)
(0, 0): [1_000_000_000],
(1, 1): [500_000_000],
(2, 0): [302_000_000],
(3, 2): [101_000_000]},
with self.subTest(msg="do a payment with the amount supported by all channels"):
splits = mpp_split.suggest_splits(101_000_000, self.channels_with_funds, exclude_single_parts=False)
for s in splits[:4]:
self.assertEqual(1, mpp_split.number_nonzero_parts(s[0]))
splits = mpp_split.suggest_splits(101_000_000, self.channels_with_funds, exclude_single_part_payments=False)
for split in splits[:3]:
self.assertEqual(1, mpp_split.number_nonzero_channels(split.config))
# due to exhaustion of the smallest channel, the algorithm favors
# a splitting of the parts into two
self.assertEqual(2, mpp_split.number_parts(splits[4].config))
def test_send_to_single_node(self):
splits = mpp_split.suggest_splits(1_000_000_000, self.channels_with_funds, exclude_single_parts=True, single_node=True)
self.assertEqual({(0, 0): 738_000_000, (1, 1): 0, (2, 0): 262_000_000, (3, 2): 0}, splits[0][0])
splits = mpp_split.suggest_splits(1_000_000_000, self.channels_with_funds, exclude_single_part_payments=False, exclude_multinode_payments=True)
for split in splits:
assert mpp_split.number_nonzero_nodes(split[0]) == 1
assert mpp_split.number_nonzero_nodes(split.config) == 1
def test_saturation(self):
"""Split configurations which spend the full amount in a channel should be avoided."""
channels_with_funds = {(0, 0): 159_799_733_076, (1, 1): 499_986_152_000}
splits = mpp_split.suggest_splits(600_000_000_000, channels_with_funds, exclude_single_parts=True)
splits = mpp_split.suggest_splits(600_000_000_000, channels_with_funds, exclude_single_part_payments=True)
uses_full_amount = False
for c, a in splits[0][0].items():
for c, a in splits[0].config.items():
if a == channels_with_funds[c]:
uses_full_amount |= True
def test_payment_below_min_part_size(self):
amount = mpp_split.MIN_PART_MSAT // 2
splits = mpp_split.suggest_splits(amount, self.channels_with_funds, exclude_single_parts=False)
amount = mpp_split.MIN_PART_SIZE_MSAT // 2
splits = mpp_split.suggest_splits(amount, self.channels_with_funds, exclude_single_part_payments=False)
# we only get four configurations that end up spending the full amount
# in a single channel
self.assertEqual(4, len(splits))
@ -77,25 +92,33 @@ class TestMppSplit(ElectrumTestCase):
with self.subTest(msg="split payments with intermediate part penalty"):
mpp_split.PART_PENALTY = 1.0
splits = mpp_split.suggest_splits(1_100_000_000, self.channels_with_funds)
self.assertEqual(2, mpp_split.number_nonzero_parts(splits[0][0]))
self.assertEqual(2, mpp_split.number_parts(splits[0].config))
with self.subTest(msg="split payments with intermediate part penalty"):
mpp_split.PART_PENALTY = 0.3
splits = mpp_split.suggest_splits(1_100_000_000, self.channels_with_funds)
self.assertEqual(3, mpp_split.number_nonzero_parts(splits[0][0]))
self.assertEqual(4, mpp_split.number_parts(splits[0].config))
with self.subTest(msg="split payments with no part penalty"):
mpp_split.PART_PENALTY = 0.0
splits = mpp_split.suggest_splits(1_100_000_000, self.channels_with_funds)
self.assertEqual(4, mpp_split.number_nonzero_parts(splits[0][0]))
self.assertEqual(5, mpp_split.number_parts(splits[0].config))
def test_suggest_splits_single_channel(self):
channels_with_funds = {
0: 1_000_000_000,
(0, 0): 1_000_000_000,
with self.subTest(msg="do a payment with the maximal amount spendable on a single channel"):
splits = mpp_split.suggest_splits(1_000_000_000, channels_with_funds, exclude_single_parts=False)
self.assertEqual({0: 1_000_000_000}, splits[0][0])
splits = mpp_split.suggest_splits(1_000_000_000, channels_with_funds, exclude_single_part_payments=False)
self.assertEqual({(0, 0): [1_000_000_000]}, splits[0].config)
with self.subTest(msg="test sending an amount greater than what we have available"):
self.assertRaises(NoPathFound, mpp_split.suggest_splits, *(1_100_000_000, channels_with_funds))
with self.subTest(msg="test sending a large amount over a single channel in chunks"):
mpp_split.PART_PENALTY = 0.5
splits = mpp_split.suggest_splits(1_000_000_000, channels_with_funds, exclude_single_part_payments=False)
self.assertEqual(2, len(splits[0].config[(0, 0)]))
with self.subTest(msg="test sending a large amount over a single channel in chunks"):
mpp_split.PART_PENALTY = 0.3
splits = mpp_split.suggest_splits(1_000_000_000, channels_with_funds, exclude_single_part_payments=False)
self.assertEqual(3, len(splits[0].config[(0, 0)]))
