@ -13,14 +13,19 @@ from electrum.transaction import (deserialize, is_extended_pubkey,
Transaction , x_to_xpub )
from electrum . wallet import BIP32_HD_Wallet , BIP44_Wallet
from electrum . util import ThreadJob
from electrum . plugins import DeviceMgr
class DeviceDisconnectedError ( Exception ) :
class OutdatedFirmwareError ( Exception ) :
class TrezorCompatibleWallet ( BIP44_Wallet ) :
# Extend BIP44 Wallet as required by hardware implementation.
# Derived classes must set:
# - device
# - wallet_type
restore_wallet_class = BIP44_Wallet
@ -76,14 +81,20 @@ class TrezorCompatibleWallet(BIP44_Wallet):
''' The wallet is watching-only if its trezor device is not connected,
or if it is connected but uninitialized . '''
assert not self . has_seed ( )
client = self . plugin . lookup_client ( self )
client = self . get_client ( DeviceMgr . CACHED )
return not ( client and client . is_initialized ( ) )
def can_change_password ( self ) :
return False
def client ( self ) :
return self . plugin . client ( self )
def get_client ( self , lookup = DeviceMgr . PAIRED ) :
return self . plugin . get_client ( self , lookup )
def first_address ( self ) :
''' Used to check a hardware wallet matches a software wallet '''
account = self . accounts . get ( ' 0 ' )
derivation = self . address_derivation ( ' 0 ' , 0 , 0 )
return ( account . first_address ( ) [ 0 ] if account else None , derivation )
def derive_xkeys ( self , root , derivation , password ) :
if self . master_public_keys . get ( root ) :
@ -96,7 +107,7 @@ class TrezorCompatibleWallet(BIP44_Wallet):
return xpub , None
def get_public_key ( self , bip32_path ) :
client = self . client ( )
client = self . get_ client( )
address_n = client . expand_path ( bip32_path )
node = client . get_public_node ( address_n ) . node
xpub = ( " 0488B21E " . decode ( ' hex ' ) + chr ( node . depth )
@ -111,7 +122,7 @@ class TrezorCompatibleWallet(BIP44_Wallet):
raise RuntimeError ( _ ( ' Decrypt method is not implemented ' ) )
def sign_message ( self , address , message , password ) :
client = self . client ( )
client = self . get_ client( )
address_path = self . address_id ( address )
address_n = client . expand_path ( address_path )
msg_sig = client . sign_message ( ' Bitcoin ' , address_n , message )
@ -152,96 +163,89 @@ class TrezorCompatiblePlugin(BasePlugin, ThreadJob):
# libraries_available, libraries_URL, minimum_firmware,
# wallet_class, ckd_public, types, HidTransport
# This plugin automatically keeps track of attached devices, and
# connects to anything attached creating a new Client instance.
# When disconnected, the client is informed via a callback.
# As a device can be disconnected and/or reconnected in a different
# USB port (giving it a new path), the wallet must be dynamic in
# asking for its client.
# If a wallet is successfully paired with a given device, the plugin
# stores its serial number in the wallet so it can be automatically
# re-paired if the same device is connected elsewhere.
# Approaching things this way permits several devices to be connected
# simultaneously and handled smoothly.
def __init__ ( self , parent , config , name ) :
BasePlugin . __init__ ( self , parent , config , name )
self . device = self . wallet_class . device
self . wallet_class . plugin = self
self . prevent_timeout = time . time ( ) + 3600 * 24 * 365
# A set of client instances to USB paths
self . clients = set ( )
# The device wallets we have seen to inform on reconnection
self . paired_wallets = set ( )
self . last_scan = 0
self . device_manager ( ) . register_devices ( self , self . DEVICE_IDS )
def is_enabled ( self ) :
return self . libraries_available
def device_manager ( self ) :
return self . parent . device_manager
def thread_jobs ( self ) :
# Scan connected devices every second. The test for libraries
# available is necessary to recover wallets on machines without
# libraries
# Thread job to handle device timeouts
return [ self ] if self . libraries_available else [ ]
def run ( self ) :
''' Runs in the context of the Plugins thread. '''
''' Handle device timeouts. Runs in the context of the Plugins
thread . '''
now = time . time ( )
if now > self . last_scan + 1 :
self . last_scan = now
self . scan_devices ( )
for wallet in self . paired_wallets :
if now > wallet . last_operation + wallet . session_timeout :
client = self . lookup_client ( wallet )
if client :
wallet . last_operation = self . prevent_timeout
self . clear_session ( client )
wallet . timeout ( )
def scan_devices ( self ) :
''' Scan devices. Runs in the context of the Plugins thread. '''
paths = self . HidTransport . enumerate ( )
connected = set ( [ c for c in self . clients if c . path in paths ] )
disconnected = self . clients - connected
self . clients = connected
# Inform clients and wallets they were disconnected
for client in disconnected :
self . print_error ( " device disconnected: " , client )
if client . wallet :
client . wallet . disconnected ( )
for path in paths :
# Look for new paths
if any ( c . path == path for c in connected ) :
try :
transport = self . HidTransport ( path )
except BaseException as e :
# We were probably just disconnected; never mind
self . print_error ( " cannot connect at " , path , str ( e ) )
for wallet in self . device_manager ( ) . paired_wallets ( ) :
if ( isinstance ( wallet , self . wallet_class )
and hasattr ( wallet , ' last_operation ' )
and now > wallet . last_operation + wallet . session_timeout ) :
client = self . get_client ( wallet , DeviceMgr . CACHED )
if client :
wallet . last_operation = self . prevent_timeout
client . clear_session ( )
wallet . timeout ( )
def create_client ( self , path , product_key ) :
pair = ( ( None , path ) if self . HidTransport . _detect_debuglink ( path )
else ( path , None ) )
try :
transport = self . HidTransport ( pair )
except BaseException as e :
# We were probably just disconnected; never mind
self . print_error ( " cannot connect at " , path , str ( e ) )
return None
self . print_error ( " connected to device at " , path )
return self . client_class ( transport , path , self )
self . print_error ( " connected to device at " , path [ 0 ] )
def get_client ( self , wallet , lookup = DeviceMgr . PAIRED , check_firmware = True ) :
''' check_firmware is ignored unless doing a PAIRED lookup. '''
client = self . device_manager ( ) . get_client ( wallet , lookup )
# Try a ping if doing at least a PRESENT lookup
if client and lookup != DeviceMgr . CACHED :
self . print_error ( " set last_operation " )
wallet . last_operation = time . time ( )
try :
client = self . client_class ( transport , path , self )
client . ping ( ' t ' )
except BaseException as e :
self . print_error ( " cannot create client for " , path , str ( e ) )
else :
self . clients . add ( client )
self . print_error ( " new device: " , client )
self . print_error ( " ping failed " , str ( e ) )
# Remove it from the manager's cache
self . device_manager ( ) . close_client ( client )
client = None
if lookup == DeviceMgr . PAIRED :
assert wallet . handler
if not client :
msg = ( _ ( ' Could not connect to your %s . Verify the '
' cable is connected and that no other app is '
' using it. \n Continuing in watching-only mode '
' until the device is re-connected. ' ) % self . device )
wallet . handler . show_error ( msg )
raise DeviceDisconnectedError ( msg )
if ( check_firmware and not
client . atleast_version ( * self . minimum_firmware ) ) :
msg = ( _ ( ' Outdated %s firmware for device labelled %s . Please '
' download the updated firmware from %s ' ) %
( self . device , client . label ( ) , self . firmware_URL ) )
wallet . handler . show_error ( msg )
raise OutdatedFirmwareError ( msg )
# Inform reconnected wallets
for wallet in self . paired_wallets :
if wallet . device_id == client . features . device_id :
client . wallet = wallet
wallet . connected ( )
return client
def clear_session ( self , client ) :
# Clearing the session forces pin re-entry
self . print_error ( " clear session: " , client )
client . clear_session ( )
def close_wallet ( self , wallet ) :
if isinstance ( wallet , self . wallet_class ) :
self . device_manager ( ) . close_wallet ( wallet )
def initialize_device ( self , wallet , wizard ) :
# Prevent timeouts during initialization
@ -254,105 +258,25 @@ class TrezorCompatiblePlugin(BasePlugin, ThreadJob):
strength = 64 * ( strength + 2 ) # 128, 192 or 256
language = ' '
client = self . client ( wallet )
client = self . get_ client( wallet )
client . reset_device ( True , strength , passphrase_protection ,
pin_protection , label , language )
def select_device ( self , wallet , wizard ) :
''' Called when creating a new wallet. Select the device to use. If
the device is uninitialized , go through the intialization
process . '''
clients = list ( self . clients )
self . device_manager ( ) . scan_devices ( )
clients = self . device_manager ( ) . clients_of_type ( self . client_class )
suffixes = [ _ ( " An unnamed device (wiped) " ) , _ ( " (initialized) " ) ]
labels = [ client . label ( ) + suffixes [ client . is_initialized ( ) ]
for client in clients ]
msg = _ ( " Please select which %s device to use: " ) % self . device
client = clients [ wizard . query_choice ( msg , labels ) ]
self . pair_wallet ( wallet , client )
self . device_manager ( ) . pair_wallet ( wallet , client )
if not client . is_initialized ( ) :
self . initialize_device ( wallet , wizard )
def operated_on ( self , wallet ) :
self . print_error ( " set last_operation " )
wallet . last_operation = time . time ( )
def pair_wallet ( self , wallet , client ) :
self . print_error ( " pairing wallet %s to device %s " % ( wallet , client ) )
self . operated_on ( wallet )
self . paired_wallets . add ( wallet )
wallet . device_id = client . features . device_id
wallet . last_operation = time . time ( )
client . wallet = wallet
wallet . connected ( )
def try_to_pair_wallet ( self , wallet ) :
''' Call this when loading an existing wallet to find if the
associated device is connected . '''
account = ' 0 '
if not account in wallet . accounts :
self . print_error ( " try pair_wallet: wallet has no accounts " )
return None
first_address = wallet . accounts [ account ] . first_address ( ) [ 0 ]
derivation = wallet . address_derivation ( account , 0 , 0 )
for client in self . clients :
if client . wallet :
if not client . atleast_version ( * self . minimum_firmware ) :
wallet . handler . show_error (
_ ( ' Outdated %s firmware for device labelled %s . Please '
' download the updated firmware from %s ' ) %
( self . device , client . label ( ) , self . firmware_URL ) )
# This gives us a handler
client . wallet = wallet
device_address = None
try :
device_address = client . address_from_derivation ( derivation )
finally :
client . wallet = None
if first_address == device_address :
self . pair_wallet ( wallet , client )
return client
return None
def lookup_client ( self , wallet ) :
for client in self . clients :
if client . features . device_id == wallet . device_id :
return client
return None
def client ( self , wallet ) :
''' Returns a wrapped client which handles cleanup in case of
thrown exceptions , etc . '''
assert isinstance ( wallet , self . wallet_class )
assert wallet . handler != None
self . operated_on ( wallet )
if wallet . device_id is None :
client = self . try_to_pair_wallet ( wallet )
else :
client = self . lookup_client ( wallet )
if not client :
msg = ( _ ( ' Could not connect to your %s . Verify the '
' cable is connected and that no other app is '
' using it. \n Continuing in watching-only mode '
' until the device is re-connected. ' ) % self . device )
if not self . clients :
wallet . handler . show_error ( msg )
raise DeviceDisconnectedError ( msg )
return client
def is_enabled ( self ) :
return self . libraries_available
def on_restore_wallet ( self , wallet , wizard ) :
assert isinstance ( wallet , self . wallet_class )
@ -371,22 +295,10 @@ class TrezorCompatiblePlugin(BasePlugin, ThreadJob):
wallet . create_main_account ( password )
return wallet
def close_wallet ( self , wallet ) :
if isinstance ( wallet , self . wallet_class ) :
# Don't retain references to a closed wallet
self . paired_wallets . discard ( wallet )
client = self . lookup_client ( wallet )
if client :
self . clear_session ( client )
# Release the device
self . clients . discard ( client )
client . transport . close ( )
def sign_transaction ( self , wallet , tx , prev_tx , xpub_path ) :
self . prev_tx = prev_tx
self . xpub_path = xpub_path
client = self . client ( wallet )
client = self . get_client ( wallet )
inputs = self . tx_inputs ( tx , True )
outputs = self . tx_outputs ( wallet , tx )
signed_tx = client . sign_tx ( ' Bitcoin ' , inputs , outputs ) [ 1 ]
@ -394,7 +306,7 @@ class TrezorCompatiblePlugin(BasePlugin, ThreadJob):
tx . update_signatures ( raw )
def show_address ( self , wallet , address ) :
client = self . client ( wallet )
client = self . get_ client( wallet )
if not client . atleast_version ( 1 , 3 ) :
wallet . handler . show_error ( _ ( " Your device firmware is too old " ) )