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use a dict for commands and help texts

ThomasV 13 years ago
  1. 116


@ -39,32 +39,58 @@ from optparse import OptionParser
from decimal import Decimal
from electrum import Wallet, WalletSynchronizer, format_satoshis
known_commands = [
known_commands = {
'help':'print help',
'validateaddress':'check that the address is valid',
'balance': "Display the balance of your wallet or of an address.\nsyntax: balance [<address>]",
'contacts': "Show your list of contacts",
'create':'create wallet',
'restore':'restore wallet',
payto <recipient> <amount> [label]
create and broadcast a transaction.
<recipient> can be a bitcoin address or a label
options:\n--fee, -f: set transaction fee\n--fromaddr, -s: send from address -\n--changeaddr, -c: send change to address
"""sendtx <tx>
broadcast a transaction to the network. <tx> must be in hexadecimal""",
"change your password",
"""show your list of addresses.
-a: show all addresses, including change addresses
-k: show private keys
-b: show the balance of addresses""",
'history':"show the transaction history",
'label':"assign a label to an item",
"""create a signed transaction. password protected
syntax: mktx <recipient> <amount> [label]
options:\n--fee, -f: set transaction fee\n--fromaddr, -s: send from address -\n--changeaddr, -c: send change to address
"print the generation seed of your wallet.",
"import key pair",
'sign a message with a key',
'verify signature',
"Run python eval() on an object\nSyntax: eval <expression>\nExample: eval \"wallet.aliases\"",
"remove seed from the wallet. The seed is stored in a file that has the name of the wallet plus '.seed'",
"restore seed of the wallet. The wallet must have no seed, and the seed must match the wallet's master public key.",
offline_commands = [ 'password', 'mktx', 'label', 'contacts', 'help', 'validateaddress', 'signmessage', 'verifymessage', 'eval', 'create', 'addresses', 'import', 'seed','deseed','reseed','freeze','unfreeze','prioritize','unprioritize']
@ -263,42 +289,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
print "type 'electrum help <command>' to see the help for a specific command"
print "type 'electrum --help' to see the list of options"
print "list of commands:", ', '.join(known_commands)
elif cmd2 == 'balance':
print "Display the balance of your wallet or of an address."
print "syntax: balance [<address>]"
elif cmd2 == 'contacts':
print "show your list of contacts"
elif cmd2 == 'payto':
print "payto <recipient> <amount> [label]"
print "create and broadcast a transaction."
print "<recipient> can be a bitcoin address or a label"
print "options:\n--fee, -f: set transaction fee\n--fromaddr, -s: send from address -\n--changeaddr, -c: send change to address"
elif cmd2== 'sendtx':
print "sendtx <tx>"
print "broadcast a transaction to the network. <tx> must be in hexadecimal"
elif cmd2 == 'password':
print "change your password"
elif cmd2 == 'addresses':
print "show your list of addresses."
print "options:\n -a: show all addresses, including change addresses\n-k: show private keys\n-b: show the balance of addresses"
elif cmd2 == 'history':
print "show the transaction history"
elif cmd2 == 'label':
print "assign a label to an item"
elif cmd2 == 'gtk':
print "start the GUI"
elif cmd2 == 'mktx':
print "create a signed transaction. password protected"
print "syntax: mktx <recipient> <amount> [label]"
print "options:\n--fee, -f: set transaction fee\n--fromaddr, -s: send from address -\n--changeaddr, -c: send change to address"
elif cmd2 == 'seed':
print "print the generation seed of your wallet."
elif cmd2 == 'deseed':
print "remove seed from the wallet. The seed is stored in a file that has the name of the wallet plus '.seed'"
elif cmd2 == 'reseed':
print "restore seed of the wallet. The wallet must have no seed, and the seed must match the wallet's master public key."
elif cmd2 == 'eval':
print "Run python eval() on an object\nSyntax: eval <expression>\nExample: eval \"wallet.aliases\""
print known_commands[cmd2]
elif cmd == 'seed':
from electrum import mnemonic
