@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import socket
from PyQt4 . QtGui import *
from PyQt4 . QtCore import *
import PyQt4 . QtCore as QtCore
from electrum . i18n import _
from electrum . network import DEFAULT_PORTS
@ -43,14 +44,18 @@ class NetworkDialog(WindowModalDialog):
self . nlayout = NetworkChoiceLayout ( network , config )
vbox = QVBoxLayout ( self )
vbox . addLayout ( self . nlayout . layout ( ) )
vbox . addLayout ( Buttons ( CancelButton ( self ) , OkButton ( self ) ) )
vbox . addLayout ( Buttons ( CloseButton ( self ) ) )
self . connect ( parent , QtCore . SIGNAL ( ' updated ' ) , self . on_update )
def do_exec ( self ) :
result = self . exec_ ( )
if result :
self . nlayout . accept ( )
#if result :
# self.nlayout.accept( )
return result
def on_update ( self ) :
self . nlayout . update ( )
class NodesListWidget ( QTreeWidget ) :
@ -87,29 +92,47 @@ class NodesListWidget(QTreeWidget):
pt . setX ( 50 )
self . emit ( SIGNAL ( ' customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&) ' ) , pt )
def update ( self , network ) :
self . clear ( )
checkpoint = network . get_checkpoint ( )
n_chains = len ( network . blockchains )
if n_chains > 1 :
for b in network . blockchains . values ( ) :
name = network . get_blockchain_name ( b )
x = QTreeWidgetItem ( [ name , ' %d ' % checkpoint ] )
x . setData ( 0 , Qt . UserRole , 1 )
x . setData ( 1 , Qt . UserRole , b . checkpoint )
for i in network . interfaces . values ( ) :
if i . blockchain == b :
item = QTreeWidgetItem ( [ i . host , ' %d ' % i . tip ] )
item . setData ( 0 , Qt . UserRole , 0 )
item . setData ( 1 , Qt . UserRole , i . server )
x . addChild ( item )
self . addTopLevelItem ( x )
x . setExpanded ( True )
else :
for i in network . interfaces . values ( ) :
item = QTreeWidgetItem ( [ i . host , ' %d ' % i . tip ] )
item . setData ( 0 , Qt . UserRole , 0 )
item . setData ( 1 , Qt . UserRole , i . server )
self . addTopLevelItem ( item )
h = self . header ( )
h . setStretchLastSection ( False )
h . setResizeMode ( 0 , QHeaderView . Stretch )
h . setResizeMode ( 1 , QHeaderView . ResizeToContents )
class NetworkChoiceLayout ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , network , config , wizard = False ) :
self . network = network
self . config = config
self . protocol = None
self . tor_proxy = None
self . servers = network . get_servers ( )
host , port , protocol , proxy_config , auto_connect = network . get_parameters ( )
if not proxy_config :
proxy_config = { " mode " : " none " , " host " : " localhost " , " port " : " 9050 " }
if not wizard :
if network . is_connected ( ) :
status = _ ( " Server " ) + " : %s " % ( host )
else :
status = _ ( " Disconnected from server " )
else :
status = _ ( " Please choose a server. " ) + " \n " + _ ( " Press ' Next ' if you are offline. " )
tabs = QTabWidget ( )
server_tab = QWidget ( )
proxy_tab = QWidget ( )
@ -122,22 +145,20 @@ class NetworkChoiceLayout(object):
grid = QGridLayout ( server_tab )
grid . setSpacing ( 8 )
# server
self . server_host = QLineEdit ( )
self . server_host . setFixedWidth ( 200 )
self . server_port = QLineEdit ( )
self . server_port . setFixedWidth ( 60 )
# use SSL
self . ssl_cb = QCheckBox ( _ ( ' Use SSL ' ) )
self . ssl_cb . setChecked ( auto_connect )
self . ssl_cb . stateChanged . connect ( self . change_protocol )
# auto connect
self . autoconnect_cb = QCheckBox ( _ ( ' Select server automatically ' ) )
self . autoconnect_cb . setChecked ( auto_connect )
self . autoconnect_cb . setEnabled ( self . config . is_modifiable ( ' auto_connect ' ) )
self . server_host . editingFinished . connect ( self . set_server )
self . server_port . editingFinished . connect ( self . set_server )
self . ssl_cb . stateChanged . connect ( self . change_protocol )
self . autoconnect_cb . stateChanged . connect ( self . set_server )
self . autoconnect_cb . clicked . connect ( self . enable_set_server )
msg = _ ( " Electrum sends your wallet addresses to a single server, in order to receive your transaction history. " )
grid . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( ' Server ' ) + ' : ' ) , 0 , 0 )
grid . addWidget ( self . server_host , 0 , 1 , 1 , 2 )
@ -157,18 +178,6 @@ class NetworkChoiceLayout(object):
self . servers_list_widget . setColumnWidth ( 0 , 240 )
grid . addWidget ( self . servers_list_widget , 3 , 0 , 1 , 5 )
def enable_set_server ( ) :
if config . is_modifiable ( ' server ' ) :
enabled = not self . autoconnect_cb . isChecked ( )
self . server_host . setEnabled ( enabled )
self . server_port . setEnabled ( enabled )
self . servers_list_widget . setEnabled ( enabled )
else :
for w in [ self . autoconnect_cb , self . server_host , self . server_port , self . ssl_cb , self . servers_list_widget ] :
w . setEnabled ( False )
self . autoconnect_cb . clicked . connect ( enable_set_server )
enable_set_server ( )
# Proxy tab
grid = QGridLayout ( proxy_tab )
@ -176,11 +185,11 @@ class NetworkChoiceLayout(object):
# proxy setting
self . proxy_mode = QComboBox ( )
self . proxy_mode . addItems ( [ ' NONE ' , ' SOCKS4 ' , ' SOCKS5 ' , ' HTTP ' ] )
self . proxy_host = QLineEdit ( )
self . proxy_host . setFixedWidth ( 200 )
self . proxy_port = QLineEdit ( )
self . proxy_port . setFixedWidth ( 60 )
self . proxy_mode . addItems ( [ ' NONE ' , ' SOCKS4 ' , ' SOCKS5 ' , ' HTTP ' ] )
self . proxy_user = QLineEdit ( )
self . proxy_user . setPlaceholderText ( _ ( " Proxy user " ) )
self . proxy_password = QLineEdit ( )
@ -188,21 +197,14 @@ class NetworkChoiceLayout(object):
self . proxy_password . setEchoMode ( QLineEdit . Password )
self . proxy_password . setFixedWidth ( 60 )
def check_for_disable ( index = False ) :
if self . config . is_modifiable ( ' proxy ' ) :
for w in [ self . proxy_host , self . proxy_port , self . proxy_user , self . proxy_password ] :
w . setEnabled ( self . proxy_mode . currentText ( ) != ' NONE ' )
else :
for w in [ self . proxy_host , self . proxy_port , self . proxy_mode ] : w . setEnabled ( False )
self . proxy_mode . currentIndexChanged . connect ( self . set_proxy )
self . proxy_host . editingFinished . connect ( self . set_proxy )
self . proxy_port . editingFinished . connect ( self . set_proxy )
self . proxy_user . editingFinished . connect ( self . set_proxy )
self . proxy_password . editingFinished . connect ( self . set_proxy )
check_for_disable ( )
self . proxy_mode . connect ( self . proxy_mode , SIGNAL ( ' currentIndexChanged(int) ' ) , check_for_disable )
self . proxy_mode . setCurrentIndex ( self . proxy_mode . findText ( str ( proxy_config . get ( " mode " ) . upper ( ) ) ) )
self . proxy_host . setText ( proxy_config . get ( " host " ) )
self . proxy_port . setText ( proxy_config . get ( " port " ) )
self . proxy_user . setText ( proxy_config . get ( " user " , " " ) )
self . proxy_password . setText ( proxy_config . get ( " password " , " " ) )
self . check_disable_proxy ( )
self . proxy_mode . connect ( self . proxy_mode , SIGNAL ( ' currentIndexChanged(int) ' ) , self . check_disable_proxy )
self . proxy_mode . connect ( self . proxy_mode , SIGNAL ( ' currentIndexChanged(int) ' ) , self . proxy_settings_changed )
self . proxy_host . connect ( self . proxy_host , SIGNAL ( ' textEdited(QString) ' ) , self . proxy_settings_changed )
@ -224,62 +226,24 @@ class NetworkChoiceLayout(object):
grid . setRowStretch ( 6 , 1 )
# Blockchain Tab
from electrum import bitcoin
from amountedit import AmountEdit
grid = QGridLayout ( blockchain_tab )
n = len ( network . get_interfaces ( ) )
n_chains = len ( network . blockchains )
self . checkpoint_height = network . get_checkpoint ( )
status = _ ( " Connected to %d nodes. " ) % n if n else _ ( " Not connected " )
msg = ' ' . join ( [
_ ( " Electrum connects to several nodes in order to download block headers and find out the longest blockchain. " ) ,
_ ( " This blockchain is used to verify the transactions sent by your transaction server. " )
] )
self . status_label = QLabel ( ' ' )
grid . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( ' Status ' ) + ' : ' ) , 0 , 0 )
grid . addWidget ( QLabel ( status ) , 0 , 1 , 1 , 3 )
grid . addWidget ( self . status_label , 0 , 1 , 1 , 3 )
grid . addWidget ( HelpButton ( msg ) , 0 , 4 )
def short_hash ( h ) : return h . lstrip ( ' 00 ' ) [ 0 : 10 ]
if n_chains == 1 :
height_str = " %d " % ( network . get_local_height ( ) ) + _ ( " blocks " )
self . height_label = QLabel ( ' ' )
msg = _ ( ' This is the height of your local copy of the blockchain. ' )
grid . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( " Height " ) + ' : ' ) , 1 , 0 )
grid . addWidget ( QLabel ( height_str ) , 1 , 1 )
grid . addWidget ( self . height_label , 1 , 1 )
grid . addWidget ( HelpButton ( msg ) , 1 , 4 )
else :
checkpoint = network . get_checkpoint ( )
_hash = network . blockchain ( ) . get_hash ( checkpoint )
grid . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( ' Chain split detected at block %d ' ) % checkpoint ) , 1 , 0 , 1 , 3 )
grid . addWidget ( QLabel ( _ ( ' You are on branch ' ) + ' ' + short_hash ( _hash ) ) , 2 , 0 , 1 , 3 )
nodes_list_widget = NodesListWidget ( self )
grid . addWidget ( nodes_list_widget , 5 , 0 , 1 , 5 )
if n_chains > 1 :
for b in network . blockchains . values ( ) :
_hash = b . get_hash ( checkpoint )
x = QTreeWidgetItem ( [ short_hash ( _hash ) , ' %d ' % checkpoint ] )
x . setData ( 0 , Qt . UserRole , 1 )
x . setData ( 1 , Qt . UserRole , b . checkpoint )
for i in network . interfaces . values ( ) :
if i . blockchain == b :
item = QTreeWidgetItem ( [ i . host , ' %d ' % i . tip ] )
item . setData ( 0 , Qt . UserRole , 0 )
item . setData ( 1 , Qt . UserRole , i . server )
x . addChild ( item )
nodes_list_widget . addTopLevelItem ( x )
x . setExpanded ( True )
else :
for i in network . interfaces . values ( ) :
item = QTreeWidgetItem ( [ i . host , ' %d ' % i . tip ] )
item . setData ( 0 , Qt . UserRole , 0 )
item . setData ( 1 , Qt . UserRole , i . server )
nodes_list_widget . addTopLevelItem ( item )
h = nodes_list_widget . header ( )
h . setStretchLastSection ( False )
h . setResizeMode ( 0 , QHeaderView . Stretch )
h . setResizeMode ( 1 , QHeaderView . ResizeToContents )
self . split_label = QLabel ( ' ' )
grid . addWidget ( self . split_label , 2 , 0 , 1 , 3 )
self . nodes_list_widget = NodesListWidget ( self )
grid . addWidget ( self . nodes_list_widget , 5 , 0 , 1 , 5 )
grid . setRowStretch ( 7 , 1 )
vbox = QVBoxLayout ( )
vbox . addWidget ( tabs )
@ -288,17 +252,69 @@ class NetworkChoiceLayout(object):
self . td = td = TorDetector ( )
td . found_proxy . connect ( self . suggest_proxy )
td . start ( )
self . change_server ( host , protocol )
self . set_protocol ( protocol )
self . servers_list_widget . connect (
self . servers_list_widget ,
SIGNAL ( ' currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,QTreeWidgetItem*) ' ) ,
lambda x , y : self . server_changed ( x ) )
# update
self . update ( )
def check_disable_proxy ( self , index = False ) :
if self . config . is_modifiable ( ' proxy ' ) :
for w in [ self . proxy_host , self . proxy_port , self . proxy_user , self . proxy_password ] :
w . setEnabled ( self . proxy_mode . currentText ( ) != ' NONE ' )
else :
for w in [ self . proxy_host , self . proxy_port , self . proxy_mode ] : w . setEnabled ( False )
def enable_set_server ( self ) :
if self . config . is_modifiable ( ' server ' ) :
enabled = not self . autoconnect_cb . isChecked ( )
self . server_host . setEnabled ( enabled )
self . server_port . setEnabled ( enabled )
self . servers_list_widget . setEnabled ( enabled )
else :
for w in [ self . autoconnect_cb , self . server_host , self . server_port , self . ssl_cb , self . servers_list_widget ] :
w . setEnabled ( False )
def update ( self ) :
host , port , protocol , proxy_config , auto_connect = self . network . get_parameters ( )
if not proxy_config :
proxy_config = { " mode " : " none " , " host " : " localhost " , " port " : " 9050 " }
self . server_host . setText ( host )
self . server_port . setText ( port )
self . autoconnect_cb . setChecked ( auto_connect )
#self.change_server(host, protocol)
self . set_protocol ( protocol )
self . update_servers_list ( )
self . enable_set_server ( )
# proxy tab
self . proxy_mode . setCurrentIndex ( self . proxy_mode . findText ( str ( proxy_config . get ( " mode " ) . upper ( ) ) ) )
self . proxy_host . setText ( proxy_config . get ( " host " ) )
self . proxy_port . setText ( proxy_config . get ( " port " ) )
self . proxy_user . setText ( proxy_config . get ( " user " , " " ) )
self . proxy_password . setText ( proxy_config . get ( " password " , " " ) )
height_str = " %d " % ( self . network . get_local_height ( ) ) + _ ( " blocks " )
self . height_label . setText ( height_str )
n = len ( self . network . get_interfaces ( ) )
status = _ ( " Connected to %d nodes. " ) % n if n else _ ( " Not connected " )
self . status_label . setText ( status )
if len ( self . network . blockchains ) > 1 :
checkpoint = self . network . get_checkpoint ( )
name = self . network . get_blockchain_name ( self . network . blockchain ( ) )
msg = _ ( ' Chain split detected at block %d ' ) % checkpoint + ' \n ' + _ ( ' You are on branch ' ) + ' ' + name
else :
msg = ' '
self . split_label . setText ( msg )
self . nodes_list_widget . update ( self . network )
def layout ( self ) :
return self . layout_
def init_servers_list ( self ) :
def update_servers_list ( self ) :
self . servers = self . network . get_servers ( )
self . servers_list_widget . clear ( )
for _host , d in sorted ( self . servers . items ( ) ) :
if d . get ( self . protocol ) :
@ -308,7 +324,6 @@ class NetworkChoiceLayout(object):
def set_protocol ( self , protocol ) :
if protocol != self . protocol :
self . protocol = protocol
self . init_servers_list ( )
def change_protocol ( self , use_ssl ) :
p = ' s ' if use_ssl else ' t '
@ -320,13 +335,13 @@ class NetworkChoiceLayout(object):
self . server_host . setText ( host )
self . server_port . setText ( port )
self . set_protocol ( p )
self . set_server ( )
def server_changed ( self , x ) :
if x :
self . change_server ( str ( x . text ( 0 ) ) , self . protocol )
def change_server ( self , host , protocol ) :
pp = self . servers . get ( host , DEFAULT_PORTS )
if protocol and protocol not in protocol_letters :
protocol = None
@ -334,7 +349,6 @@ class NetworkChoiceLayout(object):
port = pp . get ( protocol )
if port is None :
protocol = None
if not protocol :
if ' s ' in pp . keys ( ) :
protocol = ' s '
@ -342,15 +356,24 @@ class NetworkChoiceLayout(object):
else :
protocol = pp . keys ( ) [ 0 ]
port = pp . get ( protocol )
self . server_host . setText ( host )
self . server_port . setText ( port )
self . ssl_cb . setChecked ( protocol == ' s ' )
self . set_server ( )
def accept ( self ) :
def set_server ( self ) :
host , port , protocol , proxy , auto_connect = self . network . get_parameters ( )
host = str ( self . server_host . text ( ) )
port = str ( self . server_port . text ( ) )
protocol = ' s ' if self . ssl_cb . isChecked ( ) else ' t '
auto_connect = self . autoconnect_cb . isChecked ( )
self . network . set_parameters ( host , port , protocol , proxy , auto_connect )
def set_proxy ( self ) :
host , port , protocol , proxy , auto_connect = self . network . get_parameters ( )
if self . proxy_mode . currentText ( ) != ' NONE ' :
proxy = { ' mode ' : str ( self . proxy_mode . currentText ( ) ) . lower ( ) ,
' host ' : str ( self . proxy_host . text ( ) ) ,
@ -359,9 +382,7 @@ class NetworkChoiceLayout(object):
' password ' : str ( self . proxy_password . text ( ) ) }
else :
proxy = None
auto_connect = self . autoconnect_cb . isChecked ( )
self . network . set_parameters ( host , port , protocol , proxy , auto_connect )
#self.network.blockchain.set_checkpoint(self.checkpoint_height, self.checkpoint_value)
def suggest_proxy ( self , found_proxy ) :
self . tor_proxy = found_proxy