15 changed files with 1429 additions and 564 deletions
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 475 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 468 KiB |
@ -1 +1 @@ |
{"light-0.png": {"closebutton": [641, 591, 60, 43], "card_top": [901, 792, 32, 16], "tab_btn_disabled": [867, 483, 32, 32], "tab_btn_pressed": [901, 483, 32, 32], "bit_logo": [589, 728, 44, 51], "globe": [686, 267, 72, 72], "btn_send_nfc": [955, 793, 18, 15], "shadow_right": [975, 803, 32, 5], "logo_atom_dull": [773, 517, 64, 64], "create_act_text_active": [995, 638, 22, 10], "action_group_light": [431, 344, 33, 48], "tab": [390, 715, 64, 64], "logo": [296, 211, 128, 128], "qrcode": [2, 194, 145, 145], "close": [834, 810, 88, 88], "btn_create_act_disabled": [985, 911, 32, 32], "white_bg_round_top": [834, 788, 31, 20], "card_bottom": [867, 792, 32, 16], "confirmed": [839, 636, 64, 64], "overflow_btn_dn": [989, 520, 16, 10], "carousel_deselected": [760, 275, 64, 64], "network": [692, 467, 48, 48], "blue_bg_round_rb": [935, 495, 31, 20], "dropdown_background": [765, 599, 29, 35], "action_bar": [795, 479, 36, 36], "pen": [905, 517, 64, 64], "overflow_background": [796, 599, 29, 35], "arrow_back": [971, 650, 50, 50], "clock3": [641, 636, 64, 64], "contact": [971, 532, 49, 49], "star_big_inactive": [426, 211, 128, 128], "lightblue_bg_round_lb": [968, 495, 31, 20], "manualentry": [149, 205, 145, 134], "stepper_restore_password": [247, 464, 392, 117], "tab_disabled": [752, 233, 96, 32], "mail_icon": [522, 725, 65, 54], "tab_strip": [850, 233, 96, 32], "tab_btn": [833, 483, 32, 32], "btn_create_account": [948, 233, 64, 32], "btn_send_address": [935, 793, 18, 15], "add_contact": [742, 472, 51, 43], "gear": [2, 33, 105, 159], "wallets": [703, 594, 60, 40], "stepper_left": [247, 583, 392, 117], "nfc_stage_one": [324, 900, 489, 122], "nfc_clock": [2, 460, 243, 240], "btn_nfc": [752, 219, 13, 12], "textinput_active": [718, 784, 114, 114], "clock2": [958, 275, 64, 64], "nfc_phone": [556, 213, 128, 126], "clock4": [707, 636, 64, 64], "paste_icon": [945, 945, 75, 77], "shadow": [324, 715, 64, 64], "carousel_selected": [826, 275, 64, 64], "card": [686, 216, 64, 49], "unconfirmed": [456, 715, 64, 64], "info": [707, 517, 64, 64], "electrum_icon640": [2, 702, 320, 320], "action_button_group": [971, 520, 16, 10], "action_group_dark": [396, 344, 33, 48], "nfc": [839, 517, 64, 64], "contact_avatar": [641, 466, 49, 49], "clock1": [892, 275, 64, 64], "create_act_text": [971, 638, 22, 10], "icon_border": [641, 517, 64, 64], "stepper_full": [324, 781, 392, 117], "card_btn": [945, 911, 38, 32], "wallet": [635, 735, 49, 44], "important": [924, 810, 88, 88], "dialog": [1001, 495, 18, 20], "error": [815, 908, 128, 114], "stepper_restore_seed": [2, 341, 392, 117], "contact_overlay": [905, 636, 64, 64], "settings": [396, 394, 54, 64], "clock5": [773, 636, 64, 64]}} |
{"light-0.png": {"closebutton": [964, 855, 60, 43], "card_top": [964, 786, 32, 16], "tab_btn_disabled": [788, 483, 32, 32], "tab_btn_pressed": [856, 483, 32, 32], "bit_logo": [396, 407, 44, 51], "globe": [821, 628, 72, 72], "btn_send_nfc": [755, 290, 18, 15], "shadow_right": [895, 629, 32, 5], "logo_atom_dull": [654, 715, 64, 64], "action_group_light": [396, 357, 33, 48], "tab": [918, 715, 64, 64], "logo": [815, 906, 128, 116], "qrcode": [2, 194, 145, 145], "close": [641, 612, 88, 88], "btn_create_act_disabled": [754, 483, 32, 32], "white_bg_round_top": [956, 495, 31, 20], "card_bottom": [989, 499, 32, 16], "confirmed": [390, 715, 64, 64], "overflow_btn_dn": [995, 519, 16, 10], "carousel_deselected": [895, 636, 64, 64], "network": [556, 225, 48, 48], "blue_bg_round_rb": [890, 495, 31, 20], "dropdown_background": [659, 238, 29, 35], "action_bar": [945, 907, 36, 36], "pen": [786, 715, 64, 64], "overflow_background": [690, 238, 29, 35], "arrow_back": [971, 531, 50, 50], "clock3": [839, 517, 64, 64], "contact": [641, 466, 49, 49], "star_big_inactive": [296, 211, 128, 128], "lightblue_bg_round_lb": [923, 495, 31, 20], "manualentry": [149, 205, 145, 134], "stepper_restore_password": [247, 464, 392, 117], "tab_disabled": [755, 307, 96, 32], "mail_icon": [622, 285, 65, 54], "tab_strip": [853, 307, 96, 32], "tab_btn": [822, 483, 32, 32], "btn_create_account": [951, 307, 64, 32], "btn_send_address": [998, 787, 18, 15], "add_contact": [606, 230, 51, 43], "gear": [2, 33, 105, 159], "wallets": [692, 475, 60, 40], "stepper_left": [247, 583, 392, 117], "nfc_stage_one": [324, 900, 489, 122], "nfc_clock": [2, 460, 243, 240], "btn_nfc": [821, 614, 13, 12], "textinput_active": [848, 784, 114, 114], "clock2": [773, 517, 64, 64], "nfc_phone": [426, 213, 128, 126], "clock4": [905, 517, 64, 64], "paste_icon": [945, 945, 75, 77], "shadow": [852, 715, 64, 64], "carousel_selected": [641, 517, 64, 64], "card": [689, 290, 64, 49], "unconfirmed": [556, 275, 64, 64], "info": [588, 715, 64, 64], "electrum_icon640": [2, 702, 320, 320], "action_button_group": [1008, 719, 16, 10], "action_group_dark": [984, 731, 33, 48], "nfc": [720, 715, 64, 64], "contact_avatar": [964, 804, 49, 49], "clock1": [707, 517, 64, 64], "create_act_text_active": [984, 719, 22, 10], "icon_border": [522, 715, 64, 64], "stepper_full": [324, 781, 392, 117], "card_btn": [983, 911, 38, 32], "wallet": [442, 414, 49, 44], "important": [731, 612, 88, 88], "dialog": [641, 590, 18, 20], "error": [718, 784, 128, 114], "stepper_restore_seed": [2, 341, 392, 117], "contact_overlay": [456, 715, 64, 64], "settings": [961, 636, 54, 64], "create_act_text": [971, 519, 22, 10], "clock5": [324, 715, 64, 64]}} |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 17 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 9.1 KiB |
@ -1,319 +0,0 @@ |
# source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2758159/how-to-embed-a-python-interpreter-in-a-pyqt-widget |
import sys, os, re |
import traceback, platform |
from kivy.core.window import Keyboard |
from kivy.uix.textinput import TextInput |
from kivy.properties import StringProperty, ListProperty, DictProperty |
from kivy.clock import Clock |
from electrum import util |
if platform.system() == 'Windows': |
MONOSPACE_FONT = 'Lucida Console' |
elif platform.system() == 'Darwin': |
else: |
MONOSPACE_FONT = 'monospace' |
class Console(TextInput): |
prompt = StringProperty('>> ') |
'''String representing the Prompt message''' |
startup_message = StringProperty('') |
'''Startup Message to be displayed in the Console if any''' |
history = ListProperty([]) |
'''History of the console''' |
namespace = DictProperty({}) |
'''Dict representing the current namespace of the console''' |
def __init__(self, **kwargs): |
super(Console, self).__init__(**kwargs) |
self.construct = [] |
self.showMessage(self.startup_message) |
self.updateNamespace({'run':self.run_script}) |
self.set_json(False) |
def set_json(self, b): |
self.is_json = b |
def run_script(self, filename): |
with open(filename) as f: |
script = f.read() |
result = eval(script, self.namespace, self.namespace) |
def updateNamespace(self, namespace): |
self.namespace.update(namespace) |
def showMessage(self, message): |
self.appendPlainText(message) |
self.newPrompt() |
def clear(self): |
self.setPlainText('') |
self.newPrompt() |
def newPrompt(self): |
if self.construct: |
prompt = '.' * len(self.prompt) |
else: |
prompt = self.prompt |
self.completions_pos = self.cursor_index() |
self.completions_visible = False |
self.appendPlainText(prompt) |
self.move_cursor_to('end') |
def getCommand(self): |
curr_line = self._lines[-1] |
curr_line = curr_line.rstrip() |
curr_line = curr_line[len(self.prompt):] |
return curr_line |
def setCommand(self, command): |
if self.getCommand() == command: |
return |
curr_line = self._lines[-1] |
last_pos = len(self.text) |
self.select_text(last_pos - len(curr_line) + len(self.prompt), last_pos) |
self.delete_selection() |
self.insert_text(command) |
def show_completions(self, completions): |
if self.completions_visible: |
self.hide_completions() |
self.move_cursor_to(self.completions_pos) |
completions = map(lambda x: x.split('.')[-1], completions) |
t = '\n' + ' '.join(completions) |
if len(t) > 500: |
t = t[:500] + '...' |
self.insert_text(t) |
self.completions_end = self.cursor_index() |
self.move_cursor_to('end') |
self.completions_visible = True |
def hide_completions(self): |
if not self.completions_visible: |
return |
self.move_cursor_to(self.completions_pos) |
l = self.completions_end - self.completions_pos |
for x in range(l): |
self.move_cursor_to('cursor_right') |
self.do_backspace() |
self.move_cursor_to('end') |
self.completions_visible = False |
def getConstruct(self, command): |
if self.construct: |
prev_command = self.construct[-1] |
self.construct.append(command) |
if not prev_command and not command: |
ret_val = '\n'.join(self.construct) |
self.construct = [] |
return ret_val |
else: |
return '' |
else: |
if command and command[-1] == (':'): |
self.construct.append(command) |
return '' |
else: |
return command |
def getHistory(self): |
return self.history |
def setHisory(self, history): |
self.history = history |
def addToHistory(self, command): |
if command and (not self.history or self.history[-1] != command): |
self.history.append(command) |
self.history_index = len(self.history) |
def getPrevHistoryEntry(self): |
if self.history: |
self.history_index = max(0, self.history_index - 1) |
return self.history[self.history_index] |
return '' |
def getNextHistoryEntry(self): |
if self.history: |
hist_len = len(self.history) |
self.history_index = min(hist_len, self.history_index + 1) |
if self.history_index < hist_len: |
return self.history[self.history_index] |
return '' |
def getCursorPosition(self): |
return self.cursor[0] - len(self.prompt) |
def setCursorPosition(self, position): |
self.cursor = (len(self.prompt) + position, self.cursor[1]) |
def register_command(self, c, func): |
methods = { c: func} |
self.updateNamespace(methods) |
def runCommand(self): |
command = self.getCommand() |
self.addToHistory(command) |
command = self.getConstruct(command) |
if command: |
tmp_stdout = sys.stdout |
class stdoutProxy(): |
def __init__(self, write_func): |
self.write_func = write_func |
self.skip = False |
def flush(self): |
pass |
def write(self, text): |
if not self.skip: |
stripped_text = text.rstrip('\n') |
self.write_func(stripped_text) |
self.skip = not self.skip |
if type(self.namespace.get(command)) == type(lambda:None): |
self.appendPlainText("'%s' is a function. Type '%s()' to use it in the Python console."%(command, command)) |
self.newPrompt() |
return |
sys.stdout = stdoutProxy(self.appendPlainText) |
try: |
try: |
result = eval(command, self.namespace, self.namespace) |
if result != None: |
if self.is_json: |
util.print_json(result) |
else: |
self.appendPlainText(repr(result)) |
except SyntaxError: |
exec command in self.namespace |
except SystemExit: |
pass |
except: |
traceback_lines = traceback.format_exc().split('\n') |
# Remove traceback mentioning this file, and a linebreak |
for i in (3,2,1,-1): |
traceback_lines.pop(i) |
self.appendPlainText('\n'.join(traceback_lines)) |
sys.stdout = tmp_stdout |
self.newPrompt() |
self.set_json(False) |
def _keyboard_on_key_down(self, window, keycode, text, modifiers): |
self._hide_cut_copy_paste() |
is_osx = sys.platform == 'darwin' |
# Keycodes on OSX: |
ctrl, cmd = 64, 1024 |
key, key_str = keycode |
if key == Keyboard.keycodes['tab']: |
self.completions() |
return |
self.hide_completions() |
if key == Keyboard.keycodes['enter']: |
self.runCommand() |
return |
if key == Keyboard.keycodes['home']: |
self.setCursorPosition(0) |
return |
if key == Keyboard.keycodes['pageup']: |
return |
elif key in (Keyboard.keycodes['left'], Keyboard.keycodes['backspace']): |
if self.getCursorPosition() == 0: |
return |
elif key == Keyboard.keycodes['up']: |
self.setCommand(self.getPrevHistoryEntry()) |
return |
elif key == Keyboard.keycodes['down']: |
self.setCommand(self.getNextHistoryEntry()) |
return |
elif key == Keyboard.keycodes['l'] and modifiers == ['ctrl']: |
self.clear() |
super(Console, self)._keyboard_on_key_down(window, keycode, text, modifiers) |
def completions(self): |
cmd = self.getCommand() |
lastword = re.split(' |\(|\)',cmd)[-1] |
beginning = cmd[0:-len(lastword)] |
path = lastword.split('.') |
ns = self.namespace.keys() |
if len(path) == 1: |
ns = ns |
prefix = '' |
else: |
obj = self.namespace.get(path[0]) |
prefix = path[0] + '.' |
ns = dir(obj) |
completions = [] |
for x in ns: |
if x[0] == '_':continue |
xx = prefix + x |
if xx.startswith(lastword): |
completions.append(xx) |
completions.sort() |
if not completions: |
self.hide_completions() |
elif len(completions) == 1: |
self.hide_completions() |
self.setCommand(beginning + completions[0]) |
else: |
# find common prefix |
p = os.path.commonprefix(completions) |
if len(p)>len(lastword): |
self.hide_completions() |
self.setCommand(beginning + p) |
else: |
self.show_completions(completions) |
# NEW |
def setPlainText(self, message): |
"""Equivalent to QT version""" |
self.text = message |
# NEW |
def appendPlainText(self, message): |
"""Equivalent to QT version""" |
if len(self.text) == 0: |
self.text = message |
else: |
if message: |
self.text += '\n' + message |
# NEW |
def move_cursor_to(self, pos): |
"""Aggregate all cursor moving functions""" |
if isinstance(pos, int): |
self.cursor = self.get_cursor_from_index(pos) |
elif pos in ('end', 'pgend', 'pageend'): |
def updt_cursor(*l): |
self.cursor = self.get_cursor_from_index(self.text) |
Clock.schedule_once(updt_cursor) |
else: # cursor_home, cursor_end, ... (see docs) |
self.do_cursor_movement(pos) |
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ |
<ContactImage@Widget>: |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/contact_avatar' |
size_hint_x: None |
width: self.height |
canvas: |
Color: |
rgba: 1, 1, 1, 1 |
Ellipse: |
source: root.source |
size: self.width + dp(6), self.height + dp(6) |
pos: self.x - dp(3), self.y - dp(3) |
Ellipse: |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/contact_overlay' |
size: self.width + dp(11), self.height + dp(11) |
pos: self.x - dp(5.5), self.y - dp(5.5) |
<ContactLabel@Label> |
color: .305, .309, .309, 1 |
text_size: self.size |
halign: 'left' |
valign: 'middle' |
<ContactSeperator@Widget> |
canvas.before: |
Color: |
rgba: .890, .890, .890, 1 |
Rectangle: |
size: self.size |
pos: self.x, self.y + dp(9) |
size_hint: None, None |
size: '1dp', '22dp' |
pos_hint_y: .5 |
<ContactTextInput@TextInput> |
background_normal: self.background_down |
background_down: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/tab_btn' |
size_hint_y: None |
height: '22dp' |
<ContactBitLogo@Image> |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/bit_logo' |
size_hint_x: None |
width: '32dp' |
<ContactItem@BoxLayout> |
address: '' |
label: '' |
tx_amt: 0 |
size_hint_y: None |
height: '65dp' |
padding: dp(12) |
spacing: dp(5) |
canvas.before: |
#Color: |
# rgba: 1, 1, 1, 1 |
Rectangle: |
size: self.size |
pos: self.pos |
ContactImage: |
id: contact_image |
Widget: |
size_hint_x: None |
width: '9dp' |
ContactLabel: |
id: contact_address |
text: root.address |
ContactSeperator: |
ContactLabel: |
text: root.label |
#ContactBitLogo: |
ContactsScreen: |
name: 'contacts' |
on_activate: |
if not self.action_view:\ |
self.action_view = app.root.main_screen.ids.tabs.ids.screen_dashboard.action_view |
BoxLayout: |
orientation: 'vertical' |
spacing: '1dp' |
ContactTextInput: |
ScrollView: |
canvas.before: |
#Color: |
# rgba: .8901, .8901, .8901, 1 |
Rectangle: |
size: self.size |
pos: self.pos |
GridLayout: |
cols: 1 |
id: contact_container |
size_hint_y: None |
height: self.minimum_height |
spacing: '1dp' |
@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ |
#:import _ electrum.i18n._ |
#:import Factory kivy.factory.Factory |
#:set font_light 'data/fonts/Roboto-Condensed.ttf' |
#:set btc_symbol unichr(171) |
#:set mbtc_symbol unichr(187) |
<Card@GridLayout> |
cols: 1 |
padding: '12dp' , '22dp', '12dp' , '12dp' |
spacing: '12dp' |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: max(100, self.minimum_height) |
canvas.before: |
Color: |
rgba: 1, 1, 1, 1 |
BorderImage: |
border: 18, 18, 18, 18 |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/card' |
size: self.size |
pos: self.pos |
<CardLabel@Label> |
color: 0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 1 |
size_hint: 1, None |
text: '' |
text_size: self.width, None |
height: self.texture_size[1] |
halign: 'left' |
valign: 'top' |
<CardButton@Button> |
background_normal: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/card_btn' |
bold: True |
font_size: '10sp' |
color: 0.699, 0.699, 0.699, 1 |
size_hint: None, None |
size: self.texture_size[0] + dp(32), self.texture_size[1] + dp(7) |
<CardItem@ButtonBehavior+GridLayout> |
canvas.before: |
Color: |
rgba: 0.192, .498, 0.745, 1 if self.state == 'down' else 0 |
Rectangle |
size: self.size |
pos: self.x, self.y + dp(5) |
cols: 1 |
padding: '2dp', '2dp' |
spacing: '2dp' |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: self.minimum_height |
<RecentActivityItem@CardItem> |
icon: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/important' |
address:'no address set' |
amount: '+0.00' |
balance: 'xyz'# balance_after |
amount_color: '#DB3627' if float(self.amount) < 0 else '#2EA442' |
confirmations: 0 |
date: '0/0/0' |
quote_text: '.' |
spacing: '9dp' |
on_release: |
app.history_screen.show_tx_details(root) |
BoxLayout: |
size_hint: 1, None |
spacing: '8dp' |
height: '32dp' |
Image: |
id: icon |
source: root.icon |
size_hint: None, 1 |
width: self.height *.54 |
mipmap: True |
BoxLayout: |
orientation: 'vertical' |
Widget |
CardLabel: |
shorten: True |
text: root.address |
markup: False |
text_size: self.size |
CardLabel: |
color: .699, .699, .699, 1 |
text: root.date |
font_size: '12sp' |
Widget |
CardLabel: |
halign: 'right' |
font_size: '13sp' |
size_hint: None, 1 |
width: '90sp' |
markup: True |
font_name: font_light |
text: |
u'[color={amount_color}]{sign}{symbol}{amount}[/color]\n'\ |
u'[color=#B2B3B3][size=12sp]{qt}[/size]'\ |
u'[/color]'.format(amount_color=root.amount_color,\ |
amount=root.amount[1:], qt=root.quote_text, sign=root.amount[0],\ |
symbol=btc_symbol if app.base_unit == 'BTC' else mbtc_symbol) |
CardSeparator |
<CardRecentActivity@Card> |
BoxLayout: |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: lbl.height |
CardLabel: |
id: lbl |
text: _('RECENT ACTIVITY') |
CardButton: |
id: btn_see_all |
disabled: True if not self.opacity else False |
text: _('SEE ALL') |
font_size: '12sp' |
on_release: app.update_history_tab(see_all=True) |
GridLayout: |
id: content |
spacing: '7dp' |
cols: 1 |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: self.minimum_height |
CardSeparator |
<CardPaymentRequest@Card> |
CardLabel: |
text: _('PAYMENT REQUEST') |
CardSeparator: |
<CardStatusInfo@Card> |
padding: '12dp' , '12dp' |
status: app.status |
quote_text: '' |
unconfirmed: '' |
cols: 2 |
FloatLayout |
anchor_x: 'left' |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: '82dp' |
IconButton: |
mipmap: True |
pos_hint: {'x': 0, 'center_y': .45} |
color: .90, .90, .90, 1 |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/qrcode' |
size_hint: None, .85 |
width: self.height |
on_release: |
dlg = Cache.get('electrum_widgets', 'WalletAddressesDialog') |
if not dlg:\ |
Factory.register('WalletAddressesDialog', module='electrum_gui.kivy.uix.dialogs.carousel_dialog');\ |
dlg = Factory.WalletAddressesDialog();\ |
Cache.append('electrum_widgets', 'WalletAddressesDialog', dlg) |
dlg.open() |
CardLabel: |
id: top_label |
halign: 'right' |
valign: 'top' |
bold: True |
pos_hint: {'top': 1, 'right': 1} |
font_name: font_light |
#balance_in_numbers: bool(ord(root.status[0]) not in range(ord('A'), ord('z'))) |
balance_in_numbers: True |
font_size: '50sp' if self.balance_in_numbers else '30sp' |
text_size: self.width, root.height/2 |
text: |
u'[color=#4E4F4F]{}{}[/color]'\ |
.format('' if not self.balance_in_numbers else\ |
(btc_symbol if app.base_unit == 'BTC' else mbtc_symbol), root.status) |
BoxLayout |
pos_hint: {'y': 0, 'right': 1} |
spacing: '5dp' |
CardLabel |
halign: 'right' |
markup: True |
font_size: '22dp' |
font_name: font_light |
text: u'[color=#c3c3c3]{}[/color]'.format(root.quote_text) |
IconButton |
color: .698, .698, .698, 1 |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/gear' |
size_hint_y: None |
height: '28dp' |
opacity: .5 if self.state == 'down' else 1 |
on_release: |
dlg = Cache.get('electrum_widgets', 'CurrencySelectionDialog') |
if not dlg:\ |
Factory.register('SelectionDialog', module='electrum_gui.kivy.uix.dialogs');\ |
dlg = Factory.CurrencySelectionDialog();\ |
Cache.append('electrum_widgets', 'CurrencySelectionDialog', dlg) |
dlg.open() |
HistoryScreen: |
name: 'history' |
content: content |
ScrollView: |
id: content |
do_scroll_x: False |
GridLayout |
id: grid |
cols: 1 #if root.width < root.height else 2 |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: self.minimum_height |
padding: '12dp' |
spacing: '12dp' |
#GridLayout: |
# cols: 1 |
# size_hint: 1, None |
# height: self.minimum_height |
# spacing: '12dp' |
# orientation: 'vertical' |
# CardStatusInfo: |
# id: status_card |
# CardPaymentRequest: |
# id: payment_card |
CardRecentActivity: |
id: recent_activity_card |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
Popup: |
id: network |
title: _('Network') |
BoxLayout: |
Button: |
size_hint_y: None |
height: '48dp' |
text: 'close' |
on_release: network.dismiss() |
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ |
#:import _ electrum.i18n._ |
#:import Decimal decimal.Decimal |
#:set btc_symbol unichr(171) |
#:set mbtc_symbol unichr(187) |
#:set font_light 'data/fonts/Roboto-Condensed.ttf' |
ReceiveScreen: |
name: 'receive' |
mode: 'qr' |
on_mode: if args[1] == 'nfc': from electrum_gui.kivy.nfc_scanner import NFCScanner |
action_view: Factory.ReceiveActionView() |
#on_activate: |
# self.ids.toggle_qr.state = 'down' |
# first_address = app.wallet.addresses()[0] |
# qr.data = app.encode_uri(first_address, |
# amount=amount_e.text, |
# label=app.wallet.labels.get(first_address, first_address), |
# message='') if app.wallet and app.wallet.addresses() else '' |
#on_deactivate: |
# self.ids.amount_e.focus = False |
BoxLayout |
padding: '12dp', '12dp', '12dp', '12dp' |
spacing: '12dp' |
mode: 'qr' |
orientation: 'vertical' |
SendReceiveToggle |
SendToggle: |
id: toggle_qr |
text: 'QR' |
state: 'down' if root.mode == 'qr' else 'normal' |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/qrcode' |
background_down: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/btn_send_address' |
on_release: |
if root.mode == 'qr': root.mode = 'nr' |
root.mode = 'qr' |
SendToggle: |
id: toggle_nfc |
text: 'NFC' |
state: 'down' if root.mode == 'nfc' else 'normal' |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/nfc' |
background_down: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/btn_send_nfc' |
on_release: |
if root.mode == 'nfc': root.mode = 'nr' |
root.mode = 'nfc' |
GridLayout: |
id: grid |
cols: 1 |
#size_hint: 1, None |
#height: self.minimum_height |
SendReceiveCardTop |
height: '110dp' |
BoxLayout: |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: '42dp' |
rows: 1 |
Label: |
color: amount_e.foreground_color |
bold: True |
text_size: self.size |
valign: 'bottom' |
font_size: '22sp' |
text: |
u'[font={fnt}]{smbl}[/font]'.\ |
format(smbl=btc_symbol if app.base_unit == 'BTC' else mbtc_symbol, fnt=font_light) |
size_hint_x: .25 |
ELTextInput: |
id: amount_e |
input_type: 'number' |
multiline: False |
bold: True |
font_size: '50sp' |
foreground_color: .308, .308, .308, 1 |
background_normal: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/tab_btn' |
pos_hint: {'top': 1.5} |
size_hint: .7, None |
height: '67dp' |
hint_text: 'Amount' |
text: '0.0' |
CardSeparator |
BoxLayout: |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: '32dp' |
spacing: '5dp' |
Label: |
color: lbl_quote.color |
font_size: '12dp' |
text: 'Ask to scan the QR below' |
text_size: self.size |
halign: 'left' |
valign: 'middle' |
Label: |
id: lbl_quote |
font_size: '12dp' |
size_hint: .5, 1 |
color: .761, .761, .761, 1 |
text: u'= {}'.format(app.create_quote_text(Decimal(float(amount_e.text)), mode='symbol')) if amount_e.text else u'0' |
text_size: self.size |
halign: 'right' |
valign: 'middle' |
SendReceiveBlueBottom |
id: blue_bottom |
padding: '12dp', 0, '12dp', '12dp' |
AddressSelector: |
id: address_selection |
foreground_color: blue_bottom.foreground_color |
opacity: 1 if app.expert_mode else 0 |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: blue_bottom.item_height if app.expert_mode else 0 |
on_text: |
if not args[1].startswith('Select'):\ |
qr.data = app.encode_uri(args[1],\ |
amount=amount_e.text,\ |
label=app.wallet.labels.get(args[1], args[1]),\ |
message='') |
CardSeparator |
opacity: address_selection.opacity |
color: blue_bottom.foreground_color |
Widget: |
size_hint_y: None |
height: dp(10) |
FloatLayout |
id: bl |
QRCodeWidget: |
id: qr |
size_hint: None, 1 |
width: min(self.height, bl.width) |
pos_hint: {'center': (.5, .5)} |
on_touch_down: |
if self.collide_point(*args[1].pos):\ |
app.show_info_bubble(icon=self.ids.qrimage.texture, text='texture') |
Button: |
background_color: (1, 1, 1, 1) if self.disabled else ((.258, .80, .388, 1) if self.state == 'normal' else (.203, .490, .741, 1)) |
text: _('Goto next step') if app.wallet and app.wallet.seed else _('Create unsigned transaction') |
size_hint_y: None |
height: '38dp' |
#disabled: True if wallet_selection.opacity == 0 else False |
on_release: |
message = 'sending {} {} to {}'.format(\ |
app.base_unit, amount_e.text, payto_e.text) |
app.gui.main_gui.do_send(self, message=message) |
<ReceiveActionView@ActionView> |
WalletActionPrevious: |
id: action_previous |
width: '32dp' |
ActionButton: |
id: action_logo |
important: True |
size_hint: 1, 1 |
markup: True |
mipmap: True |
bold: True |
markup: True |
color: 1, 1, 1, 1 |
text: |
"[color=#777777][sub] [sup][size=9dp]{}[/size][/sup][/sub]{}[/color]"\ |
.format(app.base_unit, app.status) |
font_size: '22dp' |
minimum_width: '1dp' |
Butt_star: |
id: but_star |
on_release: |
if self.state == 'down':\ |
app.show_info_bubble(\ |
text='[b]Expert mode on[/b]\n you can now select your address',\ |
icon='atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/star_big_inactive',\ |
duration=1, arrow_pos='', width='250dp') |
@ -0,0 +1,243 @@ |
#:import _ electrum.i18n._ |
#:import Decimal decimal.Decimal |
#:import Factory kivy.factory.Factory |
#:set btc_symbol unichr(171) |
#:set mbtc_symbol unichr(187) |
#:set font_light 'data/fonts/Roboto-Condensed.ttf' |
<SendActionView@ActionView> |
foreground_color: (.466, .466, .466, 1) |
color_active: (0.235, .588, .89, 1) |
WalletActionPrevious: |
id: action_previous |
width: but_star.width |
ActionButton: |
id: action_logo |
important: True |
size_hint: 1, 1 |
markup: True |
mipmap: True |
bold: True |
markup: True |
color: 1, 1, 1, 1 |
text: |
"[color=#777777][sub] [sup][size=9dp]{}[/size][/sup][/sub]{}[/color]"\ |
.format(app.base_unit, app.status) |
font_size: '22dp' |
minimum_width: '1dp' |
Butt_star: |
id: but_star |
on_release: |
if self.state == 'down':\ |
app.show_info_bubble(\ |
text='[b]Expert mode on[/b]\n you can now select your address',\ |
icon='atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/star_big_inactive',\ |
duration=1, arrow_pos='', width='250dp') |
<TextInputSendBlue@TextInput> |
padding: '5dp' |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: '27dp' |
pos_hint: {'center_y':.5} |
multiline: False |
hint_text_color: self.foreground_color |
foreground_color: .843, .914, .972, 1 |
background_color: 1, 1, 1, 1 |
background_normal: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/tab_btn' |
background_active: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/textinput_active' |
SendScreen: |
mode: 'address' |
name: 'send' |
action_view: Factory.SendActionView() |
#on_deactivate: |
# self.ids.amount_e.focus = False |
# self.ids.payto_e.focus = False |
# self.ids.message_e.focus = False |
BoxLayout |
padding: '12dp', '12dp', '12dp', '12dp' |
spacing: '12dp' |
orientation: 'vertical' |
mode: 'address' |
SendReceiveToggle: |
SendToggle: |
id: toggle_address |
text: 'ADDRESS' |
group: 'send_type' |
state: 'down' if root.mode == 'address' else 'normal' |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/globe' |
background_down: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/btn_send_address' |
on_release: |
if root.mode == 'address': root.mode = 'fc' |
root.mode = 'address' |
SendToggle: |
id: toggle_nfc |
text: 'NFC' |
group: 'send_type' |
state: 'down' if root.mode == 'nfc' else 'normal' |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/nfc' |
background_down: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/btn_send_nfc' |
on_release: |
if root.mode == 'nfc': root.mode = 'str' |
root.mode = 'nfc' |
GridLayout: |
id: grid |
cols: 1 |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: self.minimum_height |
SendReceiveCardTop |
id: card_address |
BoxLayout |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: '42dp' |
rows: 1 |
Label |
id: lbl_symbl |
bold: True |
color: amount_e.foreground_color |
text_size: self.size |
valign: 'bottom' |
halign: 'left' |
font_size: '22sp' |
text: |
u'[font={fnt}]{smbl}[/font]'.\ |
format(smbl=btc_symbol if app.base_unit == 'BTC' else mbtc_symbol, fnt=font_light) |
size_hint_x: .25 |
ELTextInput: |
id: amount_e |
input_type: 'number' |
multiline: False |
bold: True |
font_size: '50sp' |
foreground_color: .308, .308, .308, 1 |
background_normal: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/tab_btn' |
pos_hint: {'top': 1.5} |
size_hint: .7, None |
height: '67dp' |
hint_text: 'Amount' |
text: '0.0' |
on_text_validate: payto_e.focus = True |
CardSeparator |
BoxLayout: |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: '42dp' |
spacing: '5dp' |
Label: |
id: fee_e |
color: .761, .761, .761, 1 |
font_size: '12dp' |
amt: app.format_amount(app.wallet.fee_per_kb(app.gui_object.config)) if app.wallet else 0 |
text: |
u'[b]{sign}{symbl}{amt}[/b] of fee'.\ |
format(symbl=lbl_symbl.text,\ |
sign='+' if self.amt > 0 else '-', amt=self.amt) |
size_hint_x: None |
width: self.texture_size[0] |
halign: 'left' |
valign: 'middle' |
IconButton: |
color: 0.694, 0.694, 0.694, 1 |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/gear' |
pos_hint: {'center_y': .5} |
size_hint: None, None |
size: '22dp', '22dp' |
on_release: |
dlg = Cache.get('electrum_widgets', 'TransactionFeeDialog') |
if not dlg:\ |
Factory.register('SelectionDialog', module='electrum_gui.kivy.uix.dialogs');\ |
dlg = Factory.TransactionFeeDialog();\ |
Cache.append('electrum_widgets', 'TransactionDialog', dlg) |
dlg.return_obj = fee_e |
dlg.open() |
Label: |
font_size: '12dp' |
color: fee_e.color |
text: u'= {}'.format(app.create_quote_text(Decimal(float(amount_e.text)), mode='symbol')) if amount_e.text else u'0' |
text_size: self.size |
halign: 'right' |
valign: 'middle' |
SendReceiveBlueBottom: |
id: blue_bottom |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: self.minimum_height |
BoxLayout |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: blue_bottom.item_height |
spacing: '5dp' |
Image: |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/contact' |
size_hint: None, None |
size: '22dp', '22dp' |
pos_hint: {'center_y': .5} |
TextInputSendBlue: |
id: payto_e |
hint_text: "Enter Contact or adress" |
on_text_validate: |
Factory.Animation(opacity=1,\ |
height=blue_bottom.item_height)\ |
.start(message_selection) |
message_e.focus = True |
Widget: |
size_hint: None, None |
width: dp(2) |
height: qr.height |
pos_hint: {'center_y':.5} |
canvas.after: |
Rectangle: |
size: self.size |
pos: self.pos |
IconButton: |
id: qr |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/qrcode' |
pos_hint: {'center_y': .5} |
size_hint: None, None |
size: '22dp', '22dp' |
on_release: app.scan_qr(on_complete=root.set_qr_data) |
CardSeparator |
opacity: message_selection.opacity |
color: blue_bottom.foreground_color |
BoxLayout: |
id: message_selection |
opacity: 1 if app.expert_mode else 0 |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: blue_bottom.item_height if app.expert_mode else 0 |
spacing: '5dp' |
Image: |
source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/pen' |
size_hint: None, None |
size: '22dp', '22dp' |
pos_hint: {'center_y': .5} |
TextInputSendBlue: |
id: message_e |
hint_text: 'Enter description here' |
on_text_validate: |
anim = Factory.Animation(opacity=1, height=blue_bottom.item_height) |
anim.start(wallet_selection) |
#anim.start(address_selection) |
CardSeparator |
opacity: address_selection.opacity |
color: blue_bottom.foreground_color |
AddressSelector: |
id: address_selection |
foreground_color: blue_bottom.foreground_color |
opacity: 1 if app.expert_mode else 0 |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: blue_bottom.item_height if app.expert_mode else 0 |
Button: |
#background_color: (1, 1, 1, 1) if self.disabled else ((.258, .80, .388, 1) if self.state == 'normal' else (.203, .490, .741, 1)) |
text: _('Send') |
size_hint_y: None |
height: '38dp' |
disabled: False |
on_release: app.do_send() |
Widget |
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ |
Popup: |
id: settings |
title: _('Settings') |
BoxLayout: |
Button: |
size_hint_y: None |
height: '48dp' |
text: 'Button normal' |
Button: |
size_hint_y: None |
height: '48dp' |
text: 'Button down' |
state: 'down' |
Button: |
size_hint_y: None |
height: '48dp' |
text: 'Button disabled' |
disabled: True |
Button: |
size_hint_y: None |
height: '48dp' |
text: 'close' |
on_release: settings.dismiss() |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
<WalletSelector@BlueSpinner> |
icon: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/wallet' |
values: ('default Wallet',) |
text: _('Select your wallet') |
ElectrumScreen: |
WalletSelector: |
id: wallet_selection |
size_hint: 1, None |
height: blue_bottom.item_height if app.expert_mode else 0 |
Reference in new issue