@ -2,12 +2,29 @@ |
The Kivy GUI is used with Electrum on Android devices. To generate an APK file, follow these instructions. |
## 1. Install python-for-android (p4a) |
## 1. Preliminaries |
Make sure the current user can write `/opt` (e.g. `sudo chown username: /opt`). |
We assume that you already got Electrum to run from source on this machine, |
hence have e.g. `git`, `python3-pip` and `python3-setuptools`. |
## 2. Install kivy |
Install kivy for python3 as described [here](https://kivy.org/docs/installation/installation-linux.html). |
So for example: |
```sh |
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kivy-team/kivy |
sudo apt-get install python3-kivy |
``` |
## 3. Install python-for-android (p4a) |
p4a is used to package Electrum, Python, SDL and a bootstrap Java app into an APK file. |
We patched p4a to add some functionality we need for Electrum. Until those changes are |
merged into p4a, you need to merge them locally (into the master branch): |
1.1 [kivy/python-for-android#1217](https://github.com/kivy/python-for-android/pull/1217) |
3.1 [kivy/python-for-android#1217](https://github.com/kivy/python-for-android/pull/1217) |
Something like this should work: |
@ -21,8 +38,8 @@ git checkout 93759f36ba45c7bbe0456a4b3e6788622924cbac |
git merge a2fb5ecbc09c4847adbcfd03c6b1ca62b3d09b8d |
``` |
## 2. Install buildozer |
2.1 Buildozer is a frontend to p4a. Luckily we don't need to patch it: |
## 4. Install buildozer |
4.1 Buildozer is a frontend to p4a. Luckily we don't need to patch it: |
```sh |
cd /opt |
@ -31,42 +48,81 @@ cd buildozer |
sudo python3 setup.py install |
``` |
2.2 Download the [Crystax NDK](https://www.crystax.net/en/download) manually. |
4.2 Install additional dependencies: |
```sh |
sudo apt-get install python-pip |
``` |
and the ones listed |
[here](https://buildozer.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html#targeting-android). |
You will also need |
```sh |
python3 -m pip install colorama appdirs sh jinja2 |
``` |
4.3 Download the [Crystax NDK](https://www.crystax.net/en/download) manually. |
Extract into `/opt/crystax-ndk-10.3.2` |
## 3. Update the Android SDK build tools |
## 5. Create the UI Atlas |
In the `gui/kivy` directory of Electrum, run `make theming`. |
## 6. Download Electrum dependencies |
```sh |
sudo contrib/make_packages |
``` |
## 7. Try building the APK and fail |
```sh |
contrib/make_apk |
``` |
During this build attempt, buildozer downloaded some tools, |
e.g. those needed in the next step. |
## 8. Update the Android SDK build tools |
### Method 1: Using the GUI |
Start the Android SDK manager in GUI mode: |
~/.buildozer/android/platform/android-sdk-20/tools/android |
~/.buildozer/android/platform/android-sdk-20/tools/android |
Check the latest SDK available and install it. |
Close the SDK manager. |
Reopen the SDK manager, scroll to the bottom and install the latest build tools (probably v27) |
Install "Android Support Library Repository" from the SDK manager. |
Check the latest SDK available and install it |
("Android SDK Tools" and "Android SDK Platform-tools"). |
Close the SDK manager. Repeat until there is no newer version. |
Reopen the SDK manager, and install the latest build tools |
("Android SDK Build-tools"), 27.0.3 at the time of writing. |
Install "Android Support Repository" from the SDK manager (under "Extras"). |
### Method 2: Using the command line: |
Repeat the following command until there is nothing to install: |
~/.buildozer/android/platform/android-sdk-20/tools/android update sdk -u -t tools,platform-tools |
~/.buildozer/android/platform/android-sdk-20/tools/android update sdk -u -t tools,platform-tools |
Install Build Tools, android API 19 and Android Support Library: |
~/.buildozer/android/platform/android-sdk-20/tools/android update sdk -u -t build-tools-27.0.3,android-19,extra-android-m2repository |
~/.buildozer/android/platform/android-sdk-20/tools/android update sdk -u -t build-tools-27.0.3,android-19,extra-android-m2repository |
## 9. Set apk version |
## 5. Create the UI Atlas |
In the `gui/kivy` directory of Electrum, run `make theming`. |
Create a file `contrib/versions.py` with contents similar to: |
``` |
version_apk = '3.1.999' |
``` |
This will be the version of the Android app. |
## 6. Download Electrum dependencies |
Run `contrib/make_packages`. |
## 10. Build the APK |
## 7. Build the APK |
Run `contrib/make_apk`. |
```sh |
contrib/make_apk |
``` |
# FAQ |
## Why do I get errors like `package me.dm7.barcodescanner.zxing does not exist` while compiling? |