@ -24,346 +24,493 @@ |
import os |
import re |
import socket |
import ssl |
import sys |
import threading |
import time |
import traceback |
import asyncio |
from typing import Tuple, Union |
import requests |
from .util import print_error |
ca_path = requests.certs.where() |
import aiorpcx |
from aiorpcx import ClientSession, Notification |
from .util import PrintError, aiosafe, bfh, AIOSafeSilentException, CustomTaskGroup |
from . import util |
from . import x509 |
from . import pem |
from . import blockchain |
from . import constants |
class NotificationSession(ClientSession): |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): |
super(NotificationSession, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) |
self.subscriptions = {} |
self.cache = {} |
async def handle_request(self, request): |
# note: if server sends malformed request and we raise, the superclass |
# will catch the exception, count errors, and at some point disconnect |
if isinstance(request, Notification): |
params, result = request.args[:-1], request.args[-1] |
key = self.get_index(request.method, params) |
if key in self.subscriptions: |
self.cache[key] = result |
for queue in self.subscriptions[key]: |
await queue.put(request.args) |
else: |
assert False, request.method |
async def send_request(self, *args, timeout=-1, **kwargs): |
if timeout == -1: |
timeout = 20 if not self.proxy else 30 |
return await asyncio.wait_for( |
super().send_request(*args, **kwargs), |
timeout) |
async def subscribe(self, method, params, queue): |
key = self.get_index(method, params) |
if key in self.subscriptions: |
self.subscriptions[key].append(queue) |
result = self.cache[key] |
else: |
self.subscriptions[key] = [queue] |
result = await self.send_request(method, params) |
self.cache[key] = result |
await queue.put(params + [result]) |
def unsubscribe(self, queue): |
"""Unsubscribe a callback to free object references to enable GC.""" |
# note: we can't unsubscribe from the server, so we keep receiving |
# subsequent notifications |
for v in self.subscriptions.values(): |
if queue in v: |
v.remove(queue) |
def Connection(server, queue, config_path): |
"""Makes asynchronous connections to a remote Electrum server. |
Returns the running thread that is making the connection. |
@classmethod |
def get_index(cls, method, params): |
"""Hashable index for subscriptions and cache""" |
return str(method) + repr(params) |
Once the thread has connected, it finishes, placing a tuple on the |
queue of the form (server, socket), where socket is None if |
connection failed. |
""" |
host, port, protocol = server.rsplit(':', 2) |
if not protocol in 'st': |
raise Exception('Unknown protocol: %s' % protocol) |
c = TcpConnection(server, queue, config_path) |
c.start() |
return c |
# FIXME this is often raised inside a TaskGroup, but then it's not silent :( |
class GracefulDisconnect(AIOSafeSilentException): pass |
class TcpConnection(threading.Thread, util.PrintError): |
verbosity_filter = 'i' |
def __init__(self, server, queue, config_path): |
threading.Thread.__init__(self) |
self.config_path = config_path |
self.queue = queue |
class ErrorParsingSSLCert(Exception): pass |
class ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(Exception): pass |
def deserialize_server(server_str: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: |
# host might be IPv6 address, hence do rsplit: |
host, port, protocol = str(server_str).rsplit(':', 2) |
if protocol not in ('s', 't'): |
raise ValueError('invalid network protocol: {}'.format(protocol)) |
int(port) # Throw if cannot be converted to int |
if not (0 < int(port) < 2**16): |
raise ValueError('port {} is out of valid range'.format(port)) |
return host, port, protocol |
def serialize_server(host: str, port: Union[str, int], protocol: str) -> str: |
return str(':'.join([host, str(port), protocol])) |
class Interface(PrintError): |
def __init__(self, network, server, config_path, proxy): |
self.exception = None |
self.ready = asyncio.Future() |
self.server = server |
self.host, self.port, self.protocol = self.server.rsplit(':', 2) |
self.host = str(self.host) |
self.host, self.port, self.protocol = deserialize_server(self.server) |
self.port = int(self.port) |
self.use_ssl = (self.protocol == 's') |
self.daemon = True |
self.config_path = config_path |
self.cert_path = os.path.join(self.config_path, 'certs', self.host) |
self.blockchain = None |
self.network = network |
self.tip_header = None |
self.tip = 0 |
# TODO combine? |
self.fut = asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(self.run()) |
self.group = CustomTaskGroup() |
if proxy: |
username, pw = proxy.get('user'), proxy.get('password') |
if not username or not pw: |
auth = None |
else: |
auth = aiorpcx.socks.SOCKSUserAuth(username, pw) |
if proxy['mode'] == "socks4": |
self.proxy = aiorpcx.socks.SOCKSProxy((proxy['host'], int(proxy['port'])), aiorpcx.socks.SOCKS4a, auth) |
elif proxy['mode'] == "socks5": |
self.proxy = aiorpcx.socks.SOCKSProxy((proxy['host'], int(proxy['port'])), aiorpcx.socks.SOCKS5, auth) |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError # http proxy not available with aiorpcx |
else: |
self.proxy = None |
def diagnostic_name(self): |
return self.host |
def check_host_name(self, peercert, name): |
"""Simple certificate/host name checker. Returns True if the |
certificate matches, False otherwise. Does not support |
wildcards.""" |
# Check that the peer has supplied a certificate. |
# None/{} is not acceptable. |
if not peercert: |
async def is_server_ca_signed(self, sslc): |
try: |
await self.open_session(sslc, exit_early=True) |
except ssl.SSLError as e: |
assert e.reason == 'CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED' |
return False |
if 'subjectAltName' in peercert: |
for typ, val in peercert["subjectAltName"]: |
if typ == "DNS" and val == name: |
return True |
async def _try_saving_ssl_cert_for_first_time(self, ca_ssl_context): |
try: |
ca_signed = await self.is_server_ca_signed(ca_ssl_context) |
except (OSError, aiorpcx.socks.SOCKSFailure) as e: |
raise ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(e) from e |
if ca_signed: |
with open(self.cert_path, 'w') as f: |
# empty file means this is CA signed, not self-signed |
f.write('') |
else: |
# Only check the subject DN if there is no subject alternative |
# name. |
cn = None |
for attr, val in peercert["subject"]: |
# Use most-specific (last) commonName attribute. |
if attr == "commonName": |
cn = val |
if cn is not None: |
return cn == name |
return False |
await self.save_certificate() |
def get_simple_socket(self): |
def _is_saved_ssl_cert_available(self): |
if not os.path.exists(self.cert_path): |
return False |
with open(self.cert_path, 'r') as f: |
contents = f.read() |
if contents == '': # CA signed |
return True |
# pinned self-signed cert |
try: |
l = socket.getaddrinfo(self.host, self.port, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM) |
except socket.gaierror: |
self.print_error("cannot resolve hostname") |
return |
e = None |
for res in l: |
b = pem.dePem(contents, 'CERTIFICATE') |
except SyntaxError as e: |
self.print_error("error parsing already saved cert:", e) |
raise ErrorParsingSSLCert(e) from e |
try: |
s = socket.socket(res[0], socket.SOCK_STREAM) |
s.settimeout(10) |
s.connect(res[4]) |
s.settimeout(2) |
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1) |
return s |
except BaseException as _e: |
e = _e |
continue |
else: |
self.print_error("failed to connect", str(e)) |
@staticmethod |
def get_ssl_context(cert_reqs, ca_certs): |
context = ssl.create_default_context(purpose=ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH, cafile=ca_certs) |
context.check_hostname = False |
context.verify_mode = cert_reqs |
context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2 |
context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3 |
context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1 |
return context |
def get_socket(self): |
if self.use_ssl: |
cert_path = os.path.join(self.config_path, 'certs', self.host) |
if not os.path.exists(cert_path): |
is_new = True |
s = self.get_simple_socket() |
if s is None: |
return |
# try with CA first |
x = x509.X509(b) |
except Exception as e: |
self.print_error("error parsing already saved cert:", e) |
raise ErrorParsingSSLCert(e) from e |
try: |
context = self.get_ssl_context(cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, ca_certs=ca_path) |
s = context.wrap_socket(s, do_handshake_on_connect=True) |
except ssl.SSLError as e: |
self.print_error(e) |
except: |
return |
x.check_date() |
return True |
except x509.CertificateError as e: |
self.print_error("certificate has expired:", e) |
os.unlink(self.cert_path) # delete pinned cert only in this case |
return False |
async def _get_ssl_context(self): |
if self.protocol != 's': |
# using plaintext TCP |
return None |
# see if we already have cert for this server; or get it for the first time |
ca_sslc = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH) |
if not self._is_saved_ssl_cert_available(): |
await self._try_saving_ssl_cert_for_first_time(ca_sslc) |
# now we have a file saved in our certificate store |
siz = os.stat(self.cert_path).st_size |
if siz == 0: |
# CA signed cert |
sslc = ca_sslc |
else: |
# pinned self-signed cert |
sslc = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH, cafile=self.cert_path) |
sslc.check_hostname = 0 |
return sslc |
@aiosafe |
async def run(self): |
try: |
peer_cert = s.getpeercert() |
except OSError: |
return |
if self.check_host_name(peer_cert, self.host): |
self.print_error("SSL certificate signed by CA") |
return s |
# get server certificate. |
# Do not use ssl.get_server_certificate because it does not work with proxy |
s = self.get_simple_socket() |
if s is None: |
ssl_context = await self._get_ssl_context() |
except (ErrorParsingSSLCert, ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer) as e: |
self.exception = e |
return |
try: |
context = self.get_ssl_context(cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE, ca_certs=None) |
s = context.wrap_socket(s) |
except ssl.SSLError as e: |
self.print_error("SSL error retrieving SSL certificate:", e) |
return |
except: |
await self.open_session(ssl_context, exit_early=False) |
except (asyncio.CancelledError, OSError, aiorpcx.socks.SOCKSFailure) as e: |
self.print_error('disconnecting due to: {} {}'.format(e, type(e))) |
self.exception = e |
return |
# should never get here (can only exit via exception) |
assert False |
def mark_ready(self): |
assert self.tip_header |
chain = blockchain.check_header(self.tip_header) |
if not chain: |
self.blockchain = blockchain.blockchains[0] |
else: |
self.blockchain = chain |
try: |
dercert = s.getpeercert(True) |
except OSError: |
return |
s.close() |
self.print_error("set blockchain with height", self.blockchain.height()) |
if not self.ready.done(): |
self.ready.set_result(1) |
async def save_certificate(self): |
if not os.path.exists(self.cert_path): |
# we may need to retry this a few times, in case the handshake hasn't completed |
for _ in range(10): |
dercert = await self.get_certificate() |
if dercert: |
self.print_error("succeeded in getting cert") |
with open(self.cert_path, 'w') as f: |
cert = ssl.DER_cert_to_PEM_cert(dercert) |
# workaround android bug |
cert = re.sub("([^\n])-----END CERTIFICATE-----","\\1\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",cert) |
temporary_path = cert_path + '.temp' |
util.assert_datadir_available(self.config_path) |
with open(temporary_path, "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: |
f.write(cert) |
# even though close flushes we can't fsync when closed. |
# and we must flush before fsyncing, cause flush flushes to OS buffer |
# fsync writes to OS buffer to disk |
f.flush() |
os.fsync(f.fileno()) |
break |
await asyncio.sleep(1) |
else: |
is_new = False |
s = self.get_simple_socket() |
if s is None: |
return |
raise Exception("could not get certificate") |
if self.use_ssl: |
try: |
context = self.get_ssl_context(cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, |
ca_certs=(temporary_path if is_new else cert_path)) |
s = context.wrap_socket(s, do_handshake_on_connect=True) |
except socket.timeout: |
self.print_error('timeout') |
return |
except ssl.SSLError as e: |
self.print_error("SSL error:", e) |
if e.errno != 1: |
return |
if is_new: |
rej = cert_path + '.rej' |
if os.path.exists(rej): |
os.unlink(rej) |
os.rename(temporary_path, rej) |
else: |
util.assert_datadir_available(self.config_path) |
with open(cert_path, encoding='utf-8') as f: |
cert = f.read() |
async def get_certificate(self): |
sslc = ssl.SSLContext() |
try: |
b = pem.dePem(cert, 'CERTIFICATE') |
x = x509.X509(b) |
except: |
traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) |
self.print_error("wrong certificate") |
return |
async with aiorpcx.ClientSession(self.host, self.port, ssl=sslc, proxy=self.proxy) as session: |
return session.transport._ssl_protocol._sslpipe._sslobj.getpeercert(True) |
except ValueError: |
return None |
async def get_block_header(self, height, assert_mode): |
res = await self.session.send_request('blockchain.block.header', [height], timeout=5) |
return blockchain.deserialize_header(bytes.fromhex(res), height) |
async def request_chunk(self, idx, tip): |
return await self.network.request_chunk(idx, tip, self.session) |
async def open_session(self, sslc, exit_early): |
header_queue = asyncio.Queue() |
self.session = NotificationSession(self.host, self.port, ssl=sslc, proxy=self.proxy) |
async with self.session as session: |
try: |
x.check_date() |
except: |
self.print_error("certificate has expired:", cert_path) |
os.unlink(cert_path) |
return |
self.print_error("wrong certificate") |
if e.errno == 104: |
ver = await session.send_request('server.version', [ELECTRUM_VERSION, PROTOCOL_VERSION]) |
except aiorpcx.jsonrpc.RPCError as e: |
raise GracefulDisconnect(e) # probably 'unsupported protocol version' |
if exit_early: |
return |
return |
except BaseException as e: |
self.print_error(e) |
traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) |
return |
if is_new: |
self.print_error("saving certificate") |
os.rename(temporary_path, cert_path) |
return s |
def run(self): |
socket = self.get_socket() |
if socket: |
self.print_error("connected") |
self.queue.put((self.server, socket)) |
class Interface(util.PrintError): |
"""The Interface class handles a socket connected to a single remote |
Electrum server. Its exposed API is: |
- Member functions close(), fileno(), get_responses(), has_timed_out(), |
ping_required(), queue_request(), send_requests() |
- Member variable server. |
""" |
def __init__(self, server, socket): |
self.server = server |
self.host, _, _ = server.rsplit(':', 2) |
self.socket = socket |
self.pipe = util.SocketPipe(socket) |
self.pipe.set_timeout(0.0) # Don't wait for data |
# Dump network messages. Set at runtime from the console. |
self.debug = False |
self.unsent_requests = [] |
self.unanswered_requests = {} |
self.last_send = time.time() |
self.closed_remotely = False |
def diagnostic_name(self): |
return self.host |
self.print_error(ver, self.host) |
await session.subscribe('blockchain.headers.subscribe', [], header_queue) |
async with self.group as group: |
await group.spawn(self.ping()) |
await group.spawn(self.run_fetch_blocks(header_queue)) |
await group.spawn(self.monitor_connection()) |
# NOTE: group.__aexit__ will be called here; this is needed to notice exceptions in the group! |
async def monitor_connection(self): |
while True: |
await asyncio.sleep(1) |
if not self.session or self.session.is_closing(): |
raise GracefulDisconnect('server closed session') |
def fileno(self): |
# Needed for select |
return self.socket.fileno() |
async def ping(self): |
while True: |
await asyncio.sleep(300) |
await self.session.send_request('server.ping', timeout=10) |
def close(self): |
if not self.closed_remotely: |
try: |
self.socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) |
except socket.error: |
pass |
self.socket.close() |
def queue_request(self, *args): # method, params, _id |
'''Queue a request, later to be send with send_requests when the |
socket is available for writing. |
''' |
self.request_time = time.time() |
self.unsent_requests.append(args) |
def num_requests(self): |
'''Keep unanswered requests below 100''' |
n = 100 - len(self.unanswered_requests) |
return min(n, len(self.unsent_requests)) |
def send_requests(self): |
'''Sends queued requests. Returns False on failure.''' |
self.last_send = time.time() |
make_dict = lambda m, p, i: {'method': m, 'params': p, 'id': i} |
n = self.num_requests() |
wire_requests = self.unsent_requests[0:n] |
try: |
self.pipe.send_all([make_dict(*r) for r in wire_requests]) |
except BaseException as e: |
self.print_error("pipe send error:", e) |
return False |
self.unsent_requests = self.unsent_requests[n:] |
for request in wire_requests: |
if self.debug: |
self.print_error("-->", request) |
self.unanswered_requests[request[2]] = request |
return True |
def ping_required(self): |
'''Returns True if a ping should be sent.''' |
return time.time() - self.last_send > 300 |
self.fut.cancel() |
asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(self.group.cancel_remaining()) |
def has_timed_out(self): |
'''Returns True if the interface has timed out.''' |
if (self.unanswered_requests and time.time() - self.request_time > 10 |
and self.pipe.idle_time() > 10): |
self.print_error("timeout", len(self.unanswered_requests)) |
return True |
return False |
def get_responses(self): |
'''Call if there is data available on the socket. Returns a list of |
(request, response) pairs. Notifications are singleton |
unsolicited responses presumably as a result of prior |
subscriptions, so request is None and there is no 'id' member. |
Otherwise it is a response, which has an 'id' member and a |
corresponding request. If the connection was closed remotely |
or the remote server is misbehaving, a (None, None) will appear. |
''' |
responses = [] |
async def run_fetch_blocks(self, header_queue): |
while True: |
try: |
response = self.pipe.get() |
except util.timeout: |
break |
if not type(response) is dict: |
responses.append((None, None)) |
if response is None: |
self.closed_remotely = True |
self.print_error("connection closed remotely") |
break |
if self.debug: |
self.print_error("<--", response) |
wire_id = response.get('id', None) |
if wire_id is None: # Notification |
responses.append((None, response)) |
self.network.notify('updated') |
item = await header_queue.get() |
item = item[0] |
height = item['height'] |
item = blockchain.deserialize_header(bfh(item['hex']), item['height']) |
self.tip_header = item |
self.tip = height |
if self.tip < constants.net.max_checkpoint(): |
raise GracefulDisconnect('server tip below max checkpoint') |
if not self.ready.done(): |
self.mark_ready() |
async with self.network.bhi_lock: |
if self.blockchain.height() < item['block_height']-1: |
_, height = await self.sync_until(height, None) |
if self.blockchain.height() >= height and self.blockchain.check_header(item): |
# another interface amended the blockchain |
self.print_error("skipping header", height) |
continue |
if self.tip < height: |
height = self.tip |
_, height = await self.step(height, item) |
async def sync_until(self, height, next_height=None): |
if next_height is None: |
next_height = self.tip |
last = None |
while last is None or height < next_height: |
if next_height > height + 10: |
could_connect, num_headers = await self.request_chunk(height, next_height) |
if not could_connect: |
if height <= constants.net.max_checkpoint(): |
raise Exception('server chain conflicts with checkpoints or genesis') |
last, height = await self.step(height) |
continue |
height = (height // 2016 * 2016) + num_headers |
if height > next_height: |
assert False, (height, self.tip) |
last = 'catchup' |
else: |
request = self.unanswered_requests.pop(wire_id, None) |
if request: |
responses.append((request, response)) |
last, height = await self.step(height) |
return last, height |
async def step(self, height, header=None): |
assert height != 0 |
if header is None: |
header = await self.get_block_header(height, 'catchup') |
chain = self.blockchain.check_header(header) if 'mock' not in header else header['mock']['check'](header) |
if chain: return 'catchup', height |
can_connect = blockchain.can_connect(header) if 'mock' not in header else header['mock']['connect'](height) |
bad_header = None |
if not can_connect: |
self.print_error("can't connect", height) |
#backward |
bad = height |
bad_header = header |
height -= 1 |
checkp = False |
if height <= constants.net.max_checkpoint(): |
height = constants.net.max_checkpoint() |
checkp = True |
header = await self.get_block_header(height, 'backward') |
chain = blockchain.check_header(header) if 'mock' not in header else header['mock']['check'](header) |
can_connect = blockchain.can_connect(header) if 'mock' not in header else header['mock']['connect'](height) |
if checkp and not (can_connect or chain): |
raise Exception("server chain conflicts with checkpoints. {} {}".format(can_connect, chain)) |
while not chain and not can_connect: |
bad = height |
bad_header = header |
delta = self.tip - height |
next_height = self.tip - 2 * delta |
checkp = False |
if next_height <= constants.net.max_checkpoint(): |
next_height = constants.net.max_checkpoint() |
checkp = True |
height = next_height |
header = await self.get_block_header(height, 'backward') |
chain = blockchain.check_header(header) if 'mock' not in header else header['mock']['check'](header) |
can_connect = blockchain.can_connect(header) if 'mock' not in header else header['mock']['connect'](height) |
if checkp and not (can_connect or chain): |
raise Exception("server chain conflicts with checkpoints. {} {}".format(can_connect, chain)) |
self.print_error("exiting backward mode at", height) |
if can_connect: |
self.print_error("could connect", height) |
chain = blockchain.check_header(header) if 'mock' not in header else header['mock']['check'](header) |
if type(can_connect) is bool: |
# mock |
height += 1 |
if height > self.tip: |
assert False |
return 'catchup', height |
self.blockchain = can_connect |
height += 1 |
self.blockchain.save_header(header) |
return 'catchup', height |
if not chain: |
raise Exception("not chain") # line 931 in 8e69174374aee87d73cd2f8005fbbe87c93eee9c's network.py |
# binary |
if type(chain) in [int, bool]: |
pass # mock |
else: |
self.print_error("unknown wire ID", wire_id) |
responses.append((None, None)) # Signal |
break |
return responses |
self.blockchain = chain |
good = height |
height = (bad + good) // 2 |
header = await self.get_block_header(height, 'binary') |
while True: |
self.print_error("binary step") |
chain = blockchain.check_header(header) if 'mock' not in header else header['mock']['check'](header) |
if chain: |
assert bad != height, (bad, height) |
good = height |
self.blockchain = self.blockchain if type(chain) in [bool, int] else chain |
else: |
bad = height |
assert good != height |
bad_header = header |
if bad != good + 1: |
height = (bad + good) // 2 |
header = await self.get_block_header(height, 'binary') |
continue |
mock = bad_header and 'mock' in bad_header and bad_header['mock']['connect'](height) |
real = not mock and self.blockchain.can_connect(bad_header, check_height=False) |
if not real and not mock: |
raise Exception('unexpected bad header during binary' + str(bad_header)) # line 948 in 8e69174374aee87d73cd2f8005fbbe87c93eee9c's network.py |
branch = blockchain.blockchains.get(bad) |
if branch is not None: |
ismocking = False |
if type(branch) is dict: |
ismocking = True |
# FIXME: it does not seem sufficient to check that the branch |
# contains the bad_header. what if self.blockchain doesn't? |
# the chains shouldn't be joined then. observe the incorrect |
# joining on regtest with a server that has a fork of height |
# one. the problem is observed only if forking is not during |
# electrum runtime |
if not ismocking and branch.check_header(bad_header) \ |
or ismocking and branch['check'](bad_header): |
self.print_error('joining chain', bad) |
height += 1 |
return 'join', height |
else: |
if not ismocking and branch.parent().check_header(header) \ |
or ismocking and branch['parent']['check'](header): |
self.print_error('reorg', bad, self.tip) |
self.blockchain = branch.parent() if not ismocking else branch['parent'] |
height = bad |
header = await self.get_block_header(height, 'binary') |
else: |
if ismocking: |
height = bad + 1 |
self.print_error("TODO replace blockchain") |
return 'conflict', height |
self.print_error('forkpoint conflicts with existing fork', branch.path()) |
branch.write(b'', 0) |
branch.save_header(bad_header) |
self.blockchain = branch |
height = bad + 1 |
return 'conflict', height |
else: |
bh = self.blockchain.height() |
if bh > good: |
forkfun = self.blockchain.fork |
if 'mock' in bad_header: |
chain = bad_header['mock']['check'](bad_header) |
forkfun = bad_header['mock']['fork'] if 'fork' in bad_header['mock'] else forkfun |
else: |
chain = self.blockchain.check_header(bad_header) |
if not chain: |
b = forkfun(bad_header) |
assert bad not in blockchain.blockchains, (bad, list(blockchain.blockchains.keys())) |
blockchain.blockchains[bad] = b |
self.blockchain = b |
height = b.forkpoint + 1 |
assert b.forkpoint == bad |
return 'fork', height |
else: |
assert bh == good |
if bh < self.tip: |
self.print_error("catching up from %d"% (bh + 1)) |
height = bh + 1 |
return 'no_fork', height |
def check_cert(host, cert): |