5 changed files with 100 additions and 316 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets |
from electrum.util import inv_dict, bh2u |
from electrum.i18n import _ |
from .util import MyTreeWidget, SortableTreeWidgetItem |
class ChannelsList(MyTreeWidget): |
update_rows = QtCore.pyqtSignal(list) |
update_single_row = QtCore.pyqtSignal(dict) |
def __init__(self, parent): |
MyTreeWidget.__init__(self, parent, self.create_menu, [_('Node ID'), _('Capacity'), _('Balance')], 0) |
self.main_window = parent |
self.update_rows.connect(self.do_update_rows) |
self.update_single_row.connect(self.do_update_single_row) |
def format_fields(self, chan): |
return [bh2u(chan.node_id), self.parent.format_amount(chan.constraints.capacity), self.parent.format_amount(chan.local_state.amount_msat//1000)] |
def create_menu(self, position): |
menu = QtWidgets.QMenu() |
cur = self.currentItem() |
def close(): |
print("closechannel result", self.parent.network.lnworker.close_channel_from_other_thread(cur.di)) |
menu.addAction(_("Close channel"), close) |
menu.exec_(self.viewport().mapToGlobal(position)) |
@QtCore.pyqtSlot(dict) |
def do_update_single_row(self, chan): |
items = self.findItems(chan.channel_id, QtCore.Qt.UserRole|QtCore.Qt.MatchContains|QtCore.Qt.MatchRecursive, column=1) |
for item in items: |
for i, v in enumerate(self.format_fields(chan)): |
item.setData(i, QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, v) |
@QtCore.pyqtSlot(list) |
def do_update_rows(self, channels): |
self.clear() |
for chan in channels: |
item = SortableTreeWidgetItem(self.format_fields(chan)) |
item.setData(0, QtCore.Qt.UserRole, chan.channel_id) |
self.insertTopLevelItem(0, item) |
def get_toolbar(self): |
nodeid_inp = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self) |
local_amt_inp = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self, text='200000') |
push_amt_inp = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self, text='0') |
button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_('Open channel'), self) |
button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.main_window.protect(self.open_channel, (nodeid_inp, local_amt_inp, push_amt_inp))) |
l=QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self) |
h=QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self) |
nodeid_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self) |
nodeid_label.setText(_("Node ID")) |
local_amt_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self) |
local_amt_label.setText("Local amount (sat)") |
push_amt_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self) |
push_amt_label.setText("Push amount (sat)") |
h.addWidget(nodeid_label, 0, 0) |
h.addWidget(local_amt_label, 0, 1) |
h.addWidget(push_amt_label, 0, 2) |
h.addWidget(nodeid_inp, 1, 0) |
h.addWidget(local_amt_inp, 1, 1) |
h.addWidget(push_amt_inp, 1, 2) |
h.addWidget(button, 1, 3) |
h.setColumnStretch(0, 3) |
h.setColumnStretch(1, 1) |
h.setColumnStretch(2, 1) |
h.setColumnStretch(3, 1) |
return h |
def open_channel(self, nodeIdInput, local_amt_inp, push_amt_inp, password): |
node_id = str(nodeIdInput.text()) |
local_amt = int(local_amt_inp.text()) |
push_amt = int(push_amt_inp.text()) |
assert local_amt >= 200000 |
assert local_amt >= push_amt |
obj = self.parent.network.lnworker.open_channel(node_id, local_amt, push_amt, password) |
@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
import binascii, base64 |
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets |
from collections import OrderedDict |
import logging |
import traceback |
# https://api.lightning.community/#listchannels |
mapping = {0: "chan_id"} |
revMapp = {"chan_id": 0} |
datatable = OrderedDict([]) |
class MyTableRow(QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem): |
def __init__(self, di): |
strs = [str(di[mapping[key]]) for key in range(len(mapping))] |
super(MyTableRow, self).__init__(strs) |
assert isinstance(di, dict) |
self.di = di |
def __getitem__(self, idx): |
return self.di[idx] |
def __setitem__(self, idx, val): |
self.di[idx] = val |
try: |
self.setData(revMapp[idx], QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, '{0}'.format(val)) |
except KeyError: |
logging.warning("Lightning Channel field %s unknown", idx) |
def __str__(self): |
return str(self.di) |
def addChannelRow(new): |
made = MyTableRow(new) |
datatable[new["chan_id"]] = made |
datatable.move_to_end(new["chan_id"], last=False) |
return made |
class LightningChannelsList(QtWidgets.QWidget): |
update_rows = QtCore.pyqtSignal(dict) |
update_single_row = QtCore.pyqtSignal(dict) |
def open_channel(self, nodeIdInput, local_amt_inp, push_amt_inp, password): |
node_id = str(nodeIdInput.text()) |
print("creating channel with {}".format(node_id)) |
local_amt = int(local_amt_inp.text()) |
push_amt = int(push_amt_inp.text()) |
assert local_amt >= 200000 |
assert local_amt >= push_amt |
obj = self.lnworker.open_channel(node_id, local_amt, push_amt, password) |
def create_menu(self, position): |
menu = QtWidgets.QMenu() |
cur = self._tv.currentItem() |
def close(): |
print("closechannel result", lnworker.close_channel_from_other_thread(cur.di)) |
menu.addAction("Close channel", close) |
menu.exec_(self._tv.viewport().mapToGlobal(position)) |
@QtCore.pyqtSlot(dict) |
def do_update_single_row(self, new): |
try: |
obj = datatable[new["chan_id"]] |
except KeyError: |
print("lightning chan_id {} unknown!".format(new["chan_id"])) |
else: |
for k, v in new.items(): |
try: |
if obj[k] != v: obj[k] = v |
except KeyError: |
obj[k] = v |
@QtCore.pyqtSlot(dict) |
def do_update_rows(self, obj): |
self._tv.clear() |
for i in obj["channels"]: |
self._tv.insertTopLevelItem(0, addChannelRow(i)) |
def __init__(self, parent, lnworker): |
QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) |
self.main_window = parent |
self.update_rows.connect(self.do_update_rows) |
self.update_single_row.connect(self.do_update_single_row) |
self.lnworker = lnworker |
lnworker.register_callback(self.update_rows.emit, ['channels_updated']) |
lnworker.register_callback(self.update_single_row.emit, ['channel_updated']) |
self._tv=QtWidgets.QTreeWidget(self) |
self._tv.setHeaderLabels([mapping[i] for i in range(len(mapping))]) |
self._tv.setColumnCount(len(mapping)) |
self._tv.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) |
self._tv.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.create_menu) |
nodeid_inp = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self) |
local_amt_inp = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self, text='200000') |
push_amt_inp = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self, text='0') |
button = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Open channel', self) |
button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.main_window.protect(self.open_channel, (nodeid_inp, local_amt_inp, push_amt_inp))) |
l=QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self) |
h=QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self) |
nodeid_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self) |
nodeid_label.setText("Node ID") |
local_amt_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self) |
local_amt_label.setText("Local amount (sat)") |
push_amt_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self) |
push_amt_label.setText("Push amount (sat)") |
h.addWidget(nodeid_label, 0, 0) |
h.addWidget(local_amt_label, 0, 1) |
h.addWidget(push_amt_label, 0, 2) |
h.addWidget(nodeid_inp, 1, 0) |
h.addWidget(local_amt_inp, 1, 1) |
h.addWidget(push_amt_inp, 1, 2) |
h.addWidget(button, 1, 3) |
h.setColumnStretch(0, 3) |
h.setColumnStretch(1, 1) |
h.setColumnStretch(2, 1) |
h.setColumnStretch(3, 1) |
l.addLayout(h) |
l.addWidget(self._tv) |
self.resize(2500,1000) |
lnworker.on_channels_updated() |
@ -1,153 +0,0 @@ |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
import base64 |
import binascii |
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets |
from collections import OrderedDict |
import logging |
from .qrcodewidget import QRDialog |
from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot |
mapping = {0: "r_hash", 1: "pay_req", 2: "settled"} |
revMapp = {"r_hash": 0, "pay_req": 1, "settled": 2} |
datatable = OrderedDict([]) |
idx = 0 |
class MyTableRow(QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem): |
def __init__(self, di): |
if "settled" not in di: |
di["settled"] = False |
strs = [str(di[mapping[key]]) for key in range(len(mapping))] |
print(strs) |
super(MyTableRow, self).__init__(strs) |
assert isinstance(di, dict) |
self.di = di |
def __getitem__(self, idx): |
return self.di[idx] |
def __setitem__(self, idx, val): |
self.di[idx] = val |
try: |
self.setData(revMapp[idx], QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, '{0}'.format(val)) |
except KeyError: |
logging.warning("Lightning Invoice field %s unknown", idx) |
def __str__(self): |
return str(self.di) |
def addInvoiceRow(new): |
made = MyTableRow(new) |
datatable[new["r_hash"]] = made |
datatable.move_to_end(new["r_hash"], last=False) |
return made |
class LightningInvoiceList(QtWidgets.QWidget): |
invoice_added_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(dict) |
@QtCore.pyqtSlot(dict) |
def invoice_added_handler(self, di): |
self._tv.insertTopLevelItem(0, addInvoiceRow(invoice)) |
def clickHandler(self, numInput, treeView, lnworker): |
amt = numInput.value() |
if amt < 1: |
print("value too small") |
return |
print("creating invoice with value {}".format(amt)) |
global idx |
#obj = { |
# "r_hash": binascii.hexlify((int.from_bytes(bytearray.fromhex("9500edb0994b7bc23349193486b25c82097045db641f35fa988c0e849acdec29"), "big")+idx).to_bytes(byteorder="big", length=32)).decode("ascii"), |
# "pay_req": "lntb81920n1pdf258s" + str(idx), |
# "settled": False |
#} |
#treeView.insertTopLevelItem(0, addInvoiceRow(obj)) |
idx += 1 |
lnworker.add_invoice(amt) |
def create_menu(self, position): |
menu = QtWidgets.QMenu() |
pay_req = self._tv.currentItem()["pay_req"] |
cb = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance().clipboard() |
def copy(): |
print(pay_req) |
cb.setText(pay_req) |
def qr(): |
d = QRDialog(pay_req, self, "Lightning invoice") |
d.exec_() |
menu.addAction("Copy payment request", copy) |
menu.addAction("Show payment request as QR code", qr) |
menu.exec_(self._tv.viewport().mapToGlobal(position)) |
payment_received_signal = pyqtSignal(dict) |
@pyqtSlot(dict) |
def paymentReceived(self, new): |
try: |
obj = datatable[new["r_hash"]] |
except KeyError: |
print("lightning payment invoice r_hash {} unknown!".format(new["r_hash"])) |
else: |
for k, v in new.items(): |
try: |
if obj[k] != v: obj[k] = v |
except KeyError: |
obj[k] = v |
def __init__(self, parent, lnworker): |
QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) |
self.payment_received_signal.connect(self.paymentReceived) |
self.invoice_added_signal.connect(self.invoice_added_handler) |
#lnworker.subscribe_payment_received_from_other_thread(self.payment_received_signal.emit) |
#lnworker.subscribe_invoice_added_from_other_thread(self.invoice_added_signal.emit) |
self._tv=QtWidgets.QTreeWidget(self) |
self._tv.setHeaderLabels([mapping[i] for i in range(len(mapping))]) |
self._tv.setColumnCount(len(mapping)) |
self._tv.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) |
self._tv.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.create_menu) |
class SatoshiCountSpinBox(QtWidgets.QSpinBox): |
def keyPressEvent(self2, e): |
super(SatoshiCountSpinBox, self2).keyPressEvent(e) |
if QtCore.Qt.Key_Return == e.key(): |
self.clickHandler(self2, self._tv, lnworker) |
numInput = SatoshiCountSpinBox(self) |
button = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Add invoice', self) |
button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.clickHandler(numInput, self._tv, lnworker)) |
l=QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self) |
h=QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self) |
h.addWidget(numInput, 0, 0) |
h.addWidget(button, 0, 1) |
#h.addItem(QtWidgets.QSpacerItem(100, 200, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Preferred, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Preferred), 0, 2) |
#h.setSizePolicy( |
h.setColumnStretch(0, 1) |
h.setColumnStretch(1, 1) |
h.setColumnStretch(2, 2) |
l.addLayout(h) |
l.addWidget(self._tv) |
self.resize(2500,1000) |
def tick(): |
key = "9500edb0994b7bc23349193486b25c82097045db641f35fa988c0e849acdec29" |
if not key in datatable: |
return |
row = datatable[key] |
row["settled"] = not row["settled"] |
print("data changed") |
if __name__=="__main__": |
from sys import argv, exit |
a=QtWidgets.QApplication(argv) |
w=LightningInvoiceList() |
w.show() |
w.raise_() |
timer = QtCore.QTimer() |
timer.timeout.connect(tick) |
timer.start(1000) |
exit(a.exec_()) |
Reference in new issue