@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ def init_wallet(wallet):
wallet . new_seed ( None )
# ask for the server.
run_settings_dialog ( wallet , is_create = True , is_recovery = False , parent = None )
run_network_dialog ( wallet , parent = None )
# generate first key
wallet . synchronize ( )
@ -122,8 +122,11 @@ def init_wallet(wallet):
change_password_dialog ( wallet , None , None )
else :
# ask for the server, seed and gap.
run_settings_dialog ( wallet , is_create = True , is_recovery = True , parent = None )
# ask for the server.
run_network_dialog ( wallet , parent = None )
# ask for seed and gap.
run_recovery_dialog ( wallet )
dialog = gtk . MessageDialog (
parent = None ,
@ -153,31 +156,17 @@ def init_wallet(wallet):
show_message ( " No transactions found for this seed " )
def run_settings_dialog ( wallet , is_create , is_recovery , parent ) :
if is_recovery :
message = " Please enter your wallet seed or the corresponding mnemonic list of words, the server and the gap limit "
elif is_create :
message = " Please indicate the server and port number "
else :
message = " These are the settings of your wallet. For more explanations, click on the question mark buttons next to each input field. "
def run_recovery_dialog ( wallet ) :
message = " Please enter your wallet seed or the corresponding mnemonic list of words, and the gap limit of your wallet. "
dialog = gtk . MessageDialog (
parent = parent ,
parent = None ,
flags = gtk . DIALOG_MODAL ,
buttons = gtk . BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL ,
message_format = message )
image = gtk . Image ( )
image . set_from_stock ( gtk . STOCK_PREFERENCES , gtk . ICON_SIZE_DIALOG )
image . show ( )
dialog . set_image ( image )
dialog . set_title ( " Settings " )
vbox = dialog . vbox
dialog . set_default_response ( gtk . RESPONSE_OK )
if is_recovery :
# ask seed, server and gap in the same dialog
seed_box = gtk . HBox ( )
seed_label = gtk . Label ( ' Seed or mnemonic: ' )
@ -192,7 +181,6 @@ def run_settings_dialog(wallet, is_create, is_recovery, parent):
seed_box . show ( )
vbox . pack_start ( seed_box , False , False , 5 )
if is_recovery :
gap = gtk . HBox ( )
gap_label = gtk . Label ( ' Gap limit: ' )
gap_label . set_size_request ( 150 , 10 )
@ -207,21 +195,52 @@ def run_settings_dialog(wallet, is_create, is_recovery, parent):
gap . show ( )
vbox . pack_start ( gap , False , False , 5 )
if is_recovery or is_create :
host = gtk . HBox ( )
host_label = gtk . Label ( ' Server: ' )
host_label . set_size_request ( 150 , - 1 )
host_label . show ( )
host . pack_start ( host_label , False , False , 10 )
host_entry = gtk . Entry ( )
host_entry . set_text ( wallet . interface . host + " : %d " % wallet . interface . port )
host_entry . show ( )
host . pack_start ( host_entry , False , False , 10 )
add_help_button ( host , ' The name and port number of your Electrum server, separated by a colon. Example: " ecdsa.org:50000 " . If no port number is provided, the http port 80 will be tried. ' )
host . show ( )
vbox . pack_start ( host , False , False , 5 )
dialog . show ( )
r = dialog . run ( )
gap = gap_entry . get_text ( )
dialog . destroy ( )
if r == gtk . RESPONSE_CANCEL :
sys . exit ( 1 )
try :
gap = int ( gap )
except :
show_message ( " error " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
seed = seed_entry . get_text ( )
try :
seed . decode ( ' hex ' )
except :
import mnemonic
print " not hex, trying decode "
seed = mnemonic . mn_decode ( seed . split ( ' ' ) )
wallet . seed = seed
wallet . gap_limit = gap
wallet . save ( )
def run_settings_dialog ( wallet , parent ) :
message = " These are the settings of your wallet. For more explanations, click on the question mark buttons next to each input field. "
dialog = gtk . MessageDialog (
parent = parent ,
flags = gtk . DIALOG_MODAL ,
buttons = gtk . BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL ,
message_format = message )
image = gtk . Image ( )
image . set_from_stock ( gtk . STOCK_PREFERENCES , gtk . ICON_SIZE_DIALOG )
image . show ( )
dialog . set_image ( image )
dialog . set_title ( " Settings " )
vbox = dialog . vbox
dialog . set_default_response ( gtk . RESPONSE_OK )
if not is_create :
fee = gtk . HBox ( )
fee_entry = gtk . Entry ( )
fee_label = gtk . Label ( ' Transaction fee: ' )
@ -236,54 +255,103 @@ def run_settings_dialog(wallet, is_create, is_recovery, parent):
fee . show ( )
vbox . pack_start ( fee , False , False , 5 )
dialog . show ( )
r = dialog . run ( )
if is_create :
hh = host_entry . get_text ( )
if is_recovery :
gap = gap_entry . get_text ( )
seed = seed_entry . get_text ( )
try :
seed . decode ( ' hex ' )
except :
import mnemonic
print " not hex, trying decode "
seed = mnemonic . mn_decode ( seed . split ( ' ' ) )
if not is_create :
fee = fee_entry . get_text ( )
dialog . destroy ( )
if r == gtk . RESPONSE_CANCEL :
if is_create : sys . exit ( 1 )
else : return
try :
if is_create :
fee = int ( 100000000 * Decimal ( fee ) )
except :
show_message ( " error " )
wallet . fee = fee
wallet . save ( )
def run_network_dialog ( wallet , parent ) :
image = gtk . Image ( )
image . set_from_stock ( gtk . STOCK_NETWORK , gtk . ICON_SIZE_DIALOG )
if wallet . interface . is_connected :
status = " Connected to %s . \n %d blocks \n response time: %f " % ( wallet . interface . host , wallet . interface . blocks , wallet . interface . rtime )
else :
status = " Not connected "
dialog = gtk . MessageDialog ( parent , gtk . DIALOG_MODAL | gtk . DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT ,
dialog . set_title ( " Server " )
dialog . set_image ( image )
image . show ( )
vbox = dialog . vbox
host = gtk . HBox ( )
host_label = gtk . Label ( ' Connect to: ' )
host_label . set_size_request ( 100 , - 1 )
host_label . show ( )
host . pack_start ( host_label , False , False , 10 )
host_entry = gtk . Entry ( )
host_entry . set_size_request ( 200 , - 1 )
host_entry . set_text ( wallet . interface . host + " : %d " % wallet . interface . port )
host_entry . show ( )
host . pack_start ( host_entry , False , False , 10 )
add_help_button ( host , ' The name and port number of your Electrum server, separated by a colon. Example: " ecdsa.org:50000 " . If no port number is provided, port 50000 will be tried. Some servers allow you to connect through http (port 80) or https (port 443) ' )
host . show ( )
server_list = gtk . ListStore ( str )
for item in wallet . interface . servers :
server_list . append ( [ item ] )
treeview = gtk . TreeView ( model = server_list )
treeview . show ( )
tvcolumn = gtk . TreeViewColumn ( ' Active servers ' )
treeview . append_column ( tvcolumn )
cell = gtk . CellRendererText ( )
tvcolumn . pack_start ( cell , False )
tvcolumn . add_attribute ( cell , ' text ' , 0 )
scroll = gtk . ScrolledWindow ( )
scroll . set_policy ( gtk . POLICY_AUTOMATIC , gtk . POLICY_AUTOMATIC )
scroll . add ( treeview )
scroll . show ( )
vbox . pack_start ( host , False , False , 5 )
vbox . pack_start ( scroll )
def my_treeview_cb ( treeview ) :
path , view_column = treeview . get_cursor ( )
host = server_list . get_value ( server_list . get_iter ( path ) , 0 )
host_entry . set_text ( host + " :50000 " )
treeview . connect ( ' cursor-changed ' , my_treeview_cb )
dialog . show ( )
r = dialog . run ( )
hh = host_entry . get_text ( )
dialog . destroy ( )
if r == gtk . RESPONSE_CANCEL :
print hh
try :
if ' : ' in hh :
host , port = hh . split ( ' : ' )
port = int ( port )
else :
host = hh
port = 50000
if is_recovery :
gap = int ( gap )
if not is_create :
fee = int ( 100000000 * Decimal ( fee ) )
except :
show_message ( " error " )
self . show_message ( " error " )
if is_create :
if host != wallet . interface . host or port != wallet . interface . port :
wallet . interface . host = host
wallet . interface . set_port ( port )
if is_recovery :
wallet . seed = seed
wallet . gap_limit = gap
if not is_create :
wallet . fee = fee
wallet . save ( )
wallet . interface . is_connected = False
@ -402,8 +470,8 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
def __init__ ( self , wallet ) :
self . error = ' '
self . is_connected = False
self . wallet = wallet
self . wallet . interface . is_connected = False
self . period = 5
self . window = MyWindow ( gtk . WINDOW_TOPLEVEL )
@ -433,7 +501,7 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
self . status_image . show ( )
self . network_button = gtk . Button ( )
self . network_button . connect ( " clicked " , self . network_dialog )
self . network_button . connect ( " clicked " , lambda x : run_network_dialog ( self . wallet , self . window ) )
self . network_button . add ( self . status_image )
self . network_button . set_relief ( gtk . RELIEF_NONE )
self . network_button . show ( )
@ -458,7 +526,7 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
settings_icon . show ( )
prefs_button = gtk . Button ( )
prefs_button . connect ( " clicked " , lambda x : run_settings_dialog ( self . wallet , False , False , self . window ) )
prefs_button . connect ( " clicked " , lambda x : run_settings_dialog ( self . wallet , self . window ) )
prefs_button . add ( settings_icon )
prefs_button . set_tooltip_text ( " Settings " )
prefs_button . set_relief ( gtk . RELIEF_NONE )
@ -493,9 +561,9 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
def update_wallet_thread ( ) :
while True :
try :
self . is_connected = False
self . wallet . interface . is_connected = False
self . wallet . interface . new_session ( self . wallet . all_addresses ( ) , self . wallet . electrum_version )
self . is_connected = True
self . wallet . interface . is_connected = True
self . update_session = False
self . info . set_text ( self . wallet . interface . message )
except :
@ -506,7 +574,7 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
get_servers_time = 0
while True :
try :
if self . is_connected and self . update_session :
if self . wallet . interface . is_connected and self . update_session :
self . wallet . interface . update_session ( self . wallet . all_addresses ( ) )
self . update_session = False
@ -527,14 +595,14 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
print " starting new session "
except socket . gaierror :
self . is_connected = False
self . wallet . interface . is_connected = False
except :
self . is_connected = False
self . wallet . interface . is_connected = False
print " error "
traceback . print_exc ( file = sys . stdout )
self . error = ' ' if self . is_connected else " Not connected "
self . error = ' ' if self . wallet . interface . is_connected else " Not connected "
thread . start_new_thread ( update_wallet_thread , ( ) )
thread . start_new_thread ( update_status_bar_thread , ( ) )
@ -908,7 +976,7 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
def update_status_bar ( self ) :
c , u = self . wallet . get_balance ( )
if self . is_connected :
if self . wallet . interface . is_connected :
self . status_image . set_from_stock ( gtk . STOCK_YES , gtk . ICON_SIZE_MENU )
self . network_button . set_tooltip_text ( " Connected to %s . \n %d blocks \n response time: %f " % ( self . wallet . interface . host , self . wallet . interface . blocks , self . wallet . interface . rtime ) )
else :
@ -1030,87 +1098,6 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
errorDialog . destroy ( )
def network_dialog ( self , w ) :
wallet = self . wallet
image = gtk . Image ( )
image . set_from_stock ( gtk . STOCK_NETWORK , gtk . ICON_SIZE_DIALOG )
if self . is_connected :
status = " Connected to %s . \n %d blocks \n response time: %f " % ( wallet . interface . host , wallet . interface . blocks , wallet . interface . rtime )
else :
status = " Not connected "
dialog = gtk . MessageDialog ( self . window , gtk . DIALOG_MODAL | gtk . DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT ,
dialog . set_title ( " Server " )
dialog . set_image ( image )
image . show ( )
vbox = dialog . vbox
host = gtk . HBox ( )
host_label = gtk . Label ( ' Connect to: ' )
host_label . set_size_request ( 100 , - 1 )
host_label . show ( )
host . pack_start ( host_label , False , False , 10 )
host_entry = gtk . Entry ( )
host_entry . set_size_request ( 200 , - 1 )
host_entry . set_text ( wallet . interface . host + " : %d " % wallet . interface . port )
host_entry . show ( )
host . pack_start ( host_entry , False , False , 10 )
add_help_button ( host , ' The name and port number of your Electrum server, separated by a colon. Example: " ecdsa.org:50000 " . If no port number is provided, port 50000 will be tried. Some servers allow you to connect through http (port 80) or https (port 443) ' )
host . show ( )
server_list = gtk . ListStore ( str )
for item in wallet . interface . servers :
server_list . append ( [ item ] )
treeview = gtk . TreeView ( model = server_list )
treeview . show ( )
tvcolumn = gtk . TreeViewColumn ( ' Active servers ' )
treeview . append_column ( tvcolumn )
cell = gtk . CellRendererText ( )
tvcolumn . pack_start ( cell , False )
tvcolumn . add_attribute ( cell , ' text ' , 0 )
scroll = gtk . ScrolledWindow ( )
scroll . set_policy ( gtk . POLICY_AUTOMATIC , gtk . POLICY_AUTOMATIC )
scroll . add ( treeview )
scroll . show ( )
vbox . pack_start ( host , False , False , 5 )
vbox . pack_start ( scroll )
def my_treeview_cb ( treeview ) :
path , view_column = treeview . get_cursor ( )
host = server_list . get_value ( server_list . get_iter ( path ) , 0 )
host_entry . set_text ( host + " :50000 " )
treeview . connect ( ' cursor-changed ' , my_treeview_cb )
dialog . show ( )
r = dialog . run ( )
hh = host_entry . get_text ( )
dialog . destroy ( )
if r == gtk . RESPONSE_CANCEL :
print hh
try :
if ' : ' in hh :
host , port = hh . split ( ' : ' )
port = int ( port )
else :
host = hh
port = 50000
except :
self . show_message ( " error " )
if host != wallet . interface . host or port != wallet . interface . port :
wallet . interface . host = host
wallet . interface . set_port ( port )
wallet . save ( )
self . is_connected = False
def main ( self ) :
gtk . main ( )