@ -17,172 +17,169 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import threading
from threading import Lock
import time
import Queue
import bitcoin
from bitcoin import Hash , hash_encode
import util
from transaction import Transaction
from transaction import Transaction
from util import print_error , print_msg
class WalletSynchronizer ( util . DaemonThread ) :
class WalletSynchronizer ( ) :
''' The synchronizer keeps the wallet up-to-date with its set of
addresses and their transactions . It subscribes over the network
to wallet addresses , gets the wallet to generate new addresses
when necessary , requests the transaction history of any addresses
we don ' t have the full history of, and requests binary transaction
data of any transactions the wallet doesn ' t have.
External interface : __init__ ( ) and add ( ) member functions .
def __init__ ( self , wallet , network ) :
def __init__ ( self , wallet , network ) :
util . DaemonThread . __init__ ( self )
self . wallet = wallet
self . wallet = wallet
self . network = network
self . network = network
self . was_updated = True
self . new_addresses = set ( )
self . queue = Queue . Queue ( )
# Entries are (tx_hash, tx_height) tuples
self . address_queue = Queue . Queue ( )
self . requested_tx = set ( )
self . requested_histories = { }
self . requested_addrs = set ( )
self . lock = Lock ( )
self . initialize ( )
def print_error ( self , * msg ) :
print_error ( " [Synchronizer] " , * msg )
def print_msg ( self , * msg ) :
print_msg ( " [Synchronizer] " , * msg )
def parse_response ( self , response ) :
if response . get ( ' error ' ) :
self . print_error ( " response error: " , response )
return None , None
return response [ ' params ' ] , response [ ' result ' ]
def is_up_to_date ( self ) :
return ( not self . requested_tx and not self . requested_histories
and not self . requested_addrs )
def add ( self , address ) :
def add ( self , address ) :
self . address_queue . put ( address )
''' This can be called from the proxy or GUI threads. '''
with self . lock :
self . new_addresses . add ( address )
def subscribe_to_addresses ( self , addresses ) :
def subscribe_to_addresses ( self , addresses ) :
messages = [ ]
if addresses :
for addr in addresses :
self . requested_addrs | = addresses
messages . append ( ( ' blockchain.address.subscribe ' , [ addr ] ) )
msgs = map ( lambda addr : ( ' blockchain.address.subscribe ' , [ addr ] ) ,
self . network . send ( messages , self . queue . put )
addresses )
self . network . send ( msgs , self . addr_subscription_response )
def run ( self ) :
while self . is_running ( ) :
def addr_subscription_response ( self , response ) :
if not self . network . is_connected ( ) :
params , result = self . parse_response ( response )
time . sleep ( 0.1 )
if not params :
self . run_interface ( )
self . print_error ( " stopped " )
def run_interface ( self ) :
#print_error("synchronizer: connected to", self.network.get_parameters())
requested_tx = [ ]
missing_tx = [ ]
requested_histories = { }
# request any missing transactions
for history in self . wallet . history . values ( ) :
if history == [ ' * ' ] : continue
for tx_hash , tx_height in history :
if self . wallet . transactions . get ( tx_hash ) is None and ( tx_hash , tx_height ) not in missing_tx :
missing_tx . append ( ( tx_hash , tx_height ) )
if missing_tx :
self . print_error ( " missing tx " , missing_tx )
# subscriptions
self . subscribe_to_addresses ( self . wallet . addresses ( True ) )
while self . is_running ( ) :
# 1. create new addresses
self . wallet . synchronize ( )
# request missing addresses
new_addresses = [ ]
while True :
try :
addr = self . address_queue . get ( block = False )
except Queue . Empty :
new_addresses . append ( addr )
if new_addresses :
self . subscribe_to_addresses ( new_addresses )
# request missing transactions
for tx_hash , tx_height in missing_tx :
if ( tx_hash , tx_height ) not in requested_tx :
self . network . send ( [ ( ' blockchain.transaction.get ' , [ tx_hash , tx_height ] ) ] , self . queue . put )
requested_tx . append ( ( tx_hash , tx_height ) )
missing_tx = [ ]
# detect if situation has changed
if self . network . is_up_to_date ( ) and self . queue . empty ( ) :
if not self . wallet . is_up_to_date ( ) :
self . wallet . set_up_to_date ( True )
self . was_updated = True
self . wallet . save_transactions ( )
else :
if self . wallet . is_up_to_date ( ) :
self . wallet . set_up_to_date ( False )
self . was_updated = True
if self . was_updated :
self . network . trigger_callback ( ' updated ' )
self . was_updated = False
# 2. get a response
try :
r = self . queue . get ( timeout = 0.1 )
except Queue . Empty :
# 3. process response
method = r [ ' method ' ]
params = r [ ' params ' ]
result = r . get ( ' result ' )
error = r . get ( ' error ' )
if error :
self . print_error ( " error " , r )
if method == ' blockchain.address.subscribe ' :
addr = params [ 0 ]
addr = params [ 0 ]
if self . wallet . get_status ( self . wallet . get_address_history ( addr ) ) != result :
if addr in self . requested_addrs : # Notifications won't be in
if requested_histories . get ( addr ) is None :
self . requested_addrs . remove ( addr )
self . network . send ( [ ( ' blockchain.address.get_history ' , [ addr ] ) ] , self . queue . put )
history = self . wallet . get_address_history ( addr )
requested_histories [ addr ] = result
if self . wallet . get_status ( history ) != result :
if self . requested_histories . get ( addr ) is None :
elif method == ' blockchain.address.get_history ' :
self . network . send ( [ ( ' blockchain.address.get_history ' , [ addr ] ) ] ,
self . addr_history_response )
self . requested_histories [ addr ] = result
def addr_history_response ( self , response ) :
params , result = self . parse_response ( response )
if not params :
addr = params [ 0 ]
addr = params [ 0 ]
self . print_error ( " receiving history " , addr , len ( result ) )
self . print_error ( " receiving history " , addr , len ( result ) )
hist = [ ]
server_status = self . requested_histories . pop ( addr )
# check that txids are unique
txids = [ ]
# Check that txids are unique
for item in result :
hashes = set ( map ( lambda item : item [ ' tx_hash ' ] , result ) )
tx_hash = item [ ' tx_hash ' ]
if len ( hashes ) != len ( result ) :
if tx_hash not in txids :
raise Exception ( " error: server history has non-unique txids: %s "
txids . append ( tx_hash )
% addr )
hist . append ( ( tx_hash , item [ ' height ' ] ) )
# Check that the status corresponds to what was announced
if len ( hist ) != len ( result ) :
hist = map ( lambda item : ( item [ ' tx_hash ' ] , item [ ' height ' ] ) , result )
raise Exception ( " error: server sent history with non-unique txid " , result )
if self . wallet . get_status ( hist ) != server_status :
# check that the status corresponds to what was announced
rs = requested_histories . pop ( addr )
if self . wallet . get_status ( hist ) != rs :
raise Exception ( " error: status mismatch: %s " % addr )
raise Exception ( " error: status mismatch: %s " % addr )
# s tore received history
# Store received history
self . wallet . receive_history_callback ( addr , hist )
self . wallet . receive_history_callback ( addr , hist )
# request transactions that we don't have
# Request transactions we don't have
for tx_hash , tx_height in hist :
self . request_missing_txs ( hist )
if self . wallet . transactions . get ( tx_hash ) is None :
if ( tx_hash , tx_height ) not in requested_tx and ( tx_hash , tx_height ) not in missing_tx :
missing_tx . append ( ( tx_hash , tx_height ) )
elif method == ' blockchain.transaction.get ' :
def tx_response ( self , response ) :
tx_hash = params [ 0 ]
params , result = self . parse_response ( response )
tx_height = params [ 1 ]
if not params :
assert tx_hash == bitcoin . hash_encode ( bitcoin . Hash ( result . decode ( ' hex ' ) ) )
tx_hash , tx_height = params
assert tx_hash == hash_encode ( Hash ( result . decode ( ' hex ' ) ) )
tx = Transaction ( result )
tx = Transaction ( result )
try :
try :
tx . deserialize ( )
tx . deserialize ( )
except Exception :
except Exception :
self . print_msg ( " Warning: Cannot deserialize transactions. skipping " )
self . print_msg ( " cannot deserialize transaction, skipping " , tx_hash )
self . wallet . receive_tx_callback ( tx_hash , tx , tx_height )
self . wallet . receive_tx_callback ( tx_hash , tx , tx_height )
self . was_updated = True
self . requested_tx . remove ( ( tx_hash , tx_height ) )
requested_tx . remove ( ( tx_hash , tx_height ) )
self . print_error ( " received tx: " , tx_hash , len ( tx . raw ) )
self . print_error ( " received tx: " , tx_hash , len ( tx . raw ) )
if not self . requested_tx :
self . network . trigger_callback ( ' updated ' )
# Updated gets called too many times from other places as
# well; if we used that signal we get the notification
# three times
self . network . trigger_callback ( " new_transaction " )
else :
def request_missing_txs ( self , hist ) :
self . print_error ( " Error: Unknown message: " + method + " , " + repr ( params ) + " , " + repr ( result ) )
# "hist" is a list of [tx_hash, tx_height] lists
missing = set ( )
for tx_hash , tx_height in hist :
if self . wallet . transactions . get ( tx_hash ) is None :
missing . add ( ( tx_hash , tx_height ) )
missing - = self . requested_tx
if missing :
requests = [ ( ' blockchain.transaction.get ' , tx ) for tx in missing ]
self . network . send ( requests , self . tx_response )
self . requested_tx | = missing
def initialize ( self ) :
''' Check the initial state of the wallet. Subscribe to all its
addresses , and request any transactions in its address history
we don ' t have.
for history in self . wallet . history . values ( ) :
# Old electrum servers returned ['*'] when all history for
# the address was pruned. This no longer happens but may
# remain in old wallets.
if history == [ ' * ' ] :
self . request_missing_txs ( history )
if self . requested_tx :
self . print_error ( " missing tx " , self . requested_tx )
self . subscribe_to_addresses ( set ( self . wallet . addresses ( True ) ) )
if self . was_updated and not requested_tx :
def main_loop ( self ) :
''' Called from the network proxy thread main loop. '''
# 1. Create new addresses
self . wallet . synchronize ( )
# 2. Subscribe to new addresses
with self . lock :
addresses = self . new_addresses
self . new_addresses = set ( )
self . subscribe_to_addresses ( addresses )
# 3. Detect if situation has changed
up_to_date = self . is_up_to_date ( )
if up_to_date != self . wallet . is_up_to_date ( ) :
self . wallet . set_up_to_date ( up_to_date )
if up_to_date :
self . wallet . save_transactions ( )
self . network . trigger_callback ( ' updated ' )
self . network . trigger_callback ( ' updated ' )
# Updated gets called too many times from other places as well; if we use that signal we get the notification three times
self . network . trigger_callback ( " new_transaction " )
self . was_updated = False