@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ from jsonrpclib.SimpleJSONRPCServer import SimpleJSONRPCServer, SimpleJSONRPCReq
from version import ELECTRUM_VERSION
from network import Network
from util import json_decode , DaemonThread
from util import print_msg , print_error , print_stderr
from util import print_msg , print_error , print_stderr , UserCancelled
from wallet import WalletStorage , Wallet
from commands import known_commands , Commands
from simple_config import SimpleConfig
@ -115,8 +115,7 @@ class Daemon(DaemonThread):
self . gui = None
self . wallets = { }
# Setup JSONRPC server
path = config . get_wallet_path ( )
default_wallet = self . load_wallet ( path )
default_wallet = None
self . cmd_runner = Commands ( self . config , default_wallet , self . network )
self . init_server ( config , fd )
@ -145,11 +144,24 @@ class Daemon(DaemonThread):
def ping ( self ) :
return True
def run_daemon ( self , config ) :
def run_daemon ( self , config_options ) :
config = SimpleConfig ( config_options )
sub = config . get ( ' subcommand ' )
assert sub in [ None , ' start ' , ' stop ' , ' status ' ]
assert sub in [ None , ' start ' , ' stop ' , ' status ' , ' open ' , ' close ' ]
if sub in [ None , ' start ' ] :
response = " Daemon already running "
elif sub == ' open ' :
path = config . get_wallet_path ( )
self . load_wallet ( path , lambda : config . get ( ' password ' ) )
response = True
elif sub == ' close ' :
path = config . get_wallet_path ( )
if path in self . wallets :
wallet = self . wallets . pop ( path )
wallet . stop_threads ( )
response = True
else :
response = False
elif sub == ' status ' :
if self . network :
p = self . network . get_parameters ( )
@ -185,7 +197,7 @@ class Daemon(DaemonThread):
response = " Error: Electrum is running in daemon mode. Please stop the daemon first. "
return response
def load_wallet ( self , path ) :
def load_wallet ( self , path , password_getter ) :
# wizard will be launched if we return
if path in self . wallets :
wallet = self . wallets [ path ]
@ -193,6 +205,13 @@ class Daemon(DaemonThread):
storage = WalletStorage ( path )
if not storage . file_exists :
if storage . is_encrypted ( ) :
password = password_getter ( )
if not password :
raise UserCancelled ( )
else :
password = None
storage . read ( password )
if storage . requires_split ( ) :
if storage . requires_upgrade ( ) :
@ -214,20 +233,25 @@ class Daemon(DaemonThread):
wallet . stop_threads ( )
def run_cmdline ( self , config_options ) :
password = config_options . get ( ' password ' )
new_password = config_options . get ( ' new_password ' )
config = SimpleConfig ( config_options )
cmdname = config . get ( ' cmd ' )
cmd = known_commands [ cmdname ]
if cmd . requires_wallet :
path = config . get_wallet_path ( )
wallet = self . load_wallet ( path ) if cmd . requires_wallet else None
wallet = self . wallets . get ( path )
if wallet is None :
return { ' error ' : ' Wallet not open. Use " electrum daemon open -w wallet " ' }
else :
wallet = None
# arguments passed to function
args = map ( lambda x : config . get ( x ) , cmd . params )
# decode json arguments
args = map ( json_decode , args )
# options
args + = map ( lambda x : config . get ( x ) , cmd . options )
cmd_runner = Commands ( config , wallet , self . network ,
password = config_options . get ( ' password ' ) ,
new_password = config_options . get ( ' new_password ' ) )
cmd_runner = Commands ( config , wallet , self . network , password = password , new_password = new_password )
func = getattr ( cmd_runner , cmd . name )
result = func ( * args )
return result