@ -33,92 +33,31 @@ class MemPool(util.LoggedClass):
A pair is a ( hash168 , value ) tuple . tx hashes are hex strings .
def __init__ ( self , daemon , coin , db , touched , touched_event ) :
def __init__ ( self , daemon , coin , db ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . daemon = daemon
self . coin = coin
self . db = db
self . touched = touched
self . touched_event = touched_event
self . touched = set ( )
self . touched_event = asyncio . Event ( )
self . stop = False
self . txs = { }
self . hash168s = defaultdict ( set ) # None can be a key
async def main_loop ( self , caught_up ) :
''' Asynchronously maintain mempool status with daemon .
def resync_daemon_hashes ( self , unprocessed , unfetched ) :
''' Re-sync self.txs with the list of hashes in the daemon ' s mempool .
Waits until the caught up event is signalled . '''
await caught_up . wait ( )
self . logger . info ( ' beginning processing of daemon mempool. '
' This can take some time... ' )
try :
await self . fetch_and_process ( )
except asyncio . CancelledError :
# This aids clean shutdowns
self . stop = True
async def fetch_and_process ( self ) :
''' The inner loop unprotected by try / except. '''
unfetched = set ( )
unprocessed = { }
log_every = 150
log_secs = 0
fetch_size = 400
process_some = self . async_process_some ( unfetched , fetch_size / / 2 )
next_refresh = 0
# The list of mempool hashes is fetched no more frequently
# than this number of seconds
refresh_secs = 5
while True :
try :
now = time . time ( )
if now > = next_refresh :
await self . new_hashes ( unprocessed , unfetched )
next_refresh = now + refresh_secs
log_secs - = refresh_secs
# Fetch some txs if unfetched ones remain
if unfetched :
count = min ( len ( unfetched ) , fetch_size )
hex_hashes = [ unfetched . pop ( ) for n in range ( count ) ]
unprocessed . update ( await self . fetch_raw_txs ( hex_hashes ) )
# Process some txs if unprocessed ones remain
if unprocessed :
await process_some ( unprocessed )
# Avoid double notifications if processing a block
if self . touched and not self . processing_new_block ( ) :
self . touched_event . set ( )
if not unprocessed :
if log_secs < = 0 :
log_secs = log_every
self . logger . info ( ' {:,d} txs touching {:,d} addresses '
. format ( len ( self . txs ) ,
len ( self . hash168s ) ) )
await asyncio . sleep ( 1 )
except DaemonError as e :
self . logger . info ( ' ignoring daemon error: {} ' . format ( e ) )
def processing_new_block ( self ) :
''' Return True if we ' re processing a new block. '''
return self . daemon . cached_height ( ) > self . db . db_height
async def new_hashes ( self , unprocessed , unfetched ) :
''' Get the current list of hashes in the daemon ' s mempool.
Remove ones that have disappeared from self . txs and unprocessed .
Additionally , remove gone hashes from unprocessed and
unfetched . Add new ones to unprocessed .
txs = self . txs
hash168s = self . hash168s
touched = self . touched
hashes = set ( await self . daemon . mempool_hashes ( ) )
new = hashes . difference ( txs )
hashes = self . daemon . mempool_hashes
gone = set ( txs ) . difference ( hashes )
for hex_hash in gone :
unfetched . discard ( hex_hash )
unprocessed . pop ( hex_hash , None )
item = txs . pop ( hex_hash )
if item :
@ -131,18 +70,71 @@ class MemPool(util.LoggedClass):
del hash168s [ hash168 ]
touched . update ( tx_hash168s )
new = hashes . difference ( txs )
unfetched . update ( new )
for hex_hash in new :
txs [ hex_hash ] = None
async def main_loop ( self ) :
''' Asynchronously maintain mempool status with daemon.
Processes the mempool each time the daemon ' s mempool refresh
event is signalled .
unprocessed = { }
unfetched = set ( )
txs = self . txs
fetch_size = 400
process_some = self . async_process_some ( unfetched , fetch_size / / 2 )
await self . daemon . mempool_refresh_event . wait ( )
self . logger . info ( ' beginning processing of daemon mempool. '
' This can take some time... ' )
next_log = time . time ( ) + 0.1
while True :
try :
todo = len ( unfetched ) + len ( unprocessed )
if todo :
pct = ( len ( txs ) - todo ) * 100 / / len ( txs ) if txs else 0
self . logger . info ( ' catchup {:d} % c omplete ( {:,d} txs left) '
. format ( pct , todo ) )
else :
now = time . time ( )
if now > = next_log :
self . logger . info ( ' {:,d} txs touching {:,d} addresses '
. format ( len ( txs ) , len ( self . hash168s ) ) )
next_log = now + 150
await self . daemon . mempool_refresh_event . wait ( )
self . resync_daemon_hashes ( unprocessed , unfetched )
self . daemon . mempool_refresh_event . clear ( )
if unfetched :
count = min ( len ( unfetched ) , fetch_size )
hex_hashes = [ unfetched . pop ( ) for n in range ( count ) ]
unprocessed . update ( await self . fetch_raw_txs ( hex_hashes ) )
if unprocessed :
await process_some ( unprocessed )
# Avoid double notifications if processing a block
if self . touched and not self . processing_new_block ( ) :
self . touched_event . set ( )
except DaemonError as e :
self . logger . info ( ' ignoring daemon error: {} ' . format ( e ) )
except asyncio . CancelledError :
# This aids clean shutdowns
self . stop = True
def async_process_some ( self , unfetched , limit ) :
loop = asyncio . get_event_loop ( )
pending = [ ]
txs = self . txs
first = True
async def process ( unprocessed ) :
nonlocal first , pending
nonlocal pending
raw_txs = { }
while unprocessed and len ( raw_txs ) < limit :
@ -169,16 +161,12 @@ class MemPool(util.LoggedClass):
touched . add ( hash168 )
hash168s [ hash168 ] . add ( hex_hash )
to_do = len ( unfetched ) + len ( unprocessed )
if to_do and txs :
percent = max ( 0 , len ( txs ) - to_do ) * 100 / / len ( txs )
self . logger . info ( ' catchup {:d} % c omplete ' . format ( percent ) )
elif first :
first = False
self . logger . info ( ' caught up ' )
return process
def processing_new_block ( self ) :
''' Return True if we ' re processing a new block. '''
return self . daemon . cached_height ( ) > self . db . db_height
async def fetch_raw_txs ( self , hex_hashes ) :
''' Fetch a list of mempool transactions. '''
raw_txs = await self . daemon . getrawtransactions ( hex_hashes )