@ -137,43 +137,100 @@ class Socks(util.LoggedClass):
class SocksProxy ( util . LoggedClass ) :
class SocksProxy ( util . LoggedClass ) :
def __init__ ( self , host , port , loop = None ) :
def __init__ ( self , host , port , loop = None ) :
''' Host can be an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or a host name. '''
''' Host can be an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or a host name.
Port can be None , in which case one is auto - detected . '''
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
# Host and port of the proxy
self . host = host
self . host = host
self . port = port
self . try_ports = [ port , 9050 , 9150 , 1080 ]
self . errors = 0
self . ip_addr = None
self . ip_addr = None
self . lost_event = asyncio . Event ( )
self . loop = loop or asyncio . get_event_loop ( )
self . loop = loop or asyncio . get_event_loop ( )
self . set_lost ( )
async def auto_detect_loop ( self ) :
''' Try to detect a proxy at regular intervals until one is found.
If one is found , do nothing until one is lost . '''
while True :
await self . lost_event . wait ( )
self . lost_event . clear ( )
tries = 0
while True :
tries + = 1
log_failure = tries % 10 == 1
await self . detect_proxy ( log_failure = log_failure )
if self . is_up ( ) :
await asyncio . sleep ( 600 )
async def create_connection ( self , protocol_factory , host , port , ssl = None ) :
def is_up ( self ) :
''' All arguments are as to asyncio ' s create_connection method. '''
''' Returns True if we have a good proxy. '''
if self . port is None :
return self . port is not None
proxy_ports = [ 9050 , 9150 , 1080 ]
else :
def set_lost ( self ) :
proxy_ports = [ self . port ]
''' Called when the proxy appears lost/down. '''
self . port = None
self . lost_event . set ( )
for proxy_port in proxy_ports :
async def connect_via_proxy ( self , host , port , proxy_address = None ) :
address = ( self . host , proxy_port )
''' Connect to a (host, port) pair via the proxy. Returns the
connected socket on success . '''
proxy_address = proxy_address or ( self . host , self . port )
sock = socket . socket ( )
sock = socket . socket ( )
sock . setblocking ( False )
sock . setblocking ( False )
try :
try :
await self . loop . sock_connect ( sock , address )
await self . loop . sock_connect ( sock , proxy_address )
except OSError as e :
socks = Socks ( self . loop , sock , host , port )
if proxy_port == proxy_ports [ - 1 ] :
await socks . handshake ( )
return sock
except Exception :
sock . close ( )
socks = Socks ( self . loop , sock , host , port )
async def detect_proxy ( self , host = ' www.google.com ' , port = 80 ,
log_failure = True ) :
''' Attempt to detect a proxy by establishing a connection through it
to the given target host / port pair .
if self . is_up ( ) :
sock = None
for proxy_port in self . try_ports :
if proxy_port is None :
paddress = ( self . host , proxy_port )
try :
try :
await socks . handshake ( )
sock = await self . connect_via_proxy ( host , port , paddress )
if self . port is None :
self . ip_addr = sock . getpeername ( ) [ 0 ]
self . port = proxy_port
self . logger . info ( ' detected proxy at {} ( {} ) '
. format ( util . address_string ( address ) ,
self . ip_addr ) )
except Exception as e :
except Exception as e :
if log_failure :
self . logger . info ( ' failed to detect proxy at {} : {} '
. format ( util . address_string ( paddress ) , e ) )
# Failed all ports?
if sock is None :
peername = sock . getpeername ( )
sock . close ( )
sock . close ( )
self . ip_addr = peername [ 0 ]
self . port = proxy_port
self . errors = 0
self . logger . info ( ' detected proxy at {} ( {} ) '
. format ( util . address_string ( paddress ) , self . ip_addr ) )
async def create_connection ( self , protocol_factory , host , port , ssl = None ) :
''' All arguments are as to asyncio ' s create_connection method. '''
try :
sock = await self . connect_via_proxy ( host , port )
self . errors = 0
except Exception :
self . errors + = 1
# If we have 3 consecutive errors, consider the proxy undetected
if self . errors == 3 :
self . set_lost ( )
hostname = host if ssl else None
hostname = host if ssl else None