This file is part of cpp - ethereum .
cpp - ethereum is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
cpp - ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
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/** @file Client.h
* @ author Gav Wood < i @ gavwood . com >
* @ date 2014
# pragma once
# include <thread>
# include <mutex>
# include <list>
# include <atomic>
# include <libethential/Common.h>
# include <libethcore/Dagger.h>
# include "BlockChain.h"
# include "TransactionQueue.h"
# include "State.h"
# include "PeerNetwork.h"
namespace eth
struct MineProgress
double requirement ;
double best ;
double current ;
uint hashes ;
uint ms ;
} ;
class Client ;
class ClientGuard
public :
inline ClientGuard ( Client const * _c ) ;
inline ~ ClientGuard ( ) ;
private :
Client const * m_client ;
} ;
enum ClientWorkState
Active = 0 ,
Deleting ,
} ;
class VersionChecker
public :
VersionChecker ( std : : string const & _dbPath ) ;
void setOk ( ) ;
bool ok ( ) const { return m_ok ; }
private :
bool m_ok ;
std : : string m_path ;
} ;
static const int GenesisBlock = INT_MIN ;
struct PastMessage
PastMessage ( Manifest const & _m , std : : vector < unsigned > _path , Address _o ) : to ( _m . to ) , from ( _m . from ) , value ( _m . value ) , input ( _m . input ) , output ( _m . output ) , path ( _path ) , origin ( _o ) { }
PastMessage & polish ( h256 _b , u256 _ts , unsigned _n ) { block = _b ; timestamp = _ts ; number = _n ; return * this ; }
Address to ; ///< The receiving address of the transaction. Address() in the case of a creation.
Address from ; ///< The receiving address of the transaction. Address() in the case of a creation.
u256 value ; ///< The value associated with the call.
bytes input ; ///< The data associated with the message, or the initialiser if it's a creation transaction.
bytes output ; ///< The data returned by the message, or the body code if it's a creation transaction.
std : : vector < unsigned > path ; ///< Call path into the block transaction. size() is always > 0. First item is the transaction index in the block.
Address origin ; ///< Originating sender of the transaction.
h256 block ; ///< Block hash.
u256 timestamp ; ///< Block timestamp.
unsigned number ; ///< Block number.
} ;
typedef std : : vector < PastMessage > PastMessages ;
class TransactionFilter
public :
TransactionFilter ( int _earliest = 0 , int _latest = - 1 , unsigned _max = 10 , unsigned _skip = 0 ) : m_earliest ( _earliest ) , m_latest ( _latest ) , m_max ( _max ) , m_skip ( _skip ) { }
void fillStream ( RLPStream & _s ) const ;
h256 sha3 ( ) const ;
int earliest ( ) const { return m_earliest ; }
int latest ( ) const { return m_latest ; }
unsigned max ( ) const { return m_max ; }
unsigned skip ( ) const { return m_skip ; }
bool matches ( h256 _bloom ) const ;
bool matches ( State const & _s , unsigned _i ) const ;
PastMessages matches ( Manifest const & _m , unsigned _i ) const ;
TransactionFilter from ( Address _a ) { m_from . insert ( _a ) ; return * this ; }
TransactionFilter to ( Address _a ) { m_to . insert ( _a ) ; return * this ; }
TransactionFilter altered ( Address _a , u256 _l ) { m_stateAltered . insert ( std : : make_pair ( _a , _l ) ) ; return * this ; }
TransactionFilter altered ( Address _a ) { m_altered . insert ( _a ) ; return * this ; }
TransactionFilter withMax ( unsigned _m ) { m_max = _m ; return * this ; }
TransactionFilter withSkip ( unsigned _m ) { m_skip = _m ; return * this ; }
TransactionFilter withEarliest ( int _e ) { m_earliest = _e ; return * this ; }
TransactionFilter withLatest ( int _e ) { m_latest = _e ; return * this ; }
private :
bool matches ( Manifest const & _m , std : : vector < unsigned > _p , Address _o , PastMessages _limbo , PastMessages & o_ret ) const ;
std : : set < Address > m_from ;
std : : set < Address > m_to ;
std : : set < std : : pair < Address , u256 > > m_stateAltered ;
std : : set < Address > m_altered ;
int m_earliest = 0 ;
int m_latest = - 1 ;
unsigned m_max ;
unsigned m_skip ;
} ;
struct InstalledFilter
InstalledFilter ( TransactionFilter const & _f ) : filter ( _f ) { }
TransactionFilter filter ;
unsigned refCount = 1 ;
} ;
static const h256 NewPendingFilter = u256 ( 0 ) ;
static const h256 NewBlockFilter = u256 ( 1 ) ;
struct Watch
Watch ( ) { }
explicit Watch ( h256 _id ) : id ( _id ) { }
h256 id ;
unsigned changes = 1 ;
} ;
* @ brief Main API hub for interfacing with Ethereum .
class Client
public :
/// Constructor.
explicit Client ( std : : string const & _clientVersion , Address _us = Address ( ) , std : : string const & _dbPath = std : : string ( ) , bool _forceClean = false ) ;
/// Destructor.
~ Client ( ) ;
/// Submits the given message-call transaction.
void transact ( Secret _secret , u256 _value , Address _dest , bytes const & _data = bytes ( ) , u256 _gas = 10000 , u256 _gasPrice = 10 * szabo ) ;
/// Submits a new contract-creation transaction.
/// @returns the new contract's address (assuming it all goes through).
Address transact ( Secret _secret , u256 _endowment , bytes const & _init , u256 _gas = 10000 , u256 _gasPrice = 10 * szabo ) ;
/// Blocks until all pending transactions have been processed.
void flushTransactions ( ) ;
/// Injects the RLP-encoded transaction given by the _rlp into the transaction queue directly.
void inject ( bytesConstRef _rlp ) ;
/// Makes the given call. Nothing is recorded into the state. TODO
// bytes call(Secret _secret, u256 _amount, u256 _gasPrice, Address _dest, u256 _gas, bytes _data = bytes());
// Informational stuff
// [OLD API]:
/// Locks/unlocks the state/blockChain/transactionQueue for access.
void lock ( ) const ;
void unlock ( ) const ;
/// Get the object representing the current state of Ethereum.
State const & state ( ) const { return m_preMine ; }
/// Get the object representing the current state of Ethereum.
State const & postState ( ) const { return m_postMine ; }
/// Get the object representing the current canonical blockchain.
BlockChain const & blockChain ( ) const { return m_bc ; }
// [NEW API]
void setDefault ( int _block ) { m_default = _block ; }
u256 balanceAt ( Address _a ) const { return balanceAt ( _a , m_default ) ; }
u256 countAt ( Address _a ) const { return countAt ( _a , m_default ) ; }
u256 stateAt ( Address _a , u256 _l ) const { return stateAt ( _a , _l , m_default ) ; }
bytes codeAt ( Address _a ) const { return codeAt ( _a , m_default ) ; }
u256 balanceAt ( Address _a , int _block ) const ;
u256 countAt ( Address _a , int _block ) const ;
u256 stateAt ( Address _a , u256 _l , int _block ) const ;
bytes codeAt ( Address _a , int _block ) const ;
PastMessages transactions ( TransactionFilter const & _filter ) const ;
PastMessages transactions ( unsigned _watchId ) const { try { std : : lock_guard < std : : mutex > l ( m_filterLock ) ; return transactions ( m_filters . at ( m_watches . at ( _watchId ) . id ) . filter ) ; } catch ( . . . ) { return PastMessages ( ) ; } }
unsigned installWatch ( TransactionFilter const & _filter ) ;
unsigned installWatch ( h256 _filterId ) ;
void uninstallWatch ( unsigned _watchId ) ;
bool peekWatch ( unsigned _watchId ) const { std : : lock_guard < std : : mutex > l ( m_filterLock ) ; try { return m_watches . at ( _watchId ) . changes ; } catch ( . . . ) { return 0 ; } }
bool checkWatch ( unsigned _watchId ) { std : : lock_guard < std : : mutex > l ( m_filterLock ) ; bool ret = false ; try { ret = m_watches . at ( _watchId ) . changes ; m_watches . at ( _watchId ) . changes = 0 ; } catch ( . . . ) { } return ret ; }
/// Get a map containing each of the pending transactions.
/// @TODO: Remove in favour of transactions().
Transactions pending ( ) const { return m_postMine . pending ( ) ; }
/// Get a list of all active addresses.
std : : vector < Address > addresses ( ) const { return addresses ( m_default ) ; }
std : : vector < Address > addresses ( int _block ) const ;
// Misc stuff:
void setClientVersion ( std : : string const & _name ) { m_clientVersion = _name ; }
// Network stuff:
/// Get information on the current peer set.
std : : vector < PeerInfo > peers ( ) ;
/// Same as peers().size(), but more efficient.
size_t peerCount ( ) const ;
/// Start the network subsystem.
void startNetwork ( unsigned short _listenPort = 30303 , std : : string const & _remoteHost = std : : string ( ) , unsigned short _remotePort = 30303 , NodeMode _mode = NodeMode : : Full , unsigned _peers = 5 , std : : string const & _publicIP = std : : string ( ) , bool _upnp = true ) ;
/// Connect to a particular peer.
void connect ( std : : string const & _seedHost , unsigned short _port = 30303 ) ;
/// Stop the network subsystem.
void stopNetwork ( ) ;
/// Is the network subsystem up?
bool haveNetwork ( ) { return ! ! m_net ; }
/// Get access to the peer server object. This will be null if the network isn't online.
PeerServer * peerServer ( ) const { return m_net . get ( ) ; }
// Mining stuff:
/// Check block validity prior to mining.
bool paranoia ( ) const { return m_paranoia ; }
/// Change whether we check block validity prior to mining.
void setParanoia ( bool _p ) { m_paranoia = _p ; }
/// Set the coinbase address.
void setAddress ( Address _us ) { m_preMine . setAddress ( _us ) ; }
/// Get the coinbase address.
Address address ( ) const { return m_preMine . address ( ) ; }
/// Start mining.
void startMining ( ) ;
/// Stop mining.
void stopMining ( ) ;
/// Are we mining now?
bool isMining ( ) { return m_doMine ; }
/// Register a callback for information concerning mining.
/// This callback will be in an arbitrary thread, blocking progress. JUST COPY THE DATA AND GET OUT.
/// Check the progress of the mining.
MineProgress miningProgress ( ) const { return m_mineProgress ; }
/// Get and clear the mining history.
std : : list < MineInfo > miningHistory ( ) { auto ret = m_mineHistory ; m_mineHistory . clear ( ) ; return ret ; }
/// Clears pending transactions. Just for debug use.
void clearPending ( ) ;
private :
/// Ensure the worker thread is running. Needed for networking & mining.
void ensureWorking ( ) ;
/// Do some work. Handles networking and mining.
/// @param _justQueue If true will only processing the transaction queues.
void work ( bool _justQueue = false ) ;
/// Collate the changed filters for the bloom filter of the given pending transaction.
/// Insert any filters that are activated into @a o_changed.
void appendFromNewPending ( h256 _pendingTransactionBloom , h256Set & o_changed ) const ;
/// Collate the changed filters for the hash of the given block.
/// Insert any filters that are activated into @a o_changed.
void appendFromNewBlock ( h256 _blockHash , h256Set & o_changed ) const ;
/// Record that the set of filters @a _filters have changed.
/// This doesn't actually make any callbacks, but incrememnts some counters in m_watches.
void noteChanged ( h256Set const & _filters ) ;
/// Return the actual block number of the block with the given int-number (positive is the same, INT_MIN is genesis block, < 0 is negative age, thus -1 is most recently mined, 0 is pending.
unsigned numberOf ( int _b ) const ;
State asOf ( int _h ) const ;
State asOf ( unsigned _h ) const ;
std : : string m_clientVersion ; ///< Our end-application client's name/version.
VersionChecker m_vc ; ///< Dummy object to check & update the protocol version.
BlockChain m_bc ; ///< Maintains block database.
TransactionQueue m_tq ; ///< Maintains list of incoming transactions not yet on the block chain.
OverlayDB m_stateDB ; ///< Acts as the central point for the state database, so multiple States can share it.
State m_preMine ; ///< The present state of the client.
State m_postMine ; ///< The state of the client which we're mining (i.e. it'll have all the rewards added).
std : : unique_ptr < PeerServer > m_net ; ///< Should run in background and send us events when blocks found and allow us to send blocks as required.
std : : unique_ptr < std : : thread > m_work ; ///< The work thread.
mutable std : : recursive_mutex m_lock ;
std : : atomic < ClientWorkState > m_workState ;
bool m_paranoia = false ;
bool m_doMine = false ; ///< Are we supposed to be mining?
MineProgress m_mineProgress ;
std : : list < MineInfo > m_mineHistory ;
mutable bool m_restartMining = false ;
mutable std : : mutex m_filterLock ;
std : : map < h256 , InstalledFilter > m_filters ;
std : : map < unsigned , Watch > m_watches ;
int m_default = - 1 ;
} ;
inline ClientGuard : : ClientGuard ( Client const * _c ) : m_client ( _c )
m_client - > lock ( ) ;
inline ClientGuard : : ~ ClientGuard ( )
m_client - > unlock ( ) ;