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import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1
Rectangle {
10 years ago
id: buttonActionContainer
property string text
property string buttonShortcut
property string sourceImg
property string fillColor
signal clicked
function startBlinking()
function stopBlinking()
10 years ago
Rectangle {
id: contentRectangle
anchors.fill: parent
border.color: "#cccccc"
border.width: 1
radius: 4
color: "white"
property variant colorGradient: ["#FFFFFF", "#FFFEFC", "#FFFDF9", "#FFFCF7", "#FFFBF4", "#FFFAF2", "#FFF9EF", "#FFF8EC", "#FFF7EA", "#FFF6E7", "#FFF5E5", "#FFF5E2", "#FFF4E0", "#FFF3DD", "#FFF2DA", "#FFF1D8", "#FFF0D5", "#FFEFD3", "#FFEED0", "#FFEDCE", "#FFECCB", "#FFEBC8", "#FFEBC6", "#FFEAC3", "#FFE9C1", "#FFE8BE", "#FFE7BC", "#FFE6B9", "#FFE5B6", "#FFE4B4", "#FFE3B1", "#FFE2AF", "#FFE1AC", "#FFE1AA", "#FFE0A7", "#FFDFA4", "#FFDEA2", "#FFDD9F", "#FFDC9D", "#FFDB9A", "#FFDA97", "#FFD995", "#FFD892", "#FFD790", "#FFD78D", "#FFD68B", "#FFD588", "#FFD485", "#FFD383", "#FFD280", "#FFD17E", "#FFD07B", "#FFCF79", "#FFCE76", "#FFCD73", "#FFCD71", "#FFCC6E", "#FFCB6C", "#FFCA69", "#FFC967", "#FFC864", "#FFC761", "#FFC65F", "#FFC55C", "#FFC45A", "#FFC357", "#FFC355", "#FFC252", "#FFC14F", "#FFC04D", "#FFBF4A", "#FFBE48", "#FFBD45", "#FFBC42", "#FFBB40", "#FFBA3D", "#FFB93B", "#FFB938", "#FFB836", "#FFB733", "#FFB630", "#FFB52E", "#FFB42B", "#FFB329", "#FFB226", "#FFB124", "#FFB021", "#FFAF1E", "#FFAF1C", "#FFAE19", "#FFAD17", "#FFAC14", "#FFAB12", "#FFAA0F", "#FFA90C", "#FFA80A", "#FFA707", "#FFA605", "#FFA502", "#FFA500"]
id: blinkTimer
repeat: true
interval: 40
running: false
property int index: 0
property int direction: 1
onTriggered: {
index = index + direction
parent.color = parent.colorGradient[index]
if (index >= parent.colorGradient.length - 1)
direction = -1
else if (index <= 0)
direction = 1
onRunningChanged: {
if (!running)
parent.color = "white"
index = 0
direction = 1
10 years ago
Image {
id: debugImage
anchors {
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
bottom: parent.bottom
bottomMargin: debugImg.pressed ? 0 : 2;
topMargin: debugImg.pressed ? 2 : 0;
source: sourceImg
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
height: 30
10 years ago
Button {
anchors.fill: parent
id: debugImg
action: buttonAction
style: ButtonStyle {
background: Rectangle {
color: "transparent"
10 years ago
Action {
id: buttonAction
shortcut: buttonShortcut
onTriggered: {
10 years ago
{ contentRectangle.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 15
width: parent.width
text: buttonActionContainer.text
anchors.centerIn: parent