This file is part of cpp - ethereum .
cpp - ethereum is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
cpp - ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with cpp - ethereum . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/** @file Transact.cpp
* @ author Gav Wood < i @ gavwood . com >
* @ date 2015
// Make sure boost/asio.hpp is included before windows.h.
# include <boost/asio.hpp>
# include "Transact.h"
# include <fstream>
# include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
# include <QFileDialog>
# include <QMessageBox>
# include <liblll/Compiler.h>
# include <liblll/CodeFragment.h>
# include <libsolidity/CompilerStack.h>
# include <libsolidity/Scanner.h>
# include <libsolidity/AST.h>
# include <libsolidity/SourceReferenceFormatter.h>
# endif
# include <libnatspec/NatspecExpressionEvaluator.h>
# include <libethereum/Client.h>
# include <libethereum/Utility.h>
# include <libethereum/KeyManager.h>
# include <libserpent/funcs.h>
# include <libserpent/util.h>
# endif
# include "Debugger.h"
# include "ui_Transact.h"
using namespace std ;
using namespace dev ;
using namespace dev : : eth ;
Transact : : Transact ( Context * _c , QWidget * _parent ) :
QDialog ( _parent ) ,
ui ( new Ui : : Transact ) ,
m_context ( _c )
ui - > setupUi ( this ) ;
initUnits ( ui - > gasPriceUnits ) ;
initUnits ( ui - > valueUnits ) ;
ui - > valueUnits - > setCurrentIndex ( 6 ) ;
ui - > gasPriceUnits - > setCurrentIndex ( 4 ) ;
ui - > gasPrice - > setValue ( 10 ) ;
on_destination_currentTextChanged ( QString ( ) ) ;
Transact : : ~ Transact ( )
delete ui ;
void Transact : : setEnvironment ( AddressHash const & _accounts , dev : : eth : : Client * _eth , NatSpecFace * _natSpecDB )
m_accounts = _accounts ;
m_ethereum = _eth ;
m_natSpecDB = _natSpecDB ;
ui - > from - > clear ( ) ;
for ( auto const & i : m_accounts )
auto d = m_context - > keyManager ( ) . accountDetails ( ) [ i ] ;
u256 b = ethereum ( ) - > balanceAt ( i , PendingBlock ) ;
QString s = QString ( " %4 %2: %1 " ) . arg ( formatBalance ( b ) . c_str ( ) ) . arg ( QString : : fromStdString ( m_context - > render ( i ) ) ) . arg ( QString : : fromStdString ( d . first ) ) ;
ui - > from - > addItem ( s ) ;
bool Transact : : isCreation ( ) const
return ui - > destination - > currentText ( ) . isEmpty ( ) | | ui - > destination - > currentText ( ) = = " (Create Contract) " ;
u256 Transact : : fee ( ) const
return ui - > gas - > value ( ) * gasPrice ( ) ;
u256 Transact : : value ( ) const
if ( ui - > valueUnits - > currentIndex ( ) = = - 1 )
return 0 ;
return ui - > value - > value ( ) * units ( ) [ units ( ) . size ( ) - 1 - ui - > valueUnits - > currentIndex ( ) ] . first ;
u256 Transact : : gasPrice ( ) const
if ( ui - > gasPriceUnits - > currentIndex ( ) = = - 1 )
return 0 ;
return ui - > gasPrice - > value ( ) * units ( ) [ units ( ) . size ( ) - 1 - ui - > gasPriceUnits - > currentIndex ( ) ] . first ;
u256 Transact : : total ( ) const
return value ( ) + fee ( ) ;
void Transact : : updateDestination ( )
cwatch < < " updateDestination() " ;
QString s ;
for ( auto i : ethereum ( ) - > addresses ( ) )
if ( ( s = QString : : fromStdString ( m_context - > pretty ( i ) ) ) . size ( ) )
// A namereg address
if ( ui - > destination - > findText ( s , Qt : : MatchExactly | Qt : : MatchCaseSensitive ) = = - 1 )
ui - > destination - > addItem ( s ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ui - > destination - > count ( ) ; + + i )
if ( ui - > destination - > itemText ( i ) ! = " (Create Contract) " & & ! m_context - > fromString ( ui - > destination - > itemText ( i ) . toStdString ( ) ) . first )
ui - > destination - > removeItem ( i - - ) ;
void Transact : : updateFee ( )
ui - > fee - > setText ( QString ( " (gas sub-total: %1) " ) . arg ( formatBalance ( fee ( ) ) . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
auto totalReq = total ( ) ;
ui - > total - > setText ( QString ( " Total: %1 " ) . arg ( formatBalance ( totalReq ) . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
bool ok = false ;
for ( auto const & i : m_accounts )
if ( ethereum ( ) - > balanceAt ( i ) > = totalReq )
ok = true ;
break ;
ui - > send - > setEnabled ( ok ) ;
QPalette p = ui - > total - > palette ( ) ;
p . setColor ( QPalette : : WindowText , QColor ( ok ? 0x00 : 0x80 , 0x00 , 0x00 ) ) ;
ui - > total - > setPalette ( p ) ;
void Transact : : on_destination_currentTextChanged ( QString )
if ( ui - > destination - > currentText ( ) . size ( ) & & ui - > destination - > currentText ( ) ! = " (Create Contract) " )
auto p = m_context - > fromString ( ui - > destination - > currentText ( ) . toStdString ( ) ) ;
if ( p . first )
ui - > calculatedName - > setText ( QString : : fromStdString ( m_context - > render ( p . first ) ) ) ;
ui - > calculatedName - > setText ( " Unknown Address " ) ;
if ( ! p . second . empty ( ) )
m_data = p . second ;
ui - > data - > setPlainText ( QString : : fromStdString ( " 0x " + toHex ( m_data ) ) ) ;
ui - > data - > setEnabled ( false ) ;
else if ( ! ui - > data - > isEnabled ( ) )
m_data . clear ( ) ;
ui - > data - > setPlainText ( " " ) ;
ui - > data - > setEnabled ( true ) ;
ui - > calculatedName - > setText ( " Create Contract " ) ;
rejigData ( ) ;
// updateFee();
static std : : string toString ( TransactionException _te )
switch ( _te )
case TransactionException : : Unknown : return " Unknown error " ;
case TransactionException : : InvalidSignature : return " Permanent Abort: Invalid transaction signature " ;
case TransactionException : : InvalidNonce : return " Transient Abort: Invalid transaction nonce " ;
case TransactionException : : NotEnoughCash : return " Transient Abort: Not enough cash to pay for transaction " ;
case TransactionException : : OutOfGasBase : return " Permanent Abort: Not enough gas to consider transaction " ;
case TransactionException : : BlockGasLimitReached : return " Transient Abort: Gas limit of block reached " ;
case TransactionException : : BadInstruction : return " VM Error: Attempt to execute invalid instruction " ;
case TransactionException : : BadJumpDestination : return " VM Error: Attempt to jump to invalid destination " ;
case TransactionException : : OutOfGas : return " VM Error: Out of gas " ;
case TransactionException : : OutOfStack : return " VM Error: VM stack limit reached during execution " ;
case TransactionException : : StackUnderflow : return " VM Error: Stack underflow " ;
default : ; return std : : string ( ) ;
static string getFunctionHashes ( dev : : solidity : : CompilerStack const & _compiler , string const & _contractName )
string ret = " " ;
auto const & contract = _compiler . getContractDefinition ( _contractName ) ;
auto interfaceFunctions = contract . getInterfaceFunctions ( ) ;
for ( auto const & it : interfaceFunctions )
ret + = it . first . abridged ( ) ;
ret + = " : " ;
ret + = it . second - > getDeclaration ( ) . getName ( ) + " \n " ;
return ret ;
# endif
static tuple < vector < string > , bytes , string > userInputToCode ( string const & _user , bool _opt )
string lll ;
string solidity ;
bytes data ;
vector < string > errors ;
if ( _user . find_first_not_of ( " 1234567890abcdefABCDEF \n \t " ) = = string : : npos & & _user . size ( ) % 2 = = 0 )
std : : string u = _user ;
boost : : replace_all_copy ( u , " \n " , " " ) ;
boost : : replace_all_copy ( u , " \t " , " " ) ;
boost : : replace_all_copy ( u , " " , " " ) ;
data = fromHex ( u ) ;
else if ( sourceIsSolidity ( _user ) )
dev : : solidity : : CompilerStack compiler ( true ) ;
// compiler.addSources(dev::solidity::StandardSources);
data = compiler . compile ( _user , _opt ) ;
solidity = " <h4>Solidity</h4> " ;
solidity + = " <pre>var " + compiler . defaultContractName ( ) + " = web3.eth.contract( " + QString : : fromStdString ( compiler . getInterface ( ) ) . replace ( QRegExp ( " \\ s " ) , " " ) . toHtmlEscaped ( ) . toStdString ( ) + " );</pre> " ;
solidity + = " <pre> " + QString : : fromStdString ( compiler . getSolidityInterface ( ) ) . toHtmlEscaped ( ) . toStdString ( ) + " </pre> " ;
solidity + = " <pre> " + QString : : fromStdString ( getFunctionHashes ( compiler , " " ) ) . toHtmlEscaped ( ) . toStdString ( ) + " </pre> " ;
catch ( dev : : Exception const & exception )
ostringstream error ;
solidity : : SourceReferenceFormatter : : printExceptionInformation ( error , exception , " Error " , compiler ) ;
errors . push_back ( " Solidity: " + error . str ( ) ) ;
catch ( . . . )
errors . push_back ( " Solidity: Uncaught exception " ) ;
# endif
else if ( sourceIsSerpent ( _user ) )
data = dev : : asBytes ( : : compile ( _user ) ) ;
catch ( string const & err )
errors . push_back ( " Serpent " + err ) ;
# endif
data = compileLLL ( _user , _opt , & errors ) ;
if ( errors . empty ( ) )
auto asmcode = compileLLLToAsm ( _user , _opt ) ;
lll = " <h4>LLL</h4><pre> " + QString : : fromStdString ( asmcode ) . toHtmlEscaped ( ) . toStdString ( ) + " </pre> " ;
return make_tuple ( errors , data , lll + solidity ) ;
string Transact : : natspecNotice ( Address _to , bytes const & _data )
if ( ethereum ( ) - > codeAt ( _to , PendingBlock ) . size ( ) )
string userNotice = m_natSpecDB - > getUserNotice ( ethereum ( ) - > postState ( ) . codeHash ( _to ) , _data ) ;
if ( userNotice . empty ( ) )
return " Destination contract unknown. " ;
NatspecExpressionEvaluator evaluator ;
return evaluator . evalExpression ( QString : : fromStdString ( userNotice ) ) . toStdString ( ) ;
return " Destination not a contract. " ;
void Transact : : rejigData ( )
if ( ! ethereum ( ) )
return ;
// Determine how much balance we have to play with...
//findSecret(value() + ethereum()->gasLimitRemaining() * gasPrice());
auto s = fromAccount ( ) ;
auto b = ethereum ( ) - > balanceAt ( s , PendingBlock ) ;
m_allGood = true ;
QString htmlInfo ;
auto bail = [ & ] ( QString he ) {
m_allGood = false ;
ui - > send - > setEnabled ( false ) ;
ui - > code - > setHtml ( he + htmlInfo ) ;
} ;
// Determine m_info.
if ( isCreation ( ) )
string info ;
vector < string > errors ;
tie ( errors , m_data , info ) = userInputToCode ( ui - > data - > toPlainText ( ) . toStdString ( ) , ui - > optimize - > isChecked ( ) ) ;
if ( errors . size ( ) )
// Errors determining transaction data (i.e. init code). Bail.
QString htmlErrors ;
for ( auto const & i : errors )
htmlErrors . append ( " <div class= \" error \" ><span class= \" icon \" >ERROR</span> " + QString : : fromStdString ( i ) . toHtmlEscaped ( ) + " </div> " ) ;
bail ( htmlErrors ) ;
return ;
htmlInfo = QString : : fromStdString ( info ) + " <h4>Code</h4> " + QString : : fromStdString ( disassemble ( m_data ) ) . toHtmlEscaped ( ) ;
m_data = parseData ( ui - > data - > toPlainText ( ) . toStdString ( ) ) ;
htmlInfo = " <h4>Dump</h4> " + QString : : fromStdString ( dev : : memDump ( m_data , 8 , true ) ) ;
htmlInfo + = " <h4>Hex</h4> " + QString ( Div ( Mono ) ) + QString : : fromStdString ( toHex ( m_data ) ) + " </div> " ;
// Determine the minimum amount of gas we need to play...
qint64 baseGas = ( qint64 ) Transaction : : gasRequired ( m_data , 0 ) ;
qint64 gasNeeded = 0 ;
if ( b < value ( ) + baseGas * gasPrice ( ) )
// Not enough - bail.
bail ( " <div class= \" error \" ><span class= \" icon \" >ERROR</span> No single account contains enough for paying even the basic amount of gas required.</div> " ) ;
return ;
gasNeeded = ( qint64 ) min < bigint > ( ethereum ( ) - > gasLimitRemaining ( ) , ( ( b - value ( ) ) / gasPrice ( ) ) ) ;
// Dry-run execution to determine gas requirement and any execution errors
Address to ;
ExecutionResult er ;
if ( isCreation ( ) )
er = ethereum ( ) - > create ( s , value ( ) , m_data , gasNeeded , gasPrice ( ) ) ;
// TODO: cache like m_data.
to = m_context - > fromString ( ui - > destination - > currentText ( ) . toStdString ( ) ) . first ;
er = ethereum ( ) - > call ( s , value ( ) , to , m_data , gasNeeded , gasPrice ( ) ) ;
gasNeeded = ( qint64 ) ( er . gasUsed + er . gasRefunded + c_callStipend ) ;
htmlInfo = QString ( " <div class= \" info \" ><span class= \" icon \" >INFO</span> Gas required: %1 total = %2 base, %3 exec [%4 refunded later]</div> " ) . arg ( gasNeeded ) . arg ( baseGas ) . arg ( gasNeeded - baseGas ) . arg ( ( qint64 ) er . gasRefunded ) + htmlInfo ;
if ( er . excepted ! = TransactionException : : None )
bail ( " <div class= \" error \" ><span class= \" icon \" >ERROR</span> " + QString : : fromStdString ( toString ( er . excepted ) ) + " </div> " ) ;
return ;
if ( er . codeDeposit = = CodeDeposit : : Failed )
bail ( " <div class= \" error \" ><span class= \" icon \" >ERROR</span> Code deposit failed due to insufficient gas; " + QString : : fromStdString ( toString ( er . gasForDeposit ) ) + " GAS < " + QString : : fromStdString ( toString ( er . depositSize ) ) + " bytes * " + QString : : fromStdString ( toString ( c_createDataGas ) ) + " GAS/byte</div> " ) ;
return ;
// Add Natspec information
if ( ! isCreation ( ) )
htmlInfo = " <div class= \" info \" ><span class= \" icon \" >INFO</span> " + QString : : fromStdString ( natspecNotice ( to , m_data ) ) . toHtmlEscaped ( ) + " </div> " + htmlInfo ;
// Update gas
if ( ui - > gas - > value ( ) = = ui - > gas - > minimum ( ) )
ui - > gas - > setMinimum ( gasNeeded ) ;
ui - > gas - > setValue ( gasNeeded ) ;
ui - > gas - > setMinimum ( gasNeeded ) ;
updateFee ( ) ;
ui - > code - > setHtml ( htmlInfo ) ;
ui - > send - > setEnabled ( m_allGood ) ;
Secret Transact : : findSecret ( u256 _totalReq ) const
if ( ! ethereum ( ) )
return Secret ( ) ;
Address best ;
u256 bestBalance = 0 ;
for ( auto const & i : m_accounts )
auto b = ethereum ( ) - > balanceAt ( i , PendingBlock ) ;
if ( b > = _totalReq )
best = i ;
break ;
if ( b > bestBalance )
bestBalance = b , best = i ;
return m_context - > retrieveSecret ( best ) ;
Address Transact : : fromAccount ( )
auto it = m_accounts . begin ( ) ;
std : : advance ( it , ui - > from - > currentIndex ( ) ) ;
return * it ;
void Transact : : on_send_clicked ( )
// Secret s = findSecret(value() + fee());
Secret s = m_context - > retrieveSecret ( fromAccount ( ) ) ;
auto b = ethereum ( ) - > balanceAt ( KeyPair ( s ) . address ( ) , PendingBlock ) ;
if ( ! s | | b < value ( ) + fee ( ) )
QMessageBox : : critical ( this , " Transaction Failed " , " Couldn't make transaction: no single account contains at least the required amount. " ) ;
return ;
if ( isCreation ( ) )
// If execution is a contract creation, add Natspec to
// a local Natspec LEVELDB
ethereum ( ) - > submitTransaction ( s , value ( ) , m_data , ui - > gas - > value ( ) , gasPrice ( ) ) ;
string src = ui - > data - > toPlainText ( ) . toStdString ( ) ;
if ( sourceIsSolidity ( src ) )
dev : : solidity : : CompilerStack compiler ( true ) ;
m_data = compiler . compile ( src , ui - > optimize - > isChecked ( ) ) ;
for ( string const & s : compiler . getContractNames ( ) )
h256 contractHash = compiler . getContractCodeHash ( s ) ;
m_natSpecDB - > add ( contractHash , compiler . getMetadata ( s , dev : : solidity : : DocumentationType : : NatspecUser ) ) ;
catch ( . . . ) { }
# endif
// TODO: cache like m_data.
ethereum ( ) - > submitTransaction ( s , value ( ) , m_context - > fromString ( ui - > destination - > currentText ( ) . toStdString ( ) ) . first , m_data , ui - > gas - > value ( ) , gasPrice ( ) ) ;
close ( ) ;
void Transact : : on_debug_clicked ( )
// Secret s = findSecret(value() + fee());
Address from = fromAccount ( ) ;
auto b = ethereum ( ) - > balanceAt ( from , PendingBlock ) ;
if ( ! from | | b < value ( ) + fee ( ) )
QMessageBox : : critical ( this , " Transaction Failed " , " Couldn't make transaction: no single account contains at least the required amount. " ) ;
return ;
State st ( ethereum ( ) - > postState ( ) ) ;
Transaction t = isCreation ( ) ?
Transaction ( value ( ) , gasPrice ( ) , ui - > gas - > value ( ) , m_data , st . transactionsFrom ( from ) ) :
Transaction ( value ( ) , gasPrice ( ) , ui - > gas - > value ( ) , m_context - > fromString ( ui - > destination - > currentText ( ) . toStdString ( ) ) . first , m_data , st . transactionsFrom ( from ) ) ;
t . forceSender ( from ) ;
Debugger dw ( m_context , this ) ;
Executive e ( st , ethereum ( ) - > blockChain ( ) , 0 ) ;
dw . populate ( e , t ) ;
dw . exec ( ) ;
catch ( dev : : Exception const & _e )
QMessageBox : : critical ( this , " Transaction Failed " , " Couldn't make transaction. Low-level error: " + QString : : fromStdString ( diagnostic_information ( _e ) ) ) ;
// this output is aimed at developers, reconsider using _e.what for more user friendly output.