This file is part of cpp - ethereum .
cpp - ethereum is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
cpp - ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
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/** @file CodeModel.cpp
* @ author Arkadiy Paronyan arkadiy @ ethdev . com
* @ date 2014
* Ethereum IDE client .
# include <sstream>
# include <memory>
# include <QDebug>
# include <QApplication>
# include <QtQml>
# include <libdevcore/Common.h>
# include <libevmcore/SourceLocation.h>
# include <libsolidity/AST.h>
# include <libsolidity/ASTVisitor.h>
# include <libsolidity/CompilerStack.h>
# include <libsolidity/SourceReferenceFormatter.h>
# include <libsolidity/InterfaceHandler.h>
# include <libevmcore/Instruction.h>
# include <libethcore/CommonJS.h>
# include "QContractDefinition.h"
# include "QFunctionDefinition.h"
# include "QVariableDeclaration.h"
# include "CodeHighlighter.h"
# include "FileIo.h"
# include "CodeModel.h"
using namespace dev : : mix ;
const std : : set < std : : string > c_predefinedContracts =
{ " Config " , " Coin " , " CoinReg " , " coin " , " service " , " owned " , " mortal " , " NameReg " , " named " , " std " , " configUser " } ;
using namespace dev : : solidity ;
class CollectDeclarationsVisitor : public ASTConstVisitor
public :
CollectDeclarationsVisitor ( QHash < LocationPair , QString > * _functions , QHash < LocationPair , SolidityDeclaration > * _locals , QHash < unsigned , SolidityDeclaration > * _storage ) :
m_functions ( _functions ) , m_locals ( _locals ) , m_storage ( _storage ) , m_functionScope ( false ) , m_storageSlot ( 0 ) { }
private :
QHash < LocationPair , QString > * m_functions ;
QHash < LocationPair , SolidityDeclaration > * m_locals ;
QHash < unsigned , SolidityDeclaration > * m_storage ;
bool m_functionScope ;
uint m_storageSlot ;
LocationPair nodeLocation ( ASTNode const & _node )
return LocationPair ( _node . getLocation ( ) . start , _node . getLocation ( ) . end ) ;
SolidityType nodeType ( Type const * _type )
if ( ! _type )
return SolidityType { SolidityType : : Type : : UnsignedInteger , 32 } ;
switch ( _type - > getCategory ( ) )
case Type : : Category : : Integer :
IntegerType const * it = dynamic_cast < IntegerType const * > ( _type ) ;
unsigned size = it - > getNumBits ( ) / 8 ;
SolidityType : : Type typeCode = it - > isAddress ( ) ? SolidityType : : Type : : Address : it - > isHash ( ) ? SolidityType : : Type : : Hash : it - > isSigned ( ) ? SolidityType : : Type : : SignedInteger : SolidityType : : Type : : UnsignedInteger ;
return SolidityType { typeCode , size } ;
case Type : : Category : : Bool :
return SolidityType { SolidityType : : Type : : Bool , _type - > getSizeOnStack ( ) * 32 } ;
case Type : : Category : : String :
StaticStringType const * s = dynamic_cast < StaticStringType const * > ( _type ) ;
return SolidityType { SolidityType : : Type : : String , static_cast < unsigned > ( s - > getNumBytes ( ) ) } ;
case Type : : Category : : Contract :
return SolidityType { SolidityType : : Type : : Address , _type - > getSizeOnStack ( ) * 32 } ;
case Type : : Category : : Array :
case Type : : Category : : Enum :
case Type : : Category : : Function :
case Type : : Category : : IntegerConstant :
case Type : : Category : : Magic :
case Type : : Category : : Mapping :
case Type : : Category : : Modifier :
case Type : : Category : : Real :
case Type : : Category : : Struct :
case Type : : Category : : TypeType :
case Type : : Category : : Void :
default :
return SolidityType { SolidityType : : Type : : UnsignedInteger , 32 } ;
virtual bool visit ( FunctionDefinition const & _node )
m_functions - > insert ( nodeLocation ( _node ) , QString : : fromStdString ( _node . getName ( ) ) ) ;
m_functionScope = true ;
return true ;
virtual void endVisit ( FunctionDefinition const & )
m_functionScope = false ;
virtual bool visit ( VariableDeclaration const & _node )
SolidityDeclaration decl ;
decl . type = nodeType ( _node . getType ( ) . get ( ) ) ;
decl . name = QString : : fromStdString ( _node . getName ( ) ) ;
if ( m_functionScope )
m_locals - > insert ( nodeLocation ( _node ) , decl ) ;
m_storage - > insert ( m_storageSlot + + , decl ) ;
return true ;
} ;
void BackgroundWorker : : queueCodeChange ( int _jobId )
m_model - > runCompilationJob ( _jobId ) ;
CompiledContract : : CompiledContract ( const dev : : solidity : : CompilerStack & _compiler , QString const & _contractName , QString const & _source ) :
QObject ( nullptr ) ,
m_sourceHash ( qHash ( _source ) )
std : : string name = _contractName . toStdString ( ) ;
auto const & contractDefinition = _compiler . getContractDefinition ( name ) ;
m_contract . reset ( new QContractDefinition ( & contractDefinition ) ) ;
QQmlEngine : : setObjectOwnership ( m_contract . get ( ) , QQmlEngine : : CppOwnership ) ;
m_bytes = _compiler . getBytecode ( _contractName . toStdString ( ) ) ;
m_assemblyItems = _compiler . getRuntimeAssemblyItems ( name ) ;
m_constructorAssemblyItems = _compiler . getAssemblyItems ( name ) ;
dev : : solidity : : InterfaceHandler interfaceHandler ;
m_contractInterface = QString : : fromStdString ( * interfaceHandler . getABIInterface ( contractDefinition ) ) ;
if ( m_contractInterface . isEmpty ( ) )
m_contractInterface = " [] " ;
if ( contractDefinition . getLocation ( ) . sourceName . get ( ) )
m_documentId = QString : : fromStdString ( * contractDefinition . getLocation ( ) . sourceName ) ;
CollectDeclarationsVisitor visitor ( & m_functions , & m_locals , & m_storage ) ;
contractDefinition . accept ( visitor ) ;
QString CompiledContract : : codeHex ( ) const
return QString : : fromStdString ( toJS ( m_bytes ) ) ;
CodeModel : : CodeModel ( QObject * _parent ) :
QObject ( _parent ) ,
m_compiling ( false ) ,
m_codeHighlighterSettings ( new CodeHighlighterSettings ( ) ) ,
m_backgroundWorker ( this ) ,
m_backgroundJobId ( 0 )
m_backgroundThread . start ( ) ;
m_backgroundWorker . moveToThread ( & m_backgroundThread ) ;
connect ( this , & CodeModel : : scheduleCompilationJob , & m_backgroundWorker , & BackgroundWorker : : queueCodeChange , Qt : : QueuedConnection ) ;
qRegisterMetaType < CompiledContract * > ( " CompiledContract* " ) ;
qRegisterMetaType < QContractDefinition * > ( " QContractDefinition* " ) ;
qRegisterMetaType < QFunctionDefinition * > ( " QFunctionDefinition* " ) ;
qRegisterMetaType < QVariableDeclaration * > ( " QVariableDeclaration* " ) ;
qmlRegisterType < QFunctionDefinition > ( " org.ethereum.qml " , 1 , 0 , " QFunctionDefinition " ) ;
qmlRegisterType < QVariableDeclaration > ( " org.ethereum.qml " , 1 , 0 , " QVariableDeclaration " ) ;
CodeModel : : ~ CodeModel ( )
stop ( ) ;
disconnect ( this ) ;
releaseContracts ( ) ;
void CodeModel : : stop ( )
///@todo: cancel bg job
m_backgroundThread . exit ( ) ;
m_backgroundThread . wait ( ) ;
void CodeModel : : reset ( QVariantMap const & _documents )
///@todo: cancel bg job
Guard l ( x_contractMap ) ;
releaseContracts ( ) ;
Guard pl ( x_pendingContracts ) ;
m_pendingContracts . clear ( ) ;
for ( QVariantMap : : const_iterator d = _documents . cbegin ( ) ; d ! = _documents . cend ( ) ; + + d )
m_pendingContracts [ d . key ( ) ] = d . value ( ) . toString ( ) ;
// launch the background thread
m_compiling = true ;
emit stateChanged ( ) ;
emit scheduleCompilationJob ( + + m_backgroundJobId ) ;
void CodeModel : : registerCodeChange ( QString const & _documentId , QString const & _code )
CompiledContract * contract = contractByDocumentId ( _documentId ) ;
if ( contract ! = nullptr & & contract - > m_sourceHash = = qHash ( _code ) )
return ;
Guard pl ( x_pendingContracts ) ;
m_pendingContracts [ _documentId ] = _code ;
// launch the background thread
m_compiling = true ;
emit stateChanged ( ) ;
emit scheduleCompilationJob ( + + m_backgroundJobId ) ;
QVariantMap CodeModel : : contracts ( ) const
QVariantMap result ;
Guard l ( x_contractMap ) ;
for ( ContractMap : : const_iterator c = m_contractMap . cbegin ( ) ; c ! = m_contractMap . cend ( ) ; + + c )
result . insert ( c . key ( ) , QVariant : : fromValue ( c . value ( ) ) ) ;
return result ;
CompiledContract * CodeModel : : contractByDocumentId ( QString _documentId ) const
Guard l ( x_contractMap ) ;
for ( ContractMap : : const_iterator c = m_contractMap . cbegin ( ) ; c ! = m_contractMap . cend ( ) ; + + c )
if ( c . value ( ) - > m_documentId = = _documentId )
return c . value ( ) ;
return nullptr ;
CompiledContract const & CodeModel : : contract ( QString _name ) const
Guard l ( x_contractMap ) ;
CompiledContract * res = m_contractMap . value ( _name ) ;
if ( res = = nullptr )
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION ( dev : : Exception ( ) < < dev : : errinfo_comment ( " Contract not found: " + _name . toStdString ( ) ) ) ;
return * res ;
void CodeModel : : releaseContracts ( )
for ( ContractMap : : iterator c = m_contractMap . begin ( ) ; c ! = m_contractMap . end ( ) ; + + c )
c . value ( ) - > deleteLater ( ) ;
m_contractMap . clear ( ) ;
void CodeModel : : runCompilationJob ( int _jobId )
if ( _jobId ! = m_backgroundJobId )
return ; //obsolete job
ContractMap result ;
solidity : : CompilerStack cs ( true ) ;
cs . addSource ( " configUser " , R " (contract configUser{function configAddr()constant returns(address a){ return 0xf025d81196b72fba60a1d4dddad12eeb8360d828;}}) " ) ;
Guard l ( x_pendingContracts ) ;
for ( auto const & c : m_pendingContracts )
cs . addSource ( c . first . toStdString ( ) , c . second . toStdString ( ) ) ;
cs . compile ( false ) ;
Guard pl ( x_pendingContracts ) ;
Guard l ( x_contractMap ) ;
for ( std : : string n : cs . getContractNames ( ) )
if ( c_predefinedContracts . count ( n ) ! = 0 )
continue ;
QString name = QString : : fromStdString ( n ) ;
QString sourceName = QString : : fromStdString ( * cs . getContractDefinition ( n ) . getLocation ( ) . sourceName ) ;
auto sourceIter = m_pendingContracts . find ( sourceName ) ;
QString source = sourceIter ! = m_pendingContracts . end ( ) ? sourceIter - > second : QString ( ) ;
CompiledContract * contract = new CompiledContract ( cs , name , source ) ;
QQmlEngine : : setObjectOwnership ( contract , QQmlEngine : : CppOwnership ) ;
result [ name ] = contract ;
CompiledContract * prevContract = m_contractMap . value ( name ) ;
if ( prevContract ! = nullptr & & prevContract - > contractInterface ( ) ! = result [ name ] - > contractInterface ( ) )
emit contractInterfaceChanged ( name ) ;
releaseContracts ( ) ;
m_contractMap . swap ( result ) ;
emit codeChanged ( ) ;
emit compilationComplete ( ) ;
catch ( dev : : Exception const & _exception )
std : : ostringstream error ;
solidity : : SourceReferenceFormatter : : printExceptionInformation ( error , _exception , " Error " , cs ) ;
SourceLocation const * location = boost : : get_error_info < solidity : : errinfo_sourceLocation > ( _exception ) ;
QString message = QString : : fromStdString ( error . str ( ) ) ;
CompiledContract * contract = nullptr ;
if ( location & & location - > sourceName . get ( ) & & ( contract = contractByDocumentId ( QString : : fromStdString ( * location - > sourceName ) ) ) )
message = message . replace ( QString : : fromStdString ( * location - > sourceName ) , contract - > contract ( ) - > name ( ) ) ; //substitute the location to match our contract names
compilationError ( message ) ;
m_compiling = false ;
emit stateChanged ( ) ;
bool CodeModel : : hasContract ( ) const
Guard l ( x_contractMap ) ;
return m_contractMap . size ( ) ! = 0 ;
dev : : bytes const & CodeModel : : getStdContractCode ( const QString & _contractName , const QString & _url )
auto cached = m_compiledContracts . find ( _contractName ) ;
if ( cached ! = m_compiledContracts . end ( ) )
return cached - > second ;
FileIo fileIo ;
std : : string source = fileIo . readFile ( _url ) . toStdString ( ) ;
solidity : : CompilerStack cs ( false ) ;
cs . setSource ( source ) ;
cs . compile ( false ) ;
for ( std : : string const & name : cs . getContractNames ( ) )
dev : : bytes code = cs . getBytecode ( name ) ;
m_compiledContracts . insert ( std : : make_pair ( QString : : fromStdString ( name ) , std : : move ( code ) ) ) ;
return m_compiledContracts . at ( _contractName ) ;