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/** @file Session.cpp
* @ author Gav Wood < i @ gavwood . com >
* @ author Alex Leverington < nessence @ gmail . com >
* @ date 2014
# include "Session.h"
# include <chrono>
# include <libdevcore/Common.h>
# include <libdevcore/CommonIO.h>
# include <libdevcore/StructuredLogger.h>
# include <libethcore/Exceptions.h>
# include "Host.h"
# include "Capability.h"
using namespace std ;
using namespace dev ;
using namespace dev : : p2p ;
Session : : Session ( Host * _h , unique_ptr < RLPXFrameCoder > & & _io , std : : shared_ptr < RLPXSocket > const & _s , std : : shared_ptr < Peer > const & _n , PeerSessionInfo _info ) :
m_server ( _h ) ,
m_io ( move ( _io ) ) ,
m_socket ( _s ) ,
m_peer ( _n ) ,
m_info ( _info ) ,
m_ping ( chrono : : steady_clock : : time_point : : max ( ) )
m_peer - > m_lastDisconnect = NoDisconnect ;
m_lastReceived = m_connect = chrono : : steady_clock : : now ( ) ;
DEV_GUARDED ( x_info )
m_info . socketId = m_socket - > ref ( ) . native_handle ( ) ;
Session : : ~ Session ( )
ThreadContext tc ( info ( ) . id . abridged ( ) ) ;
ThreadContext tc2 ( info ( ) . clientVersion ) ;
clog ( NetMessageSummary ) < < " Closing peer session :-( " ;
m_peer - > m_lastConnected = m_peer - > m_lastAttempted - chrono : : seconds ( 1 ) ;
// Read-chain finished for one reason or another.
for ( auto & i : m_capabilities )
i . second . reset ( ) ;
bi : : tcp : : socket & socket = m_socket - > ref ( ) ;
if ( socket . is_open ( ) )
boost : : system : : error_code ec ;
socket . shutdown ( boost : : asio : : ip : : tcp : : socket : : shutdown_both , ec ) ;
socket . close ( ) ;
catch ( . . . ) { }
ReputationManager & Session : : repMan ( ) const
return m_server - > repMan ( ) ;
NodeID Session : : id ( ) const
return m_peer ? m_peer - > id : NodeID ( ) ;
void Session : : addRating ( int _r )
if ( m_peer )
m_peer - > m_rating + = _r ;
m_peer - > m_score + = _r ;
if ( _r > = 0 )
m_peer - > noteSessionGood ( ) ;
int Session : : rating ( ) const
return m_peer - > m_rating ;
template < class T > vector < T > randomSelection ( vector < T > const & _t , unsigned _n )
if ( _t . size ( ) < = _n )
return _t ;
vector < T > ret = _t ;
while ( ret . size ( ) > _n )
auto i = ret . begin ( ) ;
advance ( i , rand ( ) % ret . size ( ) ) ;
ret . erase ( i ) ;
return ret ;
// TODO: P2P integration: replace w/asio post -> serviceNodesRequest()
void Session : : ensureNodesRequested ( )
if ( isConnected ( ) & & ! m_weRequestedNodes )
m_weRequestedNodes = true ;
RLPStream s ;
sealAndSend ( prep ( s , GetPeersPacket ) ) ;
void Session : : serviceNodesRequest ( )
ThreadContext tc ( info ( ) . id . abridged ( ) + " / " + info ( ) . clientVersion ) ;
if ( ! m_theyRequestedNodes )
return ;
// TODO: P2P reimplement, as per TCP "close nodes" gossip specifications (WiP)
// auto peers = m_server->potentialPeers(m_knownNodes);
Peers peers ;
if ( peers . empty ( ) )
addNote ( " peers " , " requested " ) ;
return ;
// note this should cost them...
RLPStream s ;
prep ( s , PeersPacket , min < unsigned > ( 10 , peers . size ( ) ) ) ;
auto rs = randomSelection ( peers , 10 ) ;
for ( auto const & i : rs )
clog ( NetTriviaDetail ) < < " Sending peer " < < i . id < < i . endpoint ;
if ( i . endpoint . address . is_v4 ( ) )
s . appendList ( 3 ) < < bytesConstRef ( i . endpoint . address . to_v4 ( ) . to_bytes ( ) . data ( ) , 4 ) < < i . endpoint . tcpPort < < i . id ;
else // if (i.second.address().is_v6()) - assumed
s . appendList ( 3 ) < < bytesConstRef ( i . endpoint . address . to_v6 ( ) . to_bytes ( ) . data ( ) , 16 ) < < i . endpoint . tcpPort < < i . id ;
sealAndSend ( s ) ;
m_theyRequestedNodes = false ;
addNote ( " peers " , " done " ) ;
bool Session : : readPacket ( uint16_t _capId , PacketType _t , RLP const & _r )
m_lastReceived = chrono : : steady_clock : : now ( ) ;
clog ( NetRight ) < < _t < < _r ;
try // Generic try-catch block designed to capture RLP format errors - TODO: give decent diagnostics, make a bit more specific over what is caught.
// v4 frame headers are useless, offset packet type used
// v5 protocol type is in header, packet type not offset
if ( _capId = = 0 & & _t < UserPacket )
return interpret ( _t , _r ) ;
if ( m_info . protocolVersion > = 5 )
for ( auto const & i : m_capabilities )
if ( _capId = = ( uint16_t ) i . first . second )
return i . second - > m_enabled ? i . second - > interpret ( _t , _r ) : true ;
if ( m_info . protocolVersion < = 4 )
for ( auto const & i : m_capabilities )
if ( _t > = ( int ) i . second - > m_idOffset & & _t - i . second - > m_idOffset < i . second - > hostCapability ( ) - > messageCount ( ) )
return i . second - > m_enabled ? i . second - > interpret ( _t - i . second - > m_idOffset , _r ) : true ;
return false ;
catch ( std : : exception const & _e )
clog ( NetWarn ) < < " Exception caught in p2p::Session::interpret(): " < < _e . what ( ) < < " . PacketType: " < < _t < < " . RLP: " < < _r ;
disconnect ( BadProtocol ) ;
return true ;
return true ;
bool Session : : interpret ( PacketType _t , RLP const & _r )
switch ( _t )
case DisconnectPacket :
string reason = " Unspecified " ;
auto r = ( DisconnectReason ) _r [ 0 ] . toInt < int > ( ) ;
if ( ! _r [ 0 ] . isInt ( ) )
drop ( BadProtocol ) ;
reason = reasonOf ( r ) ;
clog ( NetMessageSummary ) < < " Disconnect (reason: " < < reason < < " ) " ;
drop ( DisconnectRequested ) ;
break ;
case PingPacket :
clog ( NetTriviaSummary ) < < " Ping " ;
RLPStream s ;
sealAndSend ( prep ( s , PongPacket ) ) ;
break ;
case PongPacket :
DEV_GUARDED ( x_info )
m_info . lastPing = std : : chrono : : steady_clock : : now ( ) - m_ping ;
clog ( NetTriviaSummary ) < < " Latency: " < < chrono : : duration_cast < chrono : : milliseconds > ( m_info . lastPing ) . count ( ) < < " ms " ;
break ;
case GetPeersPacket :
case PeersPacket :
break ;
default :
return false ;
return true ;
void Session : : ping ( )
RLPStream s ;
sealAndSend ( prep ( s , PingPacket ) ) ;
m_ping = std : : chrono : : steady_clock : : now ( ) ;
RLPStream & Session : : prep ( RLPStream & _s , PacketType _id , unsigned _args )
return _s . append ( ( unsigned ) _id ) . appendList ( _args ) ;
void Session : : sealAndSend ( RLPStream & _s )
bytes b ;
_s . swapOut ( b ) ;
send ( move ( b ) ) ;
bool Session : : checkPacket ( bytesConstRef _msg )
if ( _msg [ 0 ] > 0x7f | | _msg . size ( ) < 2 )
return false ;
if ( RLP ( _msg . cropped ( 1 ) ) . actualSize ( ) + 1 ! = _msg . size ( ) )
return false ;
return true ;
void Session : : send ( bytes & & _msg )
bytesConstRef msg ( & _msg ) ;
clog ( NetLeft ) < < RLP ( msg . cropped ( 1 ) ) ;
if ( ! checkPacket ( msg ) )
clog ( NetWarn ) < < " INVALID PACKET CONSTRUCTED! " ;
if ( ! m_socket - > ref ( ) . is_open ( ) )
return ;
bool doWrite = false ;
Guard l ( x_writeQueue ) ;
m_writeQueue . push_back ( std : : move ( _msg ) ) ;
doWrite = ( m_writeQueue . size ( ) = = 1 ) ;
if ( doWrite )
write ( ) ;
void Session : : write ( )
bytes const * out ;
DEV_GUARDED ( x_writeQueue )
m_io - > writeSingleFramePacket ( & m_writeQueue [ 0 ] , m_writeQueue [ 0 ] ) ;
out = & m_writeQueue [ 0 ] ;
auto self ( shared_from_this ( ) ) ;
ba : : async_write ( m_socket - > ref ( ) , ba : : buffer ( * out ) , [ this , self ] ( boost : : system : : error_code ec , std : : size_t /*length*/ )
ThreadContext tc ( info ( ) . id . abridged ( ) ) ;
ThreadContext tc2 ( info ( ) . clientVersion ) ;
// must check queue, as write callback can occur following dropped()
if ( ec )
clog ( NetWarn ) < < " Error sending: " < < ec . message ( ) ;
drop ( TCPError ) ;
return ;
Guard l ( x_writeQueue ) ;
m_writeQueue . pop_front ( ) ;
if ( m_writeQueue . empty ( ) )
return ;
write ( ) ;
} ) ;
void Session : : drop ( DisconnectReason _reason )
if ( m_dropped )
return ;
bi : : tcp : : socket & socket = m_socket - > ref ( ) ;
if ( socket . is_open ( ) )
clog ( NetConnect ) < < " Closing " < < socket . remote_endpoint ( ) < < " ( " < < reasonOf ( _reason ) < < " ) " ;
boost : : system : : error_code ec ;
socket . shutdown ( boost : : asio : : ip : : tcp : : socket : : shutdown_both , ec ) ;
socket . close ( ) ;
catch ( . . . ) { }
m_peer - > m_lastDisconnect = _reason ;
if ( _reason = = BadProtocol )
m_peer - > m_rating / = 2 ;
m_peer - > m_score / = 2 ;
m_dropped = true ;
void Session : : disconnect ( DisconnectReason _reason )
clog ( NetConnect ) < < " Disconnecting (our reason: " < < reasonOf ( _reason ) < < " ) " ;
size_t peerCount = m_server - > peerCount ( ) ; //needs to be outside of lock to avoid deadlocking with other thread that capture x_info/x_sessions in reverse order
DEV_GUARDED ( x_info )
StructuredLogger : : p2pDisconnected (
m_info . id . abridged ( ) ,
m_peer - > endpoint , // TODO: may not be 100% accurate
) ;
if ( m_socket - > ref ( ) . is_open ( ) )
RLPStream s ;
prep ( s , DisconnectPacket , 1 ) < < ( int ) _reason ;
sealAndSend ( s ) ;
drop ( _reason ) ;
void Session : : start ( )
ping ( ) ;
doRead ( ) ;
void Session : : doRead ( )
// ignore packets received while waiting to disconnect.
if ( m_dropped )
return ;
auto self ( shared_from_this ( ) ) ;
ba : : async_read ( m_socket - > ref ( ) , boost : : asio : : buffer ( m_data , h256 : : size ) , [ this , self ] ( boost : : system : : error_code ec , std : : size_t length )
ThreadContext tc ( info ( ) . id . abridged ( ) ) ;
ThreadContext tc2 ( info ( ) . clientVersion ) ;
if ( ! checkRead ( h256 : : size , ec , length ) )
return ;
else if ( ! m_io - > authAndDecryptHeader ( bytesRef ( m_data . data ( ) , length ) ) )
clog ( NetWarn ) < < " header decrypt failed " ;
drop ( BadProtocol ) ; // todo: better error
return ;
uint16_t hProtocolId ;
uint32_t hLength ;
uint8_t hPadding ;
RLPXFrameInfo header ( bytesConstRef ( m_data . data ( ) , length ) ) ;
hProtocolId = header . protocolId ;
hLength = header . length ;
hPadding = header . padding ;
catch ( std : : exception const & _e )
clog ( NetWarn ) < < " Exception decoding frame header RLP: " < < _e . what ( ) < < bytesConstRef ( m_data . data ( ) , h128 : : size ) . cropped ( 3 ) ;
drop ( BadProtocol ) ;
return ;
/// read padded frame and mac
auto tlen = hLength + hPadding + h128 : : size ;
ba : : async_read ( m_socket - > ref ( ) , boost : : asio : : buffer ( m_data , tlen ) , [ this , self , hLength , hProtocolId , tlen ] ( boost : : system : : error_code ec , std : : size_t length )
ThreadContext tc ( info ( ) . id . abridged ( ) ) ;
ThreadContext tc2 ( info ( ) . clientVersion ) ;
if ( ! checkRead ( tlen , ec , length ) )
return ;
else if ( ! m_io - > authAndDecryptFrame ( bytesRef ( m_data . data ( ) , tlen ) ) )
clog ( NetWarn ) < < " frame decrypt failed " ;
drop ( BadProtocol ) ; // todo: better error
return ;
bytesConstRef frame ( m_data . data ( ) , hLength ) ;
if ( ! checkPacket ( frame ) )
cerr < < " Received " < < frame . size ( ) < < " : " < < toHex ( frame ) < < endl ;
clog ( NetWarn ) < < " INVALID MESSAGE RECEIVED " ;
disconnect ( BadProtocol ) ;
return ;
auto packetType = ( PacketType ) RLP ( frame . cropped ( 0 , 1 ) ) . toInt < unsigned > ( ) ;
RLP r ( frame . cropped ( 1 ) ) ;
bool ok = readPacket ( hProtocolId , packetType , r ) ;
( void ) ok ;
if ( ! ok )
clog ( NetWarn ) < < " Couldn't interpret packet. " < < RLP ( r ) ;
# endif
doRead ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
bool Session : : checkRead ( std : : size_t _expected , boost : : system : : error_code _ec , std : : size_t _length )
if ( _ec & & _ec . category ( ) ! = boost : : asio : : error : : get_misc_category ( ) & & _ec . value ( ) ! = boost : : asio : : error : : eof )
clog ( NetConnect ) < < " Error reading: " < < _ec . message ( ) ;
drop ( TCPError ) ;
return false ;
else if ( _ec & & _length < _expected )
clog ( NetWarn ) < < " Error reading - Abrupt peer disconnect: " < < _ec . message ( ) ;
repMan ( ) . noteRude ( * this ) ;
drop ( TCPError ) ;
return false ;
// If this fails then there's an unhandled asio error
assert ( _expected = = _length ) ;
return true ;