@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ class BasicMap |
public: |
BasicMap() {} |
void clear() { m_over.clear(); } |
std::map<h256, std::string> const& get() const { return m_over; } |
std::string lookup(h256 _h) const { auto it = m_over.find(_h); if (it != m_over.end()) return it->second; return std::string(); } |
@ -154,6 +155,8 @@ public: |
std::string lookup(h256 _h) const { std::string ret = BasicMap::lookup(_h); if (ret.empty()) m_db->Get(m_readOptions, ldb::Slice((char const*)_h.data(), 32), &ret); return ret; } |
private: |
using BasicMap::clear; |
ldb::DB* m_db = nullptr; |
ldb::ReadOptions m_readOptions; |
@ -197,42 +200,53 @@ private: |
void mergeAtAux(RLPStream& _out, RLP const& _replace, NibbleSlice _key, bytesConstRef _value); |
bytes mergeAt(RLP const& _replace, NibbleSlice _k, bytesConstRef _v); |
// in1: null (DEL) -- OR -- [_k, V] (DEL)
// out1: [_k, _s]
// in2: [V0, ..., V15, S16] (DEL) AND _k == {}
// out2: [V0, ..., V15, _s]
bool deleteAtAux(RLPStream& _out, RLP const& _replace, NibbleSlice _key); |
bytes deleteAt(RLP const& _replace, NibbleSlice _k); |
// in: null (DEL) -- OR -- [_k, V] (DEL)
// out: [_k, _s]
// -- OR --
// in: [V0, ..., V15, S16] (DEL) AND _k == {}
// out: [V0, ..., V15, _s]
bytes place(RLP const& _orig, NibbleSlice _k, bytesConstRef _s); |
// in1: [K, S] (DEL)
// out1: null
// in2: [V0, ..., V15, S] (DEL)
// out2: [V0, ..., V15, null]
// in: [K, S] (DEL)
// out: null
// -- OR --
// in: [V0, ..., V15, S] (DEL)
// out: [V0, ..., V15, null]
bytes remove(RLP const& _orig); |
// in: [K1 & K2, V] (DEL) : nibbles(K1) == _s, 0 < _s < nibbles(K1 & K2)
// out: [K1, H] ; [K2, V] => H (INS) (being [K1, [K2, V]] (INS) if necessary)
// in: [K1 & K2, V] (DEL) : nibbles(K1) == _s, 0 < _s <= nibbles(K1 & K2)
// out: [K1, H] ; [K2, V] => H (INS) (being [K1, [K2, V]] if necessary)
bytes cleve(RLP const& _orig, uint _s); |
// in: [K1, H] (DEL) ; H <= [K2, V] (DEL) (being [K1, [K2, V]] (DEL) if necessary)
// out: [K1 & K2, V]
bytes graft(RLP const& _orig); |
// in: [V0, ... V15, S] (DEL) : (exists unique i: !!Vi AND !S "out1") OR (all i: !Vi AND !!S "out2")
// out1: [k{i}, Vi]
// out2: [k{}, S]
bytes merge(RLP const& _orig); |
// in: [V0, ... V15, S] (DEL)
// out1: [k{i}, Vi] where i < 16
// out2: [k{}, S] where i == 16
bytes merge(RLP const& _orig, byte _i); |
// in: [k{}, S] (DEL)
// out: [null ** 16, S]
// -- OR --
// in: [k{i}, V] (DEL)
// out: [null ** i, V, null ** (16 - i)]
// in: [k{i}, N] (DEL)
// out: [null ** i, N, null ** (16 - i)]
// -- OR --
// in: [k{i}K, V] (DEL)
// out: [null ** i, H, null ** (16 - i)] ; [K, V] => H (INS) (being [null ** i, [K, V], null ** (16 - i)] if necessary)
bytes branch(RLP const& _orig); |
bool isTwoItemNode(RLP const& _n) const; |
std::string node(h256 _h) const { return m_db->lookup(_h); } |
void insertNode(h256 _h, bytesConstRef _v) { m_db->insert(_h, _v); } |
void killNode(h256 _h) { m_db->kill(_h); } |
h256 insertNode(bytesConstRef _v) { auto h = sha3(_v); insertNode(h, _v); return h; } |
void killNode(RLP const& _d) { if (_d.data().size() >= 32) killNode(sha3(_d.data())); } |
@ -263,6 +277,7 @@ namespace eth |
uint sharedNibbles(bytesConstRef _a, uint _ab, uint _ae, bytesConstRef _b, uint _bb, uint _be); |
bool isLeaf(RLP const& _twoItem); |
byte uniqueInUse(RLP const& _orig, byte _except); |
NibbleSlice keyOf(RLP const& _twoItem); |
std::string hexPrefixEncode(bytesConstRef _data, bool _terminated, int _beginNibble, int _endNibble, uint _offset); |
std::string hexPrefixEncode(bytesConstRef _d1, uint _o1, bytesConstRef _d2, uint _o2, bool _terminated); |
@ -277,14 +292,14 @@ template <class DB> void GenericTrieDB<DB>::init() |
template <class DB> void GenericTrieDB<DB>::insert(bytesConstRef _key, bytesConstRef _value) |
{ |
std::string rv = node(m_root); |
killNode(m_root); |
bytes b = mergeAt(RLP(rv), NibbleSlice(_key), _value); |
m_root = insertNode(&b); |
} |
template <class DB> void GenericTrieDB<DB>::remove(bytesConstRef _key) |
{ |
// mergeAt won't attempt to delete the node is it's less than 32 bytes
// However, we know it's the root node and thus always hashed.
// So, if it's less than 32 (and thus should have been deleted but wasn't) then we delete it here.
if (rv.size() < 32) |
killNode(m_root); |
m_root = insertNode(&b); |
} |
template <class DB> std::string GenericTrieDB<DB>::at(bytesConstRef _key) const |
@ -325,6 +340,8 @@ template <class DB> std::string GenericTrieDB<DB>::atAux(RLP const& _here, Nibbl |
template <class DB> bytes GenericTrieDB<DB>::mergeAt(RLP const& _orig, NibbleSlice _k, bytesConstRef _v) |
{ |
// ::operator<<(std::cout << "mergeAt ", _orig) << _k << _v.toString() << std::endl;
// The caller will make sure that the bytes are inserted properly.
// - This might mean inserting an entry into m_over
// We will take care to ensure that (our reference to) _orig is killed.
@ -344,7 +361,7 @@ template <class DB> bytes GenericTrieDB<DB>::mergeAt(RLP const& _orig, NibbleSli |
return place(_orig, _k, _v); |
// partial key is our key - move down.
if (_k.contains(k)) |
if (_k.contains(k) && !isLeaf(_orig)) |
{ |
killNode(sha3(_orig.data())); |
RLPStream s(2); |
@ -354,12 +371,12 @@ template <class DB> bytes GenericTrieDB<DB>::mergeAt(RLP const& _orig, NibbleSli |
} |
auto sh = _k.shared(k); |
// std::cout << _k << " sh " << k << " = " << sh << std::endl;
// 5 << _k << " sh " << k << " = " << sh << std::endl;
if (sh) |
// shared stuff - cleve at disagreement.
return mergeAt(RLP(cleve(_orig, sh)), _k, _v); |
else |
// nothing shared - if we can branch, branch, otherwise cleve again.
// nothing shared - branch
return mergeAt(RLP(branch(_orig)), _k, _v); |
} |
else |
@ -388,9 +405,145 @@ template <class DB> bytes GenericTrieDB<DB>::mergeAt(RLP const& _orig, NibbleSli |
template <class DB> void GenericTrieDB<DB>::mergeAtAux(RLPStream& _out, RLP const& _orig, NibbleSlice _k, bytesConstRef _v) |
{ |
bytes b = mergeAt(_orig, _k, _v); |
RLP r = _orig; |
std::string s; |
if (!r.isList() && !r.isEmpty()) |
{ |
s = node(_orig.toHash<h256>()); |
r = RLP(s); |
assert(!r.isNull()); |
killNode(_orig.toHash<h256>()); |
} |
else |
killNode(_orig); |
bytes b = mergeAt(r, _k, _v); |
// ::operator<<(std::cout, RLP(b)) << std::endl;
streamNode(_out, b); |
} |
template <class DB> void GenericTrieDB<DB>::remove(bytesConstRef _key) |
{ |
std::string rv = node(m_root); |
bytes b = deleteAt(RLP(rv), NibbleSlice(_key)); |
if (b.size()) |
{ |
if (rv.size() < 32) |
killNode(m_root); |
m_root = insertNode(&b); |
} |
} |
template <class DB> bool GenericTrieDB<DB>::isTwoItemNode(RLP const& _n) const |
{ |
return (_n.isString() && RLP(node(_n.toHash<h256>())).itemCount() == 2) |
|| (_n.isList() && _n.itemCount() == 2); |
} |
template <class DB> bytes GenericTrieDB<DB>::deleteAt(RLP const& _orig, NibbleSlice _k) |
{ |
// The caller will make sure that the bytes are inserted properly.
// - This might mean inserting an entry into m_over
// We will take care to ensure that (our reference to) _orig is killed.
// Empty - not found - no change.
if (_orig.isEmpty()) |
return bytes(); |
assert(_orig.isList() && (_orig.itemCount() == 2 || _orig.itemCount() == 17)); |
if (_orig.itemCount() == 2) |
{ |
// pair...
NibbleSlice k = keyOf(_orig); |
// exactly our node - return null.
if (k == _k && isLeaf(_orig)) |
return RLPNull; |
// partial key is our key - move down.
if (_k.contains(k)) |
{ |
RLPStream s; |
s.appendList(2) << _orig[0]; |
if (!deleteAtAux(s, _orig[1], _k.mid(k.size()))) |
return bytes(); |
killNode(sha3(_orig.data())); |
RLP r(s.out()); |
if (isTwoItemNode(r[1])) |
return graft(r); |
return s.out(); |
} |
else |
// not found - no change.
return bytes(); |
} |
else |
{ |
// branch...
// exactly our node - remove and rejig.
if (_k.size() == 0 && !_orig[16].isEmpty()) |
{ |
// Kill the node.
killNode(sha3(_orig.data())); |
byte used = uniqueInUse(_orig, 16); |
if (used != 255) |
if (_orig[used].isList() && _orig[used].itemCount() == 2) |
return graft(RLP(merge(_orig, used))); |
else |
return merge(_orig, used); |
else |
{ |
RLPStream r(17); |
for (byte i = 0; i < 16; ++i) |
r << _orig[i]; |
r << ""; |
return r.out(); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
// not exactly our node - delve to next level at the correct index.
RLPStream r(17); |
byte n = _k[0]; |
for (byte i = 0; i < 17; ++i) |
if (i == n) |
if (!deleteAtAux(r, _orig[i], _k.mid(1))) // bomb out if the key didn't turn up.
return bytes(); |
else {} |
else |
r << _orig[i]; |
// check if we ended up leaving the node invalid.
RLP rlp(r.out()); |
byte used = uniqueInUse(rlp, 255); |
if (used == 255) // no - all ok.
return r.out(); |
// yes; merge
if (isTwoItemNode(rlp[used])) |
return graft(RLP(merge(rlp, used))); |
else |
return merge(rlp, used); |
} |
} |
} |
template <class DB> bool GenericTrieDB<DB>::deleteAtAux(RLPStream& _out, RLP const& _orig, NibbleSlice _k) |
{ |
bytes b = deleteAt(_orig.isList() ? _orig : RLP(node(_orig.toHash<h256>())), _k); |
if (!b.size()) // not found - no change.
return false; |
if (_orig.isList()) |
killNode(_orig); |
else |
killNode(_orig.toHash<h256>()); |
streamNode(_out, b); |
return true; |
} |
// in1: null -- OR -- [_k, V]
@ -399,6 +552,8 @@ template <class DB> void GenericTrieDB<DB>::mergeAtAux(RLPStream& _out, RLP cons |
// out2: [V0, ..., V15, _s]
template <class DB> bytes GenericTrieDB<DB>::place(RLP const& _orig, NibbleSlice _k, bytesConstRef _s) |
{ |
// ::operator<<(std::cout << "place ", _orig) << ", " << _k << ", " << _s.toString() << std::endl;
killNode(_orig); |
if (_orig.isEmpty()) |
return RLPStream(2).appendString(hexPrefixEncode(_k, true)).appendString(_s).out(); |
@ -441,14 +596,16 @@ template <class DB> RLPStream& GenericTrieDB<DB>::streamNode(RLPStream& _s, byte |
return _s; |
} |
// in: [K1 & K2, V] (DEL) : nibbles(K1) == _s, 0 < _s < nibbles(K1 & K2)
// in: [K1 & K2, V] (DEL) : nibbles(K1) == _s, 0 < _s <= nibbles(K1 & K2)
// out: [K1, H] (INS) ; [K2, V] => H (INS) (being [K1, [K2, V]] if necessary)
template <class DB> bytes GenericTrieDB<DB>::cleve(RLP const& _orig, uint _s) |
{ |
// ::operator<<(std::cout << "cleve ", _orig) << ", " << _s << std::endl;
killNode(_orig); |
assert(_orig.isList() && _orig.itemCount() == 2); |
auto k = keyOf(_orig); |
assert(_s && _s < k.size()); |
assert(_s && _s <= k.size()); |
RLPStream bottom(2); |
bottom.appendString(hexPrefixEncode(k, isLeaf(_orig), _s)); |
@ -480,31 +637,28 @@ template <class DB> bytes GenericTrieDB<DB>::graft(RLP const& _orig) |
assert(n.itemCount() == 2); |
return (RLPStream(2) << hexPrefixEncode(keyOf(_orig), keyOf(n), isLeaf(n)) << n[1]).out(); |
// auto ret =
// std::cout << keyOf(_orig) << " ++ " << keyOf(n) << " == " << keyOf(RLP(ret)) << std::endl;
// return ret;
} |
// in: [V0, ... V15, S] (DEL) : (exists unique i: !!Vi AND !S "out1") OR (all i: !Vi AND !!S "out2")
// out1: [k{i}, Vi] (INS)
// out2: [k{}, S] (INS)
template <class DB> bytes GenericTrieDB<DB>::merge(RLP const& _orig) |
template <class DB> bytes GenericTrieDB<DB>::merge(RLP const& _orig, byte _i) |
{ |
assert(_orig.isList() && _orig.itemCount() == 17); |
RLPStream s(2); |
if (_orig[16].isEmpty()) |
if (_i != 16) |
{ |
for (byte i = 0; i < 16; ++i) |
if (!_orig[i].isEmpty()) |
{ |
s << hexPrefixEncode(bytesConstRef(&i, 1), false, 1, 2, 0) << _orig[i]; |
return s.out(); |
} |
assert(false); |
assert(!_orig[_i].isEmpty()); |
s << hexPrefixEncode(bytesConstRef(&_i, 1), false, 1, 2, 0); |
} |
else |
{ |
s << hexPrefixEncode(bytes(), true) << _orig[16]; |
s << hexPrefixEncode(bytes(), true); |
s << _orig[_i]; |
return s.out(); |
} |
} |
// in: [k{}, S] (DEL)
// out: [null ** 16, S] (INS)
@ -516,6 +670,8 @@ template <class DB> bytes GenericTrieDB<DB>::merge(RLP const& _orig) |
// out: [null ** i, N, null ** (16 - i)] (INS)
template <class DB> bytes GenericTrieDB<DB>::branch(RLP const& _orig) |
{ |
// ::operator<<(std::cout << "branch ", _orig) << std::endl;
assert(_orig.isList() && _orig.itemCount() == 2); |
auto k = keyOf(_orig); |