Browse Source

Merge pull request #211 from josephyzhou/develop

eth updates
Gav Wood 11 years ago
  1. 203


@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
#include <chrono>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/trim_all.hpp>
#include <libethsupport/FileSystem.h>
#include <libethcore/Instruction.h>
#include <libethereum/Defaults.h>
@ -31,6 +33,7 @@
#include <libethereum/PeerNetwork.h>
#include <libethereum/BlockChain.h>
#include <libethereum/State.h>
#include <libethcore/CommonEth.h>
#include <readline/readline.h>
#include <readline/history.h>
@ -41,6 +44,7 @@
#include "BuildInfo.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace eth;
using namespace boost::algorithm;
using eth::Instruction;
using eth::c_instructionInfo;
@ -71,9 +75,9 @@ void interactiveHelp()
<< " block Gives the current block height." << endl
<< " balance Gives the current balance." << endl
<< " peers List the peers that are connected" << endl
<< " transact Execute a given transaction. TODO." << endl
<< " send Execute a given transaction with current secret. TODO." << endl
<< " create Create a new contract with current secret. TODO." << endl
<< " transact Execute a given transaction." << endl
<< " send Execute a given transaction with current secret." << endl
<< " contract Create a new contract with current secret." << endl
<< " inspect <contract> Dumps a contract to <APPDATA>/<contract>.evm." << endl
<< " exit Exits the application." << endl;
@ -117,14 +121,14 @@ string credits(bool _interactive = false)
if (_interactive)
string vs = eth::EthVersion;
string vs = toString(eth::EthVersion);
vs = vs.substr(vs.find_first_of('.') + 1)[0];
int pocnumber = stoi(vs);
string m_servers;
if (pocnumber == 3)
m_servers = "";
if (pocnumber == 4)
m_servers = "";
m_servers = "";
cout << "Type 'netstart 30303' to start networking" << endl;
cout << "Type 'connect " << m_servers << " 30303' to connect" << endl;
@ -156,7 +160,7 @@ string pretty(h160 _a, eth::State _st)
return ns;
bytes parse_data(string _args);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
unsigned short listenPort = 30303;
@ -399,19 +403,138 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
else if (cmd == "balance")
ClientGuard g(&c);
cout << "Current balance: " << c.postState().balance(us.address()) << endl;
cout << "Current balance: " << formatBalance(c.postState().balance(us.address())) << " = " << c.postState().balance(us.address()) << " wei" << endl;
else if (cmd == "transact")
ClientGuard g(&c);
auto const& bc = c.blockChain();
auto h = bc.currentHash();
auto blockData = bc.block(h);
BlockInfo info(blockData);
string hexAddr;
u256 amount;
u256 gasPrice;
u256 gas;
string sechex;
string sdata;
iss >> hexAddr >> amount >> gasPrice >> gas >> sechex >> sdata;
cnote << "Data:";
cnote << sdata;
bytes data = parse_data(sdata);
cnote << "Bytes:";
string sbd = asString(data);
bytes bbd = asBytes(sbd);
stringstream ssbd;
ssbd << bbd;
cnote << ssbd.str();
int ssize = sechex.length();
int size = hexAddr.length();
u256 minGas = (u256)c.state().callGas(data.size(), 0);
if (size < 40)
if (size > 0)
cwarn << "Invalid address length: " << size;
else if (amount < 0)
cwarn << "Invalid amount: " << amount;
else if (gasPrice < info.minGasPrice)
cwarn << "Minimum gas price is " << info.minGasPrice;
else if (gas < minGas)
cwarn << "Minimum gas amount is " << minGas;
else if (ssize < 40)
if (ssize > 0)
cwarn << "Invalid secret length:" << ssize;
Secret secret = h256(fromHex(sechex));
Address dest = h160(fromHex(hexAddr));
c.transact(secret, amount, dest, data, gas, gasPrice);
} else {
cwarn << "Require parameters: transact ADDRESS AMOUNT GASPRICE GAS SECRET DATA";
else if (cmd == "send")
ClientGuard g(&c);
if(iss.peek() != -1){
string hexAddr;
u256 amount;
int size = hexAddr.length();
iss >> hexAddr >> amount;
if (size < 40)
if (size > 0)
cwarn << "Invalid address length: " << size;
else if (amount < 0) {
cwarn << "Invalid amount: " << amount;
} else {
auto const& bc = c.blockChain();
auto h = bc.currentHash();
auto blockData = bc.block(h);
BlockInfo info(blockData);
u256 minGas = (u256)c.state().callGas(0, 0);
Address dest = h160(fromHex(hexAddr));
c.transact(us.secret(), amount, dest, bytes(), minGas, info.minGasPrice);
} else {
cwarn << "Require parameters: send ADDRESS AMOUNT";
else if (cmd == "create")
else if (cmd == "contract")
ClientGuard g(&c);
auto const& bc = c.blockChain();
auto h = bc.currentHash();
auto blockData = bc.block(h);
BlockInfo info(blockData);
if(iss.peek() != -1) {
u256 endowment;
u256 gas;
u256 gasPrice;
string sinit;
iss >> endowment >> gasPrice >> gas >> sinit;
int size = sinit.length();
bytes init;
cnote << "Init:";
cnote << sinit;
cnote << "Code size: " << size;
if (size < 1)
cwarn << "No code submitted";
cnote << "Assembled:";
stringstream ssc;
init = fromHex(sinit);
ssc << disassemble(init);
cnote << "Init:";
cnote << ssc.str();
u256 minGas = (u256)c.state().createGas(init.size(), 0);
if (endowment < 0)
cwarn << "Invalid endowment";
else if (gasPrice < info.minGasPrice)
cwarn << "Minimum gas price is " << info.minGasPrice;
else if (gas < minGas)
cwarn << "Minimum gas amount is " << minGas;
c.transact(us.secret(), endowment, init, gas, gasPrice);
} else {
cwarn << "Require parameters: contract ENDOWMENT GASPRICE GAS CODEHEX";
else if (cmd == "inspect")
@ -466,3 +589,59 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
return 0;
bytes parse_data(string _args)
bytes m_data;
stringstream args(_args);
string arg;
int cc = 0;
while (args >> arg)
int al = arg.length();
if (boost::starts_with(arg, "0x"))
bytes bs = fromHex(arg);
m_data += bs;
else if (arg[0] == '@')
arg = arg.substr(1, arg.length());
if (boost::starts_with(arg, "0x"))
cnote << "hex: " << arg;
bytes bs = fromHex(arg);
int size = bs.size();
if (size < 32)
for (auto i = 0; i < 32 - size; ++i)
m_data += bs;
else if (boost::starts_with(arg, "\"") && boost::ends_with(arg, "\""))
arg = arg.substr(1, arg.length() - 2);
cnote << "string: " << arg;
if (al < 32)
for (int i = 0; i < 32 - al; ++i)
for (int i = 0; i < al; ++i)
cnote << "value: " << arg;
bytes bs = toBigEndian(u256(arg));
int size = bs.size();
if (size < 32)
for (auto i = 0; i < 32 - size; ++i)
m_data += bs;
for (int i = 0; i < al; ++i)
return m_data;
