@ -28,11 +28,6 @@
# include <QtGui/QClipboard>
# include <QtCore/QtCore>
# include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
# include <cryptopp/aes.h>
# include <cryptopp/pwdbased.h>
# include <cryptopp/modes.h>
# include <cryptopp/sha.h>
# include <cryptopp/filters.h>
# include <test/JsonSpiritHeaders.h>
# include <libserpent/funcs.h>
# include <libserpent/util.h>
@ -586,40 +581,11 @@ void Main::on_importKeyFile_triggered()
js : : mValue val ;
json_spirit : : read_string ( asString ( contents ( s . toStdString ( ) ) ) , val ) ;
js : : mObject obj = val . get_obj ( ) ;
KeyPair k ;
auto obj = val . get_obj ( ) ;
if ( obj [ " encseed " ] . type ( ) = = js : : str_type )
QString pw = QInputDialog : : getText ( this , " Enter Password " , " Enter the wallet's passphrase " , QLineEdit : : Password ) ;
string encseedstr = obj [ " encseed " ] . get_str ( ) ;
bytes encseed = fromHex ( encseedstr ) ;
bytes pwbytes = asBytes ( pw . toStdString ( ) ) ;
byte targetBuffer [ 64 ] ;
byte saltBuffer [ 64 ] ;
CryptoPP : : PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC < CryptoPP : : SHA256 > ( ) . DeriveKey ( targetBuffer , 64 , 0 , pwbytes . data ( ) , pwbytes . size ( ) , saltBuffer , 0 , 2000 ) ;
CryptoPP : : AES : : Decryption aesDecryption ( targetBuffer , 64 ) ;
byte iv [ CryptoPP : : AES : : BLOCKSIZE ] ;
CryptoPP : : CBC_Mode_ExternalCipher : : Decryption cbcDecryption ( aesDecryption , iv ) ;
std : : string decrypted ;
CryptoPP : : StreamTransformationFilter stfDecryptor ( cbcDecryption , new CryptoPP : : StringSink ( decrypted ) ) ;
stfDecryptor . Put ( encseed . data ( ) , encseed . size ( ) ) ;
stfDecryptor . MessageEnd ( ) ;
encseed = asBytes ( decrypted ) ;
catch ( exception const & e )
cerr < < e . what ( ) < < endl ;
return ;
auto sec = sha3 ( encseed ) ;
k = KeyPair ( sec ) ;
auto encseed = fromHex ( obj [ " encseed " ] . get_str ( ) ) ;
KeyPair k = KeyPair : : fromEncryptedSeed ( & encseed , QInputDialog : : getText ( this , " Enter Password " , " Enter the wallet's passphrase " , QLineEdit : : Password ) . toStdString ( ) ) ;
if ( obj [ " ethaddr " ] . type ( ) = = js : : str_type )
Address a ( obj [ " ethaddr " ] . get_str ( ) ) ;
@ -627,17 +593,18 @@ void Main::on_importKeyFile_triggered()
if ( a ! = b & & QMessageBox : : warning ( this , " Key File Invalid " , " Could not import the secret key: it doesn't agree with the given address. \n Would you like to attempt to import anyway? " , QMessageBox : : Yes | QMessageBox : : No ) = = QMessageBox : : No )
return ;
if ( std : : find ( m_myKeys . begin ( ) , m_myKeys . end ( ) , k ) = = m_myKeys . end ( ) )
m_myKeys . append ( k ) ;
m_keysChanged = true ;
update ( ) ;
QMessageBox : : warning ( this , " Already Have Key " , " Could not import the secret key: we already own this account. " ) ;
throw 0 ;
if ( std : : find ( m_myKeys . begin ( ) , m_myKeys . end ( ) , k ) = = m_myKeys . end ( ) )
m_myKeys . append ( k ) ;
m_keysChanged = true ;
update ( ) ;
QMessageBox : : warning ( this , " Already Have Key " , " Could not import the secret key: we already own this account. " ) ;
catch ( . . . )