@ -667,4 +667,138 @@ void Trie::remove(std::string const& _key) |
h256 const GenericTrieDB::c_null = sha3(RLPNull); |
h256 const GenericTrieDB::c_null = sha3(RLPNull); |
inline byte nibble(bytesConstRef _data, uint _i) |
{ |
return (i & 1) ? (_data[i / 2] & 15) : (_data[i / 2] >> 4); |
} |
std::string hexPrefixEncode(bytesConstRef _data, bool _terminated, int _beginNibble, int _endNibble) |
{ |
uint begin = _begin; |
uint end = _end < 0 ? _data.size() * 2 + 1 + _end : _end; |
bool odd = (end - begin) & 1; |
std::string ret(1, ((_terminated ? 2 : 0) | (odd ? 1 : 0)) * 16); |
ret.reserve((end - begin) / 2 + 1); |
uint d = odd ? 1 : 2; |
for (auto i = begin; i < end; ++i, ++d) |
{ |
byte n = nibble(_data, i); |
if (d & 1) // odd
ret.back() |= n; // or the nibble onto the back
else |
ret.push_back(n << 4); // push the nibble on to the back << 4
} |
return ret; |
} |
uint sharedNibbles(bytesConstRef _a, uint _ab, uint _ae, bytesConstRef _b, uint _bb, uint _be) |
{ |
uint ret = 0; |
for (uint ai = _ab, bi = _bb; ai < _ae && bi < _be && nibble(_a, ai) == nibble(_b, bi); ++ai, ++bi) {} |
return ret; |
} |
// alters given RLP such that the given key[_begin:_end]/value exists under it, and puts the new RLP into _s.
// _s's size could be anything.
void GenericTrieDB::insertHelper(RLPStream& _s, RLP const& _node, bytesConstRef _key, bytesConstRef _value, uint _begin, uint _end) |
{ |
if (_node.isNull() || _node.isEmpty()) |
{ |
_s.insertList(2); |
_s << hexPrefixEncode(_key, true, _begin, _end); |
_s.appendString(_value); |
} |
else if (_node.itemCount() == 2) |
{ |
// split [k,v] into branch
auto pl = _node[0].payload(); |
auto plb = (_node[0] & 0x10) ? 1 : 2; |
auto ple = pl.size() - plb; |
uint pivot = sharedNibbles(_key, _begin, _end, pl, plb, ple); |
// special case for pivot == first nibble, pivot == last nibble. if it's anything else, need stem, branch, 2 stems (old & new)
if (pivot == _end - _begin && pivot == ple - plb) |
{ |
_s.insertList(2); |
_s << _node[0]; |
_s.appendString(_value); |
} |
else |
{ |
if (pivot == 0) |
{ |
// branch immediately
_s.insertList(17); |
if (_begin == _end) |
{ |
// as value
for (auto i = 0; i < 16; ++i) |
_s << _node[i]; |
_s << _value; |
} |
} |
else |
} |
} |
else if (_node.itemCount() == 17) |
{ |
// insert into branch
_s.insertList(17); |
if (_begin == _end) |
{ |
// as value
for (auto i = 0; i < 16; ++i) |
_s << _node[i]; |
_s << _value; |
} |
else |
{ |
// underneath
auto n = nibble(_key, _begin); |
for (auto i = 0; i < 17; ++i) |
if (n == i) |
insertItem(s, _node[i], _key, _value, _begin, _end); |
else |
_s << _node[i]; |
} |
} |
} |
// Inserts the given item into an RLPStream, either inline (if RLP < 32) or creating a node and inserting the hash.
void GenericTrieDB::insertItem(RLPStream& _s, RLP const& _node, bytesConstRef _k, bytesConstRef _v, uint _begin, uint _end) |
{ |
// Kill old node.
if (_node.isString() || _node.isInt()) |
killNode(_node.toHash()); |
RLPStream s; |
insertHelper(s, _node, _k, _v, _begin, _end); |
if (s.size() < 32) |
_s.insertRaw(s.out()); |
else |
_s << insertNode(s.out()); |
} |
void GenericTrieDB::insert(bytesConstRef _key, bytesConstRef _value, ) |
{ |
string rv = node(m_root); |
killNode(m_root); |
RLPStream s; |
insertHelper(s, RLP(rv), _key, _value, 0, _key.size() * 2); |
m_root = insertNode(s.out()); |
} |
void GenericTrieDB::remove(bytesConstRef _key) |
{ |
} |
std::string GenericTrieDB::at(bytesConstRef _key) const |
{ |
return std::string(); |
} |
} |
} |