@ -40,12 +40,116 @@ namespace eth
class RLPStream ;
class TransactionQueue ;
class BlockQueue ;
class BasePeerServer
friend class BasePeerSession ;
public :
/// Start server, listening for connections on the given port.
BasePeerServer ( std : : string const & _clientVersion , u256 _networkId , unsigned short _port , std : : string const & _publicAddress = std : : string ( ) , bool _upnp = true ) ;
/// Start server, listening for connections on a system-assigned port.
BasePeerServer ( std : : string const & _clientVersion , u256 _networkId , std : : string const & _publicAddress = std : : string ( ) , bool _upnp = true ) ;
/// Start server, but don't listen.
BasePeerServer ( std : : string const & _clientVersion , u256 _networkId ) ;
/// Will block on network process events.
virtual ~ BasePeerServer ( ) ;
/// Closes all peers.
void disconnectPeers ( ) ;
virtual unsigned protocolVersion ( ) ;
/// Connect to a peer explicitly.
void connect ( std : : string const & _addr , unsigned short _port = 30303 ) noexcept ;
void connect ( bi : : tcp : : endpoint const & _ep ) ;
/// Conduct I/O, polling, syncing, whatever.
/// Ideally all time-consuming I/O is done in a background thread or otherwise asynchronously, but you get this call every 100ms or so anyway.
/// This won't touch alter the blockchain.
void process ( ) { if ( isInitialised ( ) ) m_ioService . poll ( ) ; }
/// @returns true iff we have the a peer of the given id.
bool havePeer ( Public _id ) const ;
/// Set ideal number of peers.
void setIdealPeerCount ( unsigned _n ) { m_idealPeerCount = _n ; }
/// Get peer information.
std : : vector < PeerInfo > peers ( bool _updatePing = false ) const ;
/// Get number of peers connected; equivalent to, but faster than, peers().size().
size_t peerCount ( ) const { Guard l ( x_peers ) ; return m_peers . size ( ) ; }
/// Ping the peers, to update the latency information.
void pingAll ( ) ;
/// Get the port we're listening on currently.
unsigned short listenPort ( ) const { return m_public . port ( ) ; }
/// Serialise the set of known peers.
bytes savePeers ( ) const ;
/// Deserialise the data and populate the set of known peers.
void restorePeers ( bytesConstRef _b ) ;
void registerPeer ( std : : shared_ptr < PeerSession > _s ) ;
protected :
/// Called when the session has provided us with a new peer we can connect to.
void noteNewPeers ( ) { }
void seal ( bytes & _b ) ;
void populateAddresses ( ) ;
void determinePublic ( std : : string const & _publicAddress , bool _upnp ) ;
void ensureAccepting ( ) ;
void growPeers ( ) ;
void prunePeers ( ) ;
/// Check to see if the network peer-state initialisation has happened.
bool isInitialised ( ) const { return m_latestBlockSent ; }
/// Initialises the network peer-state, doing the stuff that needs to be once-only. @returns true if it really was first.
bool ensureInitialised ( TransactionQueue & _tq ) ;
std : : map < Public , bi : : tcp : : endpoint > potentialPeers ( ) ;
std : : string m_clientVersion ;
unsigned short m_listenPort ;
ba : : io_service m_ioService ;
bi : : tcp : : acceptor m_acceptor ;
bi : : tcp : : socket m_socket ;
UPnP * m_upnp = nullptr ;
bi : : tcp : : endpoint m_public ;
KeyPair m_key ;
u256 m_networkId ;
mutable std : : mutex x_peers ;
mutable std : : map < Public , std : : weak_ptr < PeerSession > > m_peers ; // mutable because we flush zombie entries (null-weakptrs) as regular maintenance from a const method.
mutable std : : recursive_mutex m_incomingLock ;
std : : map < Public , std : : pair < bi : : tcp : : endpoint , unsigned > > m_incomingPeers ;
std : : vector < Public > m_freePeers ;
std : : chrono : : steady_clock : : time_point m_lastPeersRequest ;
unsigned m_idealPeerCount = 5 ;
std : : vector < bi : : address_v4 > m_addresses ;
std : : vector < bi : : address_v4 > m_peerAddresses ;
bool m_accepting = false ;
} ;
* @ brief The PeerServer class
* @ warning None of this is thread - safe . You have been warned .
class PeerServer
class PeerServer //: public BasePeerServer
friend class PeerSession ;