Browse Source

Major fix: only put in database active fork lookups.

Gav Wood 10 years ago
  1. 114
  2. 26


@ -429,20 +429,6 @@ h256s BlockChain::import(bytes const& _block, OverlayDB const& _db, bool _force)
m_details[newHash] = BlockDetails((unsigned)pd.number + 1, td, bi.parentHash, {});
h256s alteredBlooms;
WriteGuard l(x_blocksBlooms);
LogBloom blockBloom = bi.logBloom;
unsigned index = (unsigned)bi.number;
for (unsigned level = 0; level < c_bloomIndexLevels; level++, index /= c_bloomIndexSize)
unsigned i = index / c_bloomIndexSize;
unsigned o = index % c_bloomIndexSize;
alteredBlooms.push_back(chunkId(level, i));
m_blocksBlooms[alteredBlooms.back()].blooms[o] |= blockBloom;
WriteGuard l(x_logBlooms);
m_logBlooms[newHash] = blb;
@ -453,46 +439,21 @@ h256s BlockChain::import(bytes const& _block, OverlayDB const& _db, bool _force)
// TODO: FIX: URGENT!!!!! only put these into database when the block is on the main chain.
// Collate transaction hashes and remember who they were.
h256s newTransactionAddresses;
RLP blockRLP(_block);
TransactionAddress ta;
ta.blockHash = newHash;
WriteGuard l(x_transactionAddresses);
for (ta.index = 0; ta.index < blockRLP[1].itemCount(); ++ta.index)
m_transactionAddresses[newTransactionAddresses.back()] = ta;
WriteGuard l(x_blockHashes);
m_blockHashes[h256(bi.number)].value = newHash;
collation = t.elapsed();
ReadGuard l1(x_blocksBlooms);
ReadGuard l2(x_details);
ReadGuard l3(x_blockHashes);
ReadGuard l4(x_receipts);
ReadGuard l5(x_logBlooms);
ReadGuard l6(x_transactionAddresses);
m_blocksDB->Put(m_writeOptions, toSlice(newHash), (ldb::Slice)ref(_block));
m_extrasDB->Put(m_writeOptions, toSlice(newHash, ExtraDetails), (ldb::Slice)dev::ref(m_details[newHash].rlp()));
m_extrasDB->Put(m_writeOptions, toSlice(bi.parentHash, ExtraDetails), (ldb::Slice)dev::ref(m_details[bi.parentHash].rlp()));
m_extrasDB->Put(m_writeOptions, toSlice(h256(bi.number), ExtraBlockHash), (ldb::Slice)dev::ref(m_blockHashes[h256(bi.number)].rlp()));
for (auto const& h: newTransactionAddresses)
m_extrasDB->Put(m_writeOptions, toSlice(h, ExtraTransactionAddress), (ldb::Slice)dev::ref(m_transactionAddresses[h].rlp()));
m_extrasDB->Put(m_writeOptions, toSlice(newHash, ExtraLogBlooms), (ldb::Slice)dev::ref(m_logBlooms[newHash].rlp()));
m_extrasDB->Put(m_writeOptions, toSlice(newHash, ExtraReceipts), (ldb::Slice)dev::ref(m_receipts[newHash].rlp()));
for (auto const& h: alteredBlooms)
m_extrasDB->Put(m_writeOptions, toSlice(h, ExtraBlocksBlooms), (ldb::Slice)dev::ref(m_blocksBlooms[h].rlp()));
@ -537,16 +498,68 @@ h256s BlockChain::import(bytes const& _block, OverlayDB const& _db, bool _force)
h256 last = currentHash();
if (td > details(last).totalDifficulty)
ret = treeRoute(last, newHash);
h256 common;
unsigned commonIndex;
tie(ret, common, commonIndex) = treeRoute(last, newHash);
WriteGuard l(x_lastBlockHash);
m_lastBlockHash = newHash;
m_extrasDB->Put(m_writeOptions, ldb::Slice("best"), ldb::Slice((char const*)&newHash, 32));
// TODO: go through ret backwards until hash != last.parent and update m_transactionAddresses, m_blockHashes
// THEN: update database with them.
for (auto i = ret.rbegin(); i != ret.rend() && *i != common; ++i)
auto b = block(*i);
BlockInfo bi(b);
// Collate logs into blooms.
h256s alteredBlooms;
WriteGuard l(x_blocksBlooms);
LogBloom blockBloom = bi.logBloom;
unsigned index = (unsigned)bi.number;
for (unsigned level = 0; level < c_bloomIndexLevels; level++, index /= c_bloomIndexSize)
unsigned i = index / c_bloomIndexSize;
unsigned o = index % c_bloomIndexSize;
alteredBlooms.push_back(chunkId(level, i));
m_blocksBlooms[alteredBlooms.back()].blooms[o] |= blockBloom;
// Collate transaction hashes and remember who they were.
h256s newTransactionAddresses;
RLP blockRLP(b);
TransactionAddress ta;
ta.blockHash = bi.hash;
WriteGuard l(x_transactionAddresses);
for (ta.index = 0; ta.index < blockRLP[1].itemCount(); ++ta.index)
m_transactionAddresses[newTransactionAddresses.back()] = ta;
WriteGuard l(x_blockHashes);
m_blockHashes[h256(bi.number)].value = bi.hash;
ReadGuard l1(x_blocksBlooms);
ReadGuard l3(x_blockHashes);
ReadGuard l6(x_transactionAddresses);
for (auto const& h: alteredBlooms)
m_extrasDB->Put(m_writeOptions, toSlice(h, ExtraBlocksBlooms), (ldb::Slice)dev::ref(m_blocksBlooms[h].rlp()));
m_extrasDB->Put(m_writeOptions, toSlice(h256(bi.number), ExtraBlockHash), (ldb::Slice)dev::ref(m_blockHashes[h256(bi.number)].rlp()));
for (auto const& h: newTransactionAddresses)
m_extrasDB->Put(m_writeOptions, toSlice(h, ExtraTransactionAddress), (ldb::Slice)dev::ref(m_transactionAddresses[h].rlp()));
clog(BlockChainNote) << " Imported and best" << td << ". Has" << (details(bi.parentHash).children.size() - 1) << "siblings. Route:" << toString(ret);
@ -572,11 +585,11 @@ h256s BlockChain::import(bytes const& _block, OverlayDB const& _db, bool _force)
return ret;
h256s BlockChain::treeRoute(h256 const& _from, h256 const& _to, h256* o_common, bool _pre, bool _post) const
tuple<h256s, h256, unsigned> BlockChain::treeRoute(h256 const& _from, h256 const& _to, bool _common, bool _pre, bool _post) const
// cdebug << "treeRoute" << _from.abridged() << "..." << _to.abridged();
if (!_from || !_to)
return h256s();
return make_tuple(h256s(), h256(), 0);
h256s ret;
h256s back;
unsigned fn = details(_from).number;
@ -608,20 +621,19 @@ h256s BlockChain::treeRoute(h256 const& _from, h256 const& _to, h256* o_common,
from = details(from).parent;
to = details(to).parent;
if (_pre)
if (_pre && (from != to || _common))
if (_post)
if (_post && (from != to || (!_pre && _common)))
// cdebug << "from:" << fn << _from.abridged() << "; to:" << tn << _to.abridged();
if (o_common)
*o_common = from;
ret.reserve(ret.size() + back.size());
for (auto it = back.cbegin(); it != back.cend(); ++it)
unsigned i = ret.size() - (int)(_common && !ret.empty() && !back.empty());
for (auto it = back.rbegin(); it != back.rend(); ++it)
return ret;
return make_tuple(ret, from, i);
void BlockChain::noteUsed(h256 const& _h, unsigned _extra) const


@ -194,21 +194,31 @@ public:
/// Will call _progress with the progress in this operation first param done, second total.
void rebuild(std::string const& _path, ProgressCallback const& _progress = std::function<void(unsigned, unsigned)>());
/** @returns the hash of all blocks between @a _from and @a _to, all blocks are ordered first by a number of
* blocks that are parent-to-child, then two sibling blocks, then a number of blocks that are child-to-parent.
/** @returns a tuple of:
* - an vector of hashes of all blocks between @a _from and @a _to, all blocks are ordered first by a number of
* blocks that are parent-to-child, then two sibling blocks, then a number of blocks that are child-to-parent;
* - the block hash of the latest common ancestor of both blocks;
* - the index where the latest common ancestor of both blocks would either be found or inserted, depending
* on whether it is included.
* If non-null, the h256 at @a o_common is set to the latest common ancestor of both blocks.
* @param _common if true, include the common ancestor in the returned vector.
* @param _pre if true, include all block hashes running from @a _from until the common ancestor in the returned vector.
* @param _post if true, include all block hashes running from the common ancestor until @a _to in the returned vector.
* e.g. if the block tree is 3a -> 2a -> 1a -> g and 2b -> 1b -> g (g is genesis, *a, *b are competing chains),
* then:
* @code
* treeRoute(3a, 2b) == { 3a, 2a, 1a, 1b, 2b }; // *o_common == g
* treeRoute(2a, 1a) == { 2a, 1a }; // *o_common == 1a
* treeRoute(1a, 2a) == { 1a, 2a }; // *o_common == 1a
* treeRoute(1b, 2a) == { 1b, 1a, 2a }; // *o_common == g
* treeRoute(3a, 2b, false) == make_tuple({ 3a, 2a, 1a, 1b, 2b }, g, 3);
* treeRoute(2a, 1a, false) == make_tuple({ 2a, 1a }, 1a, 1)
* treeRoute(1a, 2a, false) == make_tuple({ 1a, 2a }, 1a, 0)
* treeRoute(1b, 2a, false) == make_tuple({ 1b, 1a, 2a }, g, 1)
* treeRoute(3a, 2b, true) == make_tuple({ 3a, 2a, 1a, g, 1b, 2b }, g, 3);
* treeRoute(2a, 1a, true) == make_tuple({ 2a, 1a }, 1a, 1)
* treeRoute(1a, 2a, true) == make_tuple({ 1a, 2a }, 1a, 0)
* treeRoute(1b, 2a, true) == make_tuple({ 1b, g, 1a, 2a }, g, 1)
* @endcode
h256s treeRoute(h256 const& _from, h256 const& _to, h256* o_common = nullptr, bool _pre = true, bool _post = true) const;
std::tuple<h256s, h256, unsigned> treeRoute(h256 const& _from, h256 const& _to, bool _common = true, bool _pre = true, bool _post = true) const;
struct Statistics
